/**************************************************************************** Copyright (c) 2013 cocos2d-x.org http://www.cocos2d-x.org Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ****************************************************************************/ #include "tinyxml2.h" #include "cocostudio/CCDataReaderHelper.h" #include "cocostudio/CCArmatureDataManager.h" #include "cocostudio/CCTransformHelp.h" #include "cocostudio/CCUtilMath.h" #include "cocostudio/CCArmatureDefine.h" #include "cocostudio/CCDatas.h" using namespace cocos2d; static const char *VERSION = "version"; static const float VERSION_2_0 = 2.0f; static const char *ARMATURES = "armatures"; static const char *ARMATURE = "armature"; static const char *BONE = "b"; static const char *DISPLAY = "d"; static const char *ANIMATIONS = "animations"; static const char *ANIMATION = "animation"; static const char *MOVEMENT = "mov"; static const char *FRAME = "f"; static const char *TEXTURE_ATLAS = "TextureAtlas"; static const char *SUB_TEXTURE = "SubTexture"; static const char *A_NAME = "name"; static const char *A_DURATION = "dr"; static const char *A_FRAME_INDEX = "fi"; static const char *A_DURATION_TO = "to"; static const char *A_DURATION_TWEEN = "drTW"; static const char *A_LOOP = "lp"; static const char *A_MOVEMENT_SCALE = "sc"; static const char *A_MOVEMENT_DELAY = "dl"; static const char *A_DISPLAY_INDEX = "dI"; // static const char *A_VERT = "vert"; // static const char *A_FRAG = "frag"; static const char *A_PLIST = "plist"; static const char *A_PARENT = "parent"; static const char *A_SKEW_X = "kX"; static const char *A_SKEW_Y = "kY"; static const char *A_SCALE_X = "cX"; static const char *A_SCALE_Y = "cY"; static const char *A_Z = "z"; static const char *A_EVENT = "evt"; static const char *A_SOUND = "sd"; static const char *A_SOUND_EFFECT = "sdE"; static const char *A_TWEEN_EASING = "twE"; //static const char *A_TWEEN_ROTATE = "twR"; static const char *A_IS_ARMATURE = "isArmature"; static const char *A_DISPLAY_TYPE = "displayType"; static const char *A_MOVEMENT = "mov"; static const char *A_X = "x"; static const char *A_Y = "y"; static const char *A_COCOS2DX_X = "cocos2d_x"; static const char *A_COCOS2DX_Y = "cocos2d_y"; static const char *A_WIDTH = "width"; static const char *A_HEIGHT = "height"; static const char *A_PIVOT_X = "pX"; static const char *A_PIVOT_Y = "pY"; static const char *A_COCOS2D_PIVOT_X = "cocos2d_pX"; static const char *A_COCOS2D_PIVOT_Y = "cocos2d_pY"; static const char *A_BLEND_TYPE = "bd"; static const char *A_ALPHA = "a"; static const char *A_RED = "r"; static const char *A_GREEN = "g"; static const char *A_BLUE = "b"; static const char *A_ALPHA_OFFSET = "aM"; static const char *A_RED_OFFSET = "rM"; static const char *A_GREEN_OFFSET = "gM"; static const char *A_BLUE_OFFSET = "bM"; static const char *A_COLOR_TRANSFORM = "colorTransform"; static const char *A_TWEEN_FRAME = "tweenFrame"; //static const char *A_ROTATION = "rotation"; //static const char *A_USE_COLOR_INFO = "uci"; static const char *CONTOUR = "con"; static const char *CONTOUR_VERTEX = "con_vt"; //static const char *MOVEMENT_EVENT_FRAME = "movementEventFrame"; //static const char *SOUND_FRAME = "soundFrame"; static const char *FL_NAN = "NaN"; static const char *FRAME_DATA = "frame_data"; static const char *MOVEMENT_BONE_DATA = "mov_bone_data"; static const char *MOVEMENT_DATA = "mov_data"; static const char *ANIMATION_DATA = "animation_data"; static const char *DISPLAY_DATA = "display_data"; static const char *SKIN_DATA = "skin_data"; static const char *BONE_DATA = "bone_data"; static const char *ARMATURE_DATA = "armature_data"; static const char *CONTOUR_DATA = "contour_data"; static const char *TEXTURE_DATA = "texture_data"; static const char *VERTEX_POINT = "vertex"; static const char *COLOR_INFO = "color"; static const char *CONFIG_FILE_PATH = "config_file_path"; static const char *CONTENT_SCALE = "content_scale"; namespace cocostudio { float s_PositionReadScale = 1; std::vector DataReaderHelper::_configFileList; DataReaderHelper *DataReaderHelper::_dataReaderHelper = nullptr; //! Async load void DataReaderHelper::loadData() { AsyncStruct *pAsyncStruct = nullptr; while (true) { // create autorelease pool for iOS Thread thread; thread.createAutoreleasePool(); std::queue *pQueue = _asyncStructQueue; _asyncStructQueueMutex.lock(); // get async struct from queue if (pQueue->empty()) { _asyncStructQueueMutex.unlock(); if (need_quit) { break; } else { std::unique_lock lk(_sleepMutex); _sleepCondition.wait(lk); continue; } } else { pAsyncStruct = pQueue->front(); pQueue->pop(); _asyncStructQueueMutex.unlock(); } // generate data info DataInfo *pDataInfo = new DataInfo(); pDataInfo->asyncStruct = pAsyncStruct; pDataInfo->filename = pAsyncStruct->filename; pDataInfo->baseFilePath = pAsyncStruct->baseFilePath; if (pAsyncStruct->configType == DragonBone_XML) { DataReaderHelper::addDataFromCache(pAsyncStruct->fileContent.c_str(), pDataInfo); } else if(pAsyncStruct->configType == CocoStudio_JSON) { DataReaderHelper::addDataFromJsonCache(pAsyncStruct->fileContent.c_str(), pDataInfo); } // put the image info into the queue _dataInfoMutex.lock(); _dataQueue->push(pDataInfo); _dataInfoMutex.unlock(); } if( _asyncStructQueue != nullptr ) { delete _asyncStructQueue; _asyncStructQueue = nullptr; delete _dataQueue; _dataQueue = nullptr; } } DataReaderHelper *DataReaderHelper::getInstance() { if(!_dataReaderHelper) { _dataReaderHelper = new DataReaderHelper(); } return _dataReaderHelper; } void DataReaderHelper::setPositionReadScale(float scale) { s_PositionReadScale = scale; } float DataReaderHelper::getPositionReadScale() { return s_PositionReadScale; } void DataReaderHelper::purge() { _configFileList.clear(); CC_SAFE_RELEASE_NULL(_dataReaderHelper); } DataReaderHelper::DataReaderHelper() : _loadingThread(nullptr) , _asyncStructQueue(nullptr) , _dataQueue(nullptr) , need_quit(false) , _asyncRefCount(0) , _asyncRefTotalCount(0) { } DataReaderHelper::~DataReaderHelper() { need_quit = true; _sleepCondition.notify_one(); if (_loadingThread) _loadingThread->join(); CC_SAFE_DELETE(_loadingThread); _dataReaderHelper = nullptr; } void DataReaderHelper::addDataFromFile(const char *filePath) { /* * Check if file is already added to ArmatureDataManager, if then return. */ for(unsigned int i = 0; i < _configFileList.size(); i++) { if (_configFileList[i].compare(filePath) == 0) { return; } } _configFileList.push_back(filePath); //! find the base file path std::string basefilePath = filePath; size_t pos = basefilePath.find_last_of("/"); if (pos != std::string::npos) { basefilePath = basefilePath.substr(0, pos + 1); } else { basefilePath = ""; } std::string filePathStr = filePath; size_t startPos = filePathStr.find_last_of("."); std::string str = &filePathStr[startPos]; long size; std::string fullPath = CCFileUtils::getInstance()->fullPathForFilename(filePath); const char *pFileContent = (char *)CCFileUtils::getInstance()->getFileData(fullPath.c_str() , "r", &size); DataInfo dataInfo; dataInfo.filename = filePathStr; dataInfo.asyncStruct = nullptr; dataInfo.baseFilePath = basefilePath; if (str.compare(".xml") == 0) { DataReaderHelper::addDataFromCache(pFileContent, &dataInfo); } else if(str.compare(".json") == 0 || str.compare(".ExportJson") == 0) { DataReaderHelper::addDataFromJsonCache(pFileContent, &dataInfo); } } void DataReaderHelper::addDataFromFileAsync(const char *imagePath, const char *plistPath, const char *filePath, Object *target, SEL_SCHEDULE selector) { /* * Check if file is already added to ArmatureDataManager, if then return. */ for(unsigned int i = 0; i < _configFileList.size(); i++) { if (_configFileList[i].compare(filePath) == 0) { if (target && selector) { if (_asyncRefTotalCount == 0 && _asyncRefCount == 0) { (target->*selector)(1); } else { (target->*selector)((_asyncRefTotalCount - _asyncRefCount) / (float)_asyncRefTotalCount); } } return; } } _configFileList.push_back(filePath); //! find the base file path std::string basefilePath = filePath; size_t pos = basefilePath.find_last_of("/"); if (pos != std::string::npos) { basefilePath = basefilePath.substr(0, pos + 1); } else { basefilePath = ""; } // lazy init if (_asyncStructQueue == nullptr) { _asyncStructQueue = new std::queue(); _dataQueue = new std::queue(); // create a new thread to load images _loadingThread = new std::thread(&DataReaderHelper::loadData, this); need_quit = false; } if (0 == _asyncRefCount) { Director::getInstance()->getScheduler()->scheduleSelector(schedule_selector(DataReaderHelper::addDataAsyncCallBack), this, 0, false); } ++_asyncRefCount; ++_asyncRefTotalCount; if (target) { target->retain(); } // generate async struct AsyncStruct *data = new AsyncStruct(); data->filename = filePath; data->baseFilePath = basefilePath; data->target = target; data->selector = selector; data->autoLoadSpriteFile = ArmatureDataManager::getInstance()->isAutoLoadSpriteFile(); data->imagePath = imagePath; data->plistPath = plistPath; std::string filePathStr = filePath; size_t startPos = filePathStr.find_last_of("."); std::string str = &filePathStr[startPos]; std::string fullPath = CCFileUtils::getInstance()->fullPathForFilename(filePath); long size; data->fileContent = (char *)CCFileUtils::getInstance()->getFileData(fullPath.c_str() , "r", &size); if (str.compare(".xml") == 0) { data->configType = DragonBone_XML; } else if(str.compare(".json") == 0 || str.compare(".ExportJson") == 0) { data->configType = CocoStudio_JSON; } // add async struct into queue _asyncStructQueueMutex.lock(); _asyncStructQueue->push(data); _asyncStructQueueMutex.unlock(); _sleepCondition.notify_one(); } void DataReaderHelper::addDataAsyncCallBack(float dt) { // the data is generated in loading thread std::queue *dataQueue = _dataQueue; _dataInfoMutex.lock(); if (dataQueue->empty()) { _dataInfoMutex.unlock(); } else { DataInfo *pDataInfo = dataQueue->front(); dataQueue->pop(); _dataInfoMutex.unlock(); AsyncStruct *pAsyncStruct = pDataInfo->asyncStruct; if (pAsyncStruct->imagePath != "" && pAsyncStruct->plistPath != "") { _getFileMutex.lock(); ArmatureDataManager::getInstance()->addSpriteFrameFromFile(pAsyncStruct->plistPath.c_str(), pAsyncStruct->imagePath.c_str()); _getFileMutex.unlock(); } while (!pDataInfo->configFileQueue.empty()) { std::string configPath = pDataInfo->configFileQueue.front(); _getFileMutex.lock(); ArmatureDataManager::getInstance()->addSpriteFrameFromFile((pAsyncStruct->baseFilePath + configPath + ".plist").c_str(), (pAsyncStruct->baseFilePath + configPath + ".png").c_str()); _getFileMutex.unlock(); pDataInfo->configFileQueue.pop(); } Object *target = pAsyncStruct->target; SEL_SCHEDULE selector = pAsyncStruct->selector; --_asyncRefCount; if (target && selector) { (target->*selector)((_asyncRefTotalCount - _asyncRefCount) / (float)_asyncRefTotalCount); target->release(); } delete pAsyncStruct; delete pDataInfo; if (0 == _asyncRefCount) { _asyncRefTotalCount = 0; CCDirector::getInstance()->getScheduler()->unscheduleSelector(schedule_selector(DataReaderHelper::addDataAsyncCallBack), this); } } } void DataReaderHelper::removeConfigFile(const char *configFile) { std::vector::iterator it = _configFileList.end(); for (std::vector::iterator i = _configFileList.begin(); i != _configFileList.end(); i++) { if (*i == configFile) { it = i; } } if (it != _configFileList.end()) { _configFileList.erase(it); } } void DataReaderHelper::addDataFromCache(const char *pFileContent, DataInfo *dataInfo) { tinyxml2::XMLDocument document; document.Parse(pFileContent); tinyxml2::XMLElement *root = document.RootElement(); CCASSERT(root, "XML error or XML is empty."); root->QueryFloatAttribute(VERSION, &dataInfo->flashToolVersion); /* * Begin decode armature data from xml */ tinyxml2::XMLElement *armaturesXML = root->FirstChildElement(ARMATURES); tinyxml2::XMLElement *armatureXML = armaturesXML->FirstChildElement(ARMATURE); while(armatureXML) { ArmatureData *armatureData = DataReaderHelper::decodeArmature(armatureXML, dataInfo); if (dataInfo->asyncStruct) { _dataReaderHelper->_addDataMutex.lock(); } ArmatureDataManager::getInstance()->addArmatureData(armatureData->name.c_str(), armatureData, dataInfo->filename.c_str()); armatureData->release(); if (dataInfo->asyncStruct) { _dataReaderHelper->_addDataMutex.unlock(); } armatureXML = armatureXML->NextSiblingElement(ARMATURE); } /* * Begin decode animation data from xml */ tinyxml2::XMLElement *animationsXML = root->FirstChildElement(ANIMATIONS); tinyxml2::XMLElement *animationXML = animationsXML->FirstChildElement(ANIMATION); while(animationXML) { AnimationData *animationData = DataReaderHelper::decodeAnimation(animationXML, dataInfo); if (dataInfo->asyncStruct) { _dataReaderHelper->_addDataMutex.lock(); } ArmatureDataManager::getInstance()->addAnimationData(animationData->name.c_str(), animationData, dataInfo->filename.c_str()); animationData->release(); if (dataInfo->asyncStruct) { _dataReaderHelper->_addDataMutex.unlock(); } animationXML = animationXML->NextSiblingElement(ANIMATION); } /* * Begin decode texture data from xml */ tinyxml2::XMLElement *texturesXML = root->FirstChildElement(TEXTURE_ATLAS); tinyxml2::XMLElement *textureXML = texturesXML->FirstChildElement(SUB_TEXTURE); while(textureXML) { TextureData *textureData = DataReaderHelper::decodeTexture(textureXML, dataInfo); if (dataInfo->asyncStruct) { _dataReaderHelper->_addDataMutex.lock(); } ArmatureDataManager::getInstance()->addTextureData(textureData->name.c_str(), textureData, dataInfo->filename.c_str()); textureData->release(); if (dataInfo->asyncStruct) { _dataReaderHelper->_addDataMutex.unlock(); } textureXML = textureXML->NextSiblingElement(SUB_TEXTURE); } } ArmatureData *DataReaderHelper::decodeArmature(tinyxml2::XMLElement *armatureXML, DataInfo *dataInfo) { ArmatureData *armatureData = new ArmatureData(); armatureData->init(); const char *name = armatureXML->Attribute(A_NAME); armatureData->name = name; tinyxml2::XMLElement *boneXML = armatureXML->FirstChildElement(BONE); while( boneXML ) { /* * If this bone have parent, then get the parent bone xml */ const char *parentName = boneXML->Attribute(A_PARENT); tinyxml2::XMLElement *parentXML = nullptr; if (parentName) { parentXML = armatureXML->FirstChildElement(BONE); std::string name = parentName; while (parentXML) { if (name.compare(parentXML->Attribute(A_NAME)) == 0) { break; } parentXML = parentXML->NextSiblingElement(BONE); } } BoneData *boneData = decodeBone(boneXML, parentXML, dataInfo); armatureData->addBoneData(boneData); boneData->release(); boneXML = boneXML->NextSiblingElement(BONE); } return armatureData; } BoneData *DataReaderHelper::decodeBone(tinyxml2::XMLElement *boneXML, tinyxml2::XMLElement *parentXml, DataInfo *dataInfo) { BoneData *boneData = new BoneData(); boneData->init(); std::string name = boneXML->Attribute(A_NAME); boneData->name = name; if( boneXML->Attribute(A_PARENT) != nullptr ) { boneData->parentName = boneXML->Attribute(A_PARENT); } boneXML->QueryIntAttribute(A_Z, &boneData->zOrder); tinyxml2::XMLElement *displayXML = boneXML->FirstChildElement(DISPLAY); while(displayXML) { DisplayData *displayData = decodeBoneDisplay(displayXML, dataInfo); boneData->addDisplayData(displayData); displayData->release(); displayXML = displayXML->NextSiblingElement(DISPLAY); } return boneData; } DisplayData *DataReaderHelper::decodeBoneDisplay(tinyxml2::XMLElement *displayXML, DataInfo *dataInfo) { int _isArmature = 0; DisplayData *displayData; if( displayXML->QueryIntAttribute(A_IS_ARMATURE, &(_isArmature)) == tinyxml2::XML_SUCCESS ) { if(!_isArmature) { displayData = new SpriteDisplayData(); displayData->displayType = CS_DISPLAY_SPRITE; } else { displayData = new ArmatureDisplayData(); displayData->displayType = CS_DISPLAY_ARMATURE; } } else { displayData = new SpriteDisplayData(); displayData->displayType = CS_DISPLAY_SPRITE; } if(displayXML->Attribute(A_NAME) != nullptr ) { if(!_isArmature) { ((SpriteDisplayData *)displayData)->displayName = displayXML->Attribute(A_NAME); } else { ((ArmatureDisplayData *)displayData)->displayName = displayXML->Attribute(A_NAME); } } return displayData; } AnimationData *DataReaderHelper::decodeAnimation(tinyxml2::XMLElement *animationXML, DataInfo *dataInfo) { AnimationData *aniData = new AnimationData(); const char *name = animationXML->Attribute(A_NAME); ArmatureData *armatureData = ArmatureDataManager::getInstance()->getArmatureData(name); aniData->name = name; tinyxml2::XMLElement *movementXML = animationXML->FirstChildElement(MOVEMENT); while( movementXML ) { MovementData *movementData = decodeMovement(movementXML, armatureData, dataInfo); aniData->addMovement(movementData); movementData->release(); movementXML = movementXML->NextSiblingElement(MOVEMENT); } return aniData; } MovementData *DataReaderHelper::decodeMovement(tinyxml2::XMLElement *movementXML, ArmatureData *armatureData, DataInfo *dataInfo) { MovementData *movementData = new MovementData(); const char *movName = movementXML->Attribute(A_NAME); movementData->name = movName; int duration, durationTo, durationTween, loop, tweenEasing = 0; if( movementXML->QueryIntAttribute(A_DURATION, &(duration)) == tinyxml2::XML_SUCCESS) { movementData->duration = duration; } if( movementXML->QueryIntAttribute(A_DURATION_TO, &(durationTo)) == tinyxml2::XML_SUCCESS) { movementData->durationTo = durationTo; } if( movementXML->QueryIntAttribute(A_DURATION_TWEEN, &(durationTween)) == tinyxml2::XML_SUCCESS) { movementData->durationTween = durationTween; } if( movementXML->QueryIntAttribute(A_LOOP, &(loop)) == tinyxml2::XML_SUCCESS) { movementData->loop = (loop != 0); } const char *_easing = movementXML->Attribute(A_TWEEN_EASING); if(_easing != nullptr) { std::string str = _easing; if(str.compare(FL_NAN) != 0) { if( movementXML->QueryIntAttribute(A_TWEEN_EASING, &(tweenEasing)) == tinyxml2::XML_SUCCESS) { movementData->tweenEasing = tweenEasing == 2 ? Sine_EaseInOut : (TweenType)tweenEasing; } } else { movementData->tweenEasing = Linear; } } tinyxml2::XMLElement *movBoneXml = movementXML->FirstChildElement(BONE); while(movBoneXml) { const char *boneName = movBoneXml->Attribute(A_NAME); if (movementData->getMovementBoneData(boneName)) { movBoneXml = movBoneXml->NextSiblingElement(); continue; } BoneData *boneData = (BoneData *)armatureData->getBoneData(boneName); std::string parentName = boneData->parentName; tinyxml2::XMLElement *parentXml = nullptr; if (parentName.length() != 0) { parentXml = movementXML->FirstChildElement(BONE); while (parentXml) { if (parentName.compare(parentXml->Attribute(A_NAME)) == 0) { break; } parentXml = parentXml->NextSiblingElement(BONE); } } MovementBoneData *moveBoneData = decodeMovementBone(movBoneXml, parentXml, boneData, dataInfo); movementData->addMovementBoneData(moveBoneData); moveBoneData->release(); movBoneXml = movBoneXml->NextSiblingElement(BONE); } return movementData; } MovementBoneData *DataReaderHelper::decodeMovementBone(tinyxml2::XMLElement *movBoneXml, tinyxml2::XMLElement *parentXml, BoneData *boneData, DataInfo *dataInfo) { MovementBoneData *movBoneData = new MovementBoneData(); movBoneData->init(); float scale, delay; if( movBoneXml ) { if( movBoneXml->QueryFloatAttribute(A_MOVEMENT_SCALE, &scale) == tinyxml2::XML_SUCCESS ) { movBoneData->scale = scale; } if( movBoneXml->QueryFloatAttribute(A_MOVEMENT_DELAY, &delay) == tinyxml2::XML_SUCCESS ) { if(delay > 0) { delay -= 1; } movBoneData->delay = delay; } } int length = 0; int i = 0; int parentTotalDuration = 0; int currentDuration = 0; tinyxml2::XMLElement *parentFrameXML = nullptr; std::vector parentXmlList; /* * get the parent frame xml list, we need get the origin data */ if( parentXml != nullptr ) { parentFrameXML = parentXml->FirstChildElement(FRAME); while (parentFrameXML) { parentXmlList.push_back(parentFrameXML); parentFrameXML = parentFrameXML->NextSiblingElement(FRAME); } parentFrameXML = nullptr; length = parentXmlList.size(); } int totalDuration = 0; std::string name = movBoneXml->Attribute(A_NAME); movBoneData->name = name; tinyxml2::XMLElement *frameXML = movBoneXml->FirstChildElement(FRAME); while( frameXML ) { if(parentXml) { /* * in this loop we get the corresponding parent frame xml */ while(i < length && (parentFrameXML ? (totalDuration < parentTotalDuration || totalDuration >= parentTotalDuration + currentDuration) : true)) { parentFrameXML = parentXmlList[i]; parentTotalDuration += currentDuration; parentFrameXML->QueryIntAttribute(A_DURATION, ¤tDuration); i++; } } FrameData *frameData = decodeFrame( frameXML, parentFrameXML, boneData, dataInfo); movBoneData->addFrameData(frameData); frameData->release(); frameData->frameID = totalDuration; totalDuration += frameData->duration; movBoneData->duration = totalDuration; frameXML = frameXML->NextSiblingElement(FRAME); } //! Change rotation range from (-180 -- 180) to (-infinity -- infinity) FrameData **frames = (FrameData **)movBoneData->frameList.data->arr; for (int i = movBoneData->frameList.count() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (i > 0) { float difSkewX = frames[i]->skewX - frames[i - 1]->skewX; float difSkewY = frames[i]->skewY - frames[i - 1]->skewY; if (difSkewX < -M_PI || difSkewX > M_PI) { frames[i - 1]->skewX = difSkewX < 0 ? frames[i - 1]->skewX - 2 * M_PI : frames[i - 1]->skewX + 2 * M_PI; } if (difSkewY < -M_PI || difSkewY > M_PI) { frames[i - 1]->skewY = difSkewY < 0 ? frames[i - 1]->skewY - 2 * M_PI : frames[i - 1]->skewY + 2 * M_PI; } } } // FrameData *frameData = new FrameData(); frameData->copy((FrameData *)movBoneData->frameList.getLastObject()); frameData->frameID = movBoneData->duration; movBoneData->addFrameData(frameData); frameData->release(); return movBoneData; } FrameData *DataReaderHelper::decodeFrame(tinyxml2::XMLElement *frameXML, tinyxml2::XMLElement *parentFrameXml, BoneData *boneData, DataInfo *dataInfo) { float x, y, scale_x, scale_y, skew_x, skew_y = 0; int duration, displayIndex, zOrder, tweenEasing, blendType = 0; FrameData *frameData = new FrameData(); if(frameXML->Attribute(A_MOVEMENT) != nullptr) { frameData->strMovement = frameXML->Attribute(A_MOVEMENT); } if(frameXML->Attribute(A_EVENT) != nullptr) { frameData->strEvent = frameXML->Attribute(A_EVENT); } if(frameXML->Attribute(A_SOUND) != nullptr) { frameData->strSound = frameXML->Attribute(A_SOUND); } if(frameXML->Attribute(A_SOUND_EFFECT) != nullptr) { frameData->strSoundEffect = frameXML->Attribute(A_SOUND_EFFECT); } if (dataInfo->flashToolVersion >= VERSION_2_0) { if(frameXML->QueryFloatAttribute(A_COCOS2DX_X, &x) == tinyxml2::XML_SUCCESS) { frameData->x = x; frameData->x *= s_PositionReadScale; } if(frameXML->QueryFloatAttribute(A_COCOS2DX_Y, &y) == tinyxml2::XML_SUCCESS) { frameData->y = -y; frameData->y *= s_PositionReadScale; } } else { if(frameXML->QueryFloatAttribute(A_X, &x) == tinyxml2::XML_SUCCESS) { frameData->x = x; frameData->x *= s_PositionReadScale; } if(frameXML->QueryFloatAttribute(A_Y, &y) == tinyxml2::XML_SUCCESS) { frameData->y = -y; frameData->y *= s_PositionReadScale; } } if( frameXML->QueryFloatAttribute(A_SCALE_X, &scale_x) == tinyxml2::XML_SUCCESS ) { frameData->scaleX = scale_x; } if( frameXML->QueryFloatAttribute(A_SCALE_Y, &scale_y) == tinyxml2::XML_SUCCESS ) { frameData->scaleY = scale_y; } if( frameXML->QueryFloatAttribute(A_SKEW_X, &skew_x) == tinyxml2::XML_SUCCESS ) { frameData->skewX = CC_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS(skew_x); } if( frameXML->QueryFloatAttribute(A_SKEW_Y, &skew_y) == tinyxml2::XML_SUCCESS ) { frameData->skewY = CC_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS(-skew_y); } if( frameXML->QueryIntAttribute(A_DURATION, &duration) == tinyxml2::XML_SUCCESS ) { frameData->duration = duration; } if( frameXML->QueryIntAttribute(A_DISPLAY_INDEX, &displayIndex) == tinyxml2::XML_SUCCESS ) { frameData->displayIndex = displayIndex; } if( frameXML->QueryIntAttribute(A_Z, &zOrder) == tinyxml2::XML_SUCCESS ) { frameData->zOrder = zOrder; } if ( frameXML->QueryIntAttribute(A_BLEND_TYPE, &blendType) == tinyxml2::XML_SUCCESS ) { frameData->blendType = (BlendType)blendType; } tinyxml2::XMLElement *colorTransformXML = frameXML->FirstChildElement(A_COLOR_TRANSFORM); if (colorTransformXML) { int alpha, red, green, blue = 100; int alphaOffset, redOffset, greenOffset, blueOffset = 0; colorTransformXML->QueryIntAttribute(A_ALPHA, &alpha); colorTransformXML->QueryIntAttribute(A_RED, &red); colorTransformXML->QueryIntAttribute(A_GREEN, &green); colorTransformXML->QueryIntAttribute(A_BLUE, &blue) ; colorTransformXML->QueryIntAttribute(A_ALPHA_OFFSET, &alphaOffset); colorTransformXML->QueryIntAttribute(A_RED_OFFSET, &redOffset); colorTransformXML->QueryIntAttribute(A_GREEN_OFFSET, &greenOffset); colorTransformXML->QueryIntAttribute(A_BLUE_OFFSET, &blueOffset) ; frameData->a = 2.55 * alphaOffset + alpha; frameData->r = 2.55 * redOffset + red; frameData->g = 2.55 * greenOffset + green; frameData->b = 2.55 * blueOffset + blue; frameData->isUseColorInfo = true; } const char *_easing = frameXML->Attribute(A_TWEEN_EASING); if(_easing != nullptr) { std::string str = _easing; if(str.compare(FL_NAN) != 0) { if( frameXML->QueryIntAttribute(A_TWEEN_EASING, &(tweenEasing)) == tinyxml2::XML_SUCCESS) { frameData->tweenEasing = tweenEasing == 2 ? Sine_EaseInOut : (TweenType)tweenEasing; } } else { frameData->tweenEasing = Linear; } } if(parentFrameXml) { /* * recalculate frame data from parent frame data, use for translate matrix */ BaseData helpNode; if (dataInfo->flashToolVersion >= VERSION_2_0) { parentFrameXml->QueryFloatAttribute(A_COCOS2DX_X, &helpNode.x); parentFrameXml->QueryFloatAttribute(A_COCOS2DX_Y, &helpNode.y); } else { parentFrameXml->QueryFloatAttribute(A_X, &helpNode.x); parentFrameXml->QueryFloatAttribute(A_Y, &helpNode.y); } parentFrameXml->QueryFloatAttribute(A_SKEW_X, &helpNode.skewX); parentFrameXml->QueryFloatAttribute(A_SKEW_Y, &helpNode.skewY); helpNode.y = -helpNode.y; helpNode.skewX = CC_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS(helpNode.skewX); helpNode.skewY = CC_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS(-helpNode.skewY); TransformHelp::transformFromParent(*frameData, helpNode); } return frameData; } TextureData *DataReaderHelper::decodeTexture(tinyxml2::XMLElement *textureXML, DataInfo *dataInfo) { TextureData *textureData = new TextureData(); textureData->init(); if( textureXML->Attribute(A_NAME) != nullptr) { textureData->name = textureXML->Attribute(A_NAME); } float px, py, width, height = 0; if(dataInfo->flashToolVersion >= VERSION_2_0) { textureXML->QueryFloatAttribute(A_COCOS2D_PIVOT_X, &px); textureXML->QueryFloatAttribute(A_COCOS2D_PIVOT_Y, &py); } else { textureXML->QueryFloatAttribute(A_PIVOT_X, &px); textureXML->QueryFloatAttribute(A_PIVOT_Y, &py); } textureXML->QueryFloatAttribute(A_WIDTH, &width); textureXML->QueryFloatAttribute(A_HEIGHT, &height); float anchorPointX = px / width; float anchorPointY = (height - py) / height; textureData->pivotX = anchorPointX; textureData->pivotY = anchorPointY; tinyxml2::XMLElement *contourXML = textureXML->FirstChildElement(CONTOUR); while (contourXML) { ContourData *contourData = decodeContour(contourXML, dataInfo); textureData->addContourData(contourData); contourData->release(); contourXML = contourXML->NextSiblingElement(CONTOUR); } return textureData; } ContourData *DataReaderHelper::decodeContour(tinyxml2::XMLElement *contourXML, DataInfo *dataInfo) { ContourData *contourData = new ContourData(); contourData->init(); tinyxml2::XMLElement *vertexDataXML = contourXML->FirstChildElement(CONTOUR_VERTEX); while (vertexDataXML) { ContourVertex2 *vertex = new ContourVertex2(0, 0); vertex->release(); vertexDataXML->QueryFloatAttribute(A_X, &vertex->x); vertexDataXML->QueryFloatAttribute(A_Y, &vertex->y); vertex->y = -vertex->y; contourData->vertexList.addObject(vertex); vertexDataXML = vertexDataXML->NextSiblingElement(CONTOUR_VERTEX); } return contourData; } void DataReaderHelper::addDataFromJsonCache(const char *fileContent, DataInfo *dataInfo) { JsonDictionary json; json.initWithDescription(fileContent); dataInfo->contentScale = json.getItemFloatValue(CONTENT_SCALE, 1); // Decode armatures int length = json.getArrayItemCount(ARMATURE_DATA); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { JsonDictionary *armatureDic = json.getSubItemFromArray(ARMATURE_DATA, i); ArmatureData *armatureData = decodeArmature(*armatureDic, dataInfo); if (dataInfo->asyncStruct) { _dataReaderHelper->_addDataMutex.lock(); } ArmatureDataManager::getInstance()->addArmatureData(armatureData->name.c_str(), armatureData); armatureData->release(); if (dataInfo->asyncStruct) { _dataReaderHelper->_addDataMutex.unlock(); } delete armatureDic; } // Decode animations length = json.getArrayItemCount(ANIMATION_DATA); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { JsonDictionary *animationDic = json.getSubItemFromArray(ANIMATION_DATA, i); AnimationData *animationData = decodeAnimation(*animationDic, dataInfo); if (dataInfo->asyncStruct) { _dataReaderHelper->_addDataMutex.lock(); } ArmatureDataManager::getInstance()->addAnimationData(animationData->name.c_str(), animationData); animationData->release(); if (dataInfo->asyncStruct) { _dataReaderHelper->_addDataMutex.unlock(); } delete animationDic; } // Decode textures length = json.getArrayItemCount(TEXTURE_DATA); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { JsonDictionary *textureDic = json.getSubItemFromArray(TEXTURE_DATA, i); TextureData *textureData = decodeTexture(*textureDic); if (dataInfo->asyncStruct) { _dataReaderHelper->_addDataMutex.lock(); } ArmatureDataManager::getInstance()->addTextureData(textureData->name.c_str(), textureData); textureData->release(); if (dataInfo->asyncStruct) { _dataReaderHelper->_addDataMutex.unlock(); } delete textureDic; } // Auto load sprite file bool autoLoad = dataInfo->asyncStruct == nullptr ? ArmatureDataManager::getInstance()->isAutoLoadSpriteFile() : dataInfo->asyncStruct->autoLoadSpriteFile; if (autoLoad) { length = json.getArrayItemCount(CONFIG_FILE_PATH); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { const char *path = json.getStringValueFromArray(CONFIG_FILE_PATH, i); if (path == nullptr) { CCLOG("load CONFIG_FILE_PATH error."); return; } std::string filePath = path; filePath = filePath.erase(filePath.find_last_of(".")); if (dataInfo->asyncStruct) { dataInfo->configFileQueue.push(filePath); } else { std::string plistPath = filePath + ".plist"; std::string pngPath = filePath + ".png"; ArmatureDataManager::getInstance()->addSpriteFrameFromFile((dataInfo->baseFilePath + plistPath).c_str(), (dataInfo->baseFilePath + pngPath).c_str()); } } } } ArmatureData *DataReaderHelper::decodeArmature(JsonDictionary &json, DataInfo *dataInfo) { ArmatureData *armatureData = new ArmatureData(); armatureData->init(); const char *name = json.getItemStringValue(A_NAME); if(name != nullptr) { armatureData->name = name; } dataInfo->cocoStudioVersion = armatureData->dataVersion = json.getItemFloatValue(VERSION, 0.1f); int length = json.getArrayItemCount(BONE_DATA); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { JsonDictionary *dic = json.getSubItemFromArray(BONE_DATA, i); BoneData *boneData = decodeBone(*dic, dataInfo); armatureData->addBoneData(boneData); boneData->release(); delete dic; } return armatureData; } BoneData *DataReaderHelper::decodeBone(JsonDictionary &json, DataInfo *dataInfo) { BoneData *boneData = new BoneData(); boneData->init(); decodeNode(boneData, json, dataInfo); const char *str = json.getItemStringValue(A_NAME); if(str != nullptr) { boneData->name = str; } str = json.getItemStringValue(A_PARENT); if(str != nullptr) { boneData->parentName = str; } int length = json.getArrayItemCount(DISPLAY_DATA); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { JsonDictionary *dic = json.getSubItemFromArray(DISPLAY_DATA, i); DisplayData *displayData = decodeBoneDisplay(*dic, dataInfo); boneData->addDisplayData(displayData); displayData->release(); delete dic; } return boneData; } DisplayData *DataReaderHelper::decodeBoneDisplay(JsonDictionary &json, DataInfo *dataInfo) { DisplayType displayType = (DisplayType)json.getItemIntValue(A_DISPLAY_TYPE, CS_DISPLAY_SPRITE); DisplayData *displayData = nullptr; switch (displayType) { case CS_DISPLAY_SPRITE: { displayData = new SpriteDisplayData(); const char *name = json.getItemStringValue(A_NAME); if(name != nullptr) { ((SpriteDisplayData *)displayData)->displayName = name; } JsonDictionary *dic = json.getSubItemFromArray(SKIN_DATA, 0); if (dic != nullptr) { SpriteDisplayData *sdd = (SpriteDisplayData *)displayData; sdd->skinData.x = dic->getItemFloatValue(A_X, 0) * s_PositionReadScale; sdd->skinData.y = dic->getItemFloatValue(A_Y, 0) * s_PositionReadScale; sdd->skinData.scaleX = dic->getItemFloatValue(A_SCALE_X, 1); sdd->skinData.scaleY = dic->getItemFloatValue(A_SCALE_Y, 1); sdd->skinData.skewX = dic->getItemFloatValue(A_SKEW_X, 0); sdd->skinData.skewY = dic->getItemFloatValue(A_SKEW_Y, 0); sdd->skinData.x *= dataInfo->contentScale; sdd->skinData.y *= dataInfo->contentScale; delete dic; } } break; case CS_DISPLAY_ARMATURE: { displayData = new ArmatureDisplayData(); const char *name = json.getItemStringValue(A_NAME); if(name != nullptr) { ((ArmatureDisplayData *)displayData)->displayName = name; } } break; case CS_DISPLAY_PARTICLE: { displayData = new ParticleDisplayData(); const char *plist = json.getItemStringValue(A_PLIST); if(plist != nullptr) { if (dataInfo->asyncStruct) { static_cast(displayData)->plist = dataInfo->asyncStruct->baseFilePath + plist; } else { static_cast(displayData)->plist = dataInfo->baseFilePath + plist; } } } break; default: displayData = new SpriteDisplayData(); break; } displayData->displayType = displayType; return displayData; } AnimationData *DataReaderHelper::decodeAnimation(JsonDictionary &json, DataInfo *dataInfo) { AnimationData *aniData = new AnimationData(); const char *name = json.getItemStringValue(A_NAME); if(name != nullptr) { aniData->name = name; } int length = json.getArrayItemCount(MOVEMENT_DATA); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { JsonDictionary *dic = json.getSubItemFromArray(MOVEMENT_DATA, i); MovementData *movementData = decodeMovement(*dic, dataInfo); aniData->addMovement(movementData); movementData->release(); delete dic; } return aniData; } MovementData *DataReaderHelper::decodeMovement(JsonDictionary &json, DataInfo *dataInfo) { MovementData *movementData = new MovementData(); movementData->loop = json.getItemBoolvalue(A_LOOP, true); movementData->durationTween = json.getItemIntValue(A_DURATION_TWEEN, 0); movementData->durationTo = json.getItemIntValue(A_DURATION_TO, 0); movementData->duration = json.getItemIntValue(A_DURATION, 0); movementData->scale = json.getItemFloatValue(A_MOVEMENT_SCALE, 1); movementData->tweenEasing = (TweenType)json.getItemIntValue(A_TWEEN_EASING, Linear); const char *name = json.getItemStringValue(A_NAME); if(name != nullptr) { movementData->name = name; } int length = json.getArrayItemCount(MOVEMENT_BONE_DATA); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { JsonDictionary *dic = json.getSubItemFromArray(MOVEMENT_BONE_DATA, i); MovementBoneData *movementBoneData = decodeMovementBone(*dic, dataInfo); movementData->addMovementBoneData(movementBoneData); movementBoneData->release(); delete dic; } return movementData; } MovementBoneData *DataReaderHelper::decodeMovementBone(JsonDictionary &json, DataInfo *dataInfo) { MovementBoneData *movementBoneData = new MovementBoneData(); movementBoneData->init(); movementBoneData->delay = json.getItemFloatValue(A_MOVEMENT_DELAY, 0); const char *name = json.getItemStringValue(A_NAME); if(name != nullptr) { movementBoneData->name = name; } int length = json.getArrayItemCount(FRAME_DATA); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { JsonDictionary *dic = json.getSubItemFromArray(FRAME_DATA, i); FrameData *frameData = decodeFrame(*dic, dataInfo); movementBoneData->addFrameData(frameData); frameData->release(); if (dataInfo->cocoStudioVersion < VERSION_COMBINED) { frameData->frameID = movementBoneData->duration; movementBoneData->duration += frameData->duration; } delete dic; } if (dataInfo->cocoStudioVersion < VERSION_CHANGE_ROTATION_RANGE) { //! Change rotation range from (-180 -- 180) to (-infinity -- infinity) FrameData **frames = (FrameData **)movementBoneData->frameList.data->arr; for (int i = movementBoneData->frameList.count() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (i > 0) { float difSkewX = frames[i]->skewX - frames[i - 1]->skewX; float difSkewY = frames[i]->skewY - frames[i - 1]->skewY; if (difSkewX < -M_PI || difSkewX > M_PI) { frames[i - 1]->skewX = difSkewX < 0 ? frames[i - 1]->skewX - 2 * M_PI : frames[i - 1]->skewX + 2 * M_PI; } if (difSkewY < -M_PI || difSkewY > M_PI) { frames[i - 1]->skewY = difSkewY < 0 ? frames[i - 1]->skewY - 2 * M_PI : frames[i - 1]->skewY + 2 * M_PI; } } } } if (dataInfo->cocoStudioVersion < VERSION_COMBINED) { if (movementBoneData->frameList.count() > 0) { FrameData *frameData = new FrameData(); frameData->copy((FrameData *)movementBoneData->frameList.getLastObject()); movementBoneData->addFrameData(frameData); frameData->release(); frameData->frameID = movementBoneData->duration; } } return movementBoneData; } FrameData *DataReaderHelper::decodeFrame(JsonDictionary &json, DataInfo *dataInfo) { FrameData *frameData = new FrameData(); decodeNode(frameData, json, dataInfo); frameData->tweenEasing = (TweenType)json.getItemIntValue(A_TWEEN_EASING, Linear); frameData->displayIndex = json.getItemIntValue(A_DISPLAY_INDEX, 0); frameData->blendType = (BlendType)json.getItemIntValue(A_BLEND_TYPE, 0); frameData->isTween = (bool)json.getItemBoolvalue(A_TWEEN_FRAME, true); const char *event = json.getItemStringValue(A_EVENT); if (event != nullptr) { frameData->strEvent = event; } if (dataInfo->cocoStudioVersion < VERSION_COMBINED) { frameData->duration = json.getItemIntValue(A_DURATION, 1); } else { frameData->frameID = json.getItemIntValue(A_FRAME_INDEX, 0); } return frameData; } TextureData *DataReaderHelper::decodeTexture(JsonDictionary &json) { TextureData *textureData = new TextureData(); textureData->init(); const char *name = json.getItemStringValue(A_NAME); if(name != nullptr) { textureData->name = name; } textureData->width = json.getItemFloatValue(A_WIDTH, 0); textureData->height = json.getItemFloatValue(A_HEIGHT, 0); textureData->pivotX = json.getItemFloatValue(A_PIVOT_X, 0); textureData->pivotY = json.getItemFloatValue(A_PIVOT_Y, 0); int length = json.getArrayItemCount(CONTOUR_DATA); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { JsonDictionary *dic = json.getSubItemFromArray(CONTOUR_DATA, i); ContourData *contourData = decodeContour(*dic); textureData->contourDataList.addObject(contourData); contourData->release(); delete dic; } return textureData; } ContourData *DataReaderHelper::decodeContour(JsonDictionary &json) { ContourData *contourData = new ContourData(); contourData->init(); int length = json.getArrayItemCount(VERTEX_POINT); for (int i = length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { JsonDictionary *dic = json.getSubItemFromArray(VERTEX_POINT, i); ContourVertex2 *vertex = new ContourVertex2(0, 0); vertex->x = dic->getItemFloatValue(A_X, 0); vertex->y = dic->getItemFloatValue(A_Y, 0); contourData->vertexList.addObject(vertex); vertex->release(); delete dic; } return contourData; } void DataReaderHelper::decodeNode(BaseData *node, JsonDictionary &json, DataInfo *dataInfo) { node->x = json.getItemFloatValue(A_X, 0) * s_PositionReadScale; node->y = json.getItemFloatValue(A_Y, 0) * s_PositionReadScale; node->x *= dataInfo->contentScale; node->y *= dataInfo->contentScale; node->zOrder = json.getItemIntValue(A_Z, 0); node->skewX = json.getItemFloatValue(A_SKEW_X, 0); node->skewY = json.getItemFloatValue(A_SKEW_Y, 0); node->scaleX = json.getItemFloatValue(A_SCALE_X, 1); node->scaleY = json.getItemFloatValue(A_SCALE_Y, 1); JsonDictionary *colorDic = nullptr; if (dataInfo->cocoStudioVersion < VERSION_COLOR_READING) { colorDic = json.getSubItemFromArray(COLOR_INFO, 0); } else { colorDic = json.getSubDictionary(COLOR_INFO); } if (colorDic) { node->a = colorDic->getItemIntValue(A_ALPHA, 255); node->r = colorDic->getItemIntValue(A_RED, 255); node->g = colorDic->getItemIntValue(A_GREEN, 255); node->b = colorDic->getItemIntValue(A_BLUE, 255); node->isUseColorInfo = true; delete colorDic; } } }