/* * Copyright (c) 2012 Chukong Technologies, Inc. * * http://www.cocostudio.com * http://tools.cocoachina.com * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, * distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit * persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the * following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included * in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS * OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN * NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, * DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR * OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE * USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #include #include "CSContentJsonDictionary.h" namespace cs { CSJsonDictionary::CSJsonDictionary() { m_cValue.clear(); } CSJsonDictionary::~CSJsonDictionary() { m_cValue.clear(); } void CSJsonDictionary::initWithDescription(const char *pszDescription) { Json::Reader cReader; m_cValue.clear(); if (pszDescription && *pszDescription) { std::string strValue = pszDescription; cReader.parse(strValue, m_cValue, false); } } void CSJsonDictionary::initWithValue(Json::Value& value) { m_cValue = value; } void CSJsonDictionary::insertItem(const char *pszKey, int nValue) { m_cValue[pszKey] = nValue; } void CSJsonDictionary::insertItem(const char *pszKey, double fValue) { m_cValue[pszKey] = fValue; } void CSJsonDictionary::insertItem(const char *pszKey, const char * pszValue) { m_cValue[pszKey] = pszValue; } void CSJsonDictionary::insertItem(const char *pszKey, bool bValue) { m_cValue[pszKey] = bValue; } void CSJsonDictionary::insertItem(const char *pszKey, CSJsonDictionary * subDictionary) { if (subDictionary) m_cValue[pszKey] = subDictionary->m_cValue; } bool CSJsonDictionary::deleteItem(const char *pszKey) { if(!m_cValue.isMember(pszKey)) return false; m_cValue.removeMember(pszKey); return true; } void CSJsonDictionary::cleanUp() { m_cValue.clear(); } bool CSJsonDictionary::isKeyValidate(const char *pszKey) { return m_cValue.isMember(pszKey); } int CSJsonDictionary::getItemIntValue(const char *pszKey, int nDefaultValue) { if (!isKeyValidate(pszKey, m_cValue) || !m_cValue[pszKey].isNumeric()) return nDefaultValue; return m_cValue[pszKey].asInt(); } double CSJsonDictionary::getItemFloatValue(const char *pszKey, double fDefaultValue) { if (!isKeyValidate(pszKey, m_cValue) || !m_cValue[pszKey].isNumeric()) return fDefaultValue; return m_cValue[pszKey].asDouble(); } const char * CSJsonDictionary::getItemStringValue(const char *pszKey) { if (!isKeyValidate(pszKey, m_cValue) || !m_cValue[pszKey].isString()) return NULL; return m_cValue[pszKey].asCString(); } bool CSJsonDictionary::getItemBoolvalue(const char *pszKey, bool bDefaultValue) { if (!isKeyValidate(pszKey, m_cValue) || !m_cValue[pszKey].isBool()) return bDefaultValue; return m_cValue[pszKey].asBool(); } CSJsonDictionary * CSJsonDictionary::getSubDictionary(const char *pszKey) { CSJsonDictionary * pNewDictionary; if (!isKeyValidate(pszKey, m_cValue) || (!m_cValue[pszKey].isArray() && !m_cValue[pszKey].isObject() && !m_cValue[pszKey].isConvertibleTo(Json::arrayValue) && !m_cValue[pszKey].isConvertibleTo(Json::objectValue))) { pNewDictionary = NULL; } else { pNewDictionary = new CSJsonDictionary(); pNewDictionary->initWithValue(m_cValue[pszKey]); } return pNewDictionary; } std::string CSJsonDictionary::getDescription() { std::string strReturn = m_cValue.toStyledString(); return strReturn; } bool CSJsonDictionary::insertItemToArray(const char *pszArrayKey, int nValue) { Json::Value array; if(m_cValue.isMember(pszArrayKey)) { if (!m_cValue[pszArrayKey].isArray() && !m_cValue[pszArrayKey].isConvertibleTo(Json::arrayValue)) return false; array = m_cValue[pszArrayKey]; } array.append(nValue); m_cValue[pszArrayKey] = array; return true; } bool CSJsonDictionary::insertItemToArray(const char *pszArrayKey, double fValue) { Json::Value array; if(m_cValue.isMember(pszArrayKey)) { if (!m_cValue[pszArrayKey].isArray() && !m_cValue[pszArrayKey].isConvertibleTo(Json::arrayValue)) return false; array = m_cValue[pszArrayKey]; } array.append(fValue); m_cValue[pszArrayKey] = array; return true; } bool CSJsonDictionary::insertItemToArray(const char *pszArrayKey, const char * pszValue) { Json::Value array; if(m_cValue.isMember(pszArrayKey)) { if (!m_cValue[pszArrayKey].isArray() && !m_cValue[pszArrayKey].isConvertibleTo(Json::arrayValue)) return false; array = m_cValue[pszArrayKey]; } array.append(pszValue); m_cValue[pszArrayKey] = array; return true; } bool CSJsonDictionary::insertItemToArray(const char *pszArrayKey, CSJsonDictionary * subDictionary) { Json::Value array; if(m_cValue.isMember(pszArrayKey)) { if (!m_cValue[pszArrayKey].isArray() && !m_cValue[pszArrayKey].isConvertibleTo(Json::arrayValue)) return false; array = m_cValue[pszArrayKey]; } array.append(subDictionary->m_cValue); m_cValue[pszArrayKey] = array; return true; } int CSJsonDictionary::getItemCount() { return m_cValue.size(); } DicItemType CSJsonDictionary::getItemType(int nIndex) { return (DicItemType)m_cValue[nIndex].type(); } DicItemType CSJsonDictionary::getItemType(const char *pszKey) { return (DicItemType)m_cValue[pszKey].type(); } std::vector CSJsonDictionary::getAllMemberNames() { return m_cValue.getMemberNames(); } int CSJsonDictionary::getArrayItemCount(const char *pszArrayKey) { int nRet = 0; if (!isKeyValidate(pszArrayKey, m_cValue) || (!m_cValue[pszArrayKey].isArray() && !m_cValue[pszArrayKey].isObject() && !m_cValue[pszArrayKey].isConvertibleTo(Json::arrayValue) && !m_cValue[pszArrayKey].isConvertibleTo(Json::objectValue))) { nRet = 0; } else { Json::Value arrayValue = m_cValue[pszArrayKey]; nRet = arrayValue.size(); } return nRet; } int CSJsonDictionary::getIntValueFromArray(const char *pszArrayKey, int nIndex, int nDefaultValue) { int nRet = nDefaultValue; Json::Value * arrayValue = validateArrayItem(pszArrayKey, nIndex); if (arrayValue) { if ((*arrayValue)[nIndex].isNumeric()) nRet = (*arrayValue)[nIndex].asInt(); } return nRet; } double CSJsonDictionary::getFloatValueFromArray(const char *pszArrayKey, int nIndex, double fDefaultValue) { double fRet = fDefaultValue; Json::Value * arrayValue = validateArrayItem(pszArrayKey, nIndex); if (arrayValue) { if ((*arrayValue)[nIndex].isNumeric()) fRet = (*arrayValue)[nIndex].asDouble(); } return fRet; } const char * CSJsonDictionary::getStringValueFromArray(const char *pszArrayKey, int nIndex) { Json::Value * arrayValue = validateArrayItem(pszArrayKey, nIndex); if (arrayValue) { if ((*arrayValue)[nIndex].isString()) return (*arrayValue)[nIndex].asCString(); } return NULL; } CSJsonDictionary * CSJsonDictionary::getSubItemFromArray(const char *pszArrayKey, int nIndex) { Json::Value * arrayValue = validateArrayItem(pszArrayKey, nIndex); if (arrayValue) { if ((*arrayValue)[nIndex].isArray() || (*arrayValue)[nIndex].isObject()) { CSJsonDictionary * pNewDictionary = new CSJsonDictionary(); pNewDictionary->initWithValue((*arrayValue)[nIndex]); return pNewDictionary; } } return NULL; } DicItemType CSJsonDictionary::getItemTypeFromArray(const char *pszArrayKey, int nIndex) { Json::Value * arrayValue = validateArrayItem(pszArrayKey, nIndex); if (arrayValue) return (DicItemType)((*arrayValue)[nIndex].type()); return (DicItemType)Json::nullValue; } inline bool CSJsonDictionary::isKeyValidate(const char *pszKey, Json::Value& root) { if (root.isNull() || !root.isMember(pszKey)) return false; return true; } inline Json::Value * CSJsonDictionary::validateArrayItem(const char *pszArrayKey, int nIndex) { if (!isKeyValidate(pszArrayKey, m_cValue) && !m_cValue[pszArrayKey].isArray() && !m_cValue[pszArrayKey].isConvertibleTo(Json::arrayValue)) return NULL; if (!m_cValue[pszArrayKey].isValidIndex(nIndex)) return NULL; return &m_cValue[pszArrayKey]; } }