/**************************************************************************** Copyright (c) 2010 cocos2d-x.org http://www.cocos2d-x.org Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ****************************************************************************/ #include "ccConfig.h" #include "CCSprite.h" #include "CCSpriteSheet.h" #include "effects/CCGrid.h" #include "CCDrawingPrimitives.h" #include "CCTextureCache.h" #include "CGPointExtension.h" namespace cocos2d { const int defaultCapacity = 29; // creation with CCTexture2D CCSpriteSheet* CCSpriteSheet::spriteSheetWithTexture(CCTexture2D *pobTexture) { CCSpriteSheet *pSpriteSheet = new CCSpriteSheet(); pSpriteSheet->initWithTexture(pobTexture, defaultCapacity); pSpriteSheet->autorelease(); return pSpriteSheet; } CCSpriteSheet* CCSpriteSheet::spriteSheetWithTexture(CCTexture2D *pobTexture, unsigned int uCapacity) { CCSpriteSheet *pSpriteSheet = new CCSpriteSheet(); pSpriteSheet->initWithTexture(pobTexture, uCapacity); pSpriteSheet->autorelease(); return pSpriteSheet; } // creation with file image CCSpriteSheet* CCSpriteSheet::spriteSheetWithFile(const char *pszFileImage, unsigned int uCapacity) { CCSpriteSheet *pSpriteSheet = new CCSpriteSheet(); pSpriteSheet->initWithFile(pszFileImage, uCapacity); pSpriteSheet->autorelease(); return pSpriteSheet; } CCSpriteSheet* CCSpriteSheet::spriteSheetWithFile(const char *pszFileImage) { CCSpriteSheet *pSpriteSheet = new CCSpriteSheet(); pSpriteSheet->initWithFile(pszFileImage, defaultCapacity); pSpriteSheet->autorelease(); return pSpriteSheet; } // init with CCTexture2D bool CCSpriteSheet::initWithTexture(CCTexture2D *pobTexture, unsigned int uCapacity) { m_blendFunc.src = CC_BLEND_SRC; m_blendFunc.dst = CC_BLEND_DST; m_pobTextureAtlas = new CCTextureAtlas(); m_pobTextureAtlas->initWithTexture(pobTexture, uCapacity); updateBlendFunc(); // no lazy alloc in this node m_pChildren = new NSMutableArray(); m_pobDescendants = new NSMutableArray(); return true; } // init with FileImage bool CCSpriteSheet::initWithFile(const char *pszFileImage, unsigned int uCapacity) { CCTexture2D *pTexture2D = CCTextureCache::sharedTextureCache()->addImage(pszFileImage); return initWithTexture(pTexture2D, uCapacity); } CCSpriteSheet::~CCSpriteSheet(void) { m_pobTextureAtlas->release(); m_pobDescendants->release(); } // composition // override visit // don't call visit on it's children void CCSpriteSheet::visit(void) { // CAREFUL: // This visit is almost identical to CocosNode#visit // with the exception that it doesn't call visit on it's children // // The alternative is to have a void CCSprite#visit, but // although this is less mantainable, is faster // if (! m_bIsVisible) { return; } glPushMatrix(); if (m_pGrid && m_pGrid->isActive()) { m_pGrid->beforeDraw(); transformAncestors(); } transform(); draw(); if (m_pGrid && m_pGrid->isActive()) { m_pGrid->afterDraw(this); } glPopMatrix(); } // xxx deprecated CCSprite* CCSpriteSheet::createSpriteWithRect(CGRect rect) { CCSprite *pSprite = new CCSprite(); pSprite->spriteWithTexture(m_pobTextureAtlas->getTexture(), rect); pSprite->useSpriteSheetRender(this); return pSprite; } // override add child CCNode* CCSpriteSheet::addChild(CCNode *child) { return CCNode::addChild(child); } CCNode* CCSpriteSheet::addChild(CCNode *child, int zOrder) { return CCNode::addChild(child, zOrder); } CCNode* CCSpriteSheet::addChild(CCNode *child, int zOrder, int tag) { assert(child != NULL); CCSprite *pSprite = (CCSprite*)(child); // check CCSprite is using the same texture id assert(pSprite->getTexture()->getName() == m_pobTextureAtlas->getTexture()->getName()); CCNode *pRet = CCNode::addChild(child, zOrder, tag); unsigned int uIndex = atlasIndexForChild(pSprite, zOrder); insertChild(pSprite, uIndex); return pRet; } // override reorderChild void CCSpriteSheet::reorderChild(CCNode *child, int zOrder) { assert(child != NULL); assert(m_pChildren->containsObject(child)); if (zOrder == child->getZOrder()) { return; } // xxx: instead of removing/adding, it is more efficient ot reorder manually child->retain(); removeChild(child, false); addChild(child, zOrder); child->release(); } // override remove child void CCSpriteSheet::removeChild(CCNode *child, bool cleanup) { CCSprite *pSprite = (CCSprite*)(child); // explicit null handling if (pSprite == NULL) { return; } assert(m_pChildren->containsObject(pSprite)); // cleanup before removing removeSpriteFromAtlas(pSprite); CCNode::removeChild(pSprite, cleanup); } void CCSpriteSheet::removeChildAtIndex(unsigned int uIndex, bool bDoCleanup) { removeChild((CCSprite*)(m_pChildren->getObjectAtIndex(uIndex)), bDoCleanup); } void CCSpriteSheet::removeAllChildrenWithCleanup(bool bCleanup) { // Invalidate atlas index. issue #569 if (m_pChildren && m_pChildren->count() > 0) { CCSprite *pSprite; NSMutableArray::NSMutableArrayIterator iter; for (iter = m_pChildren->begin(); iter != m_pChildren->end(); ++iter) { pSprite = (CCSprite*)(*iter); if (! pSprite) { break; } pSprite->useSelfRender(); } } CCNode::removeAllChildrenWithCleanup(bCleanup); m_pobDescendants->removeAllObjects(); m_pobTextureAtlas->removeAllQuads(); } // draw void CCSpriteSheet::draw(void) { if (m_pobTextureAtlas->getTotalQuads() == 0) { return; } if (m_pobDescendants && m_pobDescendants->count() > 0) { CCSprite *pSprite; NSMutableArray::NSMutableArrayIterator iter; for (iter = m_pobDescendants->begin(); iter != m_pobDescendants->end(); ++iter) { pSprite = *iter; if (! pSprite) { break; } // fast dispatch if (pSprite->isDirty()) { pSprite->updateTransform(); } #if CC_SPRITESHEET_DEBUG_DRAW CGRect rect = [child boundingBox]; //Issue #528 CGPoint vertices[4]={ ccp(rect.origin.x,rect.origin.y), ccp(rect.origin.x+rect.size.width,rect.origin.y), ccp(rect.origin.x+rect.size.width,rect.origin.y+rect.size.height), ccp(rect.origin.x,rect.origin.y+rect.size.height), }; ccDrawPoly(vertices, 4, YES); #endif // CC_SPRITESHEET_DEBUG_DRAW } } // Default GL states: GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_VERTEX_ARRAY, GL_COLOR_ARRAY, GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY // Needed states: GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_VERTEX_ARRAY, GL_COLOR_ARRAY, GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY // Unneeded states: - bool newBlend = false; if (m_blendFunc.src != CC_BLEND_SRC || m_blendFunc.dst != CC_BLEND_DST) { newBlend = true; glBlendFunc(m_blendFunc.src, m_blendFunc.dst); } m_pobTextureAtlas->drawQuads(); if (newBlend) { glBlendFunc(CC_BLEND_SRC, CC_BLEND_DST); } } void CCSpriteSheet::increaseAtlasCapacity(void) { // if we're going beyond the current TextureAtlas's capacity, // all the previously initialized sprites will need to redo their texture coords // this is likely computationally expensive unsigned int quantity = (m_pobTextureAtlas->getCapacity() + 1) * 4 / 3; CCLOG("cocos2d: CCSpriteSheet: resizing TextureAtlas capacity from %d to %d.", m_pobTextureAtlas->getCapacity(), quantity); if (! m_pobTextureAtlas->resizeCapacity(quantity)) { // serious problems CCLOG("cocos2d: WARNING: Not enough memory to resize the atlas"); assert(false); } } unsigned int CCSpriteSheet::rebuildIndexInOrder(CCSprite *pobParent, unsigned int uIndex) { NSMutableArray *pChildren = pobParent->getChildren(); if (pChildren && pChildren->count() > 0) { CCSprite *pSprite; NSMutableArray::NSMutableArrayIterator iter; for (iter = pChildren->begin(); iter != pChildren->end(); ++iter) { pSprite = (CCSprite*)(*iter); if (! pSprite) { break; } if (pSprite->getZOrder() < 0) { uIndex = rebuildIndexInOrder(pSprite, uIndex); } } } // ignore self (spritesheet) if (! pobParent->isEqual(this)) { pobParent->setAtlasIndex(uIndex); uIndex++; } if (pChildren && pChildren->count() > 0) { CCSprite *pSprite; NSMutableArray::NSMutableArrayIterator iter; for (iter = pChildren->begin(); iter != pChildren->end(); ++iter) { pSprite = (CCSprite*)(*iter); if (! pSprite) { break; } if (pSprite->getZOrder() >= 0) { uIndex = rebuildIndexInOrder(pSprite, uIndex); } } } return uIndex; } unsigned int CCSpriteSheet::highestAtlasIndexInChild(CCSprite *pSprite) { NSMutableArray *pChildren = pSprite->getChildren(); if (! pChildren || pChildren->count() == 0) { return pSprite->getAtlasIndex(); } else { return highestAtlasIndexInChild((CCSprite*)(pChildren->getLastObject())); } } unsigned int CCSpriteSheet::lowestAtlasIndexInChild(CCSprite *pSprite) { NSMutableArray *pChildren = pSprite->getChildren(); if (! pChildren || pChildren->count() == 0) { return pSprite->getAtlasIndex(); } else { return lowestAtlasIndexInChild((CCSprite*)(pChildren->getObjectAtIndex(0))); } } unsigned int CCSpriteSheet::atlasIndexForChild(CCSprite *pobSprite, int nZ) { NSMutableArray *pBrothers = pobSprite->getParent()->getChildren(); unsigned int uChildIndex = pBrothers->getIndexOfObject(pobSprite); // ignore parent Z if parent is spriteSheet bool bIgnoreParent = (CCSpriteSheet*)(pobSprite->getParent()) == this; CCSprite *pPrevious = NULL; if (uChildIndex > 0) { pPrevious = (CCSprite*)(pBrothers->getObjectAtIndex(uChildIndex - 1)); } // first child of the sprite sheet if (bIgnoreParent) { if (uChildIndex == 0) { return 0; } return highestAtlasIndexInChild(pPrevious) + 1; } // parent is a CCSprite, so, it must be taken into account // first child of an CCSprite ? if (uChildIndex == 0) { CCSprite *p = (CCSprite*)(pobSprite->getParent()); // less than parent and brothers if (nZ < 0) { return p->getAtlasIndex(); } else { return p->getAtlasIndex() + 1; } } else { // previous & sprite belong to the same branch if ((pPrevious->getZOrder() < 0 && nZ < 0) || (pPrevious->getZOrder() >= 0 && nZ >= 0)) { return highestAtlasIndexInChild(pPrevious) + 1; } // else (previous < 0 and sprite >= 0 ) CCSprite *p = (CCSprite*)(pobSprite->getParent()); return p->getAtlasIndex() + 1; } // Should not happen. Error calculating Z on SpriteSheet assert(0); return 0; } // add child helper void CCSpriteSheet::insertChild(CCSprite *pobSprite, unsigned int uIndex) { pobSprite->useSpriteSheetRender(this); pobSprite->setAtlasIndex(uIndex); pobSprite->setDirty(true); if (m_pobTextureAtlas->getTotalQuads() == m_pobTextureAtlas->getCapacity()) { increaseAtlasCapacity(); } ccV3F_C4B_T2F_Quad quad = pobSprite->getQuad(); m_pobTextureAtlas->insertQuad(&quad, uIndex); m_pobDescendants->insertObjectAtIndex(pobSprite, uIndex); // update indices unsigned int i = 0; if (m_pobDescendants && m_pobDescendants->count() > 0) { NSMutableArray::NSMutableArrayIterator iter; for (iter = m_pobDescendants->begin(); iter != m_pobDescendants->end(); ++iter) { if (! *iter) { break; } if (i > uIndex) { (*iter)->setAtlasIndex((*iter)->getAtlasIndex() + 1); } ++i; } } // add children recursively NSMutableArray *pChildren = pobSprite->getChildren(); if (pChildren && pChildren->count() > 0) { NSMutableArray::NSMutableArrayIterator iterNode; CCSprite *pSprite; for (iterNode = pChildren->begin(); iterNode != pChildren->end(); ++iterNode) { pSprite = (CCSprite*)(*iterNode); if (! pSprite) { break; } unsigned int uIndex = atlasIndexForChild(pSprite, pSprite->getZOrder()); insertChild(pSprite, uIndex); } } } void CCSpriteSheet::removeSpriteFromAtlas(CCSprite *pobSprite) { // remove from TextureAtlas m_pobTextureAtlas->removeQuadAtIndex(pobSprite->getAtlasIndex()); // Cleanup sprite. It might be reused (issue #569) pobSprite->useSelfRender(); unsigned int uIndex = m_pobDescendants->getIndexOfObject(pobSprite); if (uIndex != -1) { m_pobDescendants->removeObjectAtIndex(uIndex); // update all sprites beyond this one unsigned int count = m_pobDescendants->count(); for(; uIndex < count; ++uIndex) { CCSprite* s = (CCSprite*)(m_pobDescendants->getObjectAtIndex(uIndex)); s->setAtlasIndex( s->getAtlasIndex() - 1 ); } } // remove children recursively NSMutableArray *pChildren = pobSprite->getChildren(); if (pChildren && pChildren->count() > 0) { CCSprite *pSprite; NSMutableArray::NSMutableArrayIterator iter; for (iter = pChildren->begin(); iter != pChildren->end(); ++iter) { pSprite = (CCSprite*)(*iter); if (! pSprite) { break; } removeSpriteFromAtlas(pSprite); } } } void CCSpriteSheet::updateBlendFunc(void) { if (! m_pobTextureAtlas->getTexture()->getHasPremultipliedAlpha()) { m_blendFunc.src = GL_SRC_ALPHA; m_blendFunc.dst = GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA; } } // CocosNodeTexture protocol void CCSpriteSheet::setBlendFunc(ccBlendFunc blendFunc) { m_blendFunc = blendFunc; } ccBlendFunc CCSpriteSheet::getBlendFunc(void) { return m_blendFunc; } CCTexture2D* CCSpriteSheet::getTexture(void) { return m_pobTextureAtlas->getTexture(); } void CCSpriteSheet::setTexture(CCTexture2D *texture) { m_pobTextureAtlas->setTexture(texture); } // CCSpriteSheet Extension //implementation CCSpriteSheet (TMXTiledMapExtension) void CCSpriteSheet::addQuadFromSprite(CCSprite *sprite, unsigned int index) { NSAssert( sprite != NULL, "Argument must be non-nil"); /// @todo NSAssert( [sprite isKindOfClass:[CCSprite class]], @"CCSpriteSheet only supports CCSprites as children"); while(index >= m_pobTextureAtlas->getCapacity() || m_pobTextureAtlas->getCapacity() == m_pobTextureAtlas->getTotalQuads()) { this->increaseAtlasCapacity(); } // // update the quad directly. Don't add the sprite to the scene graph // sprite->useSpriteSheetRender(this); sprite->setAtlasIndex(index); ccV3F_C4B_T2F_Quad quad = sprite->getQuad(); m_pobTextureAtlas->insertQuad(&quad, index); // XXX: updateTransform will update the textureAtlas too using updateQuad. // XXX: so, it should be AFTER the insertQuad sprite->updateTransform(); } CCSpriteSheet * CCSpriteSheet::addSpriteWithoutQuad(CCSprite*child, unsigned int z, int aTag) { NSAssert( child != NULL, "Argument must be non-nil"); /// @todo NSAssert( [child isKindOfClass:[CCSprite class]], @"CCSpriteSheet only supports CCSprites as children"); // quad index is Z child->setAtlasIndex(z); // XXX: optimize with a binary search int i=0; if (m_pobDescendants && m_pobDescendants->count() > 0) { NSMutableArray::NSMutableArrayIterator iter; for (iter = m_pobDescendants->begin(); iter != m_pobDescendants->end(); ++iter) { // fast dispatch if (!(*iter) || (*iter)->getAtlasIndex() >=z) { break; } ++i; } } m_pobDescendants->insertObjectAtIndex(child, i); // IMPORTANT: Call super, and not self. Avoid adding it to the texture atlas array CCNode::addChild(child, z, aTag); return this; } }//namespace cocos2d