//======================================================================== // GLFW 3.4 - www.glfw.org //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Copyright (c) 2016 Google Inc. // Copyright (c) 2016-2017 Camilla Löwy // // This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied // warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages // arising from the use of this software. // // Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, // including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it // freely, subject to the following restrictions: // // 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not // claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software // in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would // be appreciated but is not required. // // 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not // be misrepresented as being the original software. // // 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source // distribution. // //======================================================================== #define GLFW_NULL_WINDOW_STATE _GLFWwindowNull null; #define GLFW_NULL_LIBRARY_WINDOW_STATE _GLFWlibraryNull null; #define GLFW_NULL_MONITOR_STATE _GLFWmonitorNull null; #define GLFW_NULL_CONTEXT_STATE #define GLFW_NULL_CURSOR_STATE #define GLFW_NULL_LIBRARY_CONTEXT_STATE #define GLFW_NULL_SC_FIRST GLFW_NULL_SC_SPACE #define GLFW_NULL_SC_SPACE 1 #define GLFW_NULL_SC_APOSTROPHE 2 #define GLFW_NULL_SC_COMMA 3 #define GLFW_NULL_SC_MINUS 4 #define GLFW_NULL_SC_PERIOD 5 #define GLFW_NULL_SC_SLASH 6 #define GLFW_NULL_SC_0 7 #define GLFW_NULL_SC_1 8 #define GLFW_NULL_SC_2 9 #define GLFW_NULL_SC_3 10 #define GLFW_NULL_SC_4 11 #define GLFW_NULL_SC_5 12 #define GLFW_NULL_SC_6 13 #define GLFW_NULL_SC_7 14 #define GLFW_NULL_SC_8 15 #define GLFW_NULL_SC_9 16 #define GLFW_NULL_SC_SEMICOLON 17 #define GLFW_NULL_SC_EQUAL 18 #define GLFW_NULL_SC_LEFT_BRACKET 19 #define GLFW_NULL_SC_BACKSLASH 20 #define GLFW_NULL_SC_RIGHT_BRACKET 21 #define GLFW_NULL_SC_GRAVE_ACCENT 22 #define GLFW_NULL_SC_WORLD_1 23 #define GLFW_NULL_SC_WORLD_2 24 #define GLFW_NULL_SC_ESCAPE 25 #define GLFW_NULL_SC_ENTER 26 #define GLFW_NULL_SC_TAB 27 #define GLFW_NULL_SC_BACKSPACE 28 #define GLFW_NULL_SC_INSERT 29 #define GLFW_NULL_SC_DELETE 30 #define GLFW_NULL_SC_RIGHT 31 #define GLFW_NULL_SC_LEFT 32 #define GLFW_NULL_SC_DOWN 33 #define GLFW_NULL_SC_UP 34 #define GLFW_NULL_SC_PAGE_UP 35 #define GLFW_NULL_SC_PAGE_DOWN 36 #define GLFW_NULL_SC_HOME 37 #define GLFW_NULL_SC_END 38 #define GLFW_NULL_SC_CAPS_LOCK 39 #define GLFW_NULL_SC_SCROLL_LOCK 40 #define GLFW_NULL_SC_NUM_LOCK 41 #define GLFW_NULL_SC_PRINT_SCREEN 42 #define GLFW_NULL_SC_PAUSE 43 #define GLFW_NULL_SC_A 44 #define GLFW_NULL_SC_B 45 #define GLFW_NULL_SC_C 46 #define GLFW_NULL_SC_D 47 #define GLFW_NULL_SC_E 48 #define GLFW_NULL_SC_F 49 #define GLFW_NULL_SC_G 50 #define GLFW_NULL_SC_H 51 #define GLFW_NULL_SC_I 52 #define GLFW_NULL_SC_J 53 #define GLFW_NULL_SC_K 54 #define GLFW_NULL_SC_L 55 #define GLFW_NULL_SC_M 56 #define GLFW_NULL_SC_N 57 #define GLFW_NULL_SC_O 58 #define GLFW_NULL_SC_P 59 #define GLFW_NULL_SC_Q 60 #define GLFW_NULL_SC_R 61 #define GLFW_NULL_SC_S 62 #define GLFW_NULL_SC_T 63 #define GLFW_NULL_SC_U 64 #define GLFW_NULL_SC_V 65 #define GLFW_NULL_SC_W 66 #define GLFW_NULL_SC_X 67 #define GLFW_NULL_SC_Y 68 #define GLFW_NULL_SC_Z 69 #define GLFW_NULL_SC_F1 70 #define GLFW_NULL_SC_F2 71 #define GLFW_NULL_SC_F3 72 #define GLFW_NULL_SC_F4 73 #define GLFW_NULL_SC_F5 74 #define GLFW_NULL_SC_F6 75 #define GLFW_NULL_SC_F7 76 #define GLFW_NULL_SC_F8 77 #define GLFW_NULL_SC_F9 78 #define GLFW_NULL_SC_F10 79 #define GLFW_NULL_SC_F11 80 #define GLFW_NULL_SC_F12 81 #define GLFW_NULL_SC_F13 82 #define GLFW_NULL_SC_F14 83 #define GLFW_NULL_SC_F15 84 #define GLFW_NULL_SC_F16 85 #define GLFW_NULL_SC_F17 86 #define GLFW_NULL_SC_F18 87 #define GLFW_NULL_SC_F19 88 #define GLFW_NULL_SC_F20 89 #define GLFW_NULL_SC_F21 90 #define GLFW_NULL_SC_F22 91 #define GLFW_NULL_SC_F23 92 #define GLFW_NULL_SC_F24 93 #define GLFW_NULL_SC_F25 94 #define GLFW_NULL_SC_KP_0 95 #define GLFW_NULL_SC_KP_1 96 #define GLFW_NULL_SC_KP_2 97 #define GLFW_NULL_SC_KP_3 98 #define GLFW_NULL_SC_KP_4 99 #define GLFW_NULL_SC_KP_5 100 #define GLFW_NULL_SC_KP_6 101 #define GLFW_NULL_SC_KP_7 102 #define GLFW_NULL_SC_KP_8 103 #define GLFW_NULL_SC_KP_9 104 #define GLFW_NULL_SC_KP_DECIMAL 105 #define GLFW_NULL_SC_KP_DIVIDE 106 #define GLFW_NULL_SC_KP_MULTIPLY 107 #define GLFW_NULL_SC_KP_SUBTRACT 108 #define GLFW_NULL_SC_KP_ADD 109 #define GLFW_NULL_SC_KP_ENTER 110 #define GLFW_NULL_SC_KP_EQUAL 111 #define GLFW_NULL_SC_LEFT_SHIFT 112 #define GLFW_NULL_SC_LEFT_CONTROL 113 #define GLFW_NULL_SC_LEFT_ALT 114 #define GLFW_NULL_SC_LEFT_SUPER 115 #define GLFW_NULL_SC_RIGHT_SHIFT 116 #define GLFW_NULL_SC_RIGHT_CONTROL 117 #define GLFW_NULL_SC_RIGHT_ALT 118 #define GLFW_NULL_SC_RIGHT_SUPER 119 #define GLFW_NULL_SC_MENU 120 #define GLFW_NULL_SC_LAST GLFW_NULL_SC_MENU // Null-specific per-window data // typedef struct _GLFWwindowNull { int xpos; int ypos; int width; int height; char* title; GLFWbool visible; GLFWbool iconified; GLFWbool maximized; GLFWbool resizable; GLFWbool decorated; GLFWbool floating; GLFWbool transparent; float opacity; } _GLFWwindowNull; // Null-specific per-monitor data // typedef struct _GLFWmonitorNull { GLFWgammaramp ramp; } _GLFWmonitorNull; // Null-specific global data // typedef struct _GLFWlibraryNull { int xcursor; int ycursor; char* clipboardString; _GLFWwindow* focusedWindow; uint16_t keycodes[GLFW_NULL_SC_LAST + 1]; uint8_t scancodes[GLFW_KEY_LAST + 1]; } _GLFWlibraryNull; void _glfwPollMonitorsNull(void); GLFWbool _glfwConnectNull(int platformID, _GLFWplatform* platform); int _glfwInitNull(void); void _glfwTerminateNull(void); void _glfwFreeMonitorNull(_GLFWmonitor* monitor); void _glfwGetMonitorPosNull(_GLFWmonitor* monitor, int* xpos, int* ypos); void _glfwGetMonitorContentScaleNull(_GLFWmonitor* monitor, float* xscale, float* yscale); void _glfwGetMonitorWorkareaNull(_GLFWmonitor* monitor, int* xpos, int* ypos, int* width, int* height); GLFWvidmode* _glfwGetVideoModesNull(_GLFWmonitor* monitor, int* found); void _glfwGetVideoModeNull(_GLFWmonitor* monitor, GLFWvidmode* mode); GLFWbool _glfwGetGammaRampNull(_GLFWmonitor* monitor, GLFWgammaramp* ramp); void _glfwSetGammaRampNull(_GLFWmonitor* monitor, const GLFWgammaramp* ramp); GLFWbool _glfwCreateWindowNull(_GLFWwindow* window, const _GLFWwndconfig* wndconfig, const _GLFWctxconfig* ctxconfig, const _GLFWfbconfig* fbconfig); void _glfwDestroyWindowNull(_GLFWwindow* window); void _glfwSetWindowTitleNull(_GLFWwindow* window, const char* title); void _glfwSetWindowIconNull(_GLFWwindow* window, int count, const GLFWimage* images); void _glfwSetWindowMonitorNull(_GLFWwindow* window, _GLFWmonitor* monitor, int xpos, int ypos, int width, int height, int refreshRate); void _glfwGetWindowPosNull(_GLFWwindow* window, int* xpos, int* ypos); void _glfwSetWindowPosNull(_GLFWwindow* window, int xpos, int ypos); void _glfwGetWindowSizeNull(_GLFWwindow* window, int* width, int* height); void _glfwSetWindowSizeNull(_GLFWwindow* window, int width, int height); void _glfwSetWindowSizeLimitsNull(_GLFWwindow* window, int minwidth, int minheight, int maxwidth, int maxheight); void _glfwSetWindowAspectRatioNull(_GLFWwindow* window, int n, int d); void _glfwGetFramebufferSizeNull(_GLFWwindow* window, int* width, int* height); void _glfwGetWindowFrameSizeNull(_GLFWwindow* window, int* left, int* top, int* right, int* bottom); void _glfwGetWindowContentScaleNull(_GLFWwindow* window, float* xscale, float* yscale); void _glfwIconifyWindowNull(_GLFWwindow* window); void _glfwRestoreWindowNull(_GLFWwindow* window); void _glfwMaximizeWindowNull(_GLFWwindow* window); GLFWbool _glfwWindowMaximizedNull(_GLFWwindow* window); GLFWbool _glfwWindowHoveredNull(_GLFWwindow* window); GLFWbool _glfwFramebufferTransparentNull(_GLFWwindow* window); void _glfwSetWindowResizableNull(_GLFWwindow* window, GLFWbool enabled); void _glfwSetWindowDecoratedNull(_GLFWwindow* window, GLFWbool enabled); void _glfwSetWindowFloatingNull(_GLFWwindow* window, GLFWbool enabled); void _glfwSetWindowMousePassthroughNull(_GLFWwindow* window, GLFWbool enabled); float _glfwGetWindowOpacityNull(_GLFWwindow* window); void _glfwSetWindowOpacityNull(_GLFWwindow* window, float opacity); void _glfwSetRawMouseMotionNull(_GLFWwindow *window, GLFWbool enabled); GLFWbool _glfwRawMouseMotionSupportedNull(void); void _glfwShowWindowNull(_GLFWwindow* window); void _glfwRequestWindowAttentionNull(_GLFWwindow* window); void _glfwHideWindowNull(_GLFWwindow* window); void _glfwFocusWindowNull(_GLFWwindow* window); GLFWbool _glfwWindowFocusedNull(_GLFWwindow* window); GLFWbool _glfwWindowIconifiedNull(_GLFWwindow* window); GLFWbool _glfwWindowVisibleNull(_GLFWwindow* window); void _glfwPollEventsNull(void); void _glfwWaitEventsNull(void); void _glfwWaitEventsTimeoutNull(double timeout); void _glfwPostEmptyEventNull(void); void _glfwGetCursorPosNull(_GLFWwindow* window, double* xpos, double* ypos); void _glfwSetCursorPosNull(_GLFWwindow* window, double x, double y); void _glfwSetCursorModeNull(_GLFWwindow* window, int mode); GLFWbool _glfwCreateCursorNull(_GLFWcursor* cursor, const GLFWimage* image, int xhot, int yhot); GLFWbool _glfwCreateStandardCursorNull(_GLFWcursor* cursor, int shape); void _glfwDestroyCursorNull(_GLFWcursor* cursor); void _glfwSetCursorNull(_GLFWwindow* window, _GLFWcursor* cursor); void _glfwSetClipboardStringNull(const char* string); const char* _glfwGetClipboardStringNull(void); const char* _glfwGetScancodeNameNull(int scancode); int _glfwGetKeyScancodeNull(int key); EGLenum _glfwGetEGLPlatformNull(EGLint** attribs); EGLNativeDisplayType _glfwGetEGLNativeDisplayNull(void); EGLNativeWindowType _glfwGetEGLNativeWindowNull(_GLFWwindow* window); void _glfwGetRequiredInstanceExtensionsNull(char** extensions); GLFWbool _glfwGetPhysicalDevicePresentationSupportNull(VkInstance instance, VkPhysicalDevice device, uint32_t queuefamily); VkResult _glfwCreateWindowSurfaceNull(VkInstance instance, _GLFWwindow* window, const VkAllocationCallbacks* allocator, VkSurfaceKHR* surface); void _glfwPollMonitorsNull(void);