@echo off :: This script is used to generate luabinding glue codes. :: You should modify PYTHON_ROOT and NDK_ROOT to work under your environment. :: Android ndk version must be at least ndk-r9b. set PYTHON_ROOT=C:/Python27 set NDK_ROOT=G:/android/android-ndk-r9b set NDK_LLVM_ROOT=%NDK_ROOT%/toolchains/llvm-3.3/prebuilt/windows-x86_64 set COCOS2DX_ROOT=%cd%/../.. set "COCOS2DX_ROOT=%COCOS2DX_ROOT:\=/%" set CXX_GENERATOR_ROOT=%COCOS2DX_ROOT%/tools/bindings-generator set TO_LUA_ROOT=%COCOS2DX_ROOT%/tools/tolua set "CXX_GENERATOR_ROOT=%CXX_GENERATOR_ROOT:\=/%" set OUTPUT_DIR=%COCOS2DX_ROOT%/scripting/auto-generated/lua-bindings set "OUTPUT_DIR=%OUTPUT_DIR:/=\%" set PATH=%PATH%;%CXX_GENERATOR_ROOT%/libclang;%CXX_GENERATOR_ROOT%/tools/win32;%PYTHON_ROOT% :: write userconf.ini set _CONF_INI_FILE=%cd%\userconf.ini if exist %_CONF_INI_FILE% del /Q %_CONF_INI_FILE% echo echo generating userconf.ini... echo --- echo [DEFAULT] > %_CONF_INI_FILE% echo androidndkdir=%NDK_ROOT% >> %_CONF_INI_FILE% echo clangllvmdir=%NDK_LLVM_ROOT% >> %_CONF_INI_FILE% echo cocosdir=%COCOS2DX_ROOT% >> %_CONF_INI_FILE% echo cxxgeneratordir=%CXX_GENERATOR_ROOT% >> %_CONF_INI_FILE% :: fixme: to fix parse error, we must difine __WCHAR_MAX__ here. echo extra_flags=-D__WCHAR_MAX__=0x7fffffff >> %_CONF_INI_FILE% echo --- :: Generate bindings for cocos2dx echo Generating bindings for cocos2dx... python %CXX_GENERATOR_ROOT%/generator.py %TO_LUA_ROOT%/cocos2dx.ini -s cocos2d-x -t lua -o %OUTPUT_DIR% -n lua_cocos2dx_auto if %errorlevel% neq 0 goto ERROR echo "Generating bindings for cocos2dx_extension..." python %CXX_GENERATOR_ROOT%/generator.py %TO_LUA_ROOT%/cocos2dx_extension.ini -s cocos2dx_extension -t lua -o %OUTPUT_DIR% -n lua_cocos2dx_extension_auto if %errorlevel% neq 0 goto ERROR echo "Generating bindings for cocos2dx_gui..." python %CXX_GENERATOR_ROOT%/generator.py %TO_LUA_ROOT%/cocos2dx_gui.ini -s cocos2dx_gui -t lua -o %OUTPUT_DIR% -n lua_cocos2dx_gui_auto if %errorlevel% neq 0 goto ERROR echo "Generating bindings for cocos2dx_studio..." python %CXX_GENERATOR_ROOT%/generator.py %TO_LUA_ROOT%/cocos2dx_studio.ini -s cocos2dx_studio -t lua -o %OUTPUT_DIR% -n lua_cocos2dx_studio_auto if %errorlevel% neq 0 goto ERROR echo "Generating bindings for cocos2dx_spine..." python %CXX_GENERATOR_ROOT%/generator.py %TO_LUA_ROOT%/cocos2dx_spine.ini -s cocos2dx_spine -t lua -o %OUTPUT_DIR% -n lua_cocos2dx_spine_auto if %errorlevel% neq 0 goto ERROR echo "Generating bindings for cocos2dx_physics..." python %CXX_GENERATOR_ROOT%/generator.py %TO_LUA_ROOT%/cocos2dx_physics.ini -s cocos2dx_physics -t lua -o %OUTPUT_DIR% -n lua_cocos2dx_physics_auto if %errorlevel% neq 0 goto ERROR :: Change the generated file format from DOS to UNIX. pushd "%OUTPUT_DIR%" dos2unix * popd echo --------------------------------- echo Generating bindings succeeds. echo --------------------------------- goto QUIT :ERROR echo --------------------------------- echo Generating bindings fails. echo --------------------------------- :QUIT pause