#!/usr/bin/python # create new project by cocos-console # compile, deploy project and run # perpose: for emptytest. # now support: mac- mac/ios/android # will add: window-android,linux-android import os import sys import json import time import socket import platform payload = {} #get payload from os env if os.environ.has_key('payload'): payload_str = os.environ['payload'] #parse to json obj payload = json.loads(payload_str) print 'payload:',payload pr_num = 6326 #get pull number if payload.has_key('number'): pr_num = payload['number'] print 'pr_num:' + str(pr_num) run_app_time = 5 if os.environ.has_key('RUN_APP_TIME'): global run_app_time run_app_time = os.environ['RUN_APP_TIME'] print 'run_app_time:', run_app_time test_name = ['cpp_empty_test'] if os.environ.has_key('TESTS_NAME'): temp_var = os.environ['TESTS_NAME'] test_name = temp_var.split(', ') package_name = ['org.cocos2dx.cpp_empty_test'] if os.environ.has_key('PACKAGE_NAME'): temp_var = os.environ['PACKAGE_NAME'] package_name = temp_var.split(', ') activity_name = ['org.cocos2dx.cpp_empty_test.AppActivity'] if os.environ.has_key('ACTIVITY_NAME'): temp_var = os.environ['ACTIVITY_NAME'] activity_name = temp_var.split(', ') gIdx = 0 if os.environ.has_key('TEST_INDEX'): gIdx = os.environ('TEST_INDEX') current_platform = platform.system() print 'current platform is:', current_platform empty_test_result = True empty_test_result_info = '' arrDevices = [] def getDevices(): cmd = 'adb devices' info_devices = os.popen(cmd).read() arr_info = info_devices.split('\n') del arr_info[0] count = 0 for device in arr_info: if len(device) > 0: count += 1 print 'device ', count,device deviceInfo = device.split(' ') global arrDevices obj = {} obj['name'] = deviceInfo[0] arrDevices.append(obj) return count def getADBDeviceIP(device_name): output = os.popen("adb -s "+device_name+" shell netcfg") configs = output.read().split('\r\n') output.close() for l in configs: items = l.split() if len(items)>1 and items[1] == 'UP': if items[2].find('') < 0 and items[2].find('') < 0: return items[2] return False def mapIP(): for device in arrDevices: ip_d = getADBDeviceIP(device['name']) device['ip'] = ip_d device_info = {} info_list = '{"product":["model","brand","name","cpu.abi","cpu.abi2","manufacturer","locale.language","locale.region"],"build":["id","version.sdk","version.release"]}' if os.environ.has_key('DEVICE_INFO_LIST'): info_list = os.environ['DEVICE_INFO_LIST'] info_list = eval(info_list) def getDeviceInfoByName(name): cmd = '' if len(name) > 0: cmd = 'adb -s '+name+' shell cat /system/build.prop' else: cmd = 'adb shell cat /system/build.prop' pip_cat = os.popen(cmd) read_info = pip_cat.read() read_info_list = read_info.split('\r\n') def checkProperty(item_str): for argv in info_list: for item in info_list[argv]: prop = argv+'.'+item if item_str.find(prop) > -1: arr_item = item_str.split('=') device_info[prop] = arr_item[1] break for item in read_info_list: checkProperty(item) #getDeviceInfoByName('') #print 'device_info:',device_info def logDeviceInfomation(): getDeviceInfoByName('') for key in device_info: print '\t'+key+':'+device_info[key] info_empty_test = {} apk_name = 'apks/'+test_name[gIdx]+'/'+test_name[gIdx]+'_'+str(pr_num)+'.apk' def install_apk(): print 'will install apk:', apk_name global empty_test_result if len(arrDevices) == 0: empty_test_result = False empty_test_result_info = 'no android device.' print empty_test_result_info return False info_of_install = [] if not os.path.isfile(apk_name): print apk_name, 'is not exist!' empty_test_result = False return False for device in arrDevices: name = device['name'] cmd = 'adb -s '+name+' install '+apk_name print 'install on '+name info_install = os.popen(cmd).read() print 'infomation of install apk:', info_install info_of_install.append(info_install.split('\r\n')) info_empty_test['install'] = info_of_install return True def open_apk(type_of_apk): print 'will open activity:' for device in arrDevices: cmd = 'adb -s '+device['name']+' shell am start -n '+package_name[gIdx]+'/'+activity_name[gIdx] # print 'start activity:', cmd info_start = os.popen(cmd).read() info_start = info_start.split('\n') # print 'info_start:', info_start for info in info_start: if info.find('Error:') > -1: print 'infomation of open activity:',info global empty_test_result empty_test_result = False empty_test_result_info = 'open :'+info return info if len(arrDevices): print 'activity is opened.' else: print 'no device.' return True PORT = 5678 def socket_status(device_name): soc = socket.socket( socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM ) status_socket = False global empty_test_result try: print 'telnet ', device_name['ip'], PORT soc.connect((device_name['ip'], PORT)) cmd = 'resolution\r\n' # print 'socket cmd :', cmd print 'connected successfully.' print 'send console command: resolution' soc.send(cmd) while True: data = soc.recv(1024) if len(data): print data if data.find('size:') > -1: print 'OK' print 'close', test_name[gIdx] soc.send('director end') print 'OK' status_socket = True break if not data: empty_test_result = False empty_test_result_info = test_name[gIdx]+' is crashed!' print empty_test_result_info break except Exception, e: empty_test_result = False empty_test_result_info = test_name[gIdx]+' is crashed!' print empty_test_result_info time.sleep(2) soc.close() return status_socket def uninstall_apk(idx): # adb shell pm uninstall -n org.cocos2dx.hellolua print 'uninstall ', test_name[idx] for device in arrDevices: cmd = 'adb -s '+device['name']+' shell pm uninstall -n '+package_name[idx] info_uninstall = os.popen(cmd).read() if info_uninstall.find('Success') > -1: print 'OK' else: empty_test_result_info = 'uninstall Failed!' print empty_test_result_info return True def main(): print 'in main:' getDevices() if len(arrDevices): mapIP() print 'arrDevices:',arrDevices uninstall_apk(gIdx) time.sleep(1) else: print 'there is no device for emptytest, please check devices!' return 1 print 'empty test start:' print 'device infomation:' if len(arrDevices): logDeviceInfomation() else: print '\tno android device.' install_info = install_apk() open_info = open_apk(test_name[gIdx]) info_empty_test['open_info'] = open_info if open_info: time.sleep(5) socket_info = socket_status(arrDevices[0]) info_empty_test['socket_info'] = socket_info if install_info: time.sleep(run_app_time) info_uninstall = uninstall_apk(gIdx) print 'info_empty_test:', info_empty_test print 'empty test end', empty_test_result if empty_test_result: return 0 else: print 'empty_test_result_info:', empty_test_result_info return 1 # -------------- main -------------- if __name__ == '__main__': sys_ret = 0 try: sys_ret = main() except: traceback.print_exc() sys_ret = 1 finally: sys.exit(sys_ret)