/**************************************************************************** Copyright (c) 2018-2019 Xiamen Yaji Software Co., Ltd. Copyright (c) 2019-present Axmol Engine contributors (see AUTHORS.md). https://axmolengine.github.io/ Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ****************************************************************************/ #pragma once #include "Macros.h" #include #include #include #include "base/bitmask.h" NS_AX_BACKEND_BEGIN enum class BufferUsage : uint32_t { STATIC, DYNAMIC }; enum class BufferType : uint32_t { ARRAY_BUFFER, ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, UNIFORM_BUFFER, PIXEL_PACK_BUFFER, COUNT, VERTEX = ARRAY_BUFFER, INDEX = ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, UNIFORM = UNIFORM_BUFFER }; enum class ShaderStage { UNKNOWN = -1, VERTEX, FRAGMENT }; enum class VertexFormat : uint32_t { FLOAT4, FLOAT3, FLOAT2, FLOAT, INT4, INT3, INT2, INT, USHORT4, USHORT2, UBYTE4 }; /** @typedef backend::PixelFormat Possible texture pixel formats refer to: https://docs.gl/es3/glTexImage2D https://docs.gl/gl3/glTexImage2D https://developer.apple.com/documentation/metal/mtlpixelformat?language=objc */ enum class PixelFormat : uint32_t { /* below is compression format */ /* PVRTCV1, OpenGL support PVRTCv2, but Metal only support PVRTCv1*/ //! 4-bit PVRTC-compressed texture: PVRTC4 PVRTC4, //! 4-bit PVRTC-compressed texture: PVRTC4 (has alpha channel) PVRTC4A, //! 2-bit PVRTC-compressed texture: PVRTC2 PVRTC2, //! 2-bit PVRTC-compressed texture: PVRTC2 (has alpha channel) PVRTC2A, //! ETC1-compressed texture: ETC1 4 BPP ETC1, //! ETC2-compressed texture: ETC2_RGB 4 BPP ETC2_RGB, //! ETC2-compressed texture: ETC2_RGBA 8 BPP ETC2_RGBA, //! S3TC-compressed texture: S3TC_Dxt1 S3TC_DXT1, //! S3TC-compressed texture: S3TC_Dxt3 S3TC_DXT3, //! S3TC-compressed texture: S3TC_Dxt5 S3TC_DXT5, //! ATITC-compressed texture: ATC_RGB ATC_RGB, //! ATITC-compressed texture: ATC_EXPLICIT_ALPHA ATC_EXPLICIT_ALPHA, //! ATITC-compressed texture: ATC_INTERPOLATED_ALPHA ATC_INTERPOLATED_ALPHA, ASTC4x4, //!< ASTC 4x4 8.0 BPP ASTC5x5, //!< ASTC 5x5 5.12 BPP ASTC6x6, //!< ASTC 6x6 3.56 BPP ASTC8x5, //!< ASTC 8x5 3.20 BPP ASTC8x6, //!< ASTC 8x6 2.67 BPP ASTC8x8, //!< ASTC 8x8 2.0 BPP ASTC10x5, //!< ASTC 10x5 2.56 BPP //!!!Please append compression pixel format /* below is normal pixel format */ //! 32-bit texture: RGBA8888 RGBA8, //! 32-bit texture: BGRA8888 BGRA8, //! 24-bit texture: RGBA888 RGB8, //! 16-bit texture without Alpha channel RGB565, // !render as BGR565 //! 16-bit textures: RGBA4444 RGBA4, // !render as ABGR4 //! 16-bit textures: RGB5A1 RGB5A1, // !render as BGR5A1 //! 8-bit textures used as red, GL3/GLES3/Metal (R,G,0,0) R8, //! 16-bit read and green channel, GL3/GLES3/Metal (R,G,0,0) RG8, //! 8-bit textures used as masks, GLES2/GLES3/Metal (0,0,0,A) deprecated A8, //! 8-bit Luminance texture, GLES2/GLES3/Metal ONLY (L,L,L,1) deprecated L8, //! 16-bit Luminance with alpha, GLES2/GLES3 ONLY (L,L,L,A) deprecated LA8, //!!!Please append normal pixel format //! 32-bit texture: RGBA8888 RGBA32F, /* below is depth compression format */ // A packed 32-bit combined depth and stencil pixel format with two nomorlized unsigned integer // components: 24 bits, typically used for a depth render target, and 8 bits, typically used for // a stencil render target. D24S8, //!!!Please append depth stencil pixel format /* the count of pixel format supported by axmol */ COUNT, NONE = 0xffff }; enum class TextureUsage : uint32_t { READ, WRITE, RENDER_TARGET }; enum class IndexFormat : uint32_t { U_SHORT = 1, U_INT = 2, }; enum class VertexStepMode : uint32_t { VERTEX, INSTANCE }; enum class PrimitiveType : uint32_t { POINT, LINE, LINE_LOOP, LINE_STRIP, TRIANGLE, TRIANGLE_STRIP }; enum class TextureType : uint32_t { TEXTURE_2D, TEXTURE_CUBE }; enum class SamplerAddressMode : uint32_t { REPEAT, MIRROR_REPEAT, CLAMP_TO_EDGE, DONT_CARE, }; enum class SamplerFilter : uint32_t { NEAREST, NEAREST_MIPMAP_NEAREST, NEAREST_MIPMAP_LINEAR, LINEAR, LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR, LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST, DONT_CARE, }; enum class StencilOperation : uint32_t { KEEP, ZERO, REPLACE, INVERT, INCREMENT_WRAP, DECREMENT_WRAP }; enum class CompareFunction : uint32_t { NEVER, LESS, LESS_EQUAL, GREATER, GREATER_EQUAL, EQUAL, NOT_EQUAL, ALWAYS }; enum class BlendOperation : uint32_t { ADD, SUBTRACT, REVERSE_SUBTRACT }; enum class BlendFactor : uint32_t { ZERO, ONE, SRC_COLOR, ONE_MINUS_SRC_COLOR, SRC_ALPHA, ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA, DST_COLOR, ONE_MINUS_DST_COLOR, DST_ALPHA, ONE_MINUS_DST_ALPHA, CONSTANT_ALPHA, SRC_ALPHA_SATURATE, ONE_MINUS_CONSTANT_ALPHA, BLEND_COLOR }; enum class ColorWriteMask : uint32_t { RED_BIT = 0, GREEN_BIT = 1, BLUE_BIT = 2, ALPHA_BIT = 3, NONE = 0, RED = 1 << RED_BIT, GREEN = 1 << GREEN_BIT, BLUE = 1 << BLUE_BIT, ALPHA = 1 << ALPHA_BIT, ALL = 0x0000000F }; AX_ENABLE_BITMASK_OPS(ColorWriteMask) AX_ENABLE_BITSHIFT_OPS(ColorWriteMask) /** * Bitmask for selecting render buffers */ enum class TargetBufferFlags : uint8_t { NONE = 0x0u, //!< No buffer selected. COLOR0 = 0x1u, //!< Color buffer selected. COLOR1 = 0x2u, //!< Color buffer selected. COLOR2 = 0x4u, //!< Color buffer selected. COLOR3 = 0x8u, //!< Color buffer selected. COLOR = COLOR0, //!< \deprecated COLOR_ALL = COLOR0 | COLOR1 | COLOR2 | COLOR3, DEPTH = 0x10u, //!< Depth buffer selected. STENCIL = 0x20u, //!< Stencil buffer selected. DEPTH_AND_STENCIL = DEPTH | STENCIL, //!< depth and stencil buffer selected. ALL = COLOR_ALL | DEPTH | STENCIL //!< Color, depth and stencil buffer selected. }; AX_ENABLE_BITMASK_OPS(TargetBufferFlags) enum class DepthStencilFlags : unsigned int { NONE = 0, DEPTH_TEST = 1, DEPTH_WRITE = 1 << 1, STENCIL_TEST = 1 << 2, DEPTH_STENCIL_TEST = DEPTH_TEST | STENCIL_TEST, ALL = DEPTH_TEST | STENCIL_TEST | DEPTH_WRITE, }; AX_ENABLE_BITMASK_OPS(DepthStencilFlags) AX_ENABLE_BITSHIFT_OPS(DepthStencilFlags) enum class CullMode : uint32_t { NONE = 0x00000000, BACK = 0x00000001, FRONT = 0x00000002 }; enum class Winding : uint32_t { CLOCK_WISE, COUNTER_CLOCK_WISE }; enum class TextureCubeFace : uint32_t { POSITIVE_X = 0, NEGATIVE_X = 1, POSITIVE_Y = 2, NEGATIVE_Y = 3, POSITIVE_Z = 4, NEGATIVE_Z = 5 }; // clang-format off struct ProgramType { enum : uint32_t { POSITION_COLOR_LENGTH_TEXTURE, // positionColorLengthTexture_vert, positionColorLengthTexture_frag POSITION_COLOR_TEXTURE_AS_POINTSIZE, // positionColorTextureAsPointsize_vert, positionColor_frag POSITION_COLOR, // positionColor_vert, positionColor_frag POSITION_UCOLOR, // positionUColor_vert, positionUColor_frag POSITION_TEXTURE, // positionTexture_vert, positionTexture_frag POSITION_TEXTURE_COLOR, // positionTextureColor_vert, positionTextureColor_frag POSITION_TEXTURE_COLOR_ALPHA_TEST, // positionTextureColor_vert, positionTextureColorAlphaTest_frag LABEL_NORMAL, // positionTextureColor_vert, label_normal_frag LABLE_OUTLINE, // positionTextureColor_vert, labelOutline_frag LABEL_DISTANCE_NORMAL, // positionTextureColor_vert, label_distanceNormal_frag LABEL_DISTANCE_OUTLINE, // positionTextureColor_vert, label_distanceOutline_frag LABLE_DISTANCE_GLOW, // positionTextureColor_vert, label_distanceGlow_frag LAYER_RADIA_GRADIENT, // position_vert, layer_radialGradient_frag DUAL_SAMPLER, DUAL_SAMPLER_GRAY, ETC1 = DUAL_SAMPLER, // positionTextureColor_vert, dualSampler_frag ETC1_GRAY = DUAL_SAMPLER_GRAY, // positionTextureColor_vert, dualSamplerGray_frag GRAY_SCALE, // positionTextureColor_vert, grayScale_frag CAMERA_CLEAR, // cameraClear_vert, cameraClear_frag TERRAIN_3D, // terrain_vert, terrain_frag LINE_COLOR_3D, // lineColor_vert, lineColor_frag SKYBOX_3D, // skybox_vert, skybox_frag SKINPOSITION_TEXTURE_3D, // skinPositionTexture_vert, colorTexture_frag SKINPOSITION_NORMAL_TEXTURE_3D, // skinPositionNormalTexture_vert, colorNormalTexture_frag POSITION_NORMAL_TEXTURE_3D, // positionNormalTexture_vert, colorNormalTexture_frag POSITION_NORMAL_3D, // positionNormalTexture_vert, colorNormal_frag POSITION_TEXTURE_3D, // positionTexture3D_vert, colorTexture_frag POSITION_TEXTURE_3D_INSTANCE, // positionTextureInstance_vert, colorTexture_frag POSITION_3D, // positionTexture_vert, color_frag POSITION_BUMPEDNORMAL_TEXTURE_3D, // positionNormalTexture_vert, colorNormalTexture_frag SKINPOSITION_BUMPEDNORMAL_TEXTURE_3D, // skinPositionNormalTexture_vert, colorNormalTexture_frag PARTICLE_TEXTURE_3D, // particle_vert, particleTexture_frag PARTICLE_COLOR_3D, // particle_vert, particleColor_frag QUAD_COLOR_2D, // quad_vert, quadColor_frag QUAD_TEXTURE_2D, // quad_vert, quadTexture_frag HSV, HSV_DUAL_SAMPLER, HSV_ETC1 = HSV_DUAL_SAMPLER, VIDEO_TEXTURE_YUY2, VIDEO_TEXTURE_NV12, VIDEO_TEXTURE_BGR32, BUILTIN_COUNT, VIDEO_TEXTURE_RGB32 = POSITION_TEXTURE_COLOR, CUSTOM_PROGRAM = 0x1000, // user-define program, used by engine }; }; // clang-format on NS_AX_BACKEND_END