// // Copyright 2012-2015, Syoyo Fujita. // // Licensed under 2-clause BSD license. // // // version 0.9.13: Report "Material file not found message" in `err`(#46) // version 0.9.12: Fix groups being ignored if they have 'usemtl' just before 'g' (#44) // version 0.9.11: Invert `Tr` parameter(#43) // version 0.9.10: Fix seg fault on windows. // version 0.9.9 : Replace atof() with custom parser. // version 0.9.8 : Fix multi-materials(per-face material ID). // version 0.9.7 : Support multi-materials(per-face material ID) per // object/group. // version 0.9.6 : Support Ni(index of refraction) mtl parameter. // Parse transmittance material parameter correctly. // version 0.9.5 : Parse multiple group name. // Add support of specifying the base path to load material file. // version 0.9.4 : Initial support of group tag(g) // version 0.9.3 : Fix parsing triple 'x/y/z' // version 0.9.2 : Add more .mtl load support // version 0.9.1 : Add initial .mtl load support // version 0.9.0 : Initial // #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "platform/CCFileUtils.h" #include "base/ccUtils.h" #include "3d/CCObjLoader.h" namespace tinyobj { #define TINYOBJ_SSCANF_BUFFER_SIZE (4096) struct vertex_index { int v_idx, vt_idx, vn_idx; vertex_index(){}; vertex_index(int idx) : v_idx(idx), vt_idx(idx), vn_idx(idx){}; vertex_index(int vidx, int vtidx, int vnidx) : v_idx(vidx), vt_idx(vtidx), vn_idx(vnidx){}; }; // for std::map static inline bool operator<(const vertex_index &a, const vertex_index &b) { if (a.v_idx != b.v_idx) return (a.v_idx < b.v_idx); if (a.vn_idx != b.vn_idx) return (a.vn_idx < b.vn_idx); if (a.vt_idx != b.vt_idx) return (a.vt_idx < b.vt_idx); return false; } struct obj_shape { std::vector v; std::vector vn; std::vector vt; }; static inline bool isSpace(const char c) { return (c == ' ') || (c == '\t'); } static inline bool isNewLine(const char c) { return (c == '\r') || (c == '\n') || (c == '\0'); } // Make index zero-base, and also support relative index. static inline int fixIndex(int idx, int n) { if (idx > 0) return idx - 1; if (idx == 0) return 0; return n + idx; // negative value = relative } static inline std::string parseString(const char *&token) { std::string s; token += strspn(token, " \t"); size_t e = strcspn(token, " \t\r"); s = std::string(token, &token[e]); token += e; return s; } static inline int parseInt(const char *&token) { token += strspn(token, " \t"); int i = atoi(token); token += strcspn(token, " \t\r"); return i; } // Tries to parse a floating point number located at s. // // s_end should be a location in the string where reading should absolutely // stop. For example at the end of the string, to prevent buffer overflows. // // Parses the following EBNF grammar: // sign = "+" | "-" ; // END = ? anything not in digit ? // digit = "0" | "1" | "2" | "3" | "4" | "5" | "6" | "7" | "8" | "9" ; // integer = [sign] , digit , {digit} ; // decimal = integer , ["." , integer] ; // float = ( decimal , END ) | ( decimal , ("E" | "e") , integer , END ) ; // // Valid strings are for example: // -0 +3.1417e+2 -0.0E-3 1.0324 -1.41 11e2 // // If the parsing is a success, result is set to the parsed value and true // is returned. // // The function is greedy and will parse until any of the following happens: // - a non-conforming character is encountered. // - s_end is reached. // // The following situations triggers a failure: // - s >= s_end. // - parse failure. // static bool tryParseDouble(const char *s, const char *s_end, double *result) { if (s >= s_end) { return false; } double mantissa = 0.0; // This exponent is base 2 rather than 10. // However the exponent we parse is supposed to be one of ten, // thus we must take care to convert the exponent/and or the // mantissa to a * 2^E, where a is the mantissa and E is the // exponent. // To get the final double we will use ldexp, it requires the // exponent to be in base 2. int exponent = 0; // NOTE: THESE MUST BE DECLARED HERE SINCE WE ARE NOT ALLOWED // TO JUMP OVER DEFINITIONS. char sign = '+'; char exp_sign = '+'; char const *curr = s; // How many characters were read in a loop. int read = 0; // Tells whether a loop terminated due to reaching s_end. bool end_not_reached = false; /* BEGIN PARSING. */ // Find out what sign we've got. if (*curr == '+' || *curr == '-') { sign = *curr; curr++; } else if (isdigit(*curr)) { /* Pass through. */ } else { goto fail; } // Read the integer part. while ((end_not_reached = (curr != s_end)) && isdigit(*curr)) { mantissa *= 10; mantissa += static_cast(*curr - 0x30); curr++; read++; } // We must make sure we actually got something. if (read == 0) goto fail; // We allow numbers of form "#", "###" etc. if (!end_not_reached) goto assemble; // Read the decimal part. if (*curr == '.') { curr++; read = 1; while ((end_not_reached = (curr != s_end)) && isdigit(*curr)) { // NOTE: Don't use powf here, it will absolutely murder precision. mantissa += static_cast(*curr - 0x30) * pow(10.0, -read); read++; curr++; } } else if (*curr == 'e' || *curr == 'E') {} else { goto assemble; } if (!end_not_reached) goto assemble; // Read the exponent part. if (*curr == 'e' || *curr == 'E') { curr++; // Figure out if a sign is present and if it is. if ((end_not_reached = (curr != s_end)) && (*curr == '+' || *curr == '-')) { exp_sign = *curr; curr++; } else if (isdigit(*curr)) { /* Pass through. */ } else { // Empty E is not allowed. goto fail; } read = 0; while ((end_not_reached = (curr != s_end)) && isdigit(*curr)) { exponent *= 10; exponent += static_cast(*curr - 0x30); curr++; read++; } exponent *= (exp_sign == '+'? 1 : -1); if (read == 0) goto fail; } assemble: *result = (sign == '+'? 1 : -1) * ldexp(mantissa * pow(5.0, exponent), exponent); return true; fail: return false; } static inline float parseFloat(const char *&token) { token += strspn(token, " \t"); #ifdef TINY_OBJ_LOADER_OLD_FLOAT_PARSER float f = (float)utils::atof(token); token += strcspn(token, " \t\r"); #else const char *end = token + strcspn(token, " \t\r"); double val = 0.0; tryParseDouble(token, end, &val); float f = static_cast(val); token = end; #endif return f; } static inline void parseFloat2(float &x, float &y, const char *&token) { x = parseFloat(token); y = parseFloat(token); } static inline void parseFloat3(float &x, float &y, float &z, const char *&token) { x = parseFloat(token); y = parseFloat(token); z = parseFloat(token); } // Parse triples: i, i/j/k, i//k, i/j static vertex_index parseTriple(const char *&token, int vsize, int vnsize, int vtsize) { vertex_index vi(-1); vi.v_idx = fixIndex(atoi(token), vsize); token += strcspn(token, "/ \t\r"); if (token[0] != '/') { return vi; } token++; // i//k if (token[0] == '/') { token++; vi.vn_idx = fixIndex(atoi(token), vnsize); token += strcspn(token, "/ \t\r"); return vi; } // i/j/k or i/j vi.vt_idx = fixIndex(atoi(token), vtsize); token += strcspn(token, "/ \t\r"); if (token[0] != '/') { return vi; } // i/j/k token++; // skip '/' vi.vn_idx = fixIndex(atoi(token), vnsize); token += strcspn(token, "/ \t\r"); return vi; } static unsigned int updateVertex(std::map &vertexCache, std::vector &positions, std::vector &normals, std::vector &texcoords, const std::vector &in_positions, const std::vector &in_normals, const std::vector &in_texcoords, const vertex_index &i) { const std::map::iterator it = vertexCache.find(i); if (it != vertexCache.end()) { // found cache return it->second; } assert(in_positions.size() > (unsigned int)(3 * i.v_idx + 2)); positions.push_back(in_positions[3 * i.v_idx + 0]); positions.push_back(in_positions[3 * i.v_idx + 1]); positions.push_back(in_positions[3 * i.v_idx + 2]); if (i.vn_idx >= 0) { normals.push_back(in_normals[3 * i.vn_idx + 0]); normals.push_back(in_normals[3 * i.vn_idx + 1]); normals.push_back(in_normals[3 * i.vn_idx + 2]); } if (i.vt_idx >= 0) { texcoords.push_back(in_texcoords[2 * i.vt_idx + 0]); texcoords.push_back(in_texcoords[2 * i.vt_idx + 1]); } unsigned int idx = static_cast(positions.size() / 3 - 1); vertexCache[i] = idx; return idx; } void InitMaterial(material_t &material) { material.name = ""; material.ambient_texname = ""; material.diffuse_texname = ""; material.specular_texname = ""; material.normal_texname = ""; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { material.ambient[i] = 0.f; material.diffuse[i] = 0.f; material.specular[i] = 0.f; material.transmittance[i] = 0.f; material.emission[i] = 0.f; } material.illum = 0; material.dissolve = 1.f; material.shininess = 1.f; material.ior = 1.f; material.unknown_parameter.clear(); } static bool exportFaceGroupToShape( shape_t &shape, std::map vertexCache, const std::vector &in_positions, const std::vector &in_normals, const std::vector &in_texcoords, const std::vector > &faceGroup, const int material_id, const std::string &name, bool clearCache) { if (faceGroup.empty()) { return false; } // Flatten vertices and indices for (size_t i = 0; i < faceGroup.size(); i++) { const std::vector &face = faceGroup[i]; vertex_index i0 = face[0]; vertex_index i1(-1); vertex_index i2 = face[1]; size_t npolys = face.size(); // Polygon -> triangle fan conversion for (size_t k = 2; k < npolys; k++) { i1 = i2; i2 = face[k]; unsigned int v0 = updateVertex( vertexCache, shape.mesh.positions, shape.mesh.normals, shape.mesh.texcoords, in_positions, in_normals, in_texcoords, i0); unsigned int v1 = updateVertex( vertexCache, shape.mesh.positions, shape.mesh.normals, shape.mesh.texcoords, in_positions, in_normals, in_texcoords, i1); unsigned int v2 = updateVertex( vertexCache, shape.mesh.positions, shape.mesh.normals, shape.mesh.texcoords, in_positions, in_normals, in_texcoords, i2); shape.mesh.indices.push_back(v0); shape.mesh.indices.push_back(v1); shape.mesh.indices.push_back(v2); shape.mesh.material_ids.push_back(material_id); } } shape.name = name; if (clearCache) vertexCache.clear(); return true; } static std::string& replacePathSeperator(std::string& path) { for (std::string::size_type i = 0; i < path.size(); i++) { if (path[i] == '\\') path[i] = '/'; } return path; } std::string LoadMtl(std::map &material_map, std::vector &materials, std::istream &inStream) { std::stringstream err; // Create a default material anyway. material_t material; InitMaterial(material); int maxchars = 8192; // Alloc enough size. std::vector buf(maxchars); // Alloc enough size. while (inStream.peek() != -1) { inStream.getline(&buf[0], maxchars); std::string linebuf(&buf[0]); // Trim newline '\r\n' or '\n' if (linebuf.size() > 0) { if (linebuf[linebuf.size() - 1] == '\n') linebuf.erase(linebuf.size() - 1); } if (linebuf.size() > 0) { if (linebuf[linebuf.size() - 1] == '\r') linebuf.erase(linebuf.size() - 1); } // Skip if empty line. if (linebuf.empty()) { continue; } // Skip leading space. const char *token = linebuf.c_str(); token += strspn(token, " \t"); assert(token); if (token[0] == '\0') continue; // empty line if (token[0] == '#') continue; // comment line // new mtl if ((0 == strncmp(token, "newmtl", 6)) && isSpace((token[6]))) { // flush previous material. if (!material.name.empty()) { material_map.insert( std::pair(material.name, static_cast(materials.size()))); materials.push_back(material); } // initial temporary material InitMaterial(material); // set new mtl name char namebuf[TINYOBJ_SSCANF_BUFFER_SIZE]; token += 7; #ifdef _MSC_VER sscanf_s(token, "%s", namebuf, _countof(namebuf)); #else sscanf(token, "%s", namebuf); #endif material.name = namebuf; continue; } // ambient if (token[0] == 'K' && token[1] == 'a' && isSpace((token[2]))) { token += 2; float r, g, b; parseFloat3(r, g, b, token); material.ambient[0] = r; material.ambient[1] = g; material.ambient[2] = b; continue; } // diffuse if (token[0] == 'K' && token[1] == 'd' && isSpace((token[2]))) { token += 2; float r, g, b; parseFloat3(r, g, b, token); material.diffuse[0] = r; material.diffuse[1] = g; material.diffuse[2] = b; continue; } // specular if (token[0] == 'K' && token[1] == 's' && isSpace((token[2]))) { token += 2; float r, g, b; parseFloat3(r, g, b, token); material.specular[0] = r; material.specular[1] = g; material.specular[2] = b; continue; } // transmittance if (token[0] == 'K' && token[1] == 't' && isSpace((token[2]))) { token += 2; float r, g, b; parseFloat3(r, g, b, token); material.transmittance[0] = r; material.transmittance[1] = g; material.transmittance[2] = b; continue; } // ior(index of refraction) if (token[0] == 'N' && token[1] == 'i' && isSpace((token[2]))) { token += 2; material.ior = parseFloat(token); continue; } // emission if (token[0] == 'K' && token[1] == 'e' && isSpace(token[2])) { token += 2; float r, g, b; parseFloat3(r, g, b, token); material.emission[0] = r; material.emission[1] = g; material.emission[2] = b; continue; } // shininess if (token[0] == 'N' && token[1] == 's' && isSpace(token[2])) { token += 2; material.shininess = parseFloat(token); continue; } // illum model if (0 == strncmp(token, "illum", 5) && isSpace(token[5])) { token += 6; material.illum = parseInt(token); continue; } // dissolve if ((token[0] == 'd' && isSpace(token[1]))) { token += 1; material.dissolve = parseFloat(token); continue; } if (token[0] == 'T' && token[1] == 'r' && isSpace(token[2])) { token += 2; // Invert value of Tr(assume Tr is in range [0, 1]) material.dissolve = 1.0f - parseFloat(token); continue; } // ambient texture if ((0 == strncmp(token, "map_Ka", 6)) && isSpace(token[6])) { token += 7; material.ambient_texname = token; replacePathSeperator(material.ambient_texname); continue; } // diffuse texture if ((0 == strncmp(token, "map_Kd", 6)) && isSpace(token[6])) { token += 7; material.diffuse_texname = token; replacePathSeperator(material.diffuse_texname); continue; } // specular texture if ((0 == strncmp(token, "map_Ks", 6)) && isSpace(token[6])) { token += 7; material.specular_texname = token; replacePathSeperator(material.specular_texname); continue; } // normal texture if ((0 == strncmp(token, "map_Ns", 6)) && isSpace(token[6])) { token += 7; material.normal_texname = token; replacePathSeperator(material.normal_texname); continue; } // unknown parameter const char *_space = strchr(token, ' '); if (!_space) { _space = strchr(token, '\t'); } if (_space) { std::ptrdiff_t len = _space - token; std::string key(token, len); std::string value = _space + 1; material.unknown_parameter.insert( std::pair(key, value)); } } // flush last material. material_map.insert( std::pair(material.name, static_cast(materials.size()))); materials.push_back(material); return err.str(); } std::string MaterialFileReader::operator()(const std::string &matId, std::vector &materials, std::map &matMap) { std::string filepath; if (!m_mtlBasePath.empty()) { filepath = std::string(m_mtlBasePath) + matId; } else { filepath = matId; } std::istringstream matIStream(cocos2d::FileUtils::getInstance()->getStringFromFile(filepath)); std::string err = LoadMtl(matMap, materials, matIStream); if (!matIStream) { std::stringstream ss; ss << "WARN: Material file [ " << filepath << " ] not found. Created a default material."; err += ss.str(); } return err; } std::string LoadObj(std::vector &shapes, std::vector &materials, // [output] const char *filename, const char *mtl_basepath) { shapes.clear(); std::stringstream err; std::istringstream ifs(cocos2d::FileUtils::getInstance()->getStringFromFile(filename)); if (!ifs) { err << "Cannot open file [" << filename << "]" << std::endl; return err.str(); } std::string basePath; if (mtl_basepath) { basePath = mtl_basepath; } MaterialFileReader matFileReader(basePath); return LoadObj(shapes, materials, ifs, matFileReader); } std::string LoadObj(std::vector &shapes, std::vector &materials, // [output] std::istream &inStream, MaterialReader &readMatFn) { std::stringstream err; std::vector v; std::vector vn; std::vector vt; std::vector > faceGroup; std::string name; // material std::map material_map; std::map vertexCache; int material = -1; shape_t shape; int maxchars = 8192; // Alloc enough size. std::vector buf(maxchars); // Alloc enough size. while (inStream.peek() != -1) { inStream.getline(&buf[0], maxchars); std::string linebuf(&buf[0]); // Trim newline '\r\n' or '\n' if (linebuf.size() > 0) { if (linebuf[linebuf.size() - 1] == '\n') linebuf.erase(linebuf.size() - 1); } if (linebuf.size() > 0) { if (linebuf[linebuf.size() - 1] == '\r') linebuf.erase(linebuf.size() - 1); } // Skip if empty line. if (linebuf.empty()) { continue; } // Skip leading space. const char *token = linebuf.c_str(); token += strspn(token, " \t"); assert(token); if (token[0] == '\0') continue; // empty line if (token[0] == '#') continue; // comment line // vertex if (token[0] == 'v' && isSpace((token[1]))) { token += 2; float x, y, z; parseFloat3(x, y, z, token); v.push_back(x); v.push_back(y); v.push_back(z); continue; } // normal if (token[0] == 'v' && token[1] == 'n' && isSpace((token[2]))) { token += 3; float x, y, z; parseFloat3(x, y, z, token); vn.push_back(x); vn.push_back(y); vn.push_back(z); continue; } // texcoord if (token[0] == 'v' && token[1] == 't' && isSpace((token[2]))) { token += 3; float x, y; parseFloat2(x, y, token); vt.push_back(x); vt.push_back(y); continue; } // face if (token[0] == 'f' && isSpace((token[1]))) { token += 2; token += strspn(token, " \t"); std::vector face; while (!isNewLine(token[0])) { vertex_index vi = parseTriple(token, static_cast(v.size() / 3), static_cast(vn.size() / 3), static_cast(vt.size() / 2)); face.push_back(vi); size_t n = strspn(token, " \t\r"); token += n; } faceGroup.push_back(face); continue; } // use mtl if ((0 == strncmp(token, "usemtl", 6)) && isSpace((token[6]))) { char namebuf[TINYOBJ_SSCANF_BUFFER_SIZE]; token += 7; #ifdef _MSC_VER sscanf_s(token, "%s", namebuf, _countof(namebuf)); #else sscanf(token, "%s", namebuf); #endif // Create face group per material. bool ret = exportFaceGroupToShape(shape, vertexCache, v, vn, vt, faceGroup, material, name, true); if (ret) { shapes.push_back(shape); } shape = shape_t(); faceGroup.clear(); if (material_map.find(namebuf) != material_map.end()) { material = material_map[namebuf]; } else { // { error!! material not found } material = -1; } continue; } // load mtl if ((0 == strncmp(token, "mtllib", 6)) && isSpace((token[6]))) { char namebuf[TINYOBJ_SSCANF_BUFFER_SIZE]; token += 7; #ifdef _MSC_VER sscanf_s(token, "%s", namebuf, _countof(namebuf)); #else sscanf(token, "%s", namebuf); #endif std::string err_mtl = readMatFn(namebuf, materials, material_map); if (!err_mtl.empty()) { faceGroup.clear(); // for safety return err_mtl; } continue; } // group name if (token[0] == 'g' && isSpace((token[1]))) { // flush previous face group. bool ret = exportFaceGroupToShape(shape, vertexCache, v, vn, vt, faceGroup, material, name, true); if (ret) { shapes.push_back(shape); } shape = shape_t(); // material = -1; faceGroup.clear(); std::vector names; while (!isNewLine(token[0])) { std::string str = parseString(token); names.push_back(str); token += strspn(token, " \t\r"); // skip tag } assert(names.size() > 0); // names[0] must be 'g', so skip the 0th element. if (names.size() > 1) { name = names[1]; } else { name = ""; } continue; } // object name if (token[0] == 'o' && isSpace((token[1]))) { // flush previous face group. bool ret = exportFaceGroupToShape(shape, vertexCache, v, vn, vt, faceGroup, material, name, true); if (ret) { shapes.push_back(shape); } // material = -1; faceGroup.clear(); shape = shape_t(); // @todo { multiple object name? } char namebuf[TINYOBJ_SSCANF_BUFFER_SIZE]; token += 2; #ifdef _MSC_VER sscanf_s(token, "%s", namebuf, _countof(namebuf)); #else sscanf(token, "%s", namebuf); #endif name = std::string(namebuf); continue; } // Ignore unknown command. } bool ret = exportFaceGroupToShape(shape, vertexCache, v, vn, vt, faceGroup, material, name, true); if (ret) { shapes.push_back(shape); } faceGroup.clear(); // for safety return err.str(); } }