/**************************************************************************** Copyright (c) 2011 cocos2d-x.org http://cocos2d-x.org Copyright (c) 2011 Максим Аксенов Copyright (c) 2011 Giovanni Zito, Francis Styck Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ****************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include "CCImage.h" #include "CCCommon.h" #include "CCStdC.h" #include "CCFileUtils.h" #include "s3eFile.h" #include "IwUtil.h" #include "png.h" #include "ft2build.h" #include FT_FREETYPE_H #define FONT_KERNING 2 #define RSHIFT6(num) ((num)>>6) #include extern "C" { #include } #include // typedef struct // { // unsigned char* data; // int size; // int offset; // }tImageSource; struct TextLine { string sLineStr; int iLineWidth; }; NS_CC_BEGIN class CC_DLL CCImageHelper { public: CCImageHelper(); ~CCImageHelper(); // dummy funcs to help libjpeg static void JPEGInitSource(j_decompress_ptr cinfo) { } static boolean JPEGFillInputBuffer(j_decompress_ptr cinfo) { return 0; } static void JPEGSkipInputData(j_decompress_ptr cinfo, long num_bytes) { cinfo->src->next_input_byte += num_bytes; cinfo->src->bytes_in_buffer -= num_bytes; } static void JPEGTermSource(j_decompress_ptr cinfo) { } }; class BitmapDC { public: BitmapDC(); ~BitmapDC(); void reset(); bool getBitmap(const char *text, int nWidth, int nHeight, CCImage::ETextAlign eAlignMask, const char * pFontName, uint fontSize); public: unsigned char* m_pData; int m_iMaxLineWidth; int m_iMaxLineHeight; private: void buildLine(stringstream& ss, FT_Face face, int iCurXCursor, char cLastChar); bool divideString(FT_Face face, const char* sText, int iMaxWidth, int iMaxHeight); /** * compute the start pos of every line * return value>0 represents the start x pos of the line, while -1 means fail */ int computeLineStart(FT_Face face, CCImage::ETextAlign eAlignMask, char cText, int iLineIndex); bool startsWith(const std::string& str, const std::string& what); bool endsWith(const std::string& str, const std::string& what); std::string fileNameExtension(const std::string& pathName); std::string basename(const std::string& pathName); int openFont(const std::string& fontName, uint fontSize); private: FT_Library m_library; FT_Face m_face ; std::string m_fontName ; uint m_fontSize ; int m_libError; int m_iInterval; vector m_vLines; }; bool BitmapDC::startsWith(const std::string& str, const std::string& what) { bool result = false ; if( what.size() <= str.size() ) { result = (str.substr( 0, what.size() ) == what) ; } return result ; } bool BitmapDC::endsWith(const std::string& str, const std::string& what) { bool result = false ; if( what.size() <= str.size() ) { result = (str.substr( str.size() - what.size() ) == what) ; } return result ; } std::string BitmapDC::fileNameExtension(const std::string& pathName) { std::string ext ; std::string::size_type pos = pathName.find_last_of(".") ; if( pos != std::string::npos && pos != pathName.size()-1 ) { ext = pathName.substr(pos+1) ; } return ext ; } std::string BitmapDC::basename(const std::string& pathName) { int pos = pathName.rfind("/"); std::string bn = pathName.substr(pos + 1, pathName.length() - pos + 1); return bn ; } BitmapDC::BitmapDC() : m_face(NULL) ,m_fontName() ,m_fontSize(0) ,m_iInterval(FONT_KERNING) ,m_pData(NULL) { m_libError = FT_Init_FreeType( &m_library ); reset(); } BitmapDC::~BitmapDC() { // free face if( m_face ) { FT_Done_Face(m_face); m_face = NULL; } FT_Done_FreeType(m_library); //data will be deleted by CCImage // if (m_pData) { // delete [] m_pData; // } } void BitmapDC::reset() { m_iMaxLineWidth = 0; m_iMaxLineHeight = 0; m_vLines.clear(); } void BitmapDC::buildLine( stringstream& ss, FT_Face face, int iCurXCursor, char cLastChar ) { TextLine oTempLine; ss << '\0'; oTempLine.sLineStr = ss.str(); //get last glyph FT_Load_Glyph(face, FT_Get_Char_Index(face, cLastChar), FT_LOAD_DEFAULT); oTempLine.iLineWidth = iCurXCursor - RSHIFT6( face->glyph->metrics.horiAdvance + face->glyph->metrics.horiBearingX - face->glyph->metrics.width)/*-iInterval*/; //TODO interval m_iMaxLineWidth = MAX(m_iMaxLineWidth, oTempLine.iLineWidth); ss.clear(); ss.str(""); m_vLines.push_back(oTempLine); } bool BitmapDC::divideString( FT_Face face, const char* sText, int iMaxWidth, int iMaxHeight ) { const char* pText = sText; int iError = 0; int iCurXCursor; iError = FT_Load_Glyph(face, FT_Get_Char_Index(face, *pText), FT_LOAD_DEFAULT); if (iError) { return false; } iCurXCursor = -RSHIFT6(face->glyph->metrics.horiBearingX); //init stringstream stringstream ss; int cLastCh = 0; while (*pText != '\0') { if (*pText == '\n') { buildLine(ss, face, iCurXCursor, cLastCh); pText++; iError = FT_Load_Glyph(face, FT_Get_Char_Index(face, *pText), FT_LOAD_DEFAULT); if (iError) { return false; } iCurXCursor = -RSHIFT6(face->glyph->metrics.horiBearingX); continue; } iError = FT_Load_Glyph(face, FT_Get_Char_Index(face, *pText), FT_LOAD_DEFAULT); if (iError) { return false; //break; } //check its width //divide it when exceeding if ((iMaxWidth > 0 && iCurXCursor + RSHIFT6(face->glyph->metrics.width) > iMaxWidth)) { buildLine(ss, face , iCurXCursor, cLastCh); iCurXCursor = -RSHIFT6(face->glyph->metrics.horiBearingX); } cLastCh = *pText; ss << *pText; iCurXCursor += RSHIFT6(face->glyph->metrics.horiAdvance) + m_iInterval; pText++; /* if (cLastCh == ' ' || cLastCh == ',' || cLastCh == '.' || cLastCh == '!' || cLastCh == '?') { char *pText_temp = (char *)pText; int iCurXCursor_temp = 0; while((strlen(pText_temp) > 0) && (*pText_temp!=' ') && (*pText_temp !=',') && (*pText_temp != '.') && (*pText_temp != '!') && (*pText_temp != '?') && (*pText_temp != '/0') && (*pText_temp != '/n')) { iError = FT_Load_Glyph(face, FT_Get_Char_Index(face, *pText_temp), FT_LOAD_DEFAULT); if (iError) { return false; //break; } iCurXCursor_temp += SHIFT6(face->glyph->metrics.horiAdvance) + iInterval; if (iCurXCursor + iCurXCursor_temp > iMaxWidth && iMaxWidth > 0) { buildLine(ss, face , iCurXCursor, cLastCh); iCurXCursor = -SHIFT6(face->glyph->metrics.horiBearingX); } pText_temp++; } } */ } if (iError) { return false; } buildLine(ss,face, iCurXCursor, cLastCh); return true; } int BitmapDC::computeLineStart( FT_Face face, CCImage::ETextAlign eAlignMask, char cText, int iLineIndex ) { int iRet; int iError = FT_Load_Glyph(face, FT_Get_Char_Index(face, cText), FT_LOAD_DEFAULT); if (iError) { return -1; } if (eAlignMask == CCImage::kAlignCenter) { iRet = (m_iMaxLineWidth - m_vLines[iLineIndex].iLineWidth) / 2 - RSHIFT6(face->glyph->metrics.horiBearingX ); } else if (eAlignMask == CCImage::kAlignRight) { iRet = (m_iMaxLineWidth - m_vLines[iLineIndex].iLineWidth) - RSHIFT6(face->glyph->metrics.horiBearingX ); } else { // left or other situation iRet = -RSHIFT6(face->glyph->metrics.horiBearingX ); } return iRet; } int BitmapDC::openFont(const string& fontName, uint fontSize) { FT_Face aFace ; int iError = 0 ; if( m_fontName != basename(fontName) || m_fontSize != fontSize ) { iError = FT_New_Face( m_library, fontName.c_str(), 0, &aFace ); if( !iError ) { if(m_face) { FT_Done_Face(m_face); } m_face = aFace ; m_fontName = basename(fontName) ; m_fontSize = fontSize ; } } return iError ; } bool BitmapDC::getBitmap( const char *text, int nWidth, int nHeight, CCImage::ETextAlign eAlignMask, const char * pFontName, uint fontSize ) { FT_Error iError; unsigned char cTemp ; int iY, iX, iTemp ; uint32 offset, rowOffset ; //data will be deleted by CCImage // if (m_pData) { // delete m_pData; // } int iCurXCursor, iCurYCursor; bool bRet = false; if (m_libError) { return false; } do { std::string fName = pFontName ; string ext = fileNameExtension(fName) ; if( ext.empty() || (ext != "ttf" && ext != "TTF") ) { fName += ".ttf" ; } if( !m_face || (m_fontName != basename(fName) || m_fontSize != fontSize) ) { iError = openFont( fName, fontSize ); if (iError) { // try loading from "fonts" folder if( !startsWith(fName,"fonts/") ) { fName = string("fonts/") + fName ; } iError = openFont( fName, fontSize ); if (iError) { //no valid font found, try to use default fName = "fonts/Marker Felt.ttf" ; //CCLog("No valid font, use default %s\n", fName.c_str()); iError = openFont( fName, fontSize ); } } CC_BREAK_IF(iError); //select utf8 charmap iError = FT_Select_Charmap(m_face,FT_ENCODING_UNICODE); CC_BREAK_IF(iError); iError = FT_Set_Pixel_Sizes(m_face, fontSize,fontSize); CC_BREAK_IF(iError); } iError = divideString(m_face, text, nWidth, nHeight) ? 0 : 1 ; //compute the final line width m_iMaxLineWidth = MAX(m_iMaxLineWidth, nWidth); FT_Pos ascenderPixels = RSHIFT6(m_face->size->metrics.ascender) ; FT_Pos descenderPixels = RSHIFT6(m_face->size->metrics.descender) ; m_iMaxLineHeight = ascenderPixels - descenderPixels; m_iMaxLineHeight *= m_vLines.size(); //compute the final line height m_iMaxLineHeight = MAX(m_iMaxLineHeight, nHeight); uint bitmapSize = m_iMaxLineWidth * m_iMaxLineHeight*4 ; m_pData = new unsigned char[bitmapSize]; memset(m_pData,0, bitmapSize); const char* pText = text; iCurYCursor = ascenderPixels; for (size_t i = 0; i < m_vLines.size(); i++) { pText = m_vLines[i].sLineStr.c_str(); //initialize the origin cursor iCurXCursor = computeLineStart(m_face, eAlignMask, *pText, i); while (*pText != 0) { int iError = FT_Load_Glyph(m_face, FT_Get_Char_Index(m_face, *pText), FT_LOAD_RENDER); if (iError) { break; } // convert glyph to bitmap with 256 gray // and get the bitmap FT_Bitmap & bitmap = m_face->glyph->bitmap; FT_Pos horiBearingYPixels = RSHIFT6(m_face->glyph->metrics.horiBearingY) ; FT_Pos horiBearingXPixels = RSHIFT6(m_face->glyph->metrics.horiBearingX) ; FT_Pos horiAdvancePixels = RSHIFT6(m_face->glyph->metrics.horiAdvance) ; for (int i = 0; i < bitmap.rows; ++i) { iY = iCurYCursor + i - horiBearingYPixels; if (iY < 0 || iY>=m_iMaxLineHeight) { //exceed the height truncate continue; } rowOffset = iY * m_iMaxLineWidth ; // if it has gray>0 we set show it as 1, otherwise 0 for (int j = 0; j < bitmap.width; ++j) { cTemp = bitmap.buffer[i * bitmap.width + j]; if( cTemp ) { iX = iCurXCursor + j + horiBearingXPixels; offset = (rowOffset + iX) * 4 ; IwAssert( GAME, ((offset + 3) < bitmapSize) ) ; iTemp = cTemp << 24 | cTemp << 16 | cTemp << 8 | cTemp; *(int*) &m_pData[ offset ] = iTemp ; // ARGB } } } //step to next glyph iCurXCursor += horiAdvancePixels + m_iInterval; pText++; } iCurYCursor += ascenderPixels - descenderPixels ; } //clear all lines m_vLines.clear(); //success; if (iError) { bRet = false; } else bRet = true; }while(0); return bRet; } static BitmapDC& sharedBitmapDC() { static BitmapDC s_BmpDC; return s_BmpDC; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Implement CCImage ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// CCImage::CCImage() : m_nWidth(0) , m_nHeight(0) , m_nBitsPerComponent(0) , m_pData(0) , m_bHasAlpha(false) , m_bPreMulti(false) { } CCImage::~CCImage() { CC_SAFE_DELETE_ARRAY(m_pData); } bool CCImage::initWithImageFile(const char * strPath, EImageFormat eImgFmt/* = eFmtPng*/) { IW_CALLSTACK("UIImage::initWithImageFile"); CCFileData data(CCFileUtils::fullPathFromRelativePath(strPath), "rb"); return initWithImageData(data.getBuffer(), data.getSize(), eImgFmt); } bool CCImage::initWithImageFileThreadSafe( const char *fullpath, EImageFormat imageType /*= kFmtPng*/ ) { CC_UNUSED_PARAM(imageType); CCFileData data(fullpath, "rb"); return initWithImageData(data.getBuffer(), data.getSize(), imageType); } bool CCImage::initWithImageData(void * pData, int nDataLen, EImageFormat eFmt, int nWidth, int nHeight, int nBitsPerComponent) { bool bRet = false; do { CC_BREAK_IF(! pData || nDataLen <= 0); if (kFmtPng == eFmt) { bRet = _initWithPngData(pData, nDataLen); break; } else if (kFmtJpg == eFmt) { bRet = _initWithJpgData(pData, nDataLen); break; } } while (0); return bRet; } bool CCImage::_initWithJpgData(void * data, int nSize) { IW_CALLSTACK("CCImage::_initWithJpgData"); bool bRet = false; s3eFile* pFile = s3eFileOpenFromMemory(data, nSize); IwAssert(GAME, pFile); jpeg_decompress_struct cinfo; bzero(&cinfo, sizeof(cinfo)); JSAMPARRAY buffer; /* Output row buffer */ int row_stride; /* physical row width in output buffer */ jpeg_source_mgr srcmgr; srcmgr.bytes_in_buffer = nSize; srcmgr.next_input_byte = (JOCTET*) data; srcmgr.init_source = CCImageHelper::JPEGInitSource; srcmgr.fill_input_buffer = CCImageHelper::JPEGFillInputBuffer; srcmgr.skip_input_data = CCImageHelper::JPEGSkipInputData; srcmgr.resync_to_restart = jpeg_resync_to_restart; srcmgr.term_source = CCImageHelper::JPEGTermSource; jpeg_error_mgr jerr; cinfo.err = jpeg_std_error(&jerr); jpeg_create_decompress(&cinfo); cinfo.src = &srcmgr; jpeg_read_header(&cinfo, TRUE); jpeg_start_decompress(&cinfo); /* JSAMPLEs per row in output buffer */ row_stride = cinfo.output_width * cinfo.output_components; /* Make a one-row-high sample array that will go away when done with image */ buffer = (*cinfo.mem->alloc_sarray) ((j_common_ptr) &cinfo, JPOOL_IMAGE, row_stride, 1); int copy_rows = (int)cinfo.output_height; int copy_width = (int)cinfo.output_width; if (copy_width < 0 || copy_rows < 0) { printf("jpeg is fully off screen\n"); return bRet; } int startx=0; int starty=0; int bytesPerPix = 4; m_pData = new unsigned char[copy_rows * copy_width * bytesPerPix]; memset(m_pData,0, copy_rows * copy_width * bytesPerPix); // init image info m_bPreMulti = false; m_bHasAlpha = false; m_nHeight = copy_rows; m_nWidth = copy_width; m_nBitsPerComponent = bytesPerPix; unsigned char *dst = m_pData; unsigned char *pData = m_pData; while (cinfo.output_scanline < cinfo.output_height)// count through the image { /* jpeg_read_scanlines expects an array of pointers to scanlines. * Here the array is only one element long, but you could ask for * more than one scanline at a time if that's more convenient. */ (void) jpeg_read_scanlines(&cinfo, buffer, 1); if (starty-- <= 0)// count down from start { if (copy_rows-- > 0) { for (int xx=startx; xx < copy_width; xx++) { uint8 r = buffer[0][xx*3+0]; uint8 b = buffer[0][xx*3+1]; uint8 g = buffer[0][xx*3+2]; *dst++ = r; *dst++ = b; *dst++ = g; *dst++ = 255; } } } } (void) jpeg_finish_decompress(&cinfo); jpeg_destroy_decompress(&cinfo); printf("jpeg display done\n"); bRet = true; return bRet; } void userReadData(png_structp pngPtr, png_bytep data, png_size_t length) { png_voidp png_pointer = png_get_io_ptr(pngPtr); s3eFileRead((char*)data, length, 1, (s3eFile*)png_pointer); } #define PNGSIGSIZE 8 bool CCImage::_initWithPngData(void * pData, int nDatalen) { IW_CALLSTACK("CCImage::_initWithPngData"); bool bRet = false; s3eFile* pFile = s3eFileOpenFromMemory(pData, nDatalen); IwAssert(GAME, pFile); png_byte pngsig[PNGSIGSIZE]; bool is_png = false; s3eFileRead((char*)pngsig, PNGSIGSIZE, 1, pFile); is_png = png_sig_cmp(pngsig, 0, PNGSIGSIZE) == 0 ? true : false; if (!is_png) return false; png_structp pngPtr = png_create_read_struct(PNG_LIBPNG_VER_STRING, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (!pngPtr) return false; png_infop infoPtr = png_create_info_struct(pngPtr); if (!infoPtr) return false; png_bytep* rowPtrs = NULL; m_pData = NULL; if (setjmp(png_jmpbuf(pngPtr))) { png_destroy_read_struct(&pngPtr, &infoPtr,(png_infopp)0); if (rowPtrs != NULL) delete [] rowPtrs; if (m_pData != NULL) delete [] m_pData; CCLog("ERROR: An error occured while reading the PNG file"); return false; } png_set_read_fn(pngPtr, pFile, userReadData); png_set_sig_bytes(pngPtr, PNGSIGSIZE); png_read_info(pngPtr, infoPtr); png_uint_32 bitdepth = png_get_bit_depth(pngPtr, infoPtr); png_uint_32 channels = png_get_channels(pngPtr, infoPtr); png_uint_32 color_type = png_get_color_type(pngPtr, infoPtr); // Convert palette color to true color if (color_type ==PNG_COLOR_TYPE_PALETTE) png_set_palette_to_rgb(pngPtr); // Convert low bit colors to 8 bit colors if (png_get_bit_depth(pngPtr, infoPtr) < 8) { if (color_type==PNG_COLOR_TYPE_GRAY || color_type==PNG_COLOR_TYPE_GRAY_ALPHA) png_set_gray_1_2_4_to_8(pngPtr); else png_set_packing(pngPtr); } if (png_get_valid(pngPtr, infoPtr, PNG_INFO_tRNS)) png_set_tRNS_to_alpha(pngPtr); // Convert high bit colors to 8 bit colors if (bitdepth == 16) png_set_strip_16(pngPtr); // Convert gray color to true color if (color_type==PNG_COLOR_TYPE_GRAY || color_type==PNG_COLOR_TYPE_GRAY_ALPHA) png_set_gray_to_rgb(pngPtr); // Update the changes png_read_update_info(pngPtr, infoPtr); // init image info m_bPreMulti = true; unsigned int bytesPerComponent = png_get_channels(pngPtr, infoPtr); m_bHasAlpha = (bytesPerComponent == 4 ? true : false); m_nHeight = (unsigned int)png_get_image_height(pngPtr, infoPtr); m_nWidth = (unsigned int) png_get_image_width(pngPtr, infoPtr); m_nBitsPerComponent = (unsigned int)png_get_bit_depth(pngPtr, infoPtr); m_pData = new unsigned char[m_nHeight * m_nWidth * bytesPerComponent]; unsigned int bytesPerRow = m_nWidth * bytesPerComponent; { unsigned char *ptr = m_pData; rowPtrs = new png_bytep[m_nHeight]; for (int i = 0; i < m_nHeight; i++) { int q = (i) * bytesPerRow; rowPtrs[i] = (png_bytep)m_pData + q; } png_read_image(pngPtr, rowPtrs); delete[] (png_bytep)rowPtrs; png_destroy_read_struct(&pngPtr, &infoPtr,(png_infopp)0); s3eFileClose(pFile); pFile = 0; } // premultiplay if alpha if(m_bHasAlpha) for(unsigned int i = 0; i < m_nHeight*bytesPerRow; i += bytesPerComponent){ *(m_pData + i + 0) = (*(m_pData + i + 0) * *(m_pData + i + 3) + 1) >> 8; *(m_pData + i + 1) = (*(m_pData + i + 1) * *(m_pData + i + 3) + 1) >> 8; *(m_pData + i + 2) = (*(m_pData + i + 2) * *(m_pData + i + 3) + 1) >> 8; *(m_pData + i + 3) = *(m_pData + i + 3); } bRet = true; return bRet; } bool CCImage::initWithString( const char * pText, int nWidth/* = 0*/, int nHeight/* = 0*/, ETextAlign eAlignMask/* = kAlignCenter*/, const char * pFontName/* = nil*/, int nSize/* = 0*/) { bool bRet = false; do { CC_BREAK_IF(! pText); BitmapDC &dc = sharedBitmapDC(); const char* pFullFontName = CCFileUtils::fullPathFromRelativePath(pFontName); CC_BREAK_IF(! dc.getBitmap(pText, nWidth, nHeight, eAlignMask, pFullFontName, nSize)); // assign the dc.m_pData to m_pData in order to save time m_pData = dc.m_pData; CC_BREAK_IF(! m_pData); m_nWidth = (short)dc.m_iMaxLineWidth; m_nHeight = (short)dc.m_iMaxLineHeight; m_bHasAlpha = true; m_bPreMulti = true; m_nBitsPerComponent = 8; bRet = true; dc.reset(); }while (0); //do nothing return bRet; } bool CCImage::saveToFile(const char *pszFilePath, bool bIsToRGB) { // todo return false; } bool CCImage::_initWithRawData(void * pData, int nDatalen, int nWidth, int nHeight, int nBitsPerComponent) { // todo return false; } bool CCImage::_saveImageToPNG(const char * pszFilePath, bool bIsToRGB) { // todo return false; } bool CCImage::_saveImageToJPG(const char * pszFilePath) { // todo return false; } NS_CC_END