/**************************************************************************** Copyright (c) 2013 Zynga Inc. Copyright (c) 2013-2014 Chukong Technologies Inc. http://www.cocos2d-x.org Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ****************************************************************************/ #ifndef _COCOS2D_CCLABEL_H_ #define _COCOS2D_CCLABEL_H_ #include "CCSpriteBatchNode.h" #include "ccTypes.h" #include "renderer/CCCustomCommand.h" #include "CCFontAtlas.h" NS_CC_BEGIN enum class GlyphCollection { DYNAMIC, NEHE, ASCII, CUSTOM }; enum class LabelEffect { NORMAL, OUTLINE, SHADOW, GLOW }; typedef struct _ttfConfig { std::string fontFilePath; int fontSize; GlyphCollection glyphs; const char *customGlyphs; bool distanceFieldEnabled; int outlineSize; _ttfConfig(const char* filePath = "",int size = 12, const GlyphCollection& glyphCollection = GlyphCollection::DYNAMIC, const char *customGlyphCollection = nullptr,bool useDistanceField = false,int outline = 0) :fontFilePath(filePath) ,fontSize(size) ,glyphs(glyphCollection) ,customGlyphs(customGlyphCollection) ,distanceFieldEnabled(useDistanceField) ,outlineSize(outline) { if(outline > 0) { distanceFieldEnabled = false; } } }TTFConfig; class CC_DLL Label : public SpriteBatchNode, public LabelProtocol { public: static const int DistanceFieldFontSize; static Label* create(); /** creates a Label from a font name, horizontal alignment, dimension in points, and font size in points. * @warning It will generate texture by the platform-dependent code if [fontName] not a font file. */ static Label * create(const std::string& text, const std::string& fontName, float fontSize, const Size& dimensions = Size::ZERO, TextHAlignment hAlignment = TextHAlignment::LEFT, TextVAlignment vAlignment = TextVAlignment::TOP); CC_DEPRECATED_ATTRIBUTE static Label* createWithTTF(const std::string& label, const std::string& fontFilePath, int fontSize, int lineSize = 0, TextHAlignment alignment = TextHAlignment::LEFT, GlyphCollection glyphs = GlyphCollection::DYNAMIC, const char *customGlyphs = 0, bool useDistanceField = false); /** create a label with TTF configuration * It will generate texture of character by freetype. */ static Label* createWithTTF(const TTFConfig& ttfConfig, const std::string& text, TextHAlignment alignment = TextHAlignment::LEFT, int lineWidth = 0); static Label* createWithBMFont(const std::string& bmfontFilePath, const std::string& text, const TextHAlignment& alignment = TextHAlignment::LEFT, int lineWidth = 0, const Point& imageOffset = Point::ZERO); static Label * createWithCharMap(const std::string& charMapFile, int itemWidth, int itemHeight, int startCharMap); static Label * createWithCharMap(Texture2D* texture, int itemWidth, int itemHeight, int startCharMap); static Label * createWithCharMap(const std::string& plistFile); /** create a lable with string and a font definition * @warning It will generate texture by the platform-dependent code and create Sprite for show text. * To obtain better performance use createWithTTF/createWithBMFont/createWithCharMap */ static Label * createWithFontDefinition(const std::string& text, const FontDefinition &textDefinition); /** set TTF configuration for Label */ virtual bool setTTFConfig(const TTFConfig& ttfConfig); virtual bool setBMFontFilePath(const std::string& bmfontFilePath, const Point& imageOffset = Point::ZERO); virtual bool setCharMap(const std::string& charMapFile, int itemWidth, int itemHeight, int startCharMap); virtual bool setCharMap(Texture2D* texture, int itemWidth, int itemHeight, int startCharMap); virtual bool setCharMap(const std::string& plistFile); /** set the text definition used by this label * It will create Sprite for show text if you haven't set up using TTF/BMFont/CharMap. */ virtual void setFontDefinition(const FontDefinition& textDefinition); /** get the text definition used by this label */ const FontDefinition& getFontDefinition() const { return _fontDefinition; } /** changes the string to render * @warning It is as expensive as changing the string if you haven't set up TTF/BMFont/CharMap for the label. */ virtual void setString(const std::string& text) override; virtual const std::string& getString() const override { return _originalUTF8String; } CC_DEPRECATED_ATTRIBUTE void setLabelEffect(LabelEffect effect,const Color3B& effectColor); /** * Enable shadow for the label * * @todo support blur for shadow effect */ virtual void enableShadow(const Color3B& shadowColor = Color3B::BLACK,const Size &offset = Size(2,-2), float opacity = 0.75f, int blurRadius = 0); /** only support for TTF */ virtual void enableOutline(const Color4B& outlineColor,int outlineSize = -1); /** only support for TTF */ virtual void enableGlow(const Color3B& glowColor); /** disable shadow/outline/glow rendering */ virtual void disableEffect(); void setAlignment(TextHAlignment hAlignment) { setAlignment(hAlignment,_vAlignment);} TextHAlignment getTextAlignment() const { return _hAlignment;} void setAlignment(TextHAlignment hAlignment,TextVAlignment vAlignment); void setHorizontalAlignment(TextHAlignment hAlignment) { setAlignment(hAlignment,_vAlignment); } TextHAlignment getHorizontalAlignment() const { return _hAlignment; } void setVerticalAlignment(TextVAlignment vAlignment) { setAlignment(_hAlignment,vAlignment); } TextVAlignment getVerticalAlignment() const { return _vAlignment; } void setLineBreakWithoutSpace(bool breakWithoutSpace); /** Sets the max line width of the label. * The label's max line width be used for force line breaks if the set value not equal zero. * The label's width and max line width has not always to be equal. */ void setMaxLineWidth(unsigned int maxLineWidth); unsigned int getMaxLineWidth() { return _maxLineWidth;} /** Sets the untransformed size of the label. * The label's width be used for text align if the set value not equal zero. * The label's max line width will be equal to the same value. */ void setWidth(unsigned int width) { setDimensions(width,_labelHeight);} unsigned int getWidth() const { return _labelWidth; } /** Sets the untransformed size of the label. * The label's height be used for text align if the set value not equal zero. * The text will display of incomplete when the size of label not enough to support display all text. */ void setHeight(unsigned int height){ setDimensions(_labelWidth,height);} unsigned int getHeight() const { return _labelHeight;} /** Sets the untransformed size of the label in a more efficient way. */ void setDimensions(unsigned int width,unsigned int height); const Size& getDimensions() const{ return _labelDimensions;} /** update content immediately.*/ virtual void updateContent(); virtual void setFontName(const std::string& fontName); virtual const std::string& getFontName() const; virtual void setFontSize(int fontSize); virtual int getFontSize() const; virtual bool isOpacityModifyRGB() const override; virtual void setOpacityModifyRGB(bool isOpacityModifyRGB) override; virtual void setColor(const Color3B& color) override; virtual Sprite * getLetter(int lettetIndex); // font related stuff int getCommonLineHeight() const; // string related stuff int getStringNumLines() const { return _currNumLines;} int getStringLength() const; CC_DEPRECATED_ATTRIBUTE int getStringLenght() const { return getStringLength(); } virtual void visit(Renderer *renderer, const kmMat4 &parentTransform, bool parentTransformUpdated) override; virtual void draw(Renderer *renderer, const kmMat4 &transform, bool transformUpdated) override; virtual void setScale(float scale) override; virtual void setScaleX(float scaleX) override; virtual void setScaleY(float scaleY) override; virtual float getScaleX() const override; virtual float getScaleY() const override; virtual void addChild(Node * child, int zOrder=0, int tag=0) override; virtual std::string getDescription() const override; virtual const Size& getContentSize() const override; /** Listen "come to background" message It only has effect on Android. */ void listenToBackground(EventCustom *event); /** Listen "FontAtlas purge textures" message */ void listenToFontAtlasPurge(EventCustom *event); protected: void onDraw(const kmMat4& transform, bool transformUpdated); struct LetterInfo { FontLetterDefinition def; Point position; Size contentSize; }; enum class LabelType { TTF, BMFONT, CHARMAP, STRING_TEXTURE }; /** * @js NA */ Label(FontAtlas *atlas = nullptr, TextHAlignment hAlignment = TextHAlignment::LEFT, TextVAlignment vAlignment = TextVAlignment::TOP,bool useDistanceField = false,bool useA8Shader = false); /** * @js NA * @lua NA */ virtual ~Label(); virtual void setFontAtlas(FontAtlas* atlas,bool distanceFieldEnabled = false, bool useA8Shader = false); bool recordLetterInfo(const cocos2d::Point& point,const FontLetterDefinition& letterDef, int spriteIndex); bool recordPlaceholderInfo(int spriteIndex); void setFontScale(float fontScale); virtual void alignText(); bool computeHorizontalKernings(unsigned short int *stringToRender); bool setCurrentString(unsigned short *stringToSet); bool setOriginalString(unsigned short *stringToSet); void computeStringNumLines(); void updateSpriteWithLetterDefinition(const FontLetterDefinition &theDefinition, Texture2D *theTexture); virtual void updateColor() override; virtual void updateShaderProgram(); void drawShadowWithoutBlur(); void createSpriteWithFontDefinition(); void updateFont(); void reset(); bool _isOpacityModifyRGB; bool _contentDirty; bool _fontDirty; std::string _fontName; int _fontSize; LabelType _currentLabelType; std::vector _batchNodes; FontAtlas * _fontAtlas; std::vector _lettersInfo; TTFConfig _fontConfig; //compatibility with older LabelTTF Sprite* _textSprite; FontDefinition _fontDefinition; //! used for optimization Sprite *_reusedLetter; Rect _reusedRect; int _limitShowCount; float _commonLineHeight; bool _lineBreakWithoutSpaces; int * _horizontalKernings; unsigned int _maxLineWidth; Size _labelDimensions; unsigned int _labelWidth; unsigned int _labelHeight; TextHAlignment _hAlignment; TextVAlignment _vAlignment; int _currNumLines; unsigned short int * _currentUTF16String; unsigned short int * _originalUTF16String; std::string _originalUTF8String; float _fontScale; bool _useDistanceField; bool _useA8Shader; LabelEffect _currLabelEffect; Color3B _effectColor; GLuint _uniformEffectColor; CustomCommand _customCommand; Size _shadowOffset; float _shadowOpacity; int _shadowBlurRadius; kmMat4 _parentTransform; Color4B _outlineColor; private: CC_DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(Label); friend class LabelTextFormatter; }; NS_CC_END #endif /*__COCOS2D_CCLABEL_H */