@echo off rem !!!Don't move this file rem usage: run.bat rem BUILD_CFG could be Debug,Release,MinSizeRel,RelWithDebInfo set myDir=%~dp0 set cacheFile=%myDir%run.bat.txt cd /d %myDir%Resources echo The working directory is: %cd% set APP_NAME=@APP_NAME@ set BUILD_DIR=@CMAKE_BUILD_RELATIVE_DIR@ set BUILD_CFG=%1 rem Determine which build config to run if not defined BUILD_CFG if exist %cacheFile% set /p BUILD_CFG=< %cacheFile% if not defined BUILD_CFG set /p BUILD_CFG=Please input Build config(Debug,Release,MinSizeRel,RelWithDebInfo): if not defined BUILD_CFG set BUILD_CFG=Debug rem Save run config to run.bat.txt echo %BUILD_CFG%>%cacheFile% start %BUILD_DIR%/bin/%APP_NAME%/%BUILD_CFG%/%APP_NAME%.exe