#!/usr/bin/python # build_native.py # Build native codes import sys import os, os.path import shutil from optparse import OptionParser def get_num_of_cpu(): ''' The build process can be accelerated by running multiple concurrent job processes using the -j-option. ''' try: from numpy.distutils import cpuinfo return cpuinfo.cpu._getNCPUs() except Exception: print "Can't know cpuinfo, use default 1 cpu" return 1 def check_environment_variables_sdk(): ''' Checking the environment ANDROID_SDK_ROOT, which will be used for building ''' try: SDK_ROOT = os.environ['ANDROID_SDK_ROOT'] except Exception: print "ANDROID_SDK_ROOT not defined. Please define ANDROID_SDK_ROOT in your environment" sys.exit(1) return SDK_ROOT def check_environment_variables(): ''' Checking the environment NDK_ROOT, which will be used for building ''' try: NDK_ROOT = os.environ['NDK_ROOT'] except Exception: print "NDK_ROOT not defined. Please define NDK_ROOT in your environment" sys.exit(1) return NDK_ROOT def select_toolchain_version(): '''Because ndk-r8e uses gcc4.6 as default. gcc4.6 doesn't support c++11. So we should select gcc4.7 when using ndk-r8e. But gcc4.7 is removed in ndk-r9, so we should determine whether gcc4.7 exist. Conclution: ndk-r8e -> use gcc4.7 ndk-r9 -> use gcc4.8 ''' ndk_root = check_environment_variables() if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(ndk_root,"toolchains/arm-linux-androideabi-4.8")): os.environ['NDK_TOOLCHAIN_VERSION'] = '4.8' print "The Selected NDK toolchain version was 4.8 !" elif os.path.isdir(os.path.join(ndk_root,"toolchains/arm-linux-androideabi-4.7")): os.environ['NDK_TOOLCHAIN_VERSION'] = '4.7' print "The Selected NDK toolchain version was 4.7 !" else: print "Couldn't find the gcc toolchain." exit(1) def do_build(cocos_root, ndk_root, app_android_root,ndk_build_param,sdk_root,android_platform,build_mode): ndk_path = os.path.join(ndk_root, "ndk-build") # windows should use ";" to seperate module paths platform = sys.platform if platform == 'win32': ndk_module_path = 'NDK_MODULE_PATH=%s;%s/external;%s/cocos' % (cocos_root, cocos_root, cocos_root) else: ndk_module_path = 'NDK_MODULE_PATH=%s:%s/external:%s/cocos' % (cocos_root, cocos_root, cocos_root) num_of_cpu = get_num_of_cpu() if ndk_build_param == None: command = '%s -j%d -C %s %s' % (ndk_path, num_of_cpu, app_android_root, ndk_module_path) else: command = '%s -j%d -C %s %s %s' % (ndk_path, num_of_cpu, app_android_root, ''.join(str(e) for e in ndk_build_param), ndk_module_path) if os.system(command) != 0: raise Exception("Build dynamic library for project [ " + app_android_root + " ] fails!") elif android_platform is not None: sdk_tool_path = os.path.join(sdk_root, "tools/android") cocoslib_path = os.path.join(cocos_root, "cocos/2d/platform/android/java") command = '%s update lib-project -t %s -p %s' % (sdk_tool_path,android_platform,cocoslib_path) if os.system(command) != 0: raise Exception("update cocos lib-project [ " + cocoslib_path + " ] fails!") command = '%s update project -t %s -p %s -s' % (sdk_tool_path,android_platform,app_android_root) if os.system(command) != 0: raise Exception("update project [ " + app_android_root + " ] fails!") buildfile_path = os.path.join(app_android_root, "build.xml") command = 'ant clean %s -f %s -Dsdk.dir=%s' % (build_mode,buildfile_path,sdk_root) os.system(command) def copy_files(src, dst): for item in os.listdir(src): path = os.path.join(src, item) # Android can not package the file that ends with ".gz" if not item.startswith('.') and not item.endswith('.gz') and os.path.isfile(path): shutil.copy(path, dst) if os.path.isdir(path): new_dst = os.path.join(dst, item) os.mkdir(new_dst) copy_files(path, new_dst) def copy_resources(app_android_root): # remove app_android_root/assets if it exists assets_dir = os.path.join(app_android_root, "assets") if os.path.isdir(assets_dir): shutil.rmtree(assets_dir) # copy resources os.mkdir(assets_dir) resources_dir = os.path.join(app_android_root, "../Resources") if os.path.isdir(resources_dir): copy_files(resources_dir, assets_dir) # lua project should copy lua script resources_dir = os.path.join(app_android_root, "../cocos2d/cocos/scripting/lua/script") copy_files(resources_dir, assets_dir) def build(ndk_build_param,android_platform,build_mode): ndk_root = check_environment_variables() sdk_root = None select_toolchain_version() current_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) cocos_root = os.path.join(current_dir, "../cocos2d") app_android_root = current_dir copy_resources(app_android_root) if android_platform is not None: sdk_root = check_environment_variables_sdk() if android_platform.isdigit(): android_platform = 'android-'+android_platform else: print 'please use vaild android platform' exit(1) if build_mode is None: build_mode = 'debug' elif build_mode != 'release': build_mode = 'debug' do_build(cocos_root, ndk_root, app_android_root,ndk_build_param,sdk_root,android_platform,build_mode) # -------------- main -------------- if __name__ == '__main__': parser = OptionParser() parser.add_option("-n", "--ndk", dest="ndk_build_param", help='parameter for ndk-build') parser.add_option("-p", "--platform", dest="android_platform", help='parameter for android-update.Without the parameter,the script just build dynamic library for project. Valid android-platform are:[10|11|12|13|14|15|16|17|18|19]') parser.add_option("-b", "--build", dest="build_mode", help='the build mode for java project,debug[default] or release.Get more information,please refer to http://developer.android.com/tools/building/building-cmdline.html') (opts, args) = parser.parse_args() build(opts.ndk_build_param,opts.android_platform,opts.build_mode)