#include "WidgetReader/LayoutReader/LayoutReader.h" #include "ui/UILayout.h" #include "CocoLoader.h" #include "ui/UIScrollView.h" #include "ui/UIPageView.h" #include "ui/UIListView.h" #include "CSParseBinary_generated.h" #include "FlatBuffersSerialize.h" #include "base/CCDirector.h" #include "platform/CCFileUtils.h" #include "2d/CCSpriteFrameCache.h" #include "flatbuffers/flatbuffers.h" USING_NS_AX; using namespace ui; using namespace flatbuffers; namespace cocostudio { static const char* P_CapInsetsX = "capInsetsX"; static const char* P_CapInsetsY = "capInsetsY"; static const char* P_CapInsetsWidth = "capInsetsWidth"; static const char* P_CapInsetsHeight = "capInsetsHeight"; static const char* P_ClipAble = "clipAble"; static const char* P_BackGroundScale9Enable = "backGroundScale9Enable"; static const char* P_BgColorR = "bgColorR"; static const char* P_BgColorG = "bgColorG"; static const char* P_BgColorB = "bgColorB"; static const char* P_BgStartColorR = "bgStartColorR"; static const char* P_BgStartColorG = "bgStartColorG"; static const char* P_BgStartColorB = "bgStartColorB"; static const char* P_BgEndColorR = "bgEndColorR"; static const char* P_BgEndColorG = "bgEndColorG"; static const char* P_BgEndColorB = "bgEndColorB"; static const char* P_VectorX = "vectorX"; static const char* P_VectorY = "vectorY"; static const char* P_BgColorOpacity = "bgColorOpacity"; static const char* P_ColorType = "colorType"; static const char* P_BackGroundImageData = "backGroundImageData"; static const char* P_LayoutType = "layoutType"; static LayoutReader* instanceLayoutReader = nullptr; IMPLEMENT_CLASS_NODE_READER_INFO(LayoutReader) LayoutReader::LayoutReader() {} LayoutReader::~LayoutReader() {} LayoutReader* LayoutReader::getInstance() { if (!instanceLayoutReader) { instanceLayoutReader = new LayoutReader(); } return instanceLayoutReader; } void LayoutReader::destroyInstance() { CC_SAFE_DELETE(instanceLayoutReader); } void LayoutReader::setPropsFromBinary(axis::ui::Widget* widget, CocoLoader* cocoLoader, stExpCocoNode* cocoNode) { WidgetReader::setPropsFromBinary(widget, cocoLoader, cocoNode); Layout* panel = static_cast(widget); stExpCocoNode* stChildArray = cocoNode->GetChildArray(cocoLoader); this->beginSetBasicProperties(widget); int cr = 0, cg = 0, cb = 0; int scr = 0, scg = 0, scb = 0; int ecr = 0, ecg = 0, ecb = 0; float bgcv1 = 0.0f, bgcv2 = 0.0f; float capsx = 0.0f, capsy = 0.0, capsWidth = 0.0, capsHeight = 0.0f; Layout::Type layoutType = Layout::Type::ABSOLUTE; int bgColorOpacity = panel->getBackGroundColorOpacity(); for (int i = 0; i < cocoNode->GetChildNum(); ++i) { std::string key = stChildArray[i].GetName(cocoLoader); std::string value = stChildArray[i].GetValue(cocoLoader); // read all basic properties of widget CC_BASIC_PROPERTY_BINARY_READER // read all color related properties of widget CC_COLOR_PROPERTY_BINARY_READER else if (key == P_AdaptScreen) { _isAdaptScreen = valueToBool(value); } else if (key == P_ClipAble) { panel->setClippingEnabled(valueToBool(value)); } else if (key == P_BackGroundScale9Enable) { panel->setBackGroundImageScale9Enabled(valueToBool(value)); } else if (key == P_BgColorR) { cr = valueToInt(value); } else if (key == P_BgColorG) { cg = valueToInt(value); } else if (key == P_BgColorB) { cb = valueToInt(value); } else if (key == P_BgStartColorR) { scr = valueToInt(value); } else if (key == P_BgStartColorG) { scg = valueToInt(value); } else if (key == P_BgStartColorB) { scb = valueToInt(value); } else if (key == P_BgEndColorR) { ecr = valueToInt(value); } else if (key == P_BgEndColorG) { ecg = valueToInt(value); } else if (key == P_BgEndColorB) { ecb = valueToInt(value); } else if (key == P_VectorX) { bgcv1 = valueToFloat(value); } else if (key == P_VectorY) { bgcv2 = valueToFloat(value); } else if (key == P_BgColorOpacity) { bgColorOpacity = valueToInt(value); } else if (key == P_ColorType) { panel->setBackGroundColorType(Layout::BackGroundColorType(valueToInt(value))); } else if (key == P_BackGroundImageData) { stExpCocoNode* backGroundChildren = stChildArray[i].GetChildArray(cocoLoader); if (backGroundChildren) { std::string resType = backGroundChildren[2].GetValue(cocoLoader); Widget::TextureResType imageFileNameType = (Widget::TextureResType)valueToInt(resType); std::string backgroundValue = this->getResourcePath(cocoLoader, &stChildArray[i], imageFileNameType); panel->setBackGroundImage(backgroundValue, imageFileNameType); } } else if (key == P_CapInsetsX) { capsx = valueToFloat(value); } else if (key == P_CapInsetsY) { capsy = valueToFloat(value); } else if (key == P_CapInsetsWidth) { capsWidth = valueToFloat(value); } else if (key == P_CapInsetsHeight) { capsHeight = valueToFloat(value); } else if (key == P_LayoutType) { layoutType = (Layout::Type)valueToInt(value); } } panel->setBackGroundColor(Color3B(scr, scg, scb), Color3B(ecr, ecg, ecb)); panel->setBackGroundColor(Color3B(cr, cg, cb)); panel->setBackGroundColorVector(Vec2(bgcv1, bgcv2)); panel->setBackGroundColorOpacity(bgColorOpacity); panel->setBackGroundImageColor(Color3B(_color.r, _color.g, _color.b)); panel->setBackGroundImageOpacity(_opacity); if (panel->isBackGroundImageScale9Enabled()) { panel->setBackGroundImageCapInsets(Rect(capsx, capsy, capsWidth, capsHeight)); } panel->setLayoutType(layoutType); this->endSetBasicProperties(widget); } void LayoutReader::setPropsFromJsonDictionary(Widget* widget, const rapidjson::Value& options) { WidgetReader::setPropsFromJsonDictionary(widget, options); Layout* panel = static_cast(widget); /* adapt screen gui */ float w = 0, h = 0; bool adaptScrennExsit = DICTOOL->checkObjectExist_json(options, P_AdaptScreen); if (adaptScrennExsit) { bool adaptScrenn = DICTOOL->getBooleanValue_json(options, P_AdaptScreen); if (adaptScrenn) { Size screenSize = Director::getInstance()->getWinSize(); w = screenSize.width; h = screenSize.height; } else { w = DICTOOL->getFloatValue_json(options, P_Width); h = DICTOOL->getFloatValue_json(options, P_Height); } } else { w = DICTOOL->getFloatValue_json(options, P_Width); h = DICTOOL->getFloatValue_json(options, P_Height); } panel->setContentSize(Size(w, h)); /**/ panel->setClippingEnabled(DICTOOL->getBooleanValue_json(options, P_ClipAble)); bool backGroundScale9Enable = DICTOOL->getBooleanValue_json(options, P_BackGroundScale9Enable); panel->setBackGroundImageScale9Enabled(backGroundScale9Enable); int cr; int cg; int cb; int scr; int scg; int scb; int ecr; int ecg; int ecb; if (dynamic_cast(widget)) { cr = DICTOOL->getIntValue_json(options, P_BgColorR, 150); cg = DICTOOL->getIntValue_json(options, P_BgColorG, 150); cb = DICTOOL->getIntValue_json(options, P_BgColorB, 100); scr = DICTOOL->getIntValue_json(options, P_BgStartColorR, 255); scg = DICTOOL->getIntValue_json(options, P_BgStartColorG, 255); scb = DICTOOL->getIntValue_json(options, P_BgStartColorB, 255); ecr = DICTOOL->getIntValue_json(options, P_BgEndColorR, 255); ecg = DICTOOL->getIntValue_json(options, P_BgEndColorG, 150); ecb = DICTOOL->getIntValue_json(options, P_BgEndColorB, 100); } else if (dynamic_cast(widget)) { cr = DICTOOL->getIntValue_json(options, P_BgColorR, 150); cg = DICTOOL->getIntValue_json(options, P_BgColorG, 150); cb = DICTOOL->getIntValue_json(options, P_BgColorB, 255); scr = DICTOOL->getIntValue_json(options, P_BgStartColorR, 255); scg = DICTOOL->getIntValue_json(options, P_BgStartColorG, 255); scb = DICTOOL->getIntValue_json(options, P_BgStartColorB, 255); ecr = DICTOOL->getIntValue_json(options, P_BgEndColorR, 150); ecg = DICTOOL->getIntValue_json(options, P_BgEndColorG, 150); ecb = DICTOOL->getIntValue_json(options, P_BgEndColorB, 255); } else if (dynamic_cast(widget)) { cr = DICTOOL->getIntValue_json(options, P_BgColorR, 255); cg = DICTOOL->getIntValue_json(options, P_BgColorG, 150); cb = DICTOOL->getIntValue_json(options, P_BgColorB, 100); scr = DICTOOL->getIntValue_json(options, P_BgStartColorR, 255); scg = DICTOOL->getIntValue_json(options, P_BgStartColorG, 255); scb = DICTOOL->getIntValue_json(options, P_BgStartColorB, 255); ecr = DICTOOL->getIntValue_json(options, P_BgEndColorR, 255); ecg = DICTOOL->getIntValue_json(options, P_BgEndColorG, 150); ecb = DICTOOL->getIntValue_json(options, P_BgEndColorB, 100); } else { cr = DICTOOL->getIntValue_json(options, P_BgColorR, 150); cg = DICTOOL->getIntValue_json(options, P_BgColorG, 200); cb = DICTOOL->getIntValue_json(options, P_BgColorB, 255); scr = DICTOOL->getIntValue_json(options, P_BgStartColorR, 255); scg = DICTOOL->getIntValue_json(options, P_BgStartColorG, 255); scb = DICTOOL->getIntValue_json(options, P_BgStartColorB, 255); ecr = DICTOOL->getIntValue_json(options, P_BgEndColorR, 150); ecg = DICTOOL->getIntValue_json(options, P_BgEndColorG, 200); ecb = DICTOOL->getIntValue_json(options, P_BgEndColorB, 255); } float bgcv1 = DICTOOL->getFloatValue_json(options, P_VectorX); float bgcv2 = DICTOOL->getFloatValue_json(options, P_VectorY, -0.5); panel->setBackGroundColorVector(Vec2(bgcv1, bgcv2)); int co = DICTOOL->getIntValue_json(options, P_BgColorOpacity, 100); int colorType = DICTOOL->getIntValue_json(options, P_ColorType, 1); panel->setBackGroundColorType(Layout::BackGroundColorType(colorType)); panel->setBackGroundColor(Color3B(scr, scg, scb), Color3B(ecr, ecg, ecb)); panel->setBackGroundColor(Color3B(cr, cg, cb)); panel->setBackGroundColorOpacity(co); const rapidjson::Value& imageFileNameDic = DICTOOL->getSubDictionary_json(options, P_BackGroundImageData); int imageFileNameType = DICTOOL->getIntValue_json(imageFileNameDic, P_ResourceType); std::string imageFileName = this->getResourcePath(imageFileNameDic, P_Path, (Widget::TextureResType)imageFileNameType); panel->setBackGroundImage(imageFileName, (Widget::TextureResType)imageFileNameType); if (backGroundScale9Enable) { float cx = DICTOOL->getFloatValue_json(options, P_CapInsetsX); float cy = DICTOOL->getFloatValue_json(options, P_CapInsetsY); float cw = DICTOOL->getFloatValue_json(options, P_CapInsetsWidth, 1); float ch = DICTOOL->getFloatValue_json(options, P_CapInsetsHeight, 1); panel->setBackGroundImageCapInsets(Rect(cx, cy, cw, ch)); } bool layoutTypeExsit = DICTOOL->checkObjectExist_json(options, P_LayoutType); if (layoutTypeExsit) { panel->setLayoutType((Layout::Type)DICTOOL->getIntValue_json(options, P_LayoutType)); } int bgimgcr = DICTOOL->getIntValue_json(options, P_ColorR, 255); int bgimgcg = DICTOOL->getIntValue_json(options, P_ColorG, 255); int bgimgcb = DICTOOL->getIntValue_json(options, P_ColorB, 255); panel->setBackGroundImageColor(Color3B(bgimgcr, bgimgcg, bgimgcb)); int bgimgopacity = DICTOOL->getIntValue_json(options, P_Opacity, 255); panel->setBackGroundImageOpacity(bgimgopacity); WidgetReader::setColorPropsFromJsonDictionary(widget, options); } Offset LayoutReader::createOptionsWithFlatBuffers(pugi::xml_node objectData, flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder* builder) { auto temp = WidgetReader::getInstance()->createOptionsWithFlatBuffers(objectData, builder); auto widgetOptions = *(Offset*)(&temp); std::string path; std::string plistFile; int resourceType = 0; bool clipEnabled = false; Color3B bgColor; Color3B bgStartColor; Color3B bgEndColor; int colorType = 0; uint8_t bgColorOpacity = 255; Vec2 colorVector(0.0f, -0.5f); Rect capInsets; Size scale9Size; bool backGroundScale9Enabled = false; // attributes auto attribute = objectData.first_attribute(); while (attribute) { std::string_view name = attribute.name(); std::string_view value = attribute.value(); if (name == "ClipAble") { clipEnabled = (value == "True") ? true : false; } else if (name == "ComboBoxIndex") { colorType = atoi(value.data()); } else if (name == "BackColorAlpha") { bgColorOpacity = atoi(value.data()); } else if (name == "Scale9Enable") { if (value == "True") { backGroundScale9Enabled = true; } } else if (name == "Scale9OriginX") { capInsets.origin.x = atof(value.data()); } else if (name == "Scale9OriginY") { capInsets.origin.y = atof(value.data()); } else if (name == "Scale9Width") { capInsets.size.width = atof(value.data()); } else if (name == "Scale9Height") { capInsets.size.height = atof(value.data()); } attribute = attribute.next_attribute(); } // child elements auto child = objectData.first_child(); while (child) { std::string_view name = child.name(); if (name == "Size" && backGroundScale9Enabled) { attribute = child.first_attribute(); while (attribute) { name = attribute.name(); std::string_view value = attribute.value(); if (name == "X") { scale9Size.width = atof(value.data()); } else if (name == "Y") { scale9Size.height = atof(value.data()); } attribute = attribute.next_attribute(); } } else if (name == "SingleColor") { attribute = child.first_attribute(); while (attribute) { name = attribute.name(); std::string_view value = attribute.value(); if (name == "R") { bgColor.r = atoi(value.data()); } else if (name == "G") { bgColor.g = atoi(value.data()); } else if (name == "B") { bgColor.b = atoi(value.data()); } attribute = attribute.next_attribute(); } } else if (name == "EndColor") { attribute = child.first_attribute(); while (attribute) { name = attribute.name(); std::string_view value = attribute.value(); if (name == "R") { bgEndColor.r = atoi(value.data()); } else if (name == "G") { bgEndColor.g = atoi(value.data()); } else if (name == "B") { bgEndColor.b = atoi(value.data()); } attribute = attribute.next_attribute(); } } else if (name == "FirstColor") { attribute = child.first_attribute(); while (attribute) { name = attribute.name(); std::string_view value = attribute.value(); if (name == "R") { bgStartColor.r = atoi(value.data()); } else if (name == "G") { bgStartColor.g = atoi(value.data()); } else if (name == "B") { bgStartColor.b = atoi(value.data()); } attribute = attribute.next_attribute(); } } else if (name == "ColorVector") { attribute = child.first_attribute(); while (attribute) { name = attribute.name(); std::string_view value = attribute.value(); if (name == "ScaleX") { colorVector.x = atof(value.data()); } else if (name == "ScaleY") { colorVector.y = atof(value.data()); } attribute = attribute.next_attribute(); } } else if (name == "FileData") { std::string texture; std::string texturePng; attribute = child.first_attribute(); while (attribute) { name = attribute.name(); std::string_view value = attribute.value(); if (name == "Path") { path = value; } else if (name == "Type") { resourceType = getResourceType(value); } else if (name == "Plist") { plistFile = value; texture = value; } attribute = attribute.next_attribute(); } if (resourceType == 1) { FlatBuffersSerialize* fbs = FlatBuffersSerialize::getInstance(); fbs->_textures.push_back(builder->CreateString(texture)); } } child = child.next_sibling(); } Color f_bgColor(255, bgColor.r, bgColor.g, bgColor.b); Color f_bgStartColor(255, bgStartColor.r, bgStartColor.g, bgStartColor.b); Color f_bgEndColor(255, bgEndColor.r, bgEndColor.g, bgEndColor.b); ColorVector f_colorVector(colorVector.x, colorVector.y); CapInsets f_capInsets(capInsets.origin.x, capInsets.origin.y, capInsets.size.width, capInsets.size.height); FlatSize f_scale9Size(scale9Size.width, scale9Size.height); auto options = CreatePanelOptions( *builder, widgetOptions, CreateResourceData(*builder, builder->CreateString(path), builder->CreateString(plistFile), resourceType), clipEnabled, &f_bgColor, &f_bgStartColor, &f_bgEndColor, colorType, bgColorOpacity, &f_colorVector, &f_capInsets, &f_scale9Size, backGroundScale9Enabled); return *(Offset
*)(&options); } void LayoutReader::setPropsWithFlatBuffers(axis::Node* node, const flatbuffers::Table* layoutOptions) { Layout* panel = static_cast(node); auto options = (PanelOptions*)layoutOptions; bool clipEnabled = options->clipEnabled() != 0; panel->setClippingEnabled(clipEnabled); bool backGroundScale9Enabled = options->backGroundScale9Enabled() != 0; panel->setBackGroundImageScale9Enabled(backGroundScale9Enabled); auto f_bgColor = options->bgColor(); Color3B bgColor(f_bgColor->r(), f_bgColor->g(), f_bgColor->b()); auto f_bgStartColor = options->bgStartColor(); Color3B bgStartColor(f_bgStartColor->r(), f_bgStartColor->g(), f_bgStartColor->b()); auto f_bgEndColor = options->bgEndColor(); Color3B bgEndColor(f_bgEndColor->r(), f_bgEndColor->g(), f_bgEndColor->b()); auto f_colorVecor = options->colorVector(); Vec2 colorVector(f_colorVecor->vectorX(), f_colorVecor->vectorY()); panel->setBackGroundColorVector(colorVector); int bgColorOpacity = options->bgColorOpacity(); int colorType = options->colorType(); panel->setBackGroundColorType(Layout::BackGroundColorType(colorType)); panel->setBackGroundColor(bgStartColor, bgEndColor); panel->setBackGroundColor(bgColor); panel->setBackGroundColorOpacity(bgColorOpacity); bool fileExist = false; std::string errorFilePath; auto imageFileNameDic = (options->backGroundImageData()); int imageFileNameType = imageFileNameDic->resourceType(); std::string imageFileName = imageFileNameDic->path()->c_str(); if (imageFileName != "") { switch (imageFileNameType) { case 0: { if (FileUtils::getInstance()->isFileExist(imageFileName)) { fileExist = true; } else { errorFilePath = imageFileName; fileExist = false; } break; } case 1: { std::string plist = imageFileNameDic->plistFile()->c_str(); SpriteFrame* spriteFrame = SpriteFrameCache::getInstance()->getSpriteFrameByName(imageFileName); if (spriteFrame) { fileExist = true; } else { if (FileUtils::getInstance()->isFileExist(plist)) { ValueMap value = FileUtils::getInstance()->getValueMapFromFile(plist); ValueMap metadata = value["metadata"].asValueMap(); std::string textureFileName = metadata["textureFileName"].asString(); if (!FileUtils::getInstance()->isFileExist(textureFileName)) { errorFilePath = textureFileName; } } else { errorFilePath = plist; } fileExist = false; } break; } default: break; } if (fileExist) { panel->setBackGroundImage(imageFileName, (Widget::TextureResType)imageFileNameType); } } auto widgetOptions = options->widgetOptions(); auto f_color = widgetOptions->color(); Color3B color(f_color->r(), f_color->g(), f_color->b()); panel->setColor(color); int opacity = widgetOptions->alpha(); panel->setOpacity(opacity); auto widgetReader = WidgetReader::getInstance(); widgetReader->setPropsWithFlatBuffers(node, (Table*)options->widgetOptions()); if (backGroundScale9Enabled) { auto f_capInsets = options->capInsets(); Rect capInsets(f_capInsets->x(), f_capInsets->y(), f_capInsets->width(), f_capInsets->height()); panel->setBackGroundImageCapInsets(capInsets); auto f_scale9Size = options->scale9Size(); Size scale9Size(f_scale9Size->width(), f_scale9Size->height()); panel->setContentSize(scale9Size); } else { if (!panel->isIgnoreContentAdaptWithSize()) { Size contentSize(widgetOptions->size()->width(), widgetOptions->size()->height()); panel->setContentSize(contentSize); } } } Node* LayoutReader::createNodeWithFlatBuffers(const flatbuffers::Table* layoutOptions) { Layout* layout = Layout::create(); setPropsWithFlatBuffers(layout, (Table*)layoutOptions); return layout; } int LayoutReader::getResourceType(std::string_view key) { if (key == "Normal" || key == "Default") { return 0; } FlatBuffersSerialize* fbs = FlatBuffersSerialize::getInstance(); if (fbs->_isSimulator) { if (key == "MarkedSubImage") { return 0; } } return 1; } } // namespace cocostudio