/**************************************************************************** Copyright (c) 2008-2010 Ricardo Quesada Copyright (c) 2010-2012 cocos2d-x.org Copyright (c) 2011 Zynga Inc. Copyright (c) 2013-2016 Chukong Technologies Inc. Copyright (c) 2017-2018 Xiamen Yaji Software Co., Ltd. Copyright (c) 2020 c4games.com. http://www.cocos2d-x.org Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ****************************************************************************/ #pragma once #include #include "math/CCMath.h" #include "base/CCRef.h" #include "renderer/backend/Types.h" /** * @addtogroup base * @{ */ NS_CC_BEGIN struct Color4B; struct Color4F; /** * RGB color composed of bytes 3 bytes. * @since v3.0 */ struct CC_DLL Color3B { Color3B(); Color3B(uint8_t _r, uint8_t _g, uint8_t _b); explicit Color3B(const Color4B& color); explicit Color3B(const Color4F& color); bool operator==(const Color3B& right) const; bool operator==(const Color4B& right) const; bool operator==(const Color4F& right) const; bool operator!=(const Color3B& right) const; bool operator!=(const Color4B& right) const; bool operator!=(const Color4F& right) const; bool equals(const Color3B& other) const { return (*this == other); } uint8_t r = 0; uint8_t g = 0; uint8_t b = 0; static const Color3B WHITE; static const Color3B YELLOW; static const Color3B BLUE; static const Color3B GREEN; static const Color3B RED; static const Color3B MAGENTA; static const Color3B BLACK; static const Color3B ORANGE; static const Color3B GRAY; }; /** * RGBA color composed of 4 bytes. * @since v3.0 */ struct CC_DLL Color4B { Color4B(); Color4B(uint8_t _r, uint8_t _g, uint8_t _b, uint8_t _a); Color4B(const Color3B& color, uint8_t _a = 255); Color4B(const Color4F& color); inline void set(uint8_t _r, uint8_t _g, uint8_t _b, uint8_t _a) { r = _r; g = _g; b = _b; a = _a; } bool operator==(const Color4B& right) const; bool operator==(const Color3B& right) const; bool operator==(const Color4F& right) const; bool operator!=(const Color4B& right) const; bool operator!=(const Color3B& right) const; bool operator!=(const Color4F& right) const; uint8_t r = 0; uint8_t g = 0; uint8_t b = 0; uint8_t a = 0; static const Color4B WHITE; static const Color4B YELLOW; static const Color4B BLUE; static const Color4B GREEN; static const Color4B RED; static const Color4B MAGENTA; static const Color4B BLACK; static const Color4B ORANGE; static const Color4B GRAY; }; /** * RGBA color composed of 4 floats. * @since v3.0 */ struct CC_DLL Color4F { Color4F(); Color4F(float _r, float _g, float _b, float _a); explicit Color4F(const Color3B& color, float _a = 1.0f); explicit Color4F(const Color4B& color); bool operator==(const Color4F& right) const; bool operator==(const Color3B& right) const; bool operator==(const Color4B& right) const; bool operator!=(const Color4F& right) const; bool operator!=(const Color3B& right) const; bool operator!=(const Color4B& right) const; bool equals(const Color4F &other) const { return (*this == other); } float r = 0.f; float g = 0.f; float b = 0.f; float a = 0.f; static const Color4F WHITE; static const Color4F YELLOW; static const Color4F BLUE; static const Color4F GREEN; static const Color4F RED; static const Color4F MAGENTA; static const Color4F BLACK; static const Color4F ORANGE; static const Color4F GRAY; }; Color4F& operator+=(Color4F& lhs, const Color4F& rhs); Color4F operator+(Color4F lhs, const Color4F& rhs); Color4F& operator-=(Color4F& lhs, const Color4F& rhs); Color4F operator-(Color4F lhs, const Color4F& rhs); Color4F& operator*=(Color4F& lhs, const Color4F& rhs); Color4F operator*(Color4F lhs, const Color4F& rhs); Color4F& operator*=(Color4F& lhs, float rhs); Color4F operator*(Color4F lhs, float rhs); Color4F& operator/=(Color4F& lhs, const Color4F& rhs); Color4F operator/(Color4F lhs, const Color4F& rhs); Color4F& operator/=(Color4F& lhs, float rhs); Color4F operator/(Color4F lhs, float rhs); /** @struct Tex2F * A TEXCOORD composed of 2 floats: u, v * @since v3.0 */ typedef Vec2 Tex2F; /** @struct PointSprite * Vec2 Sprite component. */ struct CC_DLL PointSprite { Vec2 pos; // 8 bytes Color4B color; // 4 bytes float size = 0.f; // 4 bytes }; /** @struct Quad2 * A 2D Quad. 4 * 2 floats. */ struct CC_DLL Quad2 { Vec2 tl; Vec2 tr; Vec2 bl; Vec2 br; }; /** @struct Quad3 * A 3D Quad. 4 * 3 floats. */ struct CC_DLL Quad3 { Vec3 bl; Vec3 br; Vec3 tl; Vec3 tr; }; /** @struct V2F_C4B_T2F * A Vec2 with a vertex point, a tex coord point and a color 4B. */ struct V2F_C4B_T2F { /// vertices (2F) Vec2 vertices; /// colors (4B) Color4B colors; /// tex coords (2F) Tex2F texCoords; }; /** @struct V2F_C4B_PF * */ struct V2F_C4B_PF { /// vertices (2F) Vec2 vertices; /// colors (4B) Color4B colors; /// pointsize float pointSize = 0.f; }; /** @struct V2F_C4F_T2F * A Vec2 with a vertex point, a tex coord point and a color 4F. */ struct CC_DLL V2F_C4F_T2F { /// vertices (2F) Vec2 vertices; /// colors (4F) Color4F colors; /// tex coords (2F) Tex2F texCoords; }; /** @struct V3F_C4B_T2F * A Vec2 with a vertex point, a tex coord point and a color 4B. */ struct CC_DLL V3F_C4B_T2F { /// vertices (3F) Vec3 vertices; // 12 bytes /// colors (4B) Color4B colors; // 4 bytes // tex coords (2F) Tex2F texCoords; // 8 bytes }; /** @struct V3F_T2F * A Vec2 with a vertex point, a tex coord point. */ struct CC_DLL V3F_T2F { /// vertices (2F) Vec3 vertices; /// tex coords (2F) Tex2F texCoords; }; /** @struct V3F_C4F * A Vec3 with a vertex point, a color. */ struct CC_DLL V3F_C4F { /// vertices (3F) Vec3 vertices; /// vertices (4F) Color4F colors; }; /** @struct V2F_C4B_T2F_Triangle * A Triangle of V2F_C4B_T2F. */ struct CC_DLL V2F_C4B_T2F_Triangle { V2F_C4B_T2F a; V2F_C4B_T2F b; V2F_C4B_T2F c; }; /** @struct V2F_C4B_T2F_Quad * A Quad of V2F_C4B_T2F. */ struct CC_DLL V2F_C4B_T2F_Quad { /// bottom left V2F_C4B_T2F bl; /// bottom right V2F_C4B_T2F br; /// top left V2F_C4B_T2F tl; /// top right V2F_C4B_T2F tr; }; /** @struct V3F_C4B_T2F_Quad * 4 Vertex3FTex2FColor4B. */ struct CC_DLL V3F_C4B_T2F_Quad { /// top left V3F_C4B_T2F tl; /// bottom left V3F_C4B_T2F bl; /// top right V3F_C4B_T2F tr; /// bottom right V3F_C4B_T2F br; }; /** @struct V2F_C4F_T2F_Quad * 4 Vertex2FTex2FColor4F Quad. */ struct CC_DLL V2F_C4F_T2F_Quad { /// bottom left V2F_C4F_T2F bl; /// bottom right V2F_C4F_T2F br; /// top left V2F_C4F_T2F tl; /// top right V2F_C4F_T2F tr; }; /** @struct V3F_T2F_Quad * */ struct CC_DLL V3F_T2F_Quad { /// bottom left V3F_T2F bl; /// bottom right V3F_T2F br; /// top left V3F_T2F tl; /// top right V3F_T2F tr; }; namespace backend { enum class BlendFactor: uint32_t; } /** @struct BlendFunc * Blend Function used for textures. */ struct CC_DLL BlendFunc { /** source blend function */ backend::BlendFactor src; /** destination blend function */ backend::BlendFactor dst; /** Blending disabled. Uses {BlendFactor::ONE, BlendFactor::ZERO} */ static const BlendFunc DISABLE; /** Blending enabled for textures with Alpha premultiplied. Uses {BlendFactor::ONE, BlendFactor::ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA} */ static const BlendFunc ALPHA_PREMULTIPLIED; /** Blending enabled for textures with Alpha NON premultiplied. Uses {BlendFactor::SRC_ALPHA, BlendFactor::ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA} */ static const BlendFunc ALPHA_NON_PREMULTIPLIED; /** Enables Additive blending. Uses {BlendFactor::SRC_ALPHA, BlendFactor::ONE} */ static const BlendFunc ADDITIVE; bool operator==(const BlendFunc &a) const { return src == a.src && dst == a.dst; } bool operator!=(const BlendFunc &a) const { return src != a.src || dst != a.dst; } bool operator<(const BlendFunc &a) const { return src < a.src || (src == a.src && dst < a.dst); } }; /** @enum TextVAlignment * Vertical text alignment type. * * @note If any of these enums are edited and/or reordered, update Texture2D.m. */ enum class CC_DLL TextVAlignment { TOP, CENTER, BOTTOM }; /** @enum TextHAlignment * Horizontal text alignment type. * * @note If any of these enums are edited and/or reordered, update Texture2D.m. */ enum class CC_DLL TextHAlignment { LEFT, CENTER, RIGHT }; /** * @brief Possible GlyphCollection used by Label. * * Specify a collections of characters to be load when Label created. * Consider using DYNAMIC. */ enum class GlyphCollection { DYNAMIC, NEHE, ASCII, CUSTOM }; // Types for animation in particle systems /** @struct T2F_Quad * Texture coordinates for a quad. */ struct CC_DLL T2F_Quad { /// bottom left Tex2F bl; /// bottom right Tex2F br; /// top left Tex2F tl; /// top right Tex2F tr; }; /** @struct AnimationFrameData * Struct that holds the size in pixels, texture coordinates and delays for animated ParticleSystemQuad. */ struct CC_DLL AnimationFrameData { T2F_Quad texCoords; Vec2 size; float delay = 0.f; }; /** types used for defining fonts properties (i.e. font name, size, stroke or shadow) */ /** @struct FontShadow * Shadow attributes. */ struct CC_DLL FontShadow { /// shadow x and y offset Vec2 _shadowOffset; /// shadow blurriness float _shadowBlur = 0.f; /// shadow opacity float _shadowOpacity = 0.f; /// true if shadow enabled bool _shadowEnabled = false; }; /** @struct FontStroke * Stroke attributes. */ struct CC_DLL FontStroke { /// stroke color Color3B _strokeColor = Color3B::BLACK; /// stroke size float _strokeSize = 0.f; /// true if stroke enabled bool _strokeEnabled = false; /// stroke alpha uint8_t _strokeAlpha = 255; }; /** @struct FontDefinition * Font attributes. */ struct CC_DLL FontDefinition { /// font name std::string _fontName; /// font size int _fontSize = 0; /// horizontal alignment TextHAlignment _alignment = TextHAlignment::CENTER; /// vertical alignment TextVAlignment _vertAlignment = TextVAlignment::TOP; /// rendering box Vec2 _dimensions = Vec2::ZERO; /// font color Color3B _fontFillColor = Color3B::WHITE; /// font alpha uint8_t _fontAlpha = 255; /// font shadow FontShadow _shadow; /// font stroke FontStroke _stroke; /// enable text wrap bool _enableWrap = true; /** There are 4 overflows: none, clamp, shrink and resize_height. * The corresponding integer values are 0, 1, 2, 3 respectively * For more information, please refer to Label::Overflow enum class. */ int _overflow = 0; }; /** * @brief Effects used by `Label` * */ enum class LabelEffect { // FIXME: Covert them to bitwise. More than one effect should be supported NORMAL, OUTLINE, SHADOW, GLOW, ITALICS, BOLD, UNDERLINE, STRIKETHROUGH, ALL }; /** @struct Acceleration * The device accelerometer reports values for each axis in units of g-force. */ class CC_DLL Acceleration: public Ref { public: double x = 0; double y = 0; double z = 0; double timestamp = 0; }; extern const std::string CC_DLL STD_STRING_EMPTY; extern const ssize_t CC_DLL CC_INVALID_INDEX; enum class SetIntervalReason : char { BY_GAME = 0, BY_ENGINE, BY_SYSTEM, BY_SCENE_CHANGE, BY_DIRECTOR_PAUSE }; struct CC_DLL Viewport { int x = 0; int y = 0; unsigned int w = 0; unsigned int h = 0; }; struct CC_DLL ScissorRect { float x = 0; float y = 0; float width = 0; float height = 0; }; struct TextureFlag { enum { NONE = 0, ANTIALIAS_ENABLED = 1 << 1, PREMULTIPLIEDALPHA = 1 << 2, RENDERTARGET = 1 << 3, }; }; struct TextureSamplerFlag { enum { DEFAULT = 0, DUAL_SAMPLER = 1 << 1, }; }; using TextureUsage = backend::TextureUsage; using PixelFormat = backend::PixelFormat; using TargetBufferFlags = backend::TargetBufferFlags; using DepthStencilFlags = backend::DepthStencilFlags; using RenderTargetFlag = backend::RenderTargetFlag; using ClearFlag = backend::ClearFlag; NS_CC_END // end group /// @}