#include "SimpleTimer.h" #include "yasio/detail/object_pool.hpp" #include "yasio/detail/ref_ptr.hpp" #include "cocos2d.h" #define STIMER_DEFINE_REFERENCE_CLASS \ private: \ unsigned int referenceCount_; \ public: \ void retain() { ++referenceCount_; } \ void release(){ --referenceCount_; if (referenceCount_ == 0) delete this; } \ private: // Retrive the fake target of Simple Timer, well, any system's malloc never return a object address // 0xffffffff, 0xfffffffe, so it's always works well. #define STIMER_TARGET(bNative) reinterpret_cast<void*>(bNative ? STIMER_TARGET_NATIVE : STIMER_TARGET_SCRIPT) NS_CC_BEGIN namespace stimer { static const uintptr_t STIMER_TARGET_NATIVE = ~static_cast<uintptr_t>(0); static const uintptr_t STIMER_TARGET_SCRIPT = STIMER_TARGET_NATIVE - 1; struct TimerObject { TimerObject(vcallback_t&& callback) : callback_(std::move(callback)), referenceCount_(1) { } vcallback_t callback_; static uintptr_t s_timerId; DEFINE_OBJECT_POOL_ALLOCATION(TimerObject, 128) STIMER_DEFINE_REFERENCE_CLASS }; uintptr_t TimerObject::s_timerId = 0; TIMER_ID loop(unsigned int n, float interval, vcallback_t callback, bool bNative) { if (n > 0 && interval >= 0) { yasio::gc::ref_ptr<TimerObject> timerObj(new TimerObject(std::move(callback))); auto timerId = reinterpret_cast<TIMER_ID>(++TimerObject::s_timerId); std::string key = StringUtils::format("STMR#%p", timerId); Director::getInstance()->getScheduler()->schedule([timerObj](float /*dt*/) { // lambda expression hold the reference of timerObj automatically. timerObj->callback_(); }, STIMER_TARGET(bNative), interval, n - 1, 0, false, key); return timerId; } return nullptr; } TIMER_ID delay(float delay, vcallback_t callback, bool bNative) { if (delay > 0) { yasio::gc::ref_ptr<TimerObject> timerObj(new TimerObject(std::move(callback))); auto timerId = reinterpret_cast<TIMER_ID>(++TimerObject::s_timerId); std::string key = StringUtils::format("STMR#%p", timerId); Director::getInstance()->getScheduler()->schedule([timerObj](float /*dt*/) { // lambda expression hold the reference of timerObj automatically. timerObj->callback_(); }, STIMER_TARGET(bNative), 0, 0, delay, false, key); return timerId; } return nullptr; } void kill(TIMER_ID timerId, bool bNative) { std::string key = StringUtils::format("STMR#%p", timerId); Director::getInstance()->getScheduler()->unschedule(key, STIMER_TARGET(bNative)); } void killAll(bool bNative) { Director::getInstance()->getScheduler()->unscheduleAllForTarget(STIMER_TARGET(bNative)); } } NS_CC_END