class CCImage : public CCObject { CCImage(); ~CCImage(); /* typedef enum { kFmtJpg = 0, kFmtPng, kFmtTiff, kFmtWebp, kFmtRawData, kFmtUnKnown }EImageFormat; typedef enum { kAlignCenter = 0x33, ///< Horizontal center and vertical center. kAlignTop = 0x13, ///< Horizontal center and vertical top. kAlignTopRight = 0x12, ///< Horizontal right and vertical top. kAlignRight = 0x32, ///< Horizontal right and vertical center. kAlignBottomRight = 0x22, ///< Horizontal right and vertical bottom. kAlignBottom = 0x23, ///< Horizontal center and vertical bottom. kAlignBottomLeft = 0x21, ///< Horizontal left and vertical bottom. kAlignLeft = 0x31, ///< Horizontal left and vertical center. kAlignTopLeft = 0x11, ///< Horizontal left and vertical top. }ETextAlign; typedef enum { kColorGray = 0, kColorRGB, }EColorType; bool initWithImageFile(const char * strPath); bool initWithImageData(void * pData, int nDataLen, int nWidth = 0, int nHeight = 0, int nBitsPerComponent = 8); bool initWithString( const char * pText, int nWidth = 0, int nHeight = 0, ETextAlign eAlignMask = kAlignCenter, const char * pFontName = 0, int nSize = 0); */ unsigned char * getData(); int getDataLen(); bool hasAlpha(); bool isPremultipliedAlpha(); bool saveToFile(const char *pszFilePath, bool bIsToRGB = true); int getWidth(); int getHeight(); int getBitPerPixel(); };