var director = cc.Director.sharedDirector(); var scene = new cc.Scene(); scene.init(); // our test sprite var sprite = new cc.Sprite(); sprite.initWithFile("Icon.png"); var pt = new cc.Point(); pt.x = 160; pt.y = 240; sprite.position = pt; // will call "update" every frame if there's an update property //sprite.scheduleUpdate(); sprite.speed = new cc.Point(); sprite.speed.x = Math.random() * 10 - 5; sprite.speed.y = Math.random() * 10 - 5; // the actual update function sprite.update = function () { var curPos = this.position; curPos.x += this.speed.x; curPos.y += this.speed.y; this.position = curPos; if (curPos.x >= 320 || curPos.x <= 0) this.speed.x *= -1; if (curPos.y >= 480 || curPos.y <= 0) this.speed.y *= -1; }; // adds the sprite to the scene scene.addChild(sprite); // add a menu var item = new cc.MenuItemImage();//Sprite(); //var normal = new cc.Sprite(); normal.initWithFile("CloseNormal.png"); //var selected = new cc.Sprite(); selected.initWithFile("CloseSelected.png"); //item.initWithNormalSprite(normal, selected); item.initFromNormalImage("CloseNormal.png", "CloseSelected.png"); item.action = function () { cc.log("action"); }; cc.log("normal image: " + item.normalImage); pt.x = 20; pt.y = 20; item.position = pt; var menu = new cc.Menu(); menu.init(); menu.addChild(item); pt.x = 0; pt.y = 0; menu.position = pt; scene.addChild(menu, 1); // let the games begin director.runWithScene(scene);