/**************************************************************************** Copyright (c) 2018-2019 Xiamen Yaji Software Co., Ltd. http://www.cocos2d-x.org Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ****************************************************************************/ #include "TextureMTL.h" #include "Utils.h" #include "base/ccMacros.h" CC_BACKEND_BEGIN namespace { MTLSamplerAddressMode toMTLSamplerAddressMode(SamplerAddressMode mode) { MTLSamplerAddressMode ret = MTLSamplerAddressModeRepeat; switch (mode) { case SamplerAddressMode::REPEAT: ret = MTLSamplerAddressModeRepeat; break; case SamplerAddressMode::MIRROR_REPEAT: ret = MTLSamplerAddressModeMirrorRepeat; break; case SamplerAddressMode::CLAMP_TO_EDGE: ret = MTLSamplerAddressModeClampToEdge; break; default: CCASSERT(false, "Not supported sampler address mode!"); break; } return ret; } MTLSamplerMinMagFilter toMTLSamplerMinMagFilter(SamplerFilter mode) { switch (mode) { case SamplerFilter::NEAREST: case SamplerFilter::NEAREST_MIPMAP_LINEAR: case SamplerFilter::NEAREST_MIPMAP_NEAREST: return MTLSamplerMinMagFilterNearest; case SamplerFilter::LINEAR: case SamplerFilter::LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR: case SamplerFilter::LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST: return MTLSamplerMinMagFilterLinear; case SamplerFilter::DONT_CARE: return MTLSamplerMinMagFilterNearest; } } void convertRGB2RGBA(uint8_t* src, uint8_t* dst, std::size_t length) { for (std::size_t i = 0; i < length; ++i) { *dst++ = *src++; *dst++ = *src++; *dst++ = *src++; *dst++ = 255; } } bool convertData(uint8_t* src, std::size_t length, PixelFormat format, uint8_t** out) { *out = src; bool converted = false; switch (format) { case PixelFormat::RGB888: { *out = (uint8_t*)malloc(length * 4); convertRGB2RGBA(src, *out, length); converted = true; } break; default: break; } return converted; } bool isColorRenderable(PixelFormat textureFormat) { switch (textureFormat) { case PixelFormat::RGBA8888: case PixelFormat::RGB888: case PixelFormat::RGBA4444: case PixelFormat::RGB565: case PixelFormat::RGB5A1: case PixelFormat::MTL_BGR5A1: case PixelFormat::MTL_B5G6R5: case PixelFormat::MTL_ABGR4: return true; default: return false; } } std::size_t getBytesPerRowETC(MTLPixelFormat pixleFormat, std::size_t width) { std::size_t bytesPerRow = 0; #if (CC_TARGET_PLATFORM == CC_PLATFORM_IOS) uint32_t bytesPerBlock = 0, blockWidth = 4; switch (pixleFormat) { case MTLPixelFormatETC2_RGB8: case MTLPixelFormatETC2_RGB8A1: case MTLPixelFormatEAC_R11Unorm: bytesPerBlock = 8; break; case MTLPixelFormatEAC_RGBA8: case MTLPixelFormatEAC_RG11Unorm: bytesPerBlock = 16; break; default: CCASSERT(false, "Not supported ETC format!"); break; } auto blocksPerRow = (width + (blockWidth - 1)) / blockWidth; bytesPerRow = blocksPerRow * bytesPerBlock; #endif return bytesPerRow; } std::size_t getBytesPerRowASTC(MTLPixelFormat pixleFormat, std::size_t width) { std::size_t bytesPerRow = 0; #if (CC_TARGET_PLATFORM == CC_PLATFORM_IOS) uint32_t bytesPerBlock = 0; switch (pixleFormat) { case MTLPixelFormatASTC_4x4_sRGB: case MTLPixelFormatASTC_4x4_LDR: case MTLPixelFormatASTC_4x4_HDR: bytesPerBlock = 4; break; case MTLPixelFormatASTC_8x8_sRGB: case MTLPixelFormatASTC_8x8_LDR: case MTLPixelFormatASTC_8x8_HDR: bytesPerBlock = 8; break; default: CCASSERT(false, "Not supported ASTC format!"); } bytesPerRow = width * bytesPerBlock; #endif return bytesPerRow; } std::size_t getBytesPerRowS3TC(MTLPixelFormat pixleFormat, std::size_t width) { std::size_t bytesPerRow = 0; #if (CC_TARGET_PLATFORM == CC_PLATFORM_MAC) uint32_t bytesPerBlock = 0, blockWidth = 4; switch (pixleFormat) { case MTLPixelFormatBC1_RGBA: bytesPerBlock = 8; break; case MTLPixelFormatBC2_RGBA: case MTLPixelFormatBC3_RGBA: bytesPerBlock = 16; break; default: break; } auto blocksPerRow = (width + (blockWidth - 1)) / blockWidth; bytesPerRow = blocksPerRow * bytesPerBlock; #endif return bytesPerRow; } std::size_t getBytesPerRow(PixelFormat textureFormat, std::size_t width, std::size_t bitsPerElement) { MTLPixelFormat pixelFormat = Utils::toMTLPixelFormat(textureFormat); std::size_t bytesPerRow = 0; if(textureFormat >= PixelFormat::PVRTC4 && textureFormat <= PixelFormat::PVRTC2A) { bytesPerRow = 0; } else if (textureFormat == PixelFormat::ETC) { bytesPerRow = getBytesPerRowETC(pixelFormat, width); } else if (textureFormat == PixelFormat::ASTC4 || textureFormat == PixelFormat::ASTC8) { bytesPerRow = getBytesPerRowASTC(pixelFormat, width); } else if(textureFormat >= PixelFormat::S3TC_DXT1 && textureFormat <= PixelFormat::S3TC_DXT5) { bytesPerRow = getBytesPerRowS3TC(pixelFormat, width); } else { bytesPerRow = width * bitsPerElement / 8; } return bytesPerRow; } } TextureMTL::TextureMTL(id mtlDevice, const TextureDescriptor& descriptor) : backend::Texture2DBackend(descriptor) { _mtlDevice = mtlDevice; _mtlTextures.fill(nil); updateTextureDescriptor(descriptor); } TextureMTL::~TextureMTL() { id texture; int i = 0; while((texture = _mtlTextures[i++])) [texture release]; [_mtlSamplerState release]; } void TextureMTL::updateSamplerDescriptor(const SamplerDescriptor &sampler, int index) { createSampler(_mtlDevice, sampler); } void TextureMTL::updateTextureDescriptor(const cocos2d::backend::TextureDescriptor &descriptor, int index) { _textureDescriptor = descriptor; TextureBackend::updateTextureDescriptor(descriptor, index); createTexture(_mtlDevice, descriptor, index); updateSamplerDescriptor(descriptor.samplerDescriptor, index); if (PixelFormat::RGB888 == _textureFormat) { _bitsPerElement = 4 * 8; } _bytesPerRow = descriptor.width * _bitsPerElement / 8 ; } void TextureMTL::updateData(uint8_t* data, std::size_t width , std::size_t height, std::size_t level, int index) { updateSubData(0, 0, width, height, level, data, index); } void TextureMTL::updateSubData(std::size_t xoffset, std::size_t yoffset, std::size_t width, std::size_t height, std::size_t level, uint8_t* data, int index) { auto mtlTexture = ensure(index); if(!mtlTexture) return; MTLRegion region = { {xoffset, yoffset, 0}, // MTLOrigin {width, height, 1} // MTLSize }; uint8_t* convertedData = nullptr; bool converted = convertData(data, width * height, _textureFormat, &convertedData); std::size_t bytesPerRow = getBytesPerRow(_textureFormat, width, _bitsPerElement); [mtlTexture replaceRegion:region mipmapLevel:level withBytes:convertedData bytesPerRow:bytesPerRow]; if (converted) free(convertedData); if(!_hasMipmaps && level > 0) _hasMipmaps = true; } void TextureMTL::updateCompressedData(uint8_t *data, std::size_t width, std::size_t height, std::size_t dataLen, std::size_t level, int index) { updateCompressedSubData(0, 0, width, height, dataLen, level, data, index); } void TextureMTL::updateCompressedSubData(std::size_t xoffset, std::size_t yoffset, std::size_t width, std::size_t height, std::size_t dataLen, std::size_t level, uint8_t *data, int index) { updateSubData(xoffset, yoffset, width, height, level, data, index); } void TextureMTL::createTexture(id mtlDevice, const TextureDescriptor& descriptor, int index) { MTLPixelFormat pixelFormat = Utils::toMTLPixelFormat(descriptor.textureFormat); if(pixelFormat == MTLPixelFormatInvalid) return; MTLTextureDescriptor* textureDescriptor = [MTLTextureDescriptor texture2DDescriptorWithPixelFormat:pixelFormat width:descriptor.width height:descriptor.height mipmapped:YES]; if (TextureUsage::RENDER_TARGET == descriptor.textureUsage) { //DepthStencil, and Multisample textures must be allocated with the MTLResourceStorageModePrivate resource option if(PixelFormat::D24S8 == descriptor.textureFormat) textureDescriptor.resourceOptions = MTLResourceStorageModePrivate; textureDescriptor.usage = MTLTextureUsageRenderTarget | MTLTextureUsageShaderRead; } id& mtlTexture = _mtlTextures[index]; if(mtlTexture) [mtlTexture release]; mtlTexture = [mtlDevice newTextureWithDescriptor:textureDescriptor]; } void TextureMTL::createSampler(id mtlDevice, const SamplerDescriptor &descriptor) { MTLSamplerDescriptor *mtlDescriptor = [MTLSamplerDescriptor new]; mtlDescriptor.sAddressMode = descriptor.sAddressMode == SamplerAddressMode::DONT_CARE ? _sAddressMode : toMTLSamplerAddressMode(descriptor.sAddressMode); mtlDescriptor.tAddressMode = descriptor.tAddressMode == SamplerAddressMode::DONT_CARE ? _tAddressMode : toMTLSamplerAddressMode(descriptor.tAddressMode); mtlDescriptor.minFilter = descriptor.minFilter == SamplerFilter::DONT_CARE ? _minFilter : toMTLSamplerMinMagFilter(descriptor.minFilter); mtlDescriptor.magFilter = descriptor.magFilter == SamplerFilter::DONT_CARE ? _magFilter : toMTLSamplerMinMagFilter(descriptor.magFilter); if(_mtlSamplerState) { [_mtlSamplerState release]; _mtlSamplerState = nil; } _sAddressMode = mtlDescriptor.sAddressMode; _tAddressMode = mtlDescriptor.tAddressMode; _minFilter = mtlDescriptor.minFilter; _magFilter = mtlDescriptor.magFilter; _mipFilter = mtlDescriptor.mipFilter; _mtlSamplerState = [mtlDevice newSamplerStateWithDescriptor:mtlDescriptor]; [mtlDescriptor release]; } void TextureMTL::getBytes(std::size_t x, std::size_t y, std::size_t width, std::size_t height, bool flipImage, std::function callback) { CC_ASSERT(width <= _width && height <= _height); auto bitsPerElement = _bitsPerElement; auto flipImageFunc = [callback, flipImage, bitsPerElement](const unsigned char* image, int width, int height){ //consistent with opengl behavior auto bytePerRow = width * bitsPerElement / 8; if(!flipImage) { unsigned char* flippedImage = new unsigned char[bytePerRow * height]; for (int i = 0; i < height; ++i) { memcpy(&flippedImage[i * bytePerRow], &image[(height - i - 1) * bytePerRow], bytePerRow); } callback(flippedImage, width, height); CC_SAFE_DELETE_ARRAY(flippedImage); } else { callback(image, width, height); } }; auto flipImageCallback = std::bind(flipImageFunc, std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2, std::placeholders::_3); Utils::getTextureBytes(x, y, width, height, _mtlTextures[0], flipImageCallback); } void TextureMTL::generateMipmaps() { if (TextureUsage::RENDER_TARGET == _textureUsage || isColorRenderable(_textureFormat) == false) return; if(!_hasMipmaps) { _hasMipmaps = true; Utils::generateMipmaps(_mtlTextures[0]); } } id TextureMTL::ensure(int index) { if(index < CC_META_TEXTURES) { id& mtlTexture = _mtlTextures[index]; if(mtlTexture) return mtlTexture; createTexture(_mtlDevice, _textureDescriptor, index); if(_mtlMaxTexIdx < index) _mtlMaxTexIdx = index; return mtlTexture; } return nil; } TextureCubeMTL::TextureCubeMTL(id mtlDevice, const TextureDescriptor& descriptor) : backend::TextureCubemapBackend(descriptor) { _mtlDevice = mtlDevice; updateTextureDescriptor(descriptor); } TextureCubeMTL::~TextureCubeMTL() { [_mtlTexture release]; [_mtlSamplerState release]; } void TextureCubeMTL::updateTextureDescriptor(const cocos2d::backend::TextureDescriptor &descriptor, int index) { TextureBackend::updateTextureDescriptor(descriptor); createTexture(_mtlDevice, descriptor); updateSamplerDescriptor(descriptor.samplerDescriptor); // Metal doesn't support RGB888/RGBA4444, so should convert to RGBA888; if (PixelFormat::RGB888 == _textureFormat) { _bitsPerElement = 4 * 8; } _bytesPerRow = descriptor.width * _bitsPerElement / 8 ; _bytesPerImage = _bytesPerRow * descriptor.width; _region = MTLRegionMake2D(0, 0, descriptor.width, descriptor.height); } void TextureCubeMTL::createTexture(id mtlDevice, const TextureDescriptor& descriptor) { MTLPixelFormat pixelFormat = Utils::toMTLPixelFormat(descriptor.textureFormat); if(pixelFormat == MTLPixelFormatInvalid) return; MTLTextureDescriptor* textureDescriptor = [MTLTextureDescriptor textureCubeDescriptorWithPixelFormat:pixelFormat size:descriptor.width mipmapped:YES]; if (TextureUsage::RENDER_TARGET == descriptor.textureUsage) { textureDescriptor.resourceOptions = MTLResourceStorageModePrivate; textureDescriptor.usage = MTLTextureUsageRenderTarget | MTLTextureUsageShaderRead; } if(_mtlTexture) [_mtlTexture release]; _mtlTexture = [mtlDevice newTextureWithDescriptor:textureDescriptor]; } void TextureCubeMTL::createSampler(id mtlDevice, const SamplerDescriptor &descriptor) { MTLSamplerDescriptor *mtlDescriptor = [MTLSamplerDescriptor new]; mtlDescriptor.sAddressMode = descriptor.sAddressMode == SamplerAddressMode::DONT_CARE ? _sAddressMode : toMTLSamplerAddressMode(descriptor.sAddressMode); mtlDescriptor.tAddressMode = descriptor.tAddressMode == SamplerAddressMode::DONT_CARE ? _tAddressMode : toMTLSamplerAddressMode(descriptor.tAddressMode); mtlDescriptor.minFilter = descriptor.minFilter == SamplerFilter::DONT_CARE ? _minFilter : toMTLSamplerMinMagFilter(descriptor.minFilter); mtlDescriptor.magFilter = descriptor.magFilter == SamplerFilter::DONT_CARE ? _magFilter : toMTLSamplerMinMagFilter(descriptor.magFilter); if(_mtlSamplerState) { [_mtlSamplerState release]; _mtlSamplerState = nil; } _sAddressMode = mtlDescriptor.sAddressMode; _tAddressMode = mtlDescriptor.tAddressMode; _minFilter = mtlDescriptor.minFilter; _magFilter = mtlDescriptor.magFilter; _mipFilter = mtlDescriptor.mipFilter; _mtlSamplerState = [mtlDevice newSamplerStateWithDescriptor:mtlDescriptor]; [mtlDescriptor release]; } void TextureCubeMTL::updateSamplerDescriptor(const SamplerDescriptor &sampler, int /*index*/) { createSampler(_mtlDevice, sampler); } void TextureCubeMTL::updateFaceData(TextureCubeFace side, void *data) { NSUInteger slice = static_cast(side); [_mtlTexture replaceRegion:_region mipmapLevel:0 slice:slice withBytes:data bytesPerRow:_bytesPerRow bytesPerImage:_bytesPerImage]; } void TextureCubeMTL::getBytes(std::size_t x, std::size_t y, std::size_t width, std::size_t height, bool flipImage, std::function callback) { CC_ASSERT(width <= _mtlTexture.width && height <= _mtlTexture.height); auto bitsPerElement = _bitsPerElement; auto flipImageFunc = [callback, flipImage, bitsPerElement](const unsigned char* image, int width, int height){ //consistent with opengl behavior auto bytePerRow = width * bitsPerElement / 8; if(!flipImage) { unsigned char* flippedImage = new unsigned char[bytePerRow * height]; for (int i = 0; i < height; ++i) { memcpy(&flippedImage[i * bytePerRow], &image[(height - i - 1) * bytePerRow], bytePerRow); } callback(flippedImage, width, height); CC_SAFE_DELETE_ARRAY(flippedImage); } else { callback(image, width, height); } }; auto flipImageCallback = std::bind(flipImageFunc, std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2, std::placeholders::_3); Utils::getTextureBytes(x, y, width, height, _mtlTexture, flipImageCallback); } void TextureCubeMTL::generateMipmaps() { if (TextureUsage::RENDER_TARGET == _textureUsage || isColorRenderable(_textureFormat) == false) return; if(!_hasMipmaps) { _hasMipmaps = true; Utils::generateMipmaps(_mtlTexture); } } CC_BACKEND_END