# adxe [![Codacy Badge](https://api.codacy.com/project/badge/Grade/1c5628dea478449ea0c6e1b0e30c3be9)](https://app.codacy.com/gh/adxeproject/adxe?utm_source=github.com&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=adxeproject/adxe&utm_campaign=Badge_Grade_Settings) [![dev](https://img.shields.io/badge/v1.0.0-beta5-yellow.svg)](https://github.com/adxeproject/adxe/releases) [![LICENSE](https://img.shields.io/badge/license-MIT-blue.svg)](https://github.com/adxeproject/adxe/blob/master/LICENSE) [![PRs Welcome](https://img.shields.io/badge/PRs-welcome-blue.svg)](https://github.com/adxeproject/adxe/pulls) [![Windows Build Status](https://github.com/adxeproject/adxe/actions/workflows/windows-ci.yml/badge.svg)](https://github.com/adxeproject/adxe/actions/workflows/windows-ci.yml) [![Android Build Status](https://github.com/adxeproject/adxe/workflows/android/badge.svg)](https://github.com/adxeproject/adxe/actions?query=workflow%3Aandroid) [![iOS Build Status](https://github.com/adxeproject/adxe/workflows/ios/badge.svg)](https://github.com/adxeproject/adxe/actions?query=workflow%3Aios) [![Linux Build Status](https://github.com/adxeproject/adxe/workflows/linux/badge.svg)](https://github.com/adxeproject/adxe/actions?query=workflow%3Alinux) [![macOS Build Status](https://github.com/adxeproject/adxe/workflows/osx/badge.svg)](https://github.com/adxeproject/adxe/actions?query=workflow%3Aosx) **This is another more radical fork of *Cocos2d-x-4.0*, use OpenAL for all platforms, single texture multi GPU texture handler, C++ 17 and some more (see 'Highlight Features' for more info).** ### View code with vscode online: - [![github1s](https://img.shields.io/badge/github1s-green.svg)](https://github1s.com/adxeproject/adxe) - [![github1s](https://img.shields.io/badge/vscode.dev-green.svg)](https://vscode.dev/github/adxeproject/adxe) **[简体中文](README_CN.md)** ### Purpose Summary * C++ 17 * Focus on native game dev (quick starting, easy to use, fast) * Bugfixes ASAP ### Highlight Features * Windows x64 build support * Reimplement HttpClient based on yasio for process http request concorrently. * **More clearly third-party libs ['Upstream-Version-License'](thirdparty/README.md) for easy to publish your commercial apps based on adxe. Also some links to third party libs which supporting adxe too.** * Refactor AudioEngine, OpenAL for all platforms * [OpenAL Soft](https://github.com/kcat/openal-soft), pass -DBUILD_DEP_ALSOFT=ON to cmake to force enable it * [OpenAL.framework](https://opensource.apple.com/tarballs/OpenAL), if no ```BUILD_DEP_ALSOFT``` option specified, cmake script will choose it on osx/ios, even through it was mark as deprecated, but still available. * Refactor UserDefault with [mio](https://github.com/mandreyel/mio) * Modularize all optional extension, move from engine core to folder extensions * Implement all .wav formats supported by ```OpenAL Soft```, such as MS-ADPCM, ADPCM, ... * Use modern GL loader ```Glad``` * Google [angle](https://github.com/google/angle) renderer backend support * C++ 17 standard * IOS SDK 9.0 as minimal deployment * Use fast pugixml * Use [curl](https://github.com/curl/curl) for transferring data with URL syntax * Use SAX parser for all plist file * Spine-3.8 support * Extension ```FairyGUI``` support * ASTC 4x4/6x6/8x8 support (if hardware decoder not present, use software decoder) * ETC2 RGB/RGBA support (if hardware decoder not present, use software decoder) * Supported 2D physics engines (see also [Wiki](https://github.com/adxeproject/adxe-wiki)): * Box2D * Box2D-optimized * Chipmunk2D * Supported 3D physics engines: * Bullet Physics SDK * **ImGui integrated, easy to write game embedded tools, very ease to use, please read [ImGuiEXT](extensions/ImGuiEXT/README.md)** Open [Wiki](https://github.com/adxeproject/adxe-wiki) for additional information and see [Milestones](https://github.com/adxeproject/adxe/milestones) for planed feature too. ### Quick Start #### Common Requirement [Python](https://www.python.org/downloads/) * Python-2.7.17+, Python-3.7+ #### Prerequisites 1. Enter ```adxe``` root directory 2. Run ```python setup.py```, restart console after finish #### Windows (64/32 bit Visual Studio 2019/2022) 1. Install [CMake](https://cmake.org/) 3.14+ 2. Install Visual Studio 2019/2022 (it's recommend you use only this versions) 3. Execute follow command at command line (Console, Window Terminal or Powershell) ```cd adxe ``` - for 32 bit Visual Studio 2019: ```cmake -S . -B build -G "Visual Studio 16 2019" -A Win32``` - for 64 bit Visual Studio 2019: ```cmake -S . -B build -G "Visual Studio 16 2019" -A x64``` - for 32 bit Visual Studio 2022: ```cmake -S . -B build -G "Visual Studio 17 2022" -A Win32``` - for 64 bit Visual Studio 2022: ```cmake -S . -B build -G "Visual Studio 17 2022" -A x64``` Build excecutable on command line (e.g. cpp-tests): ```msbuild .\build\adxe.sln -target:cpp-tests -maxCpuCount``` #### Android 1. Install Android Studio 4.2+ 2. When first start Android Studio, It will guide you to install sdk and other tools, just install them 3. Start Android and choose [Open an existing Android Studio Project] to open ```adxe\tests\cpp-tests\proj.android``` 4. Start Android Studio and Open [Tools][SDKManager], then switch to ```SDK Tools```, check the ```Show Package Details```, choose follow tools and click the button ```Apply``` to install them: * Android SDK Platform 29 r5 * Android SDK Build-Tools 29.0.2 * NDK r19c+ * CMake 3.10+ 5. Waiting for ```Gradle sync``` finish. 6. Remark: If you use non-sdk provided CMake edition, you need download ```ninja``` from https://github.com/ninja-build/ninja/releases, and copy ```ninja.exe``` to cmake's bin directory #### iOS 1. Ensure xcode11+ & [cmake3.21+](https://github.com/Kitware/CMake/releases) installed, install cmake command line support: ```sudo "/Applications/CMake.app/Contents/bin/cmake-gui" --install``` 2. Execute follow command ```sudo xcode-select -switch /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer``` 3. Generate xcode project - for any device ```cmake -S . -B build -GXcode -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=cmake/ios.mini.cmake``` - for arm64: ```cmake -S . -B build -GXcode -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=cmake/ios.mini.cmake -DCMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES=arm64``` - for armv7,arm64 combined: ```cmake -S . -B build -GXcode -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=cmake/ios.mini.cmake "-DCMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES=armv7;arm64"``` - for simulator x86_64: ```cmake -S . -B build -GXcode -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=cmake/ios.mini.cmake -DCMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES=x86_64``` 4. After cmake generate finish, you can open xcode project at ```build``` folder and run cpp-tests or other test targets. 5. Notes - **The code sign required to run ios app on device, just change bundle identifier until the auto manage signing solved** - **adxe only provide armv7, arm64, x86_64 prebuilt libraries for ios** ### New Project - Cpp: `adxe new -p org.adxe.hellocpp -d D:\dev\projects\ -l cpp --portrait HelloCpp` - Lua: `adxe new -p org.adxe.hellolua -d D:\dev\projects\ -l lua --portrait HelloLua` ### Notes * ThreadLocalStorage (TLS) - ios x86 simulator ios>=10 and adxe no longer provide x86 libraries - ios x64 or devices (armv7, arm64) ios sdk>=9.0 - the 'OpenAL Soft' maintained by kcat use TLS ### Reference links * Official Cocos2d-x: https://github.com/cocos2d/cocos2d-x ### Contributing guide https://github.com/adxeproject/adxe/discussions/411 ### The adxe Active Contributors - @halx99 - @rh101 - @aismann - @weiwest ### Fully changes since cocos2d-x-4.0 - [HIGHLIGHT] Implement Windows WebView using WebView2 Edge Chromium, thanks to @rh101 - [HIGHLIGHT] Windows x64 build support - [HIGHLIGHT] Support custom texture atlas formats, thanks to @rh101 - [HIGHLIGHT] Downloader realtime md5 checksum calculation support - [HIGHLIGHT] Decompress astc parallel support - [HIGHLIGHT] Reimplement HttpClient based on yasio for concurrent http request support - [HIGHLIGHT] Improve Lua RTTI performance and less memory cost - [HIGHLIGHT] Virtual File System support, thanks to @rh101 - [HIGHLIGHT] Refactor lua loader, speed up 30%+ - [HIGHLIGHT] Update plainlua version to 5.4.3 - [HIGHLIGHT] Use Openal-Soft for all platform - [HIGHLIGHT] Refactor UserDefault with mio, speed up 100x+ - [HIGHLIGHT] Implement all .wav formats supported by Openal-Soft, such as MS-ADPCM, ADPCM - [HIGHLIGHT] Use modern GL loader Glad - [HIGHLIGHT] Google angle renderer backend support - [HIGHLIGHT] Update codebase to C++ 17 standard - [HIGHLIGHT] Remove tinyxml2 - [HIGHLIGHT] Use fast pugixml - [HIGHLIGHT] Spine-3.6~4.0 support - [HIGHLIGHT] ASTC 4x4/6x6/8x8 support (if hardware decoder not present, use software decoder) - [HIGHLIGHT] ETC2 RGB/RGBA support (if hardware decoder not present, use software decoder) - [HIGHLIGHT] ImGui integrated for PC platforms - [HIGHLIGHT] Extension FairyGUI support - [HIGHLIGHT] Use curl for transferring data with URL syntax - [HIGHLIGHT] Modularize all optional extension, move from engine core to folder extensions - [HIGHLIGHT] Improve thirdparty libs building, 99% of them build from sources or github actions with latest toolchain, see also: `adxeproject/buildware` - [HIGHLIGHT] Add new API `Director::setChildrenIndexerEnabled` for speed up getChildByTag & getChildByName support - [HIGHLIGHT] Add new API `FontFreeType::setStreamParsingEnabled` for stream parsing support, it's very useful for reduce memory cost when load large .ttf font file - [HIGHLIGHT] Remove all unnecessary `std::nothrow` stubs - [NEW] Add int64_t/uint64_t support for `cocos2d::Value` - [FIX] Fix uniform location mismatch when more than 1 spine with different shaders - [FIX] Fix imgui draw frame cause afterimage when game scene nothing to draw - [FIX] Set global Z value of label debug layer to be the same as the parent label to fix display issue - [FIX] Use TTF scaled metrics to calculate line height, thanks to @rh101 - [FIX] Fix Memory leak in ShaderModuleGL::getErrorLog(), thanks to @Xrysnow - [FIX] Fix console output text encoding for win32 - [FIX] Fix charset process for fontName on win32 - [FIX] Fix Crash on ParticleBatchNode::updateProgramStateTexture() - [FIX] Fix Crash on SpriteBatchNode::appendChild when CC_SPRITE_DEBUG_DRAW==1 - [FIX] Fix Lua can't get `unsigned char` or `unsigned int` values of `ValueMap` - [FIX] Fix crash on AudioEngine::end after the `Director` was destroyed - [FIX] Fix font atlas will leak when it does not exist in the atlas cache, thanks to @rh101 - [FIX] Fix ScrollView shows incorrect position in vertical direction some time, thanks to @wzhengsen - [REFINE] CCValue move construct and assign with std::string support - [REFINE] Improve windows dev workflow, use working directory instead copy resources to build binary directory - [REFINE] Add lua debug project file to lua project template - [REFINE] Remove lua 64bit spec search path, since we can compile compatible bytecode for both plainlua and luajit - [REFINE] Put stats labels to safe origin to make sure we can see it integral at some mobile device - [REFINE] Improve cmake scripts - [REFINE] Replace deprecated repo `jcenter` with `mavenCentral` - [REFINE] Lua-5.4 compatible - [REFINE] Improve cmdline-tools - [REFINE] Ensure label underline node has the same global Z value as the label node to fix visibility issue when global Z is not 0 - [REFINE] Improve android astc support check - [REFINE] Improve the "Physics part" (#379), thanks to @aismann - [REFINE] Rename command line to to `adxe` - [REFINE] Update imgui to 1.84 WIP - [REFINE] Rename thirdparty folder `external` to `thirdparty` - [REFINE] Building plainlua as dll on windows always for debugger happy to debug app quickly - [REFINE] Fix some audio test case can't hear sound - [REFINE] Avoid OS_WINDOWS conflict with system macro - [REFINE] Update OpenSSL to v3.0.1 - [REFINE] Update FreeType to latest - [REFINE] Use Freetype SDF render when label distance field enabled - [REFINE] Always enable string pooling for msvc on cmake - [REFINE] Change DrawNode api color parameters from `Color4F` to low `Color4B` - [REFINE] Improve DrawNode GC allocs