#include "TextInputTest.h" #define FONT_NAME "fonts/Thonburi.ttf" #define FONT_SIZE 36 TextInputTests::TextInputTests() { ADD_TEST_CASE(TextFieldTTFDefaultTest); ADD_TEST_CASE(TextFieldTTFActionTest); } static Rect getRect(Node * node) { Rect rc; rc.origin = node->getPosition(); rc.size = node->getContentSize(); rc.origin.x -= rc.size.width / 2; rc.origin.y -= rc.size.height / 2; return rc; } std::string KeyboardNotificationLayer::title() const { return "text input test"; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // implement KeyboardNotificationLayer ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// KeyboardNotificationLayer::KeyboardNotificationLayer() : _trackNode(0) { // Register Touch Event auto listener = EventListenerTouchOneByOne::create(); listener->onTouchBegan = CC_CALLBACK_2(KeyboardNotificationLayer::onTouchBegan, this); listener->onTouchEnded = CC_CALLBACK_2(KeyboardNotificationLayer::onTouchEnded, this); _eventDispatcher->addEventListenerWithSceneGraphPriority(listener, this); } void KeyboardNotificationLayer::keyboardWillShow(IMEKeyboardNotificationInfo& info) { CCLOG("TextInputTest:keyboardWillShowAt(origin:%f,%f, size:%f,%f)", info.end.origin.x, info.end.origin.y, info.end.size.width, info.end.size.height); if (! _trackNode) { return; } auto rectTracked = getRect(_trackNode); CCLOG("TextInputTest:trackingNodeAt(origin:%f,%f, size:%f,%f)", rectTracked.origin.x, rectTracked.origin.y, rectTracked.size.width, rectTracked.size.height); // if the keyboard area doesn't intersect with the tracking node area, nothing need to do. if (! rectTracked.intersectsRect(info.end)) { return; } // assume keyboard at the bottom of screen, calculate the vertical adjustment. float adjustVert = info.end.getMaxY() - rectTracked.getMinY(); CCLOG("TextInputTest:needAdjustVerticalPosition(%f)", adjustVert); // move all the children node of KeyboardNotificationLayer auto& children = getChildren(); Node * node = 0; ssize_t count = children.size(); Vec2 pos; for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { node = children.at(i); pos = node->getPosition(); pos.y += adjustVert; node->setPosition(pos); } } // Layer function bool KeyboardNotificationLayer::onTouchBegan(Touch *touch, Event *event) { CCLOG("++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++"); _beginPos = touch->getLocation(); return true; } void KeyboardNotificationLayer::onTouchEnded(Touch *touch, Event *event) { if (! _trackNode) { return; } auto endPos = touch->getLocation(); float delta = 5.0f; if (std::abs(endPos.x - _beginPos.x) > delta || std::abs(endPos.y - _beginPos.y) > delta) { // not click _beginPos.x = _beginPos.y = -1; return; } // decide the trackNode is clicked. Rect rect; auto point = convertTouchToNodeSpaceAR(touch); CCLOG("KeyboardNotificationLayer:clickedAt(%f,%f)", point.x, point.y); rect = getRect(_trackNode); CCLOG("KeyboardNotificationLayer:TrackNode at(origin:%f,%f, size:%f,%f)", rect.origin.x, rect.origin.y, rect.size.width, rect.size.height); this->onClickTrackNode(rect.containsPoint(point)); CCLOG("----------------------------------"); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // implement TextFieldTTFDefaultTest ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// std::string TextFieldTTFDefaultTest::subtitle() const { return "TextFieldTTF with default behavior test"; } void TextFieldTTFDefaultTest::onClickTrackNode(bool bClicked) { auto pTextField = (TextFieldTTF*)_trackNode; if (bClicked) { // TextFieldTTFTest be clicked CCLOG("TextFieldTTFDefaultTest:TextFieldTTF attachWithIME"); pTextField->attachWithIME(); } else { // TextFieldTTFTest not be clicked CCLOG("TextFieldTTFDefaultTest:TextFieldTTF detachWithIME"); pTextField->detachWithIME(); } } void TextFieldTTFDefaultTest::onEnter() { KeyboardNotificationLayer::onEnter(); // add TextFieldTTF auto s = Director::getInstance()->getWinSize(); std::string strSubtitle = subtitle(); TTFConfig ttfConfig; ttfConfig.fontFilePath = FONT_NAME; ttfConfig.fontSize = 16; auto subTitle = Label::createWithTTF(ttfConfig, strSubtitle.c_str()); addChild(subTitle, 9999); subTitle->setPosition(VisibleRect::center().x, VisibleRect::top().y - 60); auto pTextField = TextFieldTTF::textFieldWithPlaceHolder("", FONT_NAME, FONT_SIZE); addChild(pTextField); #if (CC_TARGET_PLATFORM == CC_PLATFORM_ANDROID) // on android, TextFieldTTF cannot auto adjust its position when soft-keyboard pop up // so we had to set a higher position to make it visable pTextField->setPosition(Vec2(s.width / 2, s.height/2 + 50)); #else pTextField->setPosition(Vec2(s.width / 2, s.height / 2)); #endif _trackNode = pTextField; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // implement TextFieldTTFActionTest ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// std::string TextFieldTTFActionTest::subtitle() const { return "CCTextFieldTTF with action and char limit test"; } void TextFieldTTFActionTest::onClickTrackNode(bool bClicked) { auto pTextField = (TextFieldTTF*)_trackNode; if (bClicked) { // TextFieldTTFTest be clicked CCLOG("TextFieldTTFActionTest:TextFieldTTF attachWithIME"); pTextField->attachWithIME(); } else { // TextFieldTTFTest not be clicked CCLOG("TextFieldTTFActionTest:TextFieldTTF detachWithIME"); pTextField->detachWithIME(); } } void TextFieldTTFActionTest::onEnter() { KeyboardNotificationLayer::onEnter(); _charLimit = 12; _textFieldAction = RepeatForever::create( Sequence::create( FadeOut::create(0.25), FadeIn::create(0.25), nullptr )); _textFieldAction->retain(); _action = false; // add TextFieldTTF auto s = Director::getInstance()->getWinSize(); std::string strSubtitle = subtitle(); TTFConfig ttfConfig; ttfConfig.fontFilePath = FONT_NAME; ttfConfig.fontSize = 16; auto subTitle = Label::createWithTTF(ttfConfig, strSubtitle.c_str()); addChild(subTitle, 9999); subTitle->setPosition(VisibleRect::center().x, VisibleRect::top().y - 60); _textField = TextFieldTTF::textFieldWithPlaceHolder("", FONT_NAME, FONT_SIZE); addChild(_textField); _textField->setDelegate(this); #if (CC_TARGET_PLATFORM == CC_PLATFORM_ANDROID) // on android, TextFieldTTF cannot auto adjust its position when soft-keyboard pop up // so we had to set a higher position _textField->setPosition(Vec2(s.width / 2, s.height/2 + 50)); #else _textField->setPosition(Vec2(s.width / 2, s.height / 2)); #endif _trackNode = _textField; } void TextFieldTTFActionTest::onExit() { KeyboardNotificationLayer::onExit(); _textFieldAction->release(); } // TextFieldDelegate protocol bool TextFieldTTFActionTest::onTextFieldAttachWithIME(TextFieldTTF * sender) { if (! _action) { _textField->runAction(_textFieldAction); _action = true; } return false; } bool TextFieldTTFActionTest::onTextFieldDetachWithIME(TextFieldTTF * sender) { if (_action) { _textField->stopAction(_textFieldAction); _textField->setOpacity(255); _action = false; } return false; } bool TextFieldTTFActionTest::onTextFieldInsertText(TextFieldTTF * sender, const char * text, size_t nLen) { // if insert enter, treat as default to detach with ime if ('\n' == *text) { return false; } // if the textfield's char count more than _charLimit, doesn't insert text anymore. if (sender->getCharCount() >= _charLimit) { return true; } // create a insert text sprite and do some action auto label = Label::createWithSystemFont(text, FONT_NAME, FONT_SIZE); this->addChild(label); Color3B color(226, 121, 7); label->setColor(color); // move the sprite from top to position auto endPos = sender->getPosition(); if (sender->getCharCount()) { endPos.x += sender->getContentSize().width / 2; } auto inputTextSize = label->getContentSize(); Vec2 beginPos(endPos.x, Director::getInstance()->getWinSize().height - inputTextSize.height * 2); float duration = 0.5; label->setPosition(beginPos); label->setScale(8); auto seq = Sequence::create( Spawn::create( MoveTo::create(duration, endPos), ScaleTo::create(duration, 1), FadeOut::create(duration), nullptr), CallFuncN::create(CC_CALLBACK_1(TextFieldTTFActionTest::callbackRemoveNodeWhenDidAction, this)), nullptr); label->runAction(seq); return false; } bool TextFieldTTFActionTest::onTextFieldDeleteBackward(TextFieldTTF * sender, const char * delText, size_t nLen) { // create a delete text sprite and do some action auto label = Label::createWithSystemFont(delText, FONT_NAME, FONT_SIZE); this->addChild(label); // move the sprite to fly out auto beginPos = sender->getPosition(); auto textfieldSize = sender->getContentSize(); auto labelSize = label->getContentSize(); beginPos.x += (textfieldSize.width - labelSize.width) / 2.0f; auto winSize = Director::getInstance()->getWinSize(); Vec2 endPos(- winSize.width / 4.0f, winSize.height * (0.5 + (float)rand() / (2.0f * RAND_MAX))); float duration = 1; float rotateDuration = 0.2f; int repeatTime = 5; label->setPosition(beginPos); auto seq = Sequence::create( Spawn::create( MoveTo::create(duration, endPos), Repeat::create( RotateBy::create(rotateDuration, (rand()%2) ? 360 : -360), repeatTime), FadeOut::create(duration), nullptr), CallFuncN::create(CC_CALLBACK_1(TextFieldTTFActionTest::callbackRemoveNodeWhenDidAction, this)), nullptr); label->runAction(seq); return false; } bool TextFieldTTFActionTest::onDraw(TextFieldTTF * sender) { return false; } void TextFieldTTFActionTest::callbackRemoveNodeWhenDidAction(Node * node) { this->removeChild(node, true); }