/* * showcasing actions */ /** * simple wrappers */ cocos.Point.create = function (x, y) { var pt = new cocos.Point(); pt.x = x; pt.y = y; return pt; }; cocos.Size.create = function (w, h) { var sz = new cocos.Size(); sz.width = w; sz.height = h; return sz; }; cocos.Sprite.create = function (file) { var s = new cocos.Sprite(); s.initWithFile(file); return s; }; var pointZero = cocos.Point.create(0, 0); var sizeZero = cocos.Size.create(0, 0); var director = cocos.Director.sharedDirector(); var winSize = director.winSize; var scenes = {}; scenes.currentScene = 1; /** * tests the most basic function: moveTo and moveBy */ scenes['test_move'] = function () { var s1 = new cocos.Sprite.create("grossini_dance_05.png"); s1.position = cocos.Point.create(winSize.width / 2 + 50, winSize.height / 2); var s2 = new cocos.Sprite.create("grossinis_sister1.png"); s2.position = cocos.Point.create(winSize.width / 2 - 50, winSize.height / 2); var moveTo = new cocos.MoveTo(); moveTo.initWithDuration(2.0, cocos.Point.create(winSize.width, winSize.height / 2)); var moveBy = new cocos.MoveBy(); moveBy.initWithDuration(2.0, cocos.Point.create(100, 100)); s1.runAction(moveTo); s2.runAction(moveBy); var scene = new cocos.Scene(); scene.init(); scene.addChild(s1); scene.addChild(s2); // add the menu var menu = createMenu("Test Move"); scene.addChild(menu, 1); return scene; }; scenes['test_rotate'] = function () { var s1 = new cocos.Sprite.create("grossini_dance_05.png"); s1.position = cocos.Point.create(winSize.width / 2 + 50, winSize.height / 2); var s2 = new cocos.Sprite.create("grossinis_sister1.png"); s2.rotation = 90; s2.position = cocos.Point.create(winSize.width / 2 - 100, winSize.height / 2); var rotateTo = new cocos.RotateTo(); rotateTo.initWithDuration(1.0, 180.0); var rotateBy = new cocos.RotateBy(); rotateBy.initWithDuration(2.0, 90); s1.runAction(rotateTo); s2.runAction(rotateBy); var scene = new cocos.Scene(); scene.init(); scene.addChild(s1); scene.addChild(s2); // add the menu var menu = createMenu("Test Rotate"); scene.addChild(menu, 1); return scene; }; scenes['test_animation'] = function () { var spriteFrameCache = cocos.SpriteFrameCache.sharedSpriteFrameCache(); spriteFrameCache.addSpriteFramesWithFile("tank.plist"); // create a new sprite with a sprite frame var sprite = new cocos.Sprite(); sprite.initWithSpriteFrameName("tank1.png"); sprite.position = cocos.Point.create(winSize.width / 2, winSize.height / 2); // create animation var frames = ["tank1.png", "tank2.png", "tank3.png", "tank4.png", "tank5.png"]; var animation = new cocos.Animation(); animation.init(); // set the delay animation.delay = 0.1; // add the frames for (var i=0; i < frames.length; i++) { var frame = spriteFrameCache.spriteFrameByName(frames[i]); animation.addFrame(frame); } // action stored in the sprite to avoid GC sprite.anim = new cocos.Animate(); sprite.anim.initWithAnimation(animation); sprite.runAction(sprite.anim); var scene = new cocos.Scene(); scene.init(); scene.addChild(sprite); // add the menu var menu = createMenu("Test Animation"); scene.addChild(menu, 1); return scene; }; scenes['test_repeat'] = function () { var s1 = new cocos.Sprite.create("grossinis_sister1.png"); s1.position = cocos.Point.create(winSize.width / 2, winSize.height / 2); var rotateBy = new cocos.RotateBy(); rotateBy.initWithDuration(1.0, 90); var repeat = new cocos.RepeatForever(); repeat.initWithAction(rotateBy); s1.runAction(repeat); var scene = new cocos.Scene(); scene.init(); scene.addChild(s1); // add the menu var menu = createMenu("Test Repeat"); scene.addChild(menu, 1); return scene; }; scenes['test_sequence'] = function () { var s1 = new cocos.Sprite.create("grossini_dance_05.png"); s1.position = cocos.Point.create(winSize.width / 2 + 50, winSize.height / 2); var rotate1 = new cocos.RotateBy(); rotate1.initWithDuration(1.0, 90); var moveBy = new cocos.MoveBy(); moveBy.initWithDuration(2.0, cocos.Point.create(100, 100)); var rotate2 = rotate1.reverse(); var delay = cocos.DelayTime.actionWithDuration(1.5); var seq = cocos.Sequence.actions(rotate1, moveBy, delay, rotate2); s1.runAction(seq); var scene = new cocos.Scene(); scene.init(); scene.addChild(s1); // add the menu var menu = createMenu("Test Sequence"); scene.addChild(menu, 1); return scene; }; /** * from here on there's code that can be shared between different tests * basically is the hud and the scene handling */ // changes to the next scene var nextScene = function () { var l = Object.keys(scenes).length; scenes.currentScene = (scenes.currentScene + 1) % l; if (scenes.currentScene === 0) { scenes.currentScene = 1; } playCurrentScene(); }; // changes to the previous scene var prevScene = function () { var l = Object.keys(scenes).length; scenes.currentScene -= 1; if (scenes.currentScene < 1) { scenes.currentScene = l - 1; } playCurrentScene(); }; var playCurrentScene = function () { var name = Object.keys(scenes)[scenes.currentScene]; var scene = scenes[name](); // cocos.log("running scene: " + name + "(" + scene + ")"); if (director.runningScene === null) { director.runWithScene(scene); } else { director.replaceScene(scene); } }; // creates the hud var createMenu = function (labelText) { var hudMenu = new cocos.Menu(); hudMenu.init(); var b1 = new cocos.Sprite(); b1.initWithFile("b1.png"); var b2 = new cocos.Sprite(); b2.initWithFile("b2.png"); item1 = new cocos.MenuItemSprite(); item1.initFromNormalSprite(b1, b2); item1.action = function () { prevScene(); }; var r1 = new cocos.Sprite(); r1.initWithFile("r1.png"); var r2 = new cocos.Sprite(); r2.initWithFile("r2.png"); item2 = new cocos.MenuItemSprite(); item2.initFromNormalSprite(r1, r2); item2.action = function () { // cocos.executeScript("JS/1to1/test_actions.js"); playCurrentScene(); }; var f1 = new cocos.Sprite(); f1.initWithFile("f1.png"); var f2 = new cocos.Sprite(); f2.initWithFile("f2.png"); item3 = new cocos.MenuItemSprite(); item3.initFromNormalSprite(f1, f2); item3.action = function () { nextScene(); }; var c1 = new cocos.Sprite(); c1.initWithFile("r1.png"); var c2 = new cocos.Sprite(); c2.initWithFile("r2.png"); item4 = new cocos.MenuItemSprite(); item4.initFromNormalSprite(c1, c2); item4.action = function () { cocos.executeScript("JS/1to1/test_actions.js"); }; item1.position = cocos.Point.create(winSize.width / 2 - 100, 30); item2.position = cocos.Point.create(winSize.width / 2 , 30); item3.position = cocos.Point.create(winSize.width / 2 + 100, 30); item4.position = cocos.Point.create(30, winSize.height - 30); hudMenu.addChild(item1); hudMenu.addChild(item2); hudMenu.addChild(item3); hudMenu.addChild(item4); hudMenu.position = pointZero; if (labelText) { var label = new cocos.LabelTTF(); // initWithString: text, size, alignment, font, fontSize label.initWithString(labelText, sizeZero, 0, "Arial", 18.0); label.position = cocos.Point.create(winSize.width / 2, winSize.height - 30); hudMenu.addChild(label); } // just to avoid GC hudMenu.items = [item1, item2, item3]; return hudMenu; }; playCurrentScene();