// Setup program for the Cocos2d-win32 App Wizard for VC++ 9.0 (Orcas) main(); function EchoError(bQuiet, strMsg) { strMsg = "Error: " + strMsg; if (! bQuiet) { WScript.Echo(strMsg); } else { var FileSys = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject"); var strLogPath = "InstallWizardLog.txt" var file = FileSys.OpenTextFile(strLogPath, 8, true); file.WriteLine(strMsg); file.Close(); } } function main() { // Decode command line arguments var bDebug = false; var bQuiet = false; var bElevated = false; var Args = WScript.Arguments; for (var i = 0; i < Args.length; i++) { if (Args(i) == "/debug") bDebug = true; else if (Args(i) == "/elevated") bElevated = true; else if (Args(i) == "/quiet") bQuiet = true; } // See if UAC is enabled var Shell = WScript.CreateObject("Shell.Application"); if (!bElevated && Shell.IsRestricted("System", "EnableLUA")) { // Check that the script is being run interactively. if (!WScript.Interactive) { EchoError(bQuiet, "(Windows LUA) Elevation required."); return; } // Now relaunch the script, using the "RunAs" verb to elevate var strParams = "\"" + WScript.ScriptFullName + "\""; if (bDebug) strParams += " /debug"; strParams += " /elevated"; Shell.ShellExecute(WScript.FullName, strParams, null, "RunAs"); return; } // Create shell object var WSShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell"); // Create file system object var FileSys = WScript.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject"); // Get the folder containing the script file var strScriptPath = FileSys.GetParentFolderName(WScript.ScriptFullName); if (strScriptPath == null || strScriptPath == "") strScriptPath = "."; // Get the folder script files copy to var strValue = ""; try { var strVC9Key = "HKLM\\Software\\Microsoft\\VCExpress\\9.0\\Setup\\VC\\ProductDir"; strValue = WSShell.RegRead(strVC9Key); } catch (e) { try { var strVC9Key_x64 = "HKLM\\Software\\Wow6432Node\\Microsoft\\VCExpress\\9.0\\Setup\\VC\\ProductDir"; strValue = WSShell.RegRead(strVC9Key_x64); } catch (e) { EchoError(bQuiet, "Cannot find where Visual C++ 2008 Express is installed."); return; } } var strDestFolder = FileSys.BuildPath(strValue, "Express\\vcprojects"); if (bDebug) WScript.Echo("Destination: " + strDestFolder); if (!FileSys.FolderExists(strDestFolder)) { EchoError(bQuiet, "Cannot find destination folder (should be: " + strDestFolder + ")"); return; } // Wizard Info var nNumWizards = 2; var astrWizardName = new Array(); astrWizardName[0] = "CCAppWiz.win32"; astrWizardName[1] = "CCAppWiz.wophone"; var nCntr; for (nCntr = 0; nCntr < nNumWizards; nCntr++) { var strSourceFolder = FileSys.BuildPath(strScriptPath, astrWizardName[nCntr]); if (bDebug) WScript.Echo("Source: " + strSourceFolder); if (!FileSys.FolderExists(strSourceFolder)) { EchoError(bQuiet, "Cannot find Wizard folder (should be: " + strSourceFolder + ")"); return; } // Copy files try { var strSrc = FileSys.BuildPath(strSourceFolder, astrWizardName[nCntr] + ".ico"); var strDest = FileSys.BuildPath(strDestFolder, astrWizardName[nCntr] + ".ico"); FileSys.CopyFile(strSrc, strDest); strSrc = FileSys.BuildPath(strSourceFolder, astrWizardName[nCntr] + ".vsdir"); strDest = FileSys.BuildPath(strDestFolder, astrWizardName[nCntr] + ".vsdir"); FileSys.CopyFile(strSrc, strDest); } catch (e) { var strError = "no info"; if (e.description.length != 0) strError = e.description; EchoError(bQuiet, "Cannot copy file (" + strError + ")"); return; } // Read and write CCAppWiz.vsz, add engine version and replace path when found try { var strSrc = FileSys.BuildPath(strSourceFolder, astrWizardName[nCntr] + ".vsz"); var strDest = FileSys.BuildPath(strDestFolder, astrWizardName[nCntr] + ".vsz"); var ForReading = 1; var fileSrc = FileSys.OpenTextFile(strSrc, ForReading); if (fileSrc == null) { EchoError(bQuiet, "Cannot open source file: " + strSrc); return; } var ForWriting = 2; var fileDest = FileSys.OpenTextFile(strDest, ForWriting, true); if (fileDest == null) { EchoError(bQuiet, " Cannot open destination file: " + strDest); return; } while (!fileSrc.AtEndOfStream) { var strLine = fileSrc.ReadLine(); if (strLine.indexOf("Wizard=VsWizard.VsWizardEngine") != -1) strLine += ".9.0"; else if (strLine.indexOf("WIZARD_VERSION") != -1) strLine = "Param=\"WIZARD_VERSION = 9.0\""; else if (strLine.indexOf("ABSOLUTE_PATH") != -1) strLine = "Param=\"ABSOLUTE_PATH = " + strSourceFolder + "\""; fileDest.WriteLine(strLine); } fileDest.WriteLine("Param=\"VC_EXPRESS = 1\""); fileSrc.Close(); fileDest.Close(); } catch (e) { var strError = "no info"; if (e.description.length != 0) strError = e.description; EchoError(bQuiet, "Cannot read and write CCAppWiz.vsz (" + strError + ")"); return; } } // Create Cocos2d-x folder var strDestCCFolder = ""; try { strDestCCFolder = FileSys.BuildPath(strDestFolder, "Cocos2d-x"); if (!FileSys.FolderExists(strDestCCFolder)) FileSys.CreateFolder(strDestCCFolder); if (bDebug) WScript.Echo("Cocos2d-x Folder: " + strDestCCFolder); } catch (e) { var strError = "no info"; if (e.description.length != 0) strError = e.description; EchoError(bQuiet, "Cannot create Cocos2d-x folder (" + strError + ")"); return; } // Read and write additional CCAppWiz.vsdir and CCAppWiz.uphone.vsdir, add path to the wizard location try { var strDest = FileSys.BuildPath(strDestCCFolder, "Cocos2d-x.vsdir"); var ForWriting = 2; var fileDest = FileSys.OpenTextFile(strDest, ForWriting, true); if (fileDest == null) { EchoError(bQuiet, "Cannot open destination file: " + strDest); return; } var nCntr; for (nCntr = 0; nCntr < nNumWizards; nCntr++) { var strSourceFolder = FileSys.BuildPath(strScriptPath, astrWizardName[nCntr]); var strSrc = FileSys.BuildPath(strSourceFolder, astrWizardName[nCntr] + ".vsdir"); var ForReading = 1; var fileSrc = FileSys.OpenTextFile(strSrc, ForReading); if (fileSrc == null) { EchoError(bQuiet, "Cannot open source file: " + strSrc); return; } while (!fileSrc.AtEndOfStream) { var strLine = fileSrc.ReadLine(); if (strLine.indexOf(astrWizardName[nCntr] + ".vsz|") != -1) strLine = "..\\" + strLine; fileDest.WriteLine(strLine); } fileSrc.Close(); } fileDest.Close(); } catch (e) { var strError = "no info"; if (e.description.length != 0) strError = e.description; EchoError(bQuiet, "Cannot read and write Cocos2d-x\\CCAppWiz.vsdir (" + strError + ")"); return; } EchoError(bQuiet, "App Wizard successfully installed for VC2008 Express!"); }