require('debugger/DevToolsUtils.js', "debug"); require('debugger/core/promise.js', "debug"); require('debugger/transport.js', "debug"); require('debugger/actors/root.js', "debug"); require('debugger/actors/script.js', "debug"); require('debugger/main.js', "debug"); var globalDebuggee = null; function TestTabActor(aConnection, aGlobal) { this.conn = aConnection; this._global = aGlobal; this._threadActor = new ThreadActor(this, this._global); this.conn.addActor(this._threadActor); this._attached = false; } TestTabActor.prototype = { constructor: TestTabActor, actorPrefix: "TestTabActor", grip: function() { return { actor: this.actorID, title: "Hello Cocos2d-X JSB", url: "" }; }, onAttach: function(aRequest) { this._attached = true; return { type: "tabAttached", threadActor: this._threadActor.actorID }; }, onDetach: function(aRequest) { if (!this._attached) { return { "error":"wrongState" }; } return { type: "detached" }; }, // Hooks for use by TestTabActors. addToParentPool: function(aActor) { this.conn.addActor(aActor); }, removeFromParentPool: function(aActor) { this.conn.removeActor(aActor); } }; TestTabActor.prototype.requestTypes = { "attach": TestTabActor.prototype.onAttach, "detach": TestTabActor.prototype.onDetach }; function TestTabList(aConnection) { this.conn = aConnection; // An array of actors for each global added with // DebuggerServer.addTestGlobal. this._tabActors = []; // A pool mapping those actors' names to the actors. this._tabActorPool = new ActorPool(aConnection); // for (let global of gTestGlobals) { let actor = new TestTabActor(aConnection, globalDebuggee); actor.selected = false; this._tabActors.push(actor); this._tabActorPool.addActor(actor); // } if (this._tabActors.length > 0) { this._tabActors[0].selected = true; } aConnection.addActorPool(this._tabActorPool); } TestTabList.prototype = { constructor: TestTabList, iterator: function() { for (let actor of this._tabActors) { yield actor; } } }; this.processInput = function (inputstr) { if (!inputstr) { return; } if (inputstr === "connected") { DebuggerServer.createRootActor = (conn => { return new RootActor(conn, { tabList: new TestTabList(conn) }); }); DebuggerServer.init(() => true); DebuggerServer.openListener(5086); if (debuggerServer && debuggerServer.onSocketAccepted) { var aTransport = { host: "", port: 5086, openInputStream: function() { return { close: function(){} }; }, openOutputStream: function() { return { close: function(){}, write: function(){}, asyncWait: function(){} }; }, }; debuggerServer.onSocketAccepted(null, aTransport); } return; } if (DebuggerServer && DebuggerServer._transport && DebuggerServer._transport.onDataAvailable) { inputstr = utf16to8(inputstr); inputstr = utf8to16(inputstr); DebuggerServer._transport.onDataAvailable(inputstr); } }; this._prepareDebugger = function (global) { globalDebuggee = global; }; this._startDebugger = function (global, files, startFunc) { // dbg.log("[DBG] starting debug session"); for (var i in files) { try { global['eval']("require('" + files[i] + "');"); } catch (e) { dbg.log("[DBG] error evaluating file: " + files[i]); } } // dbg.log("[DBG] all files required"); if (startFunc) { // dbg.log("executing start func: " + startFunc); global['eval'](startFunc); } // beginDebug(); }