#!/usr/bin/python # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # cocos "install" plugin # # Authr: Luis Parravicini # # License: MIT # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' "run" plugin for cocos command line tool ''' __docformat__ = 'restructuredtext' import sys import os import cocos from MultiLanguage import MultiLanguage import webbrowser import threading import subprocess import re if(sys.version_info.major >= 3): from http.server import BaseHTTPRequestHandler,HTTPServer else: import BaseHTTPServer class CCPluginRun(cocos.CCPlugin): """ Compiles a project and runs it on the target """ @staticmethod def depends_on(): return ('deploy',) @staticmethod def plugin_name(): return "run" @staticmethod def brief_description(): return MultiLanguage.get_string('RUN_BRIEF') def _add_custom_options(self, parser): parser.add_argument("-m", "--mode", dest="mode", default='debug', help=MultiLanguage.get_string('RUN_ARG_MODE')) group = parser.add_argument_group(MultiLanguage.get_string('RUN_ARG_GROUP_WEB')) group.add_argument("-b", "--browser", dest="browser", help=MultiLanguage.get_string('RUN_ARG_BROWSER')) group.add_argument("--param", dest="param", help=MultiLanguage.get_string('RUN_ARG_PARAM')) group.add_argument("--port", dest="port", metavar="SERVER_PORT", nargs='?', help=MultiLanguage.get_string('RUN_ARG_PORT')) group.add_argument("--host", dest="host", metavar="SERVER_HOST", nargs='?', default='', help=MultiLanguage.get_string('RUN_ARG_HOST')) group.add_argument("--no-console", action="store_true", dest="no_console", default=False, help=MultiLanguage.get_string('RUN_ARG_NO_CONSOLE')) group.add_argument("--working-dir", dest="working_dir", default='', help=MultiLanguage.get_string('RUN_ARG_WORKING_DIR')) group = parser.add_argument_group(MultiLanguage.get_string('RUN_ARG_GROUP_IOS')) group.add_argument("-sdk", dest="use_sdk", metavar="USE_SDK", nargs='?', default='iphonesimulator', help=MultiLanguage.get_string('RUN_ARG_IOS_SDK')) def _check_custom_options(self, args): self._port = args.port self._mode = args.mode self._host = args.host self._browser = args.browser self._param = args.param self._no_console = args.no_console self._working_dir = args.working_dir def get_ios_sim_name(self): # get the version of xcodebuild ver = cocos.get_xcode_version() match = re.match(r'(\d+).*', ver) ret = None if match: ver_num = int(match.group(1)) if ver_num <= 5: ret = "ios-sim-xcode5" elif ver_num < 8: ret = "ios-sim-xcode6" return ret def _get_cmd_output(self, cmds): child = subprocess.Popen(cmds, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) out = child.stdout.read() child.wait() errCode = child.returncode return (errCode, out) def _get_simulator_id(self): (errCode, out) = self._get_cmd_output([ "xcrun", "instruments", "-s" ]) names = [] if errCode == 0: pattern = r'(^iPhone[^\[]+)\[(.*)\]\s*\(Simulator\)' lines = out.split('\n') for line in lines: match = re.match(pattern, line) if match: info = { "name" : match.group(1), 'id' : match.group(2) } names.append(info) ret = None retName = None phoneTypeNum = 0 phoneType = '' iosVer = 0 if len(names) > 0: name_pattern = r'iPhone\s+((\d+)[^\(]+)\((.*)\)' for info in names: name = info["name"] id = info["id"] if name.find('Apple Watch') > 0: continue match = re.match(name_pattern, name) if match: # get the matched data typeNum = int(match.group(2)) tmpType = match.group(1) tmpIOSVer = match.group(3) if ((typeNum > phoneTypeNum) or (typeNum == phoneTypeNum and tmpType > phoneType) or (typeNum == phoneTypeNum and tmpType == phoneType and cocos.version_compare(tmpIOSVer, '>', iosVer))): # find the max phone type number first ret = id retName = name.strip() phoneTypeNum = typeNum phoneType = tmpType iosVer = tmpIOSVer if ret is None: raise cocos.CCPluginError('Get simulator failed!') print('Using simulator: %s' % retName) return ret def _get_bundle_id(self, app_path): plistFile = os.path.join(app_path, 'Info.plist') (errCode, out) = self._get_cmd_output([ 'plutil', '-convert', 'json', '-o', '-', plistFile ]) ret = None if errCode == 0: import json jsonObj = json.loads(out) if jsonObj is not None and jsonObj.has_key('CFBundleIdentifier'): ret = jsonObj['CFBundleIdentifier'] if ret is None: raise cocos.CCPluginError('Get the bundle ID of app %s failed' % app_path) return ret def _run_ios_app(self, ios_app_path): if not cocos.os_is_mac(): raise cocos.CCPluginError('Now only support run iOS simulator on Mac OS') # get bundle id bundle_id = self._get_bundle_id(ios_app_path) # find simulator simulator_id = self._get_simulator_id() try: # run the simulator xcode_version = cocos.get_xcode_version() xcode9_and_upper = cocos.version_compare(xcode_version,">=",9) if xcode9_and_upper: self._run_cmd('xcrun simctl boot "%s"' % simulator_id) self._run_cmd('open `xcode-select -p`/Applications/Simulator.app') else: self._run_cmd('xcrun instruments -w "%s"' % simulator_id) except Exception as e: pass # install app self._run_cmd('xcrun simctl install "%s" "%s"' % (simulator_id, ios_app_path)) # run app self._run_cmd('xcrun simctl launch "%s" "%s"' % (simulator_id, bundle_id)) def run_ios_sim(self, dependencies): if not self._platforms.is_ios_active(): return deploy_dep = dependencies['deploy'] if deploy_dep._use_sdk == 'iphoneos': cocos.Logging.warning(MultiLanguage.get_string('RUN_WARNING_IOS_FOR_DEVICE_FMT', os.path.dirname(deploy_dep._iosapp_path))) else: ios_sim_name = self.get_ios_sim_name() if ios_sim_name is None: # there is not a ios-sim for current installed xcode # try to use xcrun commands self._run_ios_app(deploy_dep._iosapp_path) else: if getattr(sys, 'frozen', None): cur_dir = os.path.realpath(os.path.dirname(sys.executable)) else: cur_dir = os.path.realpath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) iossim_exe_path = os.path.join(cur_dir, 'bin', ios_sim_name) launch_sim = "%s launch \"%s\" &" % (iossim_exe_path, deploy_dep._iosapp_path) self._run_cmd(launch_sim) def run_ios_device(self): if not self._platforms.is_ios_active(): return cocos.Logging.warning('Do not support running on iOS devices.') def _run_with_desktop_options(self, cmd): if self._no_console: cmd += ' -console no' if self._working_dir: cmd += ' -workdir "%s"' % self._working_dir self._run_cmd(cmd) def run_mac(self, dependencies): if not self._platforms.is_mac_active(): return deploy_dep = dependencies['deploy'] launch_macapp = '\"%s/Contents/MacOS/%s\"' % (deploy_dep._macapp_path, deploy_dep.target_name) self._run_with_desktop_options(launch_macapp) def run_android_device(self, dependencies): if not self._platforms.is_android_active(): return sdk_root = cocos.check_environment_variable('ANDROID_SDK_ROOT') adb_path = cocos.CMDRunner.convert_path_to_cmd(os.path.join(sdk_root, 'platform-tools', 'adb')) deploy_dep = dependencies['deploy'] startapp = "%s shell am start -n \"%s/%s\"" % (adb_path, deploy_dep.package, deploy_dep.activity) self._run_cmd(startapp) pass def open_webbrowser(self, url): if self._browser is None: threading.Event().wait(1) webbrowser.open_new(url) else: if cocos.os_is_mac(): if self._param is None: url_cmd = "open -a \"%s\" \"%s\"" % (self._browser, url) else: url_cmd = "\"%s\" \"%s\" %s" % (self._browser, url, self._param) else: if self._param is None: url_cmd = "\"%s\" %s" % (self._browser, url) else: url_cmd = "\"%s\" \"%s\" %s" % (self._browser, url, self._param) self._run_cmd(url_cmd) def run_web(self, dependencies): if not self._platforms.is_web_active(): return from SimpleHTTPServer import SimpleHTTPRequestHandler HandlerClass = SimpleHTTPRequestHandler if(sys.version_info.major >= 3): ServerClass = HTTPServer.HTTPServer else: ServerClass = BaseHTTPServer.BaseHTTPServer Protocol = "HTTP/1.0" HandlerClass.protocol_version = Protocol host = self._host if self._port is None: port = 8000 port_max_add = 2000 else: port = int(self._port) port_max_add = 0 deploy_dep = dependencies['deploy'] run_root = deploy_dep.run_root i = 0 httpd = None while (i <= port_max_add): port += i i += 1 server_address = (host, port) try: cocos.Logging.info(MultiLanguage.get_string('RUN_INFO_HOST_PORT_FMT', (host, port))) httpd = ServerClass(server_address, HandlerClass) except Exception as e: httpd = None cocos.Logging.warning(MultiLanguage.get_string('RUN_WARNING_SERVER_FAILED_FMT', (host, port, e))) if httpd is not None: break if httpd is None: raise cocos.CCPluginError(MultiLanguage.get_string('RUN_ERROR_START_SERVER_FAILED'), cocos.CCPluginError.ERROR_OTHERS) from threading import Thread sub_url = deploy_dep.sub_url url = 'http://%s:%s%s' % (host, port, sub_url) thread = Thread(target = self.open_webbrowser, args = (url,)) thread.start() sa = httpd.socket.getsockname() with cocos.pushd(run_root): cocos.Logging.info(MultiLanguage.get_string('RUN_INFO_SERVING_FMT', (sa[0], sa[1]))) httpd.serve_forever() def run_win32(self, dependencies): if not self._platforms.is_win32_active(): return deploy_dep = dependencies['deploy'] run_root = deploy_dep.run_root exe = deploy_dep.project_name with cocos.pushd(run_root): self._run_with_desktop_options(os.path.join(run_root, exe)) def run_linux(self, dependencies): if not self._platforms.is_linux_active(): return deploy_dep = dependencies['deploy'] run_root = deploy_dep.run_root exe = deploy_dep.project_name with cocos.pushd(run_root): self._run_with_desktop_options(os.path.join(run_root, exe)) def run_tizen(self, dependencies): if not self._platforms.is_tizen_active(): return deploy_dep = dependencies['deploy'] tizen_packageid = deploy_dep.tizen_packageid tizen_studio_path = cocos.check_environment_variable("TIZEN_STUDIO_HOME") tizen_cmd_path = cocos.CMDRunner.convert_path_to_cmd(os.path.join(tizen_studio_path, "tools", "ide", "bin", "tizen")) startapp = "%s run -p %s" % (tizen_cmd_path, tizen_packageid) self._run_cmd(startapp) def run(self, argv, dependencies): self.parse_args(argv) cocos.Logging.info(MultiLanguage.get_string('RUN_INFO_START_APP')) self.run_android_device(dependencies) self.run_ios_sim(dependencies) # self.run_ios_device() self.run_mac(dependencies) self.run_web(dependencies) self.run_win32(dependencies) self.run_linux(dependencies)