#include "pch.h" #include "OpenGLESPage.xaml.h" using namespace cpp_tests; using namespace Platform; using namespace Concurrency; using namespace Windows::Foundation; OpenGLESPage::OpenGLESPage() : OpenGLESPage(nullptr) { } OpenGLESPage::OpenGLESPage(OpenGLES* openGLES) : mOpenGLES(openGLES), mRenderSurface(EGL_NO_SURFACE), mCustomRenderSurfaceSize(0,0), mUseCustomRenderSurfaceSize(false) { InitializeComponent(); Windows::UI::Core::CoreWindow^ window = Windows::UI::Xaml::Window::Current->CoreWindow; window->VisibilityChanged += ref new Windows::Foundation::TypedEventHandler(this, &OpenGLESPage::OnVisibilityChanged); swapChainPanel->SizeChanged += ref new Windows::UI::Xaml::SizeChangedEventHandler(this, &OpenGLESPage::OnSwapChainPanelSizeChanged); this->Loaded += ref new Windows::UI::Xaml::RoutedEventHandler(this, &OpenGLESPage::OnPageLoaded); #if !(WINAPI_FAMILY == WINAPI_FAMILY_PHONE_APP) // Disable all pointer visual feedback for better performance when touching. // This is not supported on Windows Phone applications. auto pointerVisualizationSettings = Windows::UI::Input::PointerVisualizationSettings::GetForCurrentView(); pointerVisualizationSettings->IsContactFeedbackEnabled = false; pointerVisualizationSettings->IsBarrelButtonFeedbackEnabled = false; #endif mSwapChainPanelSize = { swapChainPanel->RenderSize.Width, swapChainPanel->RenderSize.Height }; } OpenGLESPage::~OpenGLESPage() { StopRenderLoop(); DestroyRenderSurface(); } void OpenGLESPage::OnPageLoaded(Platform::Object^ sender, Windows::UI::Xaml::RoutedEventArgs^ e) { // The SwapChainPanel has been created and arranged in the page layout, so EGL can be initialized. CreateRenderSurface(); StartRenderLoop(); } void OpenGLESPage::OnVisibilityChanged(Windows::UI::Core::CoreWindow^ sender, Windows::UI::Core::VisibilityChangedEventArgs^ args) { if (args->Visible && mRenderSurface != EGL_NO_SURFACE) { StartRenderLoop(); } else { StopRenderLoop(); } } void OpenGLESPage::OnSwapChainPanelSizeChanged(Object^ sender, Windows::UI::Xaml::SizeChangedEventArgs^ e) { // Size change events occur outside of the render thread. A lock is required when updating // the swapchainpanel size critical_section::scoped_lock lock(mSwapChainPanelSizeCriticalSection); mSwapChainPanelSize = { e->NewSize.Width, e->NewSize.Height }; } void OpenGLESPage::GetSwapChainPanelSize(GLsizei* width, GLsizei* height) { critical_section::scoped_lock lock(mSwapChainPanelSizeCriticalSection); // If a custom render surface size is specified, return its size instead of // the swapchain panel size. if (mUseCustomRenderSurfaceSize) { *width = static_cast(mCustomRenderSurfaceSize.Width); *height = static_cast(mCustomRenderSurfaceSize.Height); } else { *width = static_cast(mSwapChainPanelSize.Width); *height = static_cast(mSwapChainPanelSize.Height); } } void OpenGLESPage::CreateRenderSurface() { if (mOpenGLES) { // // A Custom render surface size can be specified by uncommenting the following lines. // The render surface will be automatically scaled to fit the entire window. Using a // smaller sized render surface can result in a performance gain. // //mCustomRenderSurfaceSize = Size(340, 400); //mUseCustomRenderSurfaceSize = true; mRenderSurface = mOpenGLES->CreateSurface(swapChainPanel, mUseCustomRenderSurfaceSize ? &mCustomRenderSurfaceSize : nullptr); } } void OpenGLESPage::DestroyRenderSurface() { if (mOpenGLES) { mOpenGLES->DestroySurface(mRenderSurface); } mRenderSurface = EGL_NO_SURFACE; } void OpenGLESPage::RecoverFromLostDevice() { // Stop the render loop, reset OpenGLES, recreate the render surface // and start the render loop again to recover from a lost device. StopRenderLoop(); { critical_section::scoped_lock lock(mRenderSurfaceCriticalSection); DestroyRenderSurface(); mOpenGLES->Reset(); CreateRenderSurface(); } StartRenderLoop(); } void OpenGLESPage::StartRenderLoop() { // If the render loop is already running then do not start another thread. if (mRenderLoopWorker != nullptr && mRenderLoopWorker->Status == Windows::Foundation::AsyncStatus::Started) { return; } // Create a task for rendering that will be run on a background thread. auto workItemHandler = ref new Windows::System::Threading::WorkItemHandler([this](Windows::Foundation::IAsyncAction ^ action) { critical_section::scoped_lock lock(mRenderSurfaceCriticalSection); mOpenGLES->MakeCurrent(mRenderSurface); HelloTriangleRenderer renderer; while (action->Status == Windows::Foundation::AsyncStatus::Started) { GLsizei panelWidth = 0; GLsizei panelHeight = 0; GetSwapChainPanelSize(&panelWidth, &panelHeight); renderer.Draw(panelWidth, panelHeight); // The call to eglSwapBuffers might not be successful (i.e. due to Device Lost) // If the call fails, then we must reinitialize EGL and the GL resources. if (mOpenGLES->SwapBuffers(mRenderSurface) != GL_TRUE) { // XAML objects like the SwapChainPanel must only be manipulated on the UI thread. swapChainPanel->Dispatcher->RunAsync(Windows::UI::Core::CoreDispatcherPriority::High, ref new Windows::UI::Core::DispatchedHandler([=]() { RecoverFromLostDevice(); }, CallbackContext::Any)); return; } } }); // Run task on a dedicated high priority background thread. mRenderLoopWorker = Windows::System::Threading::ThreadPool::RunAsync(workItemHandler, Windows::System::Threading::WorkItemPriority::High, Windows::System::Threading::WorkItemOptions::TimeSliced); } void OpenGLESPage::StopRenderLoop() { if (mRenderLoopWorker) { mRenderLoopWorker->Cancel(); mRenderLoopWorker = nullptr; } }