/**************************************************************************** Copyright (c) 2013-2014 Chukong Technologies Inc. http://www.cocos2d-x.org Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ****************************************************************************/ #include "ui/UIScrollView.h" NS_CC_BEGIN namespace ui { ScrollInnerContainer::ScrollInnerContainer() { } ScrollInnerContainer::~ScrollInnerContainer() { } ScrollInnerContainer* ScrollInnerContainer::create() { ScrollInnerContainer* widget = new ScrollInnerContainer(); if (widget && widget->init()) { widget->autorelease(); return widget; } CC_SAFE_DELETE(widget); return nullptr; } const Size& ScrollInnerContainer::getLayoutSize() { Widget* parent = getWidgetParent(); if (parent) { return parent->getSize(); } else { return _size; } } static const float AUTOSCROLLMAXSPEED = 1000.0f; const Vec2 SCROLLDIR_UP = Vec2(0.0f, 1.0f); const Vec2 SCROLLDIR_DOWN = Vec2(0.0f, -1.0f); const Vec2 SCROLLDIR_LEFT = Vec2(-1.0f, 0.0f); const Vec2 SCROLLDIR_RIGHT = Vec2(1.0f, 0.0f); IMPLEMENT_CLASS_GUI_INFO(ScrollView) ScrollView::ScrollView(): _innerContainer(nullptr), _direction(Direction::VERTICAL), _touchBeganPoint(Vec2::ZERO), _touchMovedPoint(Vec2::ZERO), _touchEndedPoint(Vec2::ZERO), _touchMovingPoint(Vec2::ZERO), _autoScrollDir(Vec2::ZERO), _topBoundary(0.0f), _bottomBoundary(0.0f), _leftBoundary(0.0f), _rightBoundary(0.0f), _bounceTopBoundary(0.0f), _bounceBottomBoundary(0.0f), _bounceLeftBoundary(0.0f), _bounceRightBoundary(0.0f), _autoScroll(false), _autoScrollAddUpTime(0.0f), _autoScrollOriginalSpeed(0.0f), _autoScrollAcceleration(-1000.0f), _isAutoScrollSpeedAttenuated(false), _needCheckAutoScrollDestination(false), _autoScrollDestination(Vec2::ZERO), _bePressed(false), _slidTime(0.0f), _moveChildPoint(Vec2::ZERO), _childFocusCancelOffset(5.0f), _leftBounceNeeded(false), _topBounceNeeded(false), _rightBounceNeeded(false), _bottomBounceNeeded(false), _bounceEnabled(false), _bouncing(false), _bounceDir(Vec2::ZERO), _bounceOriginalSpeed(0.0f), _inertiaScrollEnabled(true), _scrollViewEventListener(nullptr), _scrollViewEventSelector(nullptr), _eventCallback(nullptr) { } ScrollView::~ScrollView() { _scrollViewEventListener = nullptr; _scrollViewEventSelector = nullptr; } ScrollView* ScrollView::create() { ScrollView* widget = new ScrollView(); if (widget && widget->init()) { widget->autorelease(); return widget; } CC_SAFE_DELETE(widget); return nullptr; } void ScrollView::onEnter() { Layout::onEnter(); scheduleUpdate(); } bool ScrollView::init() { if (Layout::init()) { setClippingEnabled(true); _innerContainer->setTouchEnabled(false); return true; } return false; } void ScrollView::initRenderer() { Layout::initRenderer(); _innerContainer = Layout::create(); addProtectedChild(_innerContainer, 1, 1); } void ScrollView::onSizeChanged() { Layout::onSizeChanged(); _topBoundary = _size.height; _rightBoundary = _size.width; float bounceBoundaryParameterX = _size.width / 3.0f; float bounceBoundaryParameterY = _size.height / 3.0f; _bounceTopBoundary = _size.height - bounceBoundaryParameterY; _bounceBottomBoundary = bounceBoundaryParameterY; _bounceLeftBoundary = bounceBoundaryParameterX; _bounceRightBoundary = _size.width - bounceBoundaryParameterX; Size innerSize = _innerContainer->getSize(); float orginInnerSizeWidth = innerSize.width; float orginInnerSizeHeight = innerSize.height; float innerSizeWidth = MAX(orginInnerSizeWidth, _size.width); float innerSizeHeight = MAX(orginInnerSizeHeight, _size.height); _innerContainer->setSize(Size(innerSizeWidth, innerSizeHeight)); _innerContainer->setPosition(Vec2(0, _size.height - _innerContainer->getSize().height)); } void ScrollView::setInnerContainerSize(const Size &size) { float innerSizeWidth = _size.width; float innerSizeHeight = _size.height; Size originalInnerSize = _innerContainer->getSize(); if (size.width < _size.width) { CCLOG("Inner width <= scrollview width, it will be force sized!"); } else { innerSizeWidth = size.width; } if (size.height < _size.height) { CCLOG("Inner height <= scrollview height, it will be force sized!"); } else { innerSizeHeight = size.height; } _innerContainer->setSize(Size(innerSizeWidth, innerSizeHeight)); switch (_direction) { case Direction::VERTICAL: { Size newInnerSize = _innerContainer->getSize(); float offset = originalInnerSize.height - newInnerSize.height; scrollChildren(0.0f, offset); break; } case Direction::HORIZONTAL: { if (_innerContainer->getRightBoundary() <= _size.width) { Size newInnerSize = _innerContainer->getSize(); float offset = originalInnerSize.width - newInnerSize.width; scrollChildren(offset, 0.0f); } break; } case Direction::BOTH: { Size newInnerSize = _innerContainer->getSize(); float offsetY = originalInnerSize.height - newInnerSize.height; float offsetX = 0.0f; if (_innerContainer->getRightBoundary() <= _size.width) { offsetX = originalInnerSize.width - newInnerSize.width; } scrollChildren(offsetX, offsetY); break; } default: break; } if (_innerContainer->getLeftBoundary() > 0.0f) { _innerContainer->setPosition(Vec2(_innerContainer->getAnchorPoint().x * _innerContainer->getSize().width, _innerContainer->getPosition().y)); } if (_innerContainer->getRightBoundary() < _size.width) { _innerContainer->setPosition(Vec2(_size.width - ((1.0f - _innerContainer->getAnchorPoint().x) * _innerContainer->getSize().width), _innerContainer->getPosition().y)); } if (_innerContainer->getPosition().y > 0.0f) { _innerContainer->setPosition(Vec2(_innerContainer->getPosition().x, _innerContainer->getAnchorPoint().y * _innerContainer->getSize().height)); } if (_innerContainer->getTopBoundary() < _size.height) { _innerContainer->setPosition(Vec2(_innerContainer->getPosition().x, _size.height - (1.0f - _innerContainer->getAnchorPoint().y) * _innerContainer->getSize().height)); } } const Size& ScrollView::getInnerContainerSize() const { return _innerContainer->getSize(); } void ScrollView::addChild(Node *child) { ScrollView::addChild(child, child->getZOrder(), child->getTag()); } void ScrollView::addChild(Node * child, int zOrder) { ScrollView::addChild(child, zOrder, child->getTag()); } void ScrollView::addChild(Node *child, int zOrder, int tag) { _innerContainer->addChild(child, zOrder, tag); } void ScrollView::removeAllChildren() { removeAllChildrenWithCleanup(true); } void ScrollView::removeAllChildrenWithCleanup(bool cleanup) { _innerContainer->removeAllChildrenWithCleanup(cleanup); } void ScrollView::removeChild(Node* child, bool cleanup) { return _innerContainer->removeChild(child, cleanup); } Vector& ScrollView::getChildren() { return _innerContainer->getChildren(); } const Vector& ScrollView::getChildren() const { return _innerContainer->getChildren(); } ssize_t ScrollView::getChildrenCount() const { return _innerContainer->getChildrenCount(); } Node* ScrollView::getChildByTag(int tag) const { return _innerContainer->getChildByTag(tag); } Widget* ScrollView::getChildByName(const std::string& name)const { return _innerContainer->getChildByName(name); } void ScrollView::moveChildren(float offsetX, float offsetY) { _moveChildPoint = _innerContainer->getPosition() + Vec2(offsetX, offsetY); _innerContainer->setPosition(_moveChildPoint); } void ScrollView::autoScrollChildren(float dt) { float lastTime = _autoScrollAddUpTime; _autoScrollAddUpTime += dt; if (_isAutoScrollSpeedAttenuated) { float nowSpeed = _autoScrollOriginalSpeed + _autoScrollAcceleration * _autoScrollAddUpTime; if (nowSpeed <= 0.0f) { stopAutoScrollChildren(); checkNeedBounce(); } else { float timeParam = lastTime * 2 + dt; float offset = (_autoScrollOriginalSpeed + _autoScrollAcceleration * timeParam * 0.5f) * dt; float offsetX = offset * _autoScrollDir.x; float offsetY = offset * _autoScrollDir.y; if (!scrollChildren(offsetX, offsetY)) { stopAutoScrollChildren(); checkNeedBounce(); } } } else { if (_needCheckAutoScrollDestination) { float xOffset = _autoScrollDir.x * dt * _autoScrollOriginalSpeed; float yOffset = _autoScrollDir.y * dt * _autoScrollOriginalSpeed; bool notDone = checkCustomScrollDestination(&xOffset, &yOffset); bool scrollCheck = scrollChildren(xOffset, yOffset); if (!notDone || !scrollCheck) { stopAutoScrollChildren(); checkNeedBounce(); } } else { if (!scrollChildren(_autoScrollDir.x * dt * _autoScrollOriginalSpeed, _autoScrollDir.y * dt * _autoScrollOriginalSpeed)) { stopAutoScrollChildren(); checkNeedBounce(); } } } } void ScrollView::bounceChildren(float dt) { if (_bounceOriginalSpeed <= 0.0f) { stopBounceChildren(); } if (!bounceScrollChildren(_bounceDir.x * dt * _bounceOriginalSpeed, _bounceDir.y * dt * _bounceOriginalSpeed)) { stopBounceChildren(); } } bool ScrollView::checkNeedBounce() { if (!_bounceEnabled) { return false; } checkBounceBoundary(); if (_topBounceNeeded || _bottomBounceNeeded || _leftBounceNeeded || _rightBounceNeeded) { if (_topBounceNeeded && _leftBounceNeeded) { Vec2 scrollVector = Vec2(0.0f, _size.height) - Vec2(_innerContainer->getLeftBoundary(), _innerContainer->getTopBoundary()); float orSpeed = scrollVector.getLength()/(0.2f); _bounceDir = scrollVector.getNormalized(); startBounceChildren(orSpeed); } else if (_topBounceNeeded && _rightBounceNeeded) { Vec2 scrollVector = Vec2(_size.width, _size.height) - Vec2(_innerContainer->getRightBoundary(), _innerContainer->getTopBoundary()); float orSpeed = scrollVector.getLength()/(0.2f); _bounceDir = scrollVector.getNormalized(); startBounceChildren(orSpeed); } else if (_bottomBounceNeeded && _leftBounceNeeded) { Vec2 scrollVector = Vec2::ZERO - Vec2(_innerContainer->getLeftBoundary(), _innerContainer->getBottomBoundary()); float orSpeed = scrollVector.getLength()/(0.2f); _bounceDir = scrollVector.getNormalized(); startBounceChildren(orSpeed); } else if (_bottomBounceNeeded && _rightBounceNeeded) { Vec2 scrollVector = Vec2(_size.width, 0.0f) - Vec2(_innerContainer->getRightBoundary(), _innerContainer->getBottomBoundary()); float orSpeed = scrollVector.getLength()/(0.2f); _bounceDir = scrollVector.getNormalized(); startBounceChildren(orSpeed); } else if (_topBounceNeeded) { Vec2 scrollVector = Vec2(0.0f, _size.height) - Vec2(0.0f, _innerContainer->getTopBoundary()); float orSpeed = scrollVector.getLength()/(0.2f); _bounceDir = scrollVector.getNormalized(); startBounceChildren(orSpeed); } else if (_bottomBounceNeeded) { Vec2 scrollVector = Vec2::ZERO - Vec2(0.0f, _innerContainer->getBottomBoundary()); float orSpeed = scrollVector.getLength()/(0.2f); _bounceDir = scrollVector.getNormalized(); startBounceChildren(orSpeed); } else if (_leftBounceNeeded) { Vec2 scrollVector = Vec2::ZERO - Vec2(_innerContainer->getLeftBoundary(), 0.0f); float orSpeed = scrollVector.getLength()/(0.2f); _bounceDir = scrollVector.getNormalized(); startBounceChildren(orSpeed); } else if (_rightBounceNeeded) { Vec2 scrollVector = Vec2(_size.width, 0.0f) - Vec2(_innerContainer->getRightBoundary(), 0.0f); float orSpeed = scrollVector.getLength()/(0.2f); _bounceDir = scrollVector.getNormalized(); startBounceChildren(orSpeed); } return true; } return false; } void ScrollView::checkBounceBoundary() { float icBottomPos = _innerContainer->getBottomBoundary(); if (icBottomPos > _bottomBoundary) { scrollToBottomEvent(); _bottomBounceNeeded = true; } else { _bottomBounceNeeded = false; } float icTopPos = _innerContainer->getTopBoundary(); if (icTopPos < _topBoundary) { scrollToTopEvent(); _topBounceNeeded = true; } else { _topBounceNeeded = false; } float icRightPos = _innerContainer->getRightBoundary(); if (icRightPos < _rightBoundary) { scrollToRightEvent(); _rightBounceNeeded = true; } else { _rightBounceNeeded = false; } float icLeftPos = _innerContainer->getLeftBoundary(); if (icLeftPos > _leftBoundary) { scrollToLeftEvent(); _leftBounceNeeded = true; } else { _leftBounceNeeded = false; } } void ScrollView::startBounceChildren(float v) { _bounceOriginalSpeed = v; _bouncing = true; } void ScrollView::stopBounceChildren() { _bouncing = false; _bounceOriginalSpeed = 0.0f; _leftBounceNeeded = false; _rightBounceNeeded = false; _topBounceNeeded = false; _bottomBounceNeeded = false; } void ScrollView::startAutoScrollChildrenWithOriginalSpeed(const Vec2& dir, float v, bool attenuated, float acceleration) { stopAutoScrollChildren(); _autoScrollDir = dir; _isAutoScrollSpeedAttenuated = attenuated; _autoScrollOriginalSpeed = v; _autoScroll = true; _autoScrollAcceleration = acceleration; } void ScrollView::startAutoScrollChildrenWithDestination(const Vec2& des, float time, bool attenuated) { _needCheckAutoScrollDestination = false; _autoScrollDestination = des; Vec2 dis = des - _innerContainer->getPosition(); Vec2 dir = dis.getNormalized(); float orSpeed = 0.0f; float acceleration = -1000.0f; if (attenuated) { acceleration = (-(2 * dis.getLength())) / (time * time); orSpeed = 2 * dis.getLength() / time; } else { _needCheckAutoScrollDestination = true; orSpeed = dis.getLength() / time; } startAutoScrollChildrenWithOriginalSpeed(dir, orSpeed, attenuated, acceleration); } void ScrollView::jumpToDestination(const Vec2 &des) { float finalOffsetX = des.x; float finalOffsetY = des.y; switch (_direction) { case Direction::VERTICAL: if (des.y <= 0) { finalOffsetY = MAX(des.y, _size.height - _innerContainer->getSize().height); } break; case Direction::HORIZONTAL: if (des.x <= 0) { finalOffsetX = MAX(des.x, _size.width - _innerContainer->getSize().width); } break; case Direction::BOTH: if (des.y <= 0) { finalOffsetY = MAX(des.y, _size.height - _innerContainer->getSize().height); } if (des.x <= 0) { finalOffsetX = MAX(des.x, _size.width - _innerContainer->getSize().width); } break; default: break; } _innerContainer->setPosition(Vec2(finalOffsetX, finalOffsetY)); } void ScrollView::stopAutoScrollChildren() { _autoScroll = false; _autoScrollOriginalSpeed = 0.0f; _autoScrollAddUpTime = 0.0f; } bool ScrollView::bounceScrollChildren(float touchOffsetX, float touchOffsetY) { bool scrollenabled = true; if (touchOffsetX > 0.0f && touchOffsetY > 0.0f) //first quadrant //bounce to top-right { float realOffsetX = touchOffsetX; float realOffsetY = touchOffsetY; float icRightPos = _innerContainer->getRightBoundary(); if (icRightPos + realOffsetX >= _rightBoundary) { realOffsetX = _rightBoundary - icRightPos; bounceRightEvent(); scrollenabled = false; } float icTopPos = _innerContainer->getTopBoundary(); if (icTopPos + touchOffsetY >= _topBoundary) { realOffsetY = _topBoundary - icTopPos; bounceTopEvent(); scrollenabled = false; } moveChildren(realOffsetX, realOffsetY); } else if(touchOffsetX < 0.0f && touchOffsetY > 0.0f) //second quadrant //bounce to top-left { float realOffsetX = touchOffsetX; float realOffsetY = touchOffsetY; float icLefrPos = _innerContainer->getLeftBoundary(); if (icLefrPos + realOffsetX <= _leftBoundary) { realOffsetX = _leftBoundary - icLefrPos; bounceLeftEvent(); scrollenabled = false; } float icTopPos = _innerContainer->getTopBoundary(); if (icTopPos + touchOffsetY >= _topBoundary) { realOffsetY = _topBoundary - icTopPos; bounceTopEvent(); scrollenabled = false; } moveChildren(realOffsetX, realOffsetY); } else if (touchOffsetX < 0.0f && touchOffsetY < 0.0f) //third quadrant //bounce to bottom-left { float realOffsetX = touchOffsetX; float realOffsetY = touchOffsetY; float icLefrPos = _innerContainer->getLeftBoundary(); if (icLefrPos + realOffsetX <= _leftBoundary) { realOffsetX = _leftBoundary - icLefrPos; bounceLeftEvent(); scrollenabled = false; } float icBottomPos = _innerContainer->getBottomBoundary(); if (icBottomPos + touchOffsetY <= _bottomBoundary) { realOffsetY = _bottomBoundary - icBottomPos; bounceBottomEvent(); scrollenabled = false; } moveChildren(realOffsetX, realOffsetY); } else if (touchOffsetX > 0.0f && touchOffsetY < 0.0f) //forth quadrant //bounce to bottom-right { float realOffsetX = touchOffsetX; float realOffsetY = touchOffsetY; float icRightPos = _innerContainer->getRightBoundary(); if (icRightPos + realOffsetX >= _rightBoundary) { realOffsetX = _rightBoundary - icRightPos; bounceRightEvent(); scrollenabled = false; } float icBottomPos = _innerContainer->getBottomBoundary(); if (icBottomPos + touchOffsetY <= _bottomBoundary) { realOffsetY = _bottomBoundary - icBottomPos; bounceBottomEvent(); scrollenabled = false; } moveChildren(realOffsetX, realOffsetY); } else if (touchOffsetX == 0.0f && touchOffsetY > 0.0f) // bounce to top { float realOffsetY = touchOffsetY; float icTopPos = _innerContainer->getTopBoundary(); if (icTopPos + touchOffsetY >= _topBoundary) { realOffsetY = _topBoundary - icTopPos; bounceTopEvent(); scrollenabled = false; } moveChildren(0.0f, realOffsetY); } else if (touchOffsetX == 0.0f && touchOffsetY < 0.0f) //bounce to bottom { float realOffsetY = touchOffsetY; float icBottomPos = _innerContainer->getBottomBoundary(); if (icBottomPos + touchOffsetY <= _bottomBoundary) { realOffsetY = _bottomBoundary - icBottomPos; bounceBottomEvent(); scrollenabled = false; } moveChildren(0.0f, realOffsetY); } else if (touchOffsetX > 0.0f && touchOffsetY == 0.0f) //bounce to right { float realOffsetX = touchOffsetX; float icRightPos = _innerContainer->getRightBoundary(); if (icRightPos + realOffsetX >= _rightBoundary) { realOffsetX = _rightBoundary - icRightPos; bounceRightEvent(); scrollenabled = false; } moveChildren(realOffsetX, 0.0f); } else if (touchOffsetX < 0.0f && touchOffsetY == 0.0f) //bounce to left { float realOffsetX = touchOffsetX; float icLeftPos = _innerContainer->getLeftBoundary(); if (icLeftPos + realOffsetX <= _leftBoundary) { realOffsetX = _leftBoundary - icLeftPos; bounceLeftEvent(); scrollenabled = false; } moveChildren(realOffsetX, 0.0f); } return scrollenabled; } bool ScrollView::checkCustomScrollDestination(float* touchOffsetX, float* touchOffsetY) { bool scrollenabled = true; switch (_direction) { case Direction::VERTICAL: // vertical { if (_autoScrollDir.y > 0) { float icBottomPos = _innerContainer->getBottomBoundary(); if (icBottomPos + *touchOffsetY >= _autoScrollDestination.y) { *touchOffsetY = _autoScrollDestination.y - icBottomPos; scrollenabled = false; } } else { float icBottomPos = _innerContainer->getBottomBoundary(); if (icBottomPos + *touchOffsetY <= _autoScrollDestination.y) { *touchOffsetY = _autoScrollDestination.y - icBottomPos; scrollenabled = false; } } break; } case Direction::HORIZONTAL: // horizontal { if (_autoScrollDir.x > 0) { float icLeftPos = _innerContainer->getLeftBoundary(); if (icLeftPos + *touchOffsetX >= _autoScrollDestination.x) { *touchOffsetX = _autoScrollDestination.x - icLeftPos; scrollenabled = false; } } else { float icLeftPos = _innerContainer->getLeftBoundary(); if (icLeftPos + *touchOffsetX <= _autoScrollDestination.x) { *touchOffsetX = _autoScrollDestination.x - icLeftPos; scrollenabled = false; } } break; } case Direction::BOTH: { if (*touchOffsetX > 0.0f && *touchOffsetY > 0.0f) // up right { float icLeftPos = _innerContainer->getLeftBoundary(); if (icLeftPos + *touchOffsetX >= _autoScrollDestination.x) { *touchOffsetX = _autoScrollDestination.x - icLeftPos; scrollenabled = false; } float icBottomPos = _innerContainer->getBottomBoundary(); if (icBottomPos + *touchOffsetY >= _autoScrollDestination.y) { *touchOffsetY = _autoScrollDestination.y - icBottomPos; scrollenabled = false; } } else if (*touchOffsetX < 0.0f && *touchOffsetY > 0.0f) // up left { float icRightPos = _innerContainer->getRightBoundary(); if (icRightPos + *touchOffsetX <= _autoScrollDestination.x) { *touchOffsetX = _autoScrollDestination.x - icRightPos; scrollenabled = false; } float icBottomPos = _innerContainer->getBottomBoundary(); if (icBottomPos + *touchOffsetY >= _autoScrollDestination.y) { *touchOffsetY = _autoScrollDestination.y - icBottomPos; scrollenabled = false; } } else if (*touchOffsetX < 0.0f && *touchOffsetY < 0.0f) // down left { float icRightPos = _innerContainer->getRightBoundary(); if (icRightPos + *touchOffsetX <= _autoScrollDestination.x) { *touchOffsetX = _autoScrollDestination.x - icRightPos; scrollenabled = false; } float icTopPos = _innerContainer->getTopBoundary(); if (icTopPos + *touchOffsetY <= _autoScrollDestination.y) { *touchOffsetY = _autoScrollDestination.y - icTopPos; scrollenabled = false; } } else if (*touchOffsetX > 0.0f && *touchOffsetY < 0.0f) // down right { float icLeftPos = _innerContainer->getLeftBoundary(); if (icLeftPos + *touchOffsetX >= _autoScrollDestination.x) { *touchOffsetX = _autoScrollDestination.x - icLeftPos; scrollenabled = false; } float icTopPos = _innerContainer->getTopBoundary(); if (icTopPos + *touchOffsetY <= _autoScrollDestination.y) { *touchOffsetY = _autoScrollDestination.y - icTopPos; scrollenabled = false; } } else if (*touchOffsetX == 0.0f && *touchOffsetY > 0.0f) // up { float icBottomPos = _innerContainer->getBottomBoundary(); if (icBottomPos + *touchOffsetY >= _autoScrollDestination.y) { *touchOffsetY = _autoScrollDestination.y - icBottomPos; scrollenabled = false; } } else if (*touchOffsetX < 0.0f && *touchOffsetY == 0.0f) // left { float icRightPos = _innerContainer->getRightBoundary(); if (icRightPos + *touchOffsetX <= _autoScrollDestination.x) { *touchOffsetX = _autoScrollDestination.x - icRightPos; scrollenabled = false; } } else if (*touchOffsetX == 0.0f && *touchOffsetY < 0.0f) // down { float icTopPos = _innerContainer->getTopBoundary(); if (icTopPos + *touchOffsetY <= _autoScrollDestination.y) { *touchOffsetY = _autoScrollDestination.y - icTopPos; scrollenabled = false; } } else if (*touchOffsetX > 0.0f && *touchOffsetY == 0.0f) // right { float icLeftPos = _innerContainer->getLeftBoundary(); if (icLeftPos + *touchOffsetX >= _autoScrollDestination.x) { *touchOffsetX = _autoScrollDestination.x - icLeftPos; scrollenabled = false; } } break; } default: break; } return scrollenabled; } bool ScrollView::scrollChildrenVertical(float touchOffsetX, float touchOffsetY) { float realOffset = touchOffsetY; bool scrollEnabled = false; if (_bounceEnabled) { float icBottomPos = _innerContainer->getBottomBoundary(); if (icBottomPos + touchOffsetY >= _bounceBottomBoundary) { realOffset = _bounceBottomBoundary - icBottomPos; scrollToBottomEvent(); scrollEnabled = false; } float icTopPos = _innerContainer->getTopBoundary(); if (icTopPos + touchOffsetY <= _bounceTopBoundary) { realOffset = _bounceTopBoundary - icTopPos; scrollToTopEvent(); scrollEnabled = false; } } else { float icBottomPos = _innerContainer->getBottomBoundary(); if (icBottomPos + touchOffsetY >= _bottomBoundary) { realOffset = _bottomBoundary - icBottomPos; scrollToBottomEvent(); scrollEnabled = false; } float icTopPos = _innerContainer->getTopBoundary(); if (icTopPos + touchOffsetY <= _topBoundary) { realOffset = _topBoundary - icTopPos; scrollToTopEvent(); scrollEnabled = false; } } moveChildren(0.0f, realOffset); return scrollEnabled; } bool ScrollView::scrollChildrenHorizontal(float touchOffsetX, float touchOffestY) { bool scrollenabled; float realOffset = touchOffsetX; if (_bounceEnabled) { float icRightPos = _innerContainer->getRightBoundary(); if (icRightPos + touchOffsetX <= _bounceRightBoundary) { realOffset = _bounceRightBoundary - icRightPos; scrollToRightEvent(); scrollenabled = false; } float icLeftPos = _innerContainer->getLeftBoundary(); if (icLeftPos + touchOffsetX >= _bounceLeftBoundary) { realOffset = _bounceLeftBoundary - icLeftPos; scrollToLeftEvent(); scrollenabled = false; } } else { float icRightPos = _innerContainer->getRightBoundary(); if (icRightPos + touchOffsetX <= _rightBoundary) { realOffset = _rightBoundary - icRightPos; scrollToRightEvent(); scrollenabled = false; } float icLeftPos = _innerContainer->getLeftBoundary(); if (icLeftPos + touchOffsetX >= _leftBoundary) { realOffset = _leftBoundary - icLeftPos; scrollToLeftEvent(); scrollenabled = false; } } moveChildren(realOffset, 0.0f); return scrollenabled; } bool ScrollView::scrollChildrenBoth(float touchOffsetX, float touchOffsetY) { bool scrollenabled = false; float realOffsetX = touchOffsetX; float realOffsetY = touchOffsetY; if (_bounceEnabled) { if (touchOffsetX > 0.0f && touchOffsetY > 0.0f) // up right { float icLeftPos = _innerContainer->getLeftBoundary(); if (icLeftPos + touchOffsetX >= _bounceLeftBoundary) { realOffsetX = _bounceLeftBoundary - icLeftPos; scrollToLeftEvent(); scrollenabled = false; } float icBottomPos = _innerContainer->getBottomBoundary(); if (icBottomPos + touchOffsetY >= _bounceBottomBoundary) { realOffsetY = _bounceBottomBoundary - icBottomPos; scrollToBottomEvent(); scrollenabled = false; } } else if (touchOffsetX < 0.0f && touchOffsetY > 0.0f) // up left { float icRightPos = _innerContainer->getRightBoundary(); if (icRightPos + touchOffsetX <= _bounceRightBoundary) { realOffsetX = _bounceRightBoundary - icRightPos; scrollToRightEvent(); scrollenabled = false; } float icBottomPos = _innerContainer->getBottomBoundary(); if (icBottomPos + touchOffsetY >= _bounceBottomBoundary) { realOffsetY = _bounceBottomBoundary - icBottomPos; scrollToBottomEvent(); scrollenabled = false; } } else if (touchOffsetX < 0.0f && touchOffsetY < 0.0f) // down left { float icRightPos = _innerContainer->getRightBoundary(); if (icRightPos + touchOffsetX <= _bounceRightBoundary) { realOffsetX = _bounceRightBoundary - icRightPos; scrollToRightEvent(); scrollenabled = false; } float icTopPos = _innerContainer->getTopBoundary(); if (icTopPos + touchOffsetY <= _bounceTopBoundary) { realOffsetY = _bounceTopBoundary - icTopPos; scrollToTopEvent(); scrollenabled = false; } } else if (touchOffsetX > 0.0f && touchOffsetY < 0.0f) // down right { float icLeftPos = _innerContainer->getLeftBoundary(); if (icLeftPos + touchOffsetX >= _bounceLeftBoundary) { realOffsetX = _bounceLeftBoundary - icLeftPos; scrollToLeftEvent(); scrollenabled = false; } float icTopPos = _innerContainer->getTopBoundary(); if (icTopPos + touchOffsetY <= _bounceTopBoundary) { realOffsetY = _bounceTopBoundary - icTopPos; scrollToTopEvent(); scrollenabled = false; } } else if (touchOffsetX == 0.0f && touchOffsetY > 0.0f) // up { float icBottomPos = _innerContainer->getBottomBoundary(); if (icBottomPos + touchOffsetY >= _bounceBottomBoundary) { realOffsetY = _bounceBottomBoundary - icBottomPos; scrollToBottomEvent(); scrollenabled = false; } } else if (touchOffsetX < 0.0f && touchOffsetY == 0.0f) // left { float icRightPos = _innerContainer->getRightBoundary(); if (icRightPos + touchOffsetX <= _bounceRightBoundary) { realOffsetX = _bounceRightBoundary - icRightPos; scrollToRightEvent(); scrollenabled = false; } } else if (touchOffsetX == 0.0f && touchOffsetY < 0.0f) // down { float icTopPos = _innerContainer->getTopBoundary(); if (icTopPos + touchOffsetY <= _bounceTopBoundary) { realOffsetY = _bounceTopBoundary - icTopPos; scrollToTopEvent(); scrollenabled = false; } } else if (touchOffsetX > 0.0f && touchOffsetY == 0.0f) // right { float icLeftPos = _innerContainer->getLeftBoundary(); if (icLeftPos + touchOffsetX >= _bounceLeftBoundary) { realOffsetX = _bounceLeftBoundary - icLeftPos; scrollToLeftEvent(); scrollenabled = false; } } } else { if (touchOffsetX > 0.0f && touchOffsetY > 0.0f) // up right { float icLeftPos = _innerContainer->getLeftBoundary(); if (icLeftPos + touchOffsetX >= _leftBoundary) { realOffsetX = _leftBoundary - icLeftPos; scrollToLeftEvent(); scrollenabled = false; } float icBottomPos = _innerContainer->getBottomBoundary(); if (icBottomPos + touchOffsetY >= _bottomBoundary) { realOffsetY = _bottomBoundary - icBottomPos; scrollToBottomEvent(); scrollenabled = false; } } else if (touchOffsetX < 0.0f && touchOffsetY > 0.0f) // up left { float icRightPos = _innerContainer->getRightBoundary(); if (icRightPos + touchOffsetX <= _rightBoundary) { realOffsetX = _rightBoundary - icRightPos; scrollToRightEvent(); scrollenabled = false; } float icBottomPos = _innerContainer->getBottomBoundary(); if (icBottomPos + touchOffsetY >= _bottomBoundary) { realOffsetY = _bottomBoundary - icBottomPos; scrollToBottomEvent(); scrollenabled = false; } } else if (touchOffsetX < 0.0f && touchOffsetY < 0.0f) // down left { float icRightPos = _innerContainer->getRightBoundary(); if (icRightPos + touchOffsetX <= _rightBoundary) { realOffsetX = _rightBoundary - icRightPos; scrollToRightEvent(); scrollenabled = false; } float icTopPos = _innerContainer->getTopBoundary(); if (icTopPos + touchOffsetY <= _topBoundary) { realOffsetY = _topBoundary - icTopPos; scrollToTopEvent(); scrollenabled = false; } } else if (touchOffsetX > 0.0f && touchOffsetY < 0.0f) // down right { float icLeftPos = _innerContainer->getLeftBoundary(); if (icLeftPos + touchOffsetX >= _leftBoundary) { realOffsetX = _leftBoundary - icLeftPos; scrollToLeftEvent(); scrollenabled = false; } float icTopPos = _innerContainer->getTopBoundary(); if (icTopPos + touchOffsetY <= _topBoundary) { realOffsetY = _topBoundary - icTopPos; scrollToTopEvent(); scrollenabled = false; } } else if (touchOffsetX == 0.0f && touchOffsetY > 0.0f) // up { float icBottomPos = _innerContainer->getBottomBoundary(); if (icBottomPos + touchOffsetY >= _bottomBoundary) { realOffsetY = _bottomBoundary - icBottomPos; scrollToBottomEvent(); scrollenabled = false; } } else if (touchOffsetX < 0.0f && touchOffsetY == 0.0f) // left { float icRightPos = _innerContainer->getRightBoundary(); if (icRightPos + touchOffsetX <= _rightBoundary) { realOffsetX = _rightBoundary - icRightPos; scrollToRightEvent(); scrollenabled = false; } } else if (touchOffsetX == 0.0f && touchOffsetY < 0.0f) // down { float icTopPos = _innerContainer->getTopBoundary(); if (icTopPos + touchOffsetY <= _topBoundary) { realOffsetY = _topBoundary - icTopPos; scrollToTopEvent(); scrollenabled = false; } } else if (touchOffsetX > 0.0f && touchOffsetY == 0.0f) // right { float icLeftPos = _innerContainer->getLeftBoundary(); if (icLeftPos + touchOffsetX >= _leftBoundary) { realOffsetX = _leftBoundary - icLeftPos; scrollToLeftEvent(); scrollenabled = false; } } } moveChildren(realOffsetX, realOffsetY); return scrollenabled; } bool ScrollView::scrollChildren(float touchOffsetX, float touchOffsetY) { bool scrollenabled = true; scrollingEvent(); switch (_direction) { case Direction::VERTICAL: // vertical { scrollenabled = scrollChildrenVertical(touchOffsetX, touchOffsetY); break; } case Direction::HORIZONTAL: // horizontal { scrollenabled = scrollChildrenHorizontal(touchOffsetX, touchOffsetY); break; } case Direction::BOTH: { scrollenabled = scrollChildrenBoth(touchOffsetX, touchOffsetY); break; } default: break; } return scrollenabled; } void ScrollView::scrollToBottom(float time, bool attenuated) { startAutoScrollChildrenWithDestination(Vec2(_innerContainer->getPosition().x, 0.0f), time, attenuated); } void ScrollView::scrollToTop(float time, bool attenuated) { startAutoScrollChildrenWithDestination(Vec2(_innerContainer->getPosition().x, _size.height - _innerContainer->getSize().height), time, attenuated); } void ScrollView::scrollToLeft(float time, bool attenuated) { startAutoScrollChildrenWithDestination(Vec2(0.0f, _innerContainer->getPosition().y), time, attenuated); } void ScrollView::scrollToRight(float time, bool attenuated) { startAutoScrollChildrenWithDestination(Vec2(_size.width - _innerContainer->getSize().width, _innerContainer->getPosition().y), time, attenuated); } void ScrollView::scrollToTopLeft(float time, bool attenuated) { if (_direction != Direction::BOTH) { CCLOG("Scroll diretion is not both!"); return; } startAutoScrollChildrenWithDestination(Vec2(0.0f, _size.height - _innerContainer->getSize().height), time, attenuated); } void ScrollView::scrollToTopRight(float time, bool attenuated) { if (_direction != Direction::BOTH) { CCLOG("Scroll diretion is not both!"); return; } startAutoScrollChildrenWithDestination(Vec2(_size.width - _innerContainer->getSize().width, _size.height - _innerContainer->getSize().height), time, attenuated); } void ScrollView::scrollToBottomLeft(float time, bool attenuated) { if (_direction != Direction::BOTH) { CCLOG("Scroll diretion is not both!"); return; } startAutoScrollChildrenWithDestination(Vec2::ZERO, time, attenuated); } void ScrollView::scrollToBottomRight(float time, bool attenuated) { if (_direction != Direction::BOTH) { CCLOG("Scroll diretion is not both!"); return; } startAutoScrollChildrenWithDestination(Vec2(_size.width - _innerContainer->getSize().width, 0.0f), time, attenuated); } void ScrollView::scrollToPercentVertical(float percent, float time, bool attenuated) { float minY = _size.height - _innerContainer->getSize().height; float h = - minY; startAutoScrollChildrenWithDestination(Vec2(_innerContainer->getPosition().x, minY + percent * h / 100.0f), time, attenuated); } void ScrollView::scrollToPercentHorizontal(float percent, float time, bool attenuated) { float w = _innerContainer->getSize().width - _size.width; startAutoScrollChildrenWithDestination(Vec2(-(percent * w / 100.0f), _innerContainer->getPosition().y), time, attenuated); } void ScrollView::scrollToPercentBothDirection(const Vec2& percent, float time, bool attenuated) { if (_direction != Direction::BOTH) { return; } float minY = _size.height - _innerContainer->getSize().height; float h = - minY; float w = _innerContainer->getSize().width - _size.width; startAutoScrollChildrenWithDestination(Vec2(-(percent.x * w / 100.0f), minY + percent.y * h / 100.0f), time, attenuated); } void ScrollView::jumpToBottom() { jumpToDestination(Vec2(_innerContainer->getPosition().x, 0.0f)); } void ScrollView::jumpToTop() { jumpToDestination(Vec2(_innerContainer->getPosition().x, _size.height - _innerContainer->getSize().height)); } void ScrollView::jumpToLeft() { jumpToDestination(Vec2(0.0f, _innerContainer->getPosition().y)); } void ScrollView::jumpToRight() { jumpToDestination(Vec2(_size.width - _innerContainer->getSize().width, _innerContainer->getPosition().y)); } void ScrollView::jumpToTopLeft() { if (_direction != Direction::BOTH) { CCLOG("Scroll diretion is not both!"); return; } jumpToDestination(Vec2(0.0f, _size.height - _innerContainer->getSize().height)); } void ScrollView::jumpToTopRight() { if (_direction != Direction::BOTH) { CCLOG("Scroll diretion is not both!"); return; } jumpToDestination(Vec2(_size.width - _innerContainer->getSize().width, _size.height - _innerContainer->getSize().height)); } void ScrollView::jumpToBottomLeft() { if (_direction != Direction::BOTH) { CCLOG("Scroll diretion is not both!"); return; } jumpToDestination(Vec2::ZERO); } void ScrollView::jumpToBottomRight() { if (_direction != Direction::BOTH) { CCLOG("Scroll diretion is not both!"); return; } jumpToDestination(Vec2(_size.width - _innerContainer->getSize().width, 0.0f)); } void ScrollView::jumpToPercentVertical(float percent) { float minY = _size.height - _innerContainer->getSize().height; float h = - minY; jumpToDestination(Vec2(_innerContainer->getPosition().x, minY + percent * h / 100.0f)); } void ScrollView::jumpToPercentHorizontal(float percent) { float w = _innerContainer->getSize().width - _size.width; jumpToDestination(Vec2(-(percent * w / 100.0f), _innerContainer->getPosition().y)); } void ScrollView::jumpToPercentBothDirection(const Vec2& percent) { if (_direction != Direction::BOTH) { return; } float minY = _size.height - _innerContainer->getSize().height; float h = - minY; float w = _innerContainer->getSize().width - _size.width; jumpToDestination(Vec2(-(percent.x * w / 100.0f), minY + percent.y * h / 100.0f)); } void ScrollView::startRecordSlidAction() { if (_autoScroll) { stopAutoScrollChildren(); } if (_bouncing) { stopBounceChildren(); } _slidTime = 0.0f; } void ScrollView::endRecordSlidAction() { if (!checkNeedBounce() && _inertiaScrollEnabled) { if (_slidTime <= 0.016f) { return; } float totalDis = 0.0f; Vec2 dir; switch (_direction) { case Direction::VERTICAL: totalDis = _touchEndedPoint.y - _touchBeganPoint.y; if (totalDis < 0.0f) { dir = SCROLLDIR_DOWN; } else { dir = SCROLLDIR_UP; } break; case Direction::HORIZONTAL: totalDis = _touchEndedPoint.x - _touchBeganPoint.x; if (totalDis < 0.0f) { dir = SCROLLDIR_LEFT; } else { dir = SCROLLDIR_RIGHT; } break; case Direction::BOTH: { Vec2 subVector = _touchEndedPoint - _touchBeganPoint; totalDis = subVector.getLength(); dir = subVector.getNormalized(); break; } default: break; } float orSpeed = MIN(fabs(totalDis)/(_slidTime), AUTOSCROLLMAXSPEED); startAutoScrollChildrenWithOriginalSpeed(dir, orSpeed, true, -1000); _slidTime = 0.0f; } } void ScrollView::handlePressLogic(const Vec2 &touchPoint) { _touchBeganPoint = convertToNodeSpace(touchPoint); _touchMovingPoint = _touchBeganPoint; startRecordSlidAction(); _bePressed = true; } void ScrollView::handleMoveLogic(const Vec2 &touchPoint) { _touchMovedPoint = convertToNodeSpace(touchPoint); Vec2 delta = _touchMovedPoint - _touchMovingPoint; _touchMovingPoint = _touchMovedPoint; switch (_direction) { case Direction::VERTICAL: // vertical { scrollChildren(0.0f, delta.y); break; } case Direction::HORIZONTAL: // horizontal { scrollChildren(delta.x, 0.0f); break; } case Direction::BOTH: // both { scrollChildren(delta.x, delta.y); break; } default: break; } } void ScrollView::handleReleaseLogic(const Vec2 &touchPoint) { _touchEndedPoint = convertToNodeSpace(touchPoint); endRecordSlidAction(); _bePressed = false; } bool ScrollView::onTouchBegan(Touch *touch, Event *unusedEvent) { bool pass = Layout::onTouchBegan(touch, unusedEvent); if (_hitted) { handlePressLogic(_touchStartPos); } return pass; } void ScrollView::onTouchMoved(Touch *touch, Event *unusedEvent) { Layout::onTouchMoved(touch, unusedEvent); handleMoveLogic(_touchMovePos); } void ScrollView::onTouchEnded(Touch *touch, Event *unusedEvent) { Layout::onTouchEnded(touch, unusedEvent); handleReleaseLogic(_touchEndPos); } void ScrollView::onTouchCancelled(Touch *touch, Event *unusedEvent) { Layout::onTouchCancelled(touch, unusedEvent); handleReleaseLogic(touch->getLocation()); } void ScrollView::update(float dt) { if (_autoScroll) { autoScrollChildren(dt); } if (_bouncing) { bounceChildren(dt); } recordSlidTime(dt); } void ScrollView::recordSlidTime(float dt) { if (_bePressed) { _slidTime += dt; } } void ScrollView::interceptTouchEvent(Widget::TouchEventType event, Widget *sender, const Vec2 &touchPoint) { switch (event) { case TouchEventType::BEGAN: handlePressLogic(touchPoint); break; case TouchEventType::MOVED: { float offset = (sender->getTouchStartPos() - touchPoint).getLength(); if (offset > _childFocusCancelOffset) { sender->setHighlighted(false); handleMoveLogic(touchPoint); } } break; case TouchEventType::CANCELED: case TouchEventType::ENDED: handleReleaseLogic(touchPoint); handleReleaseLogic(touchPoint); break; } } void ScrollView::scrollToTopEvent() { if (_scrollViewEventListener && _scrollViewEventSelector) { (_scrollViewEventListener->*_scrollViewEventSelector)(this, SCROLLVIEW_EVENT_SCROLL_TO_TOP); } if (_eventCallback) { _eventCallback(this,EventType::SCROLL_TO_TOP); } } void ScrollView::scrollToBottomEvent() { if (_scrollViewEventListener && _scrollViewEventSelector) { (_scrollViewEventListener->*_scrollViewEventSelector)(this, SCROLLVIEW_EVENT_SCROLL_TO_BOTTOM); } if (_eventCallback) { _eventCallback(this,EventType::SCROLL_TO_BOTTOM); } } void ScrollView::scrollToLeftEvent() { if (_scrollViewEventListener && _scrollViewEventSelector) { (_scrollViewEventListener->*_scrollViewEventSelector)(this, SCROLLVIEW_EVENT_SCROLL_TO_LEFT); } if (_eventCallback) { _eventCallback(this,EventType::SCROLL_TO_LEFT); } } void ScrollView::scrollToRightEvent() { if (_scrollViewEventListener && _scrollViewEventSelector) { (_scrollViewEventListener->*_scrollViewEventSelector)(this, SCROLLVIEW_EVENT_SCROLL_TO_RIGHT); } if (_eventCallback) { _eventCallback(this,EventType::SCROLL_TO_RIGHT); } } void ScrollView::scrollingEvent() { if (_scrollViewEventListener && _scrollViewEventSelector) { (_scrollViewEventListener->*_scrollViewEventSelector)(this, SCROLLVIEW_EVENT_SCROLLING); } if (_eventCallback) { _eventCallback(this,EventType::SCROLLING); } } void ScrollView::bounceTopEvent() { if (_scrollViewEventListener && _scrollViewEventSelector) { (_scrollViewEventListener->*_scrollViewEventSelector)(this, SCROLLVIEW_EVENT_BOUNCE_TOP); } if (_eventCallback) { _eventCallback(this,EventType::BOUNCE_TOP); } } void ScrollView::bounceBottomEvent() { if (_scrollViewEventListener && _scrollViewEventSelector) { (_scrollViewEventListener->*_scrollViewEventSelector)(this, SCROLLVIEW_EVENT_BOUNCE_BOTTOM); } if (_eventCallback) { _eventCallback(this,EventType::BOUNCE_BOTTOM); } } void ScrollView::bounceLeftEvent() { if (_scrollViewEventListener && _scrollViewEventSelector) { (_scrollViewEventListener->*_scrollViewEventSelector)(this, SCROLLVIEW_EVENT_BOUNCE_LEFT); } if (_eventCallback) { _eventCallback(this,EventType::BOUNCE_LEFT); } } void ScrollView::bounceRightEvent() { if (_scrollViewEventListener && _scrollViewEventSelector) { (_scrollViewEventListener->*_scrollViewEventSelector)(this, SCROLLVIEW_EVENT_BOUNCE_RIGHT); } if (_eventCallback) { _eventCallback(this,EventType::BOUNCE_RIGHT); } } void ScrollView::addEventListenerScrollView(Ref *target, SEL_ScrollViewEvent selector) { _scrollViewEventListener = target; _scrollViewEventSelector = selector; } void ScrollView::addEventListener(const ccScrollViewCallback& callback) { _eventCallback = callback; } void ScrollView::setDirection(Direction dir) { _direction = dir; } ScrollView::Direction ScrollView::getDirection()const { return _direction; } void ScrollView::setBounceEnabled(bool enabled) { _bounceEnabled = enabled; } bool ScrollView::isBounceEnabled() const { return _bounceEnabled; } void ScrollView::setInertiaScrollEnabled(bool enabled) { _inertiaScrollEnabled = enabled; } bool ScrollView::isInertiaScrollEnabled() const { return _inertiaScrollEnabled; } Layout* ScrollView::getInnerContainer()const { return _innerContainer; } void ScrollView::setLayoutType(Type type) { _innerContainer->setLayoutType(type); } Layout::Type ScrollView::getLayoutType() const { return _innerContainer->getLayoutType(); } void ScrollView::doLayout() { if (!_doLayoutDirty) { return; } _doLayoutDirty = false; } std::string ScrollView::getDescription() const { return "ScrollView"; } Widget* ScrollView::createCloneInstance() { return ScrollView::create(); } void ScrollView::copyClonedWidgetChildren(Widget* model) { Layout::copyClonedWidgetChildren(model); } void ScrollView::copySpecialProperties(Widget *widget) { ScrollView* scrollView = dynamic_cast(widget); if (scrollView) { Layout::copySpecialProperties(widget); setInnerContainerSize(scrollView->getInnerContainerSize()); setDirection(scrollView->_direction); setBounceEnabled(scrollView->_bounceEnabled); setInertiaScrollEnabled(scrollView->_inertiaScrollEnabled); _scrollViewEventListener = scrollView->_scrollViewEventListener; _scrollViewEventSelector = scrollView->_scrollViewEventSelector; _eventCallback = scrollView->_eventCallback; } } Widget* ScrollView::findNextFocusedWidget(cocos2d::ui::Widget::FocusDirection direction, cocos2d::ui::Widget *current) { if (this->getLayoutType() == Layout::Type::VERTICAL || this->getLayoutType() == Layout::Type::HORIZONTAL) { return _innerContainer->findNextFocusedWidget(direction, current); } else { return Widget::findNextFocusedWidget(direction, current); } } } NS_CC_END