// // Copyright (c) 2014-2020 @HALX99 - All Rights Reserved // #ifndef _UITEXTFIELD_CPP_H_ #define _UITEXTFIELD_CPP_H_ #include "UITextFieldEx.h" #include "base/CCDirector.h" // #include "CCGLView.h" //#include "NXMacroDefs.h" //#include "purelib/utils/iconvw.h" /// cocos2d singleton objects #define CCDIRECTOR cocos2d::Director::getInstance() #define CCRUNONGL CCDIRECTOR->getScheduler()->performFunctionInCocosThread #define CCEVENTMGR CCDIRECTOR->getEventDispatcher() #define CCSCHTASKS CCDIRECTOR->getScheduler() #define CCACTIONMGR CCDIRECTOR->getActionManager() #define CCFILEUTILS cocos2d::FileUtils::getInstance() #define CCAUDIO cocos2d::SimpleAudioEngine::getInstance() #define CCAPP cocos2d::CCApplication::getInstance() NS_CC_BEGIN #ifdef _WIN32 #define nxbeep(t) MessageBeep(t) #else #define nxbeep(t) #endif static Label* createLabel(const std::string& text, const std::string& font, float fontSize, const Vec2& dimensions = Vec2::ZERO , TextHAlignment hAlignment = TextHAlignment::LEFT , TextVAlignment vAlignment = TextVAlignment::TOP ) { if (FileUtils::getInstance()->isFileExist(font)) { return Label::createWithTTF(text, font, fontSize, dimensions, hAlignment, vAlignment); } else { return Label::createWithSystemFont(text, font, fontSize, dimensions, hAlignment, vAlignment); } } static bool engine_inj_checkVisibility(Node* theNode) { // CC_ASSERT(theNode != NULL); bool visible = false; for (Node* ptr = theNode; (ptr != nullptr && (visible = ptr->isVisible())); ptr = ptr->getParent()) ; return visible; } static bool engine_inj_containsTouchPoint(cocos2d::Node* target, cocos2d::Touch* touch) { assert(target != nullptr); cocos2d::Point pt = target->convertTouchToNodeSpace(touch); const Vec2& size = target->getContentSize(); cocos2d::Rect rc(0, 0, size.width, size.height); bool contains = (rc.containsPoint(pt)); // CCLOG("check %#x coordinate:(%f, %f), contains:%d", target, pt.x, pt.y, contains); return contains; } static bool engine_inj_containsPoint(cocos2d::Node* target, const cocos2d::Vec2& worldPoint) { cocos2d::Point pt = target->convertToNodeSpace(worldPoint); const Vec2& size = target->getContentSize(); cocos2d::Rect rc(0, 0, size.width, size.height); bool contains = (rc.containsPoint(pt)); // CCLOG("check %#x coordinate:(%f, %f), contains:%d", target, pt.x, pt.y, contains); return contains; } static uint32_t engine_inj_c4b2dw(const Color4B& value) { auto rvalue = (uint32_t)value.a << 24 | (uint32_t)value.b << 16 | (uint32_t)value.g << 8 | (uint32_t)value.r; return rvalue; } static Sprite* engine_inj_create_lump(const Color4B& color, int height, int width) { unsigned int* pixels((unsigned int*)malloc(height * width * sizeof(unsigned int))); // Fill Pixels uint32_t* ptr = pixels; const Color4B fillColor = Color4B::WHITE; for (int i = 0; i < height * width; ++i) { ptr[i] = engine_inj_c4b2dw(fillColor);// 0xffffffff; } // create cursor by pixels Texture2D* texture = new Texture2D(); texture->initWithData(pixels, height * width * sizeof(unsigned int), backend::PixelFormat::RGBA8, width, height, Vec2(width, height)); auto cursor = Sprite::createWithTexture(texture); cursor->setColor(Color3B(color)); cursor->setOpacity(color.a); texture->release(); free(pixels); return cursor; } namespace ui { /// calculate the UTF-8 string's char count. static int _calcCharCount(const char * text) { int n = 0; char ch = 0; while ((ch = *text) != 0x0) { CC_BREAK_IF(!ch); if (0x80 != (0xC0 & ch)) { ++n; } ++text; } return n; } /// calculate the UTF-8 string's char count. static int _truncateUTF8String(const char * text, int limit, int& nb) { int n = 0; char ch = 0; nb = 0; while ((ch = *text) != 0x0) { CC_BREAK_IF(!ch || n > limit); if (0x80 != (0xC0 & ch)) { ++n; } ++nb; ++text; } return n; } static void internalSetLableFont(Label* l, const std::string& fontName, float fontSize) { if (FileUtils::getInstance()->isFileExist(fontName)) { TTFConfig config = l->getTTFConfig(); config.fontFilePath = fontName; config.fontSize = fontSize; l->setTTFConfig(config); } else { l->setSystemFontName(fontName); l->requestSystemFontRefresh(); l->setSystemFontSize(fontSize); } } static float internalCalcStringWidth(std::string_view s, const std::string& fontName, float fontSize) { auto label = createLabel(std::string{s}, fontName, fontSize); return label->getContentSize().width; } static std::string internalUTF8MoveLeft(std::string_view utf8Text, int length/* default utf8Text.length() */) { if (!utf8Text.empty() && length > 0) { // get the delete byte number int deleteLen = 1; // default, erase 1 byte while (length >= deleteLen && 0x80 == (0xC0 & utf8Text.at(length - deleteLen))) { ++deleteLen; } return std::string{utf8Text.data(), static_cast(length - deleteLen)}; } else { return std::string{utf8Text}; } } static std::string internalUTF8MoveRight(std::string_view utf8Text, int length/* default utf8Text.length() */) { if (!utf8Text.empty() && length >= 0) { // get the delete byte number size_t addLen = 1; // default, erase 1 byte while ((length + addLen) < utf8Text.size() && 0x80 == (0xC0 & utf8Text.at(length + addLen))) { ++addLen; } return std::string{utf8Text.data(), static_cast(length + addLen)}; } else { return std::string{utf8Text}; } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // constructor and destructor ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool TextFieldEx::s_keyboardVisible = false; TextFieldEx::TextFieldEx() : editable(true) , renderLabel(nullptr) , charCount(0) , inputText("") , placeHolder("") , colorText(Color4B::WHITE) , colorSpaceHolder(Color4B::GRAY) , secureTextEntry(false) , cursor(nullptr) , enabled(true) , touchListener(nullptr) , kbdListener(nullptr) , onTextModify(nullptr) , onOpenIME(nullptr) , onCloseIME(nullptr) , charLimit(std::numeric_limits::max()) , systemFontUsed(false) , fontSize(24) , insertPosUtf8(0) , insertPos(0) , cursorPos(0) , touchCursorControlEnabled(true) , cursorVisible(false) , _continuousTouchDelayTimerID(nullptr) , _continuousTouchDelayTime(0.6) { } TextFieldEx::~TextFieldEx() { if(this->kbdListener != nullptr) CCEVENTMGR->removeEventListener(this->kbdListener); if (this->touchListener != nullptr) CCEVENTMGR->removeEventListener(this->touchListener); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // static constructor ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TextFieldEx * TextFieldEx::create(const std::string& placeholder, const std::string& fontName, float fontSize, float cursorWidth, const Color4B& cursorColor) { TextFieldEx *ret = new TextFieldEx(); if (ret && ret->initWithPlaceHolder("", fontName, fontSize, cursorWidth, cursorColor)) { ret->autorelease(); if (placeholder.size() > 0) { ret->setPlaceholderText(placeholder); } return ret; } CC_SAFE_DELETE(ret); return nullptr; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // initialize ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool TextFieldEx::initWithPlaceHolder(const std::string& placeholder, const std::string& fontName, float fontSize, float cursorWidth, const Color4B& cursorColor) { this->placeHolder = placeholder; this->renderLabel = createLabel(placeholder, fontName, fontSize, Vec2::ZERO, TextHAlignment::CENTER, TextVAlignment::CENTER); this->renderLabel->setAnchorPoint(Point::ANCHOR_MIDDLE_LEFT); this->addChild(this->renderLabel); CCRUNONGL([this]{ renderLabel->setPosition(Point(0, this->getContentSize().height / 2)); }); __initCursor(fontSize, cursorWidth, cursorColor); this->fontName = fontName; this->fontSize = fontSize; this->systemFontUsed = !FileUtils::getInstance()->isFileExist(fontName); return true; } const std::string& TextFieldEx::getTextFontName() const { return this->fontName; } void TextFieldEx::setTextFontName(const std::string& fontName) { if (FileUtils::getInstance()->isFileExist(fontName)) { TTFConfig config = renderLabel->getTTFConfig(); config.fontFilePath = fontName; config.fontSize = this->fontSize; renderLabel->setTTFConfig(config); systemFontUsed = false; _fontType = 1; } else { renderLabel->setSystemFontName(fontName); if (!systemFontUsed) { renderLabel->requestSystemFontRefresh(); } renderLabel->setSystemFontSize(this->fontSize); systemFontUsed = true; _fontType = 0; } this->fontName = fontName; using namespace std::string_view_literals; this->asteriskWidth = internalCalcStringWidth("*"sv, this->fontName, this->fontSize); } void TextFieldEx::setTextFontSize(float size) { if (this->systemFontUsed) { renderLabel->setSystemFontSize(size); } else { TTFConfig config = renderLabel->getTTFConfig(); config.fontSize = size; renderLabel->setTTFConfig(config); } this->fontSize = size; using namespace std::string_view_literals; this->asteriskWidth = internalCalcStringWidth("*"sv, this->fontName, this->fontSize); } float TextFieldEx::getTextFontSize() const { return this->fontSize; } void TextFieldEx::enableIME(Node* control) { if (touchListener != nullptr) { return; } touchListener = EventListenerTouchOneByOne::create(); if (control == nullptr) control = this; touchListener->onTouchBegan = [=](Touch* touch, Event*){ bool focus = (engine_inj_checkVisibility(this) && this->editable && this->enabled && engine_inj_containsTouchPoint(control, touch)); if (this->_continuousTouchDelayTimerID != nullptr) { stimer::kill(this->_continuousTouchDelayTimerID); this->_continuousTouchDelayTimerID = nullptr; } if (focus && this->cursorVisible) { auto worldPoint = touch->getLocation(); if (this->_continuousTouchCallback) { this->_continuousTouchDelayTimerID = stimer::delay(this->_continuousTouchDelayTime, [=]() { this->_continuousTouchCallback(worldPoint); }); } } return true; }; touchListener->onTouchEnded = [control, this](Touch* touch, Event* e) { if (this->_continuousTouchDelayTimerID != nullptr) { stimer::kill(this->_continuousTouchDelayTimerID); this->_continuousTouchDelayTimerID = nullptr; } bool focus = (engine_inj_checkVisibility(this) && this->editable && this->enabled && engine_inj_containsTouchPoint(control, touch)); if (focus) { if (!s_keyboardVisible || !this->cursorVisible) openIME(); if (this->touchCursorControlEnabled) { auto renderLabelPoint = renderLabel->convertToNodeSpace(touch->getLocation()); __moveCursorTo(renderLabelPoint.x); } } else { closeIME(); } }; CCEVENTMGR->addEventListenerWithSceneGraphPriority(touchListener, this); /// enable use keyboard <- -> to move cursor. kbdListener = EventListenerKeyboard::create(); kbdListener->onKeyPressed = [this](EventKeyboard::KeyCode code, Event*){ if (this->cursorVisible) { switch (code) { case EventKeyboard::KeyCode::KEY_LEFT_ARROW: this->__moveCursor(-1); break; case EventKeyboard::KeyCode::KEY_RIGHT_ARROW: this->__moveCursor(1); break; case EventKeyboard::KeyCode::KEY_DELETE: case EventKeyboard::KeyCode::KEY_KP_DELETE: this->handleDeleteKeyEvent(); break; default:; } } }; CCEVENTMGR->addEventListenerWithSceneGraphPriority(kbdListener, this); } void TextFieldEx::disableIME(void) { CCEVENTMGR->removeEventListener(kbdListener); CCEVENTMGR->removeEventListener(touchListener); kbdListener = nullptr; touchListener = nullptr; closeIME(); } Label* TextFieldEx::getRenderLabel() { return this->renderLabel; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // IMEDelegate ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool TextFieldEx::attachWithIME() { bool ret = IMEDelegate::attachWithIME(); if (ret) { // open keyboard GLView * pGlView = _director->getOpenGLView(); if (pGlView) { pGlView->setIMEKeyboardState(true); } } return ret; } bool TextFieldEx::detachWithIME() { bool ret = IMEDelegate::detachWithIME(); if (ret) { // close keyboard GLView * glView = _director->getOpenGLView(); if (glView) { glView->setIMEKeyboardState(false); } } return ret; } void TextFieldEx::keyboardDidShow(IMEKeyboardNotificationInfo& /*info*/) { s_keyboardVisible = true; } void TextFieldEx::keyboardDidHide(IMEKeyboardNotificationInfo& /*info*/) { s_keyboardVisible = false; } void TextFieldEx::openIME(void) { CCLOG("TextFieldEx:: openIME"); this->attachWithIME(); __updateCursorPosition(); __showCursor(); if (this->onOpenIME) this->onOpenIME(); } void TextFieldEx::closeIME(void) { CCLOG("TextFieldEx:: closeIME"); __hideCursor(); this->detachWithIME(); if (this->onCloseIME) this->onCloseIME(); } bool TextFieldEx::canAttachWithIME() { return true;//(_delegate) ? (! _delegate->onTextFieldAttachWithIME(this)) : true; } bool TextFieldEx::canDetachWithIME() { return true;//(_delegate) ? (! _delegate->onTextFieldDetachWithIME(this)) : true; } void TextFieldEx::insertText(const char * text, size_t len) { if (!this->editable || !this->enabled) { return; } if (this->charLimit > 0 && this->charCount >= this->charLimit) { // regard zero as unlimited nxbeep(0); return; } int nb; auto n = _truncateUTF8String(text, this->charLimit - this->charCount, nb); std::string insert(text, nb); // insert \n means input end auto pos = insert.find('\n'); if (insert.npos != pos) { len = pos; insert.erase(pos); } if (len > 0) { //if (_delegate && _delegate->onTextFieldInsertText(this, insert.c_str(), len)) //{ // // delegate doesn't want to insert text // return; //} charCount += n; // _calcCharCount(insert.c_str()); std::string sText(inputText); sText.insert(this->insertPos, insert); // original is: sText.append(insert); // bool needUpdatePos this->setString(sText); while (n-- > 0) __moveCursor(1); // this->contentDirty = true; // __updateCursorPosition(); if (this->onTextModify) this->onTextModify(); } if (insert.npos == pos) { return; } // '\n' inserted, let delegate process first /*if (_delegate && _delegate->onTextFieldInsertText(this, "\n", 1)) { return; }*/ // if delegate hasn't processed, detach from IME by default this->closeIME(); } void TextFieldEx::deleteBackward() { if (!this->editable || !this->enabled || 0 == this->charCount) { nxbeep(0); return; } size_t len = inputText.length(); if (0 == len || insertPos == 0) { nxbeep(0); // there is no string // __updateCursorPosition(); return; } // get the delete byte number size_t deleteLen = 1; // default, erase 1 byte while (0x80 == (0xC0 & inputText.at(insertPos - deleteLen))) { ++deleteLen; } //if (_delegate && _delegate->onTextFieldDeleteBackward(this, _inputText.c_str() + len - deleteLen, static_cast(deleteLen))) //{ // // delegate doesn't wan't to delete backwards // return; //} // if all text deleted, show placeholder string if (len <= deleteLen) { __moveCursor(-1); this->inputText.clear(); this->charCount = 0; this->renderLabel->setTextColor(colorSpaceHolder); this->renderLabel->setString(placeHolder); // __updateCursorPosition(); // this->contentDirty = true; if (this->onTextModify) this->onTextModify(); return; } // set new input text std::string text = inputText; // (inputText.c_str(), len - deleteLen); text.erase(insertPos - deleteLen, deleteLen); __moveCursor(-1); this->setString(text); //__updateCursorPosition(); // __moveCursor(-1); if (this->onTextModify) this->onTextModify(); } void TextFieldEx::handleDeleteKeyEvent() { if (!this->editable || !this->enabled || 0 == this->charCount) { nxbeep(0); return; } size_t len = inputText.length(); if (0 == len || insertPosUtf8 == this->charCount) { nxbeep(0); // there is no string // __updateCursorPosition(); return; } // get the delete byte number size_t deleteLen = 1; // default, erase 1 byte while ((inputText.length() > insertPos + deleteLen) && 0x80 == (0xC0 & inputText.at(insertPos + deleteLen))) { ++deleteLen; } //if (_delegate && _delegate->onTextFieldDeleteBackward(this, _inputText.c_str() + len - deleteLen, static_cast(deleteLen))) //{ // // delegate doesn't wan't to delete backwards // return; //} // if all text deleted, show placeholder string if (len <= deleteLen) { this->inputText.clear(); this->charCount = 0; this->renderLabel->setTextColor(colorSpaceHolder); this->renderLabel->setString(placeHolder); __updateCursorPosition(); // this->contentDirty = true; if (this->onTextModify) this->onTextModify(); return; } // set new input text std::string text = inputText; // (inputText.c_str(), len - deleteLen); text.erase(insertPos, deleteLen); // __moveCursor(-1); this->setString(text); if (this->onTextModify) this->onTextModify(); } const std::string& TextFieldEx::getContentText() { return inputText; } void TextFieldEx::setTextColor(const Color4B &color) { colorText = color; if (!this->inputText.empty()) this->renderLabel->setTextColor(colorText); } const Color4B& TextFieldEx::getTextColor(void) const { return colorText; } void TextFieldEx::setCursorColor(const Color3B& color) { this->cursor->setColor(color); } const Color3B& TextFieldEx::getCursorColor(void) const { return this->cursor->getColor(); } const Color4B& TextFieldEx::getPlaceholderColor() const { return colorSpaceHolder; } void TextFieldEx::setPlaceholderColor(const Color4B& color) { colorSpaceHolder = color; if (this->inputText.empty()) this->renderLabel->setTextColor(color); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // properties ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // input text property void TextFieldEx::setString(const std::string &text) { static char bulletString[] = { (char)0xe2, (char)0x80, (char)0xa2, (char)0x00 }; this->inputText = text; std::string secureText; std::string* displayText = &this->inputText; if (!this->inputText.empty()) { if (secureTextEntry) { size_t length = inputText.length(); displayText = &secureText; while (length > 0) { displayText->append(bulletString); --length; } } } // if there is no input text, display placeholder instead if (this->inputText.empty()) { renderLabel->setTextColor(colorSpaceHolder); renderLabel->setString(placeHolder); } else { renderLabel->setTextColor(colorText); renderLabel->setString(*displayText); } bool bInsertAtEnd = (insertPosUtf8 == charCount); charCount = _calcCharCount(inputText.c_str()); if (bInsertAtEnd) { insertPosUtf8 = charCount; insertPos = inputText.length(); cursorPos = displayText->length(); } } void TextFieldEx::updateContentSize(void) { this->setContentSize(renderLabel->getContentSize()); } const std::string& TextFieldEx::getString() const { return inputText; } // place holder text property void TextFieldEx::setPlaceholderText(const std::string& text) { placeHolder = text; if (inputText.empty()) { renderLabel->setTextColor(colorSpaceHolder); renderLabel->setString(placeHolder); } } const std::string& TextFieldEx::getPlaceholderText() const { return placeHolder; } // secureTextEntry void TextFieldEx::setPasswordEnabled(bool value) { if (secureTextEntry != value) { secureTextEntry = value; this->setString(this->getString()); __updateCursorPosition(); } } bool TextFieldEx::isPasswordEnabled() const { return secureTextEntry; } const Vec2& TextFieldEx::getContentSize() const { // const_cast(this)->setContentSize(renderLabel->getContentSize()); return Node::getContentSize(); } void TextFieldEx::setEnabled(bool bEnabled) { if (this->enabled != bEnabled) { if (!bEnabled) { this->closeIME(); } this->enabled = bEnabled; } } bool TextFieldEx::isEnabled(void) const { return this->enabled; } int TextFieldEx::getFontType() const { return _fontType; } void TextFieldEx::__initCursor(int height, int width, const Color4B& color) { this->cursor = engine_inj_create_lump(Color4B(color), height, width); this->addChild(this->cursor); this->cursor->setPosition(Point(0, this->getContentSize().height / 2)); // nodes_layout::setNodeLB(this->cursor, cocos2d::Point::ZERO); /*CCAction* blink = CCRepeatForever::create( (CCActionInterval *)CCSequence::create(CCFadeOut::create(0.25f), CCFadeIn::create(0.25f), NULL));*/ __hideCursor(); __updateCursorPosition(); } void TextFieldEx::__showCursor(void) { if (this->cursor) { this->cursorVisible = true; this->cursor->setVisible(true); this->cursor->runAction(RepeatForever::create(Blink::create(1, 1))); } } void TextFieldEx::__hideCursor(void) { if (this->cursor) { this->cursor->setVisible(false); this->cursorVisible = false; this->cursor->stopAllActions(); } } void TextFieldEx::__updateCursorPosition(void) { if (this->cursor && this->insertPosUtf8 == this->charCount) { if (0 == this->getCharCount()) { this->cursor->setPosition(Point(0, this->getContentSize().height / 2)); } else { this->cursor->setPosition(Point(renderLabel->getContentSize().width, this->getContentSize().height / 2)); } } } void TextFieldEx::__moveCursor(int direction) { /*bool checkSupport = this->renderLabel->getLetter(0) != nullptr; if (!checkSupport) { MessageBeep(MB_ICONHAND); return; }*/ auto newOffset = this->insertPosUtf8 + direction; if (newOffset > 0 && newOffset <= this->charCount) { std::string_view displayText; if (!secureTextEntry) displayText = this->getString(); else if(!this->inputText.empty()) displayText = renderLabel->getString(); if (direction < 0) { this->insertPos = internalUTF8MoveLeft(this->inputText, this->insertPos).size(); auto s = internalUTF8MoveLeft(displayText, this->cursorPos); auto width = internalCalcStringWidth(s, this->fontName, this->fontSize); this->cursor->setPosition(Point(width, this->getContentSize().height / 2)); this->cursorPos = s.length(); } else { this->insertPos = internalUTF8MoveRight(this->inputText, this->insertPos).size(); auto s = internalUTF8MoveRight(displayText, this->cursorPos); auto width = internalCalcStringWidth(s, this->fontName, this->fontSize); this->cursor->setPosition(Point(width, this->getContentSize().height / 2)); this->cursorPos = s.length(); } this->insertPosUtf8 = newOffset; } else if (newOffset == 0) { this->cursor->setPosition(Point(0, this->getContentSize().height / 2)); this->insertPosUtf8 = newOffset; this->insertPos = 0; this->cursorPos = 0; } else { // MessageBeep(0); } } void TextFieldEx::__moveCursorTo(float x) { // test // normalized x float normalizedX = 0; std::string_view displayText; if (!secureTextEntry) { displayText = this->inputText; } else { if (!this->inputText.empty()) { displayText = renderLabel->getString(); } } int length = displayText.length(); int n = this->charCount; // UTF8 char counter int insertWhere = 0; int insertWhereUtf8 = 0; while (length > 0) { auto checkX = internalCalcStringWidth(displayText, this->fontName, this->fontSize); if (x >= checkX) { insertWhere = length; insertWhereUtf8 = n; normalizedX = checkX; break; } // clamp backward size_t backwardLen = 1; // default, erase 1 byte while (0x80 == (0xC0 & displayText.at(displayText.length() - backwardLen))) { ++backwardLen; } --n; displayText.remove_suffix(backwardLen); length -= backwardLen; } this->insertPos = !this->secureTextEntry ? insertWhere : insertWhereUtf8; this->cursorPos = insertWhere; this->insertPosUtf8 = insertWhereUtf8; this->cursor->setPosition(Point(normalizedX, this->getContentSize().height / 2)); } }; NS_CC_END #endif