#include #include "audio/include/SimpleAudioEngine.h" #include "audio/include/AudioEngine.h" using namespace CocosDenshion; using namespace cocos2d; using namespace cocos2d::experimental; struct SimpleAudioEngineLinux{ SimpleAudioEngine * engine = nullptr; int musicid; float effectsvolume; std::string musicpath; }; SimpleAudioEngineLinux * g_SimpleAudioEngineLinux = nullptr; SimpleAudioEngine* SimpleAudioEngine::getInstance(){ if(!g_SimpleAudioEngineLinux){ g_SimpleAudioEngineLinux = new SimpleAudioEngineLinux(); g_SimpleAudioEngineLinux->engine = new SimpleAudioEngine(); } return g_SimpleAudioEngineLinux->engine; } void SimpleAudioEngine::end(){ if(g_SimpleAudioEngineLinux){ delete g_SimpleAudioEngineLinux->engine; delete g_SimpleAudioEngineLinux; } g_SimpleAudioEngineLinux = nullptr; } SimpleAudioEngine::SimpleAudioEngine(){ g_SimpleAudioEngineLinux->musicid = -1; g_SimpleAudioEngineLinux->effectsvolume = 1.0f; } SimpleAudioEngine::~SimpleAudioEngine(){ } void SimpleAudioEngine::preloadBackgroundMusic(const char* filePath){ g_SimpleAudioEngineLinux->musicpath = filePath; AudioEngine::preload(filePath); } void SimpleAudioEngine::playBackgroundMusic(const char* filePath, bool loop){ g_SimpleAudioEngineLinux->musicpath = filePath; g_SimpleAudioEngineLinux->musicid = AudioEngine::play2d(filePath, loop); } void SimpleAudioEngine::stopBackgroundMusic(bool releaseData){ AudioEngine::stop(g_SimpleAudioEngineLinux->musicid); if(releaseData){ AudioEngine::uncache(g_SimpleAudioEngineLinux->musicpath.c_str()); } } void SimpleAudioEngine::pauseBackgroundMusic(){ AudioEngine::pause(g_SimpleAudioEngineLinux->musicid); } void SimpleAudioEngine::resumeBackgroundMusic(){ AudioEngine::resume(g_SimpleAudioEngineLinux->musicid); } void SimpleAudioEngine::rewindBackgroundMusic(){ AudioEngine::setCurrentTime(g_SimpleAudioEngineLinux->musicid, 0); } bool SimpleAudioEngine::willPlayBackgroundMusic(){ return g_SimpleAudioEngineLinux->musicid != -1; } bool SimpleAudioEngine::isBackgroundMusicPlaying(){ return AudioEngine::getState(g_SimpleAudioEngineLinux->musicid) == AudioEngine::AudioState::PLAYING; } // // properties // /** * The volume of the background music within the range of 0.0 as the minimum and 1.0 as the maximum. * @js getMusicVolume * @lua getMusicVolume */ float SimpleAudioEngine::getBackgroundMusicVolume(){ return AudioEngine::getVolume(g_SimpleAudioEngineLinux->musicid); } /** * Set the volume of background music. * * @param volume must be within the range of 0.0 as the minimum and 1.0 as the maximum. * @js setMusicVolume * @lua setMusicVolume */ void SimpleAudioEngine::setBackgroundMusicVolume(float volume){ AudioEngine::setVolume(g_SimpleAudioEngineLinux->musicid, volume); } /** * The volume of the effects within the range of 0.0 as the minimum and 1.0 as the maximum. */ float SimpleAudioEngine::getEffectsVolume(){ return g_SimpleAudioEngineLinux->effectsvolume; } /** * Set the volume of sound effects. * * @param volume must be within the range of 0.0 as the minimum and 1.0 as the maximum. */ void SimpleAudioEngine::setEffectsVolume(float volume){ g_SimpleAudioEngineLinux->effectsvolume = volume; } /** * Play sound effect with a file path, pitch, pan and gain. * * @param filePath The path of the effect file. * @param loop Determines whether to loop the effect playing or not. The default value is false. * @param pitch Frequency, normal value is 1.0. Will also change effect play time. * @param pan Stereo effect, in the range of [-1..1] where -1 enables only left channel. * @param gain Volume, in the range of [0..1]. The normal value is 1. * @return The sound id. * * @note Full support is under development, now there are limitations: * - no pitch effect on Samsung Galaxy S2 with OpenSL backend enabled; * - no pitch/pan/gain on win32. */ unsigned int SimpleAudioEngine::playEffect(const char* filePath, bool loop, float pitch, float pan, float gain){ return AudioEngine::play2d(filePath, loop, gain); } /** * Pause playing sound effect. * * @param soundId The return value of function playEffect. */ void SimpleAudioEngine::pauseEffect(unsigned int soundId){ AudioEngine::pause(soundId); } /** * Pause all playing sound effect. */ void SimpleAudioEngine::pauseAllEffects(){ AudioEngine::pauseAll(); } /** * Resume playing sound effect. * * @param soundId The return value of function playEffect. */ void SimpleAudioEngine::resumeEffect(unsigned int soundId){ AudioEngine::resume(soundId); } /** * Resume all playing sound effect. */ void SimpleAudioEngine::resumeAllEffects(){ AudioEngine::resumeAll(); } /** * Stop playing sound effect. * * @param soundId The return value of function playEffect. */ void SimpleAudioEngine::stopEffect(unsigned int soundId){ AudioEngine::stop(soundId); } /** * Stop all playing sound effects. */ void SimpleAudioEngine::stopAllEffects(){ AudioEngine::stopAll(); } /** * Preload a compressed audio file. * * The compressed audio will be decoded to wave, then written into an internal buffer in SimpleAudioEngine. * * @param filePath The path of the effect file. * @js NA */ void SimpleAudioEngine::preloadEffect(const char* filePath){ AudioEngine::preload(filePath); } /** * Unload the preloaded effect from internal buffer. * * @param filePath The path of the effect file. */ void SimpleAudioEngine::unloadEffect(const char* filePath){ AudioEngine::uncache(filePath); }