// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // This confidential and proprietary software may be used only as authorised // by a licensing agreement from Arm Limited. // (C) COPYRIGHT 2011-2019 Arm Limited, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED // The entire notice above must be reproduced on all authorised copies and // copies may only be made to the extent permitted by a licensing agreement // from Arm Limited. // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * @brief Functions to generate block size descriptor and decimation tables. */ #include "astc_codec_internals.h" extern const float percentile_table_4x4[2048]; extern const float percentile_table_5x4[2048]; extern const float percentile_table_5x5[2048]; extern const float percentile_table_6x5[2048]; extern const float percentile_table_6x6[2048]; extern const float percentile_table_8x5[2048]; extern const float percentile_table_8x6[2048]; extern const float percentile_table_8x8[2048]; extern const float percentile_table_10x5[2048]; extern const float percentile_table_10x6[2048]; extern const float percentile_table_10x8[2048]; extern const float percentile_table_10x10[2048]; extern const float percentile_table_12x10[2048]; extern const float percentile_table_12x12[2048]; const float *get_2d_percentile_table(int blockdim_x, int blockdim_y) { switch (blockdim_x) { case 4: switch (blockdim_y) { case 4: return percentile_table_4x4; } break; case 5: switch (blockdim_y) { case 4: return percentile_table_5x4; case 5: return percentile_table_5x5; } break; case 6: switch (blockdim_y) { case 5: return percentile_table_6x5; case 6: return percentile_table_6x6; } break; case 8: switch (blockdim_y) { case 5: return percentile_table_8x5; case 6: return percentile_table_8x6; case 8: return percentile_table_8x8; } break; case 10: switch (blockdim_y) { case 5: return percentile_table_10x5; case 6: return percentile_table_10x6; case 8: return percentile_table_10x8; case 10: return percentile_table_10x10; } break; case 12: switch (blockdim_y) { case 10: return percentile_table_12x10; case 12: return percentile_table_12x12; } break; default: break; } return NULL; // should never happen. } // stubbed for the time being. static const float dummy_percentile_table_3d[2048] = { 0 }; const float *get_3d_percentile_table() { return dummy_percentile_table_3d; } // return 0 on invalid mode, 1 on valid mode. static int decode_block_mode_2d(int blockmode, int *Nval, int *Mval, int *dual_weight_plane, int *quant_mode) { int base_quant_mode = (blockmode >> 4) & 1; int H = (blockmode >> 9) & 1; int D = (blockmode >> 10) & 1; int A = (blockmode >> 5) & 0x3; int N = 0, M = 0; if ((blockmode & 3) != 0) { base_quant_mode |= (blockmode & 3) << 1; int B = (blockmode >> 7) & 3; switch ((blockmode >> 2) & 3) { case 0: N = B + 4; M = A + 2; break; case 1: N = B + 8; M = A + 2; break; case 2: N = A + 2; M = B + 8; break; case 3: B &= 1; if (blockmode & 0x100) { N = B + 2; M = A + 2; } else { N = A + 2; M = B + 6; } break; } } else { base_quant_mode |= ((blockmode >> 2) & 3) << 1; if (((blockmode >> 2) & 3) == 0) return 0; int B = (blockmode >> 9) & 3; switch ((blockmode >> 7) & 3) { case 0: N = 12; M = A + 2; break; case 1: N = A + 2; M = 12; break; case 2: N = A + 6; M = B + 6; D = 0; H = 0; break; case 3: switch ((blockmode >> 5) & 3) { case 0: N = 6; M = 10; break; case 1: N = 10; M = 6; break; case 2: case 3: return 0; } break; } } int weight_count = N * M * (D + 1); int qmode = (base_quant_mode - 2) + 6 * H; int weightbits = compute_ise_bitcount(weight_count, (quantization_method) qmode); if (weight_count > MAX_WEIGHTS_PER_BLOCK || weightbits < MIN_WEIGHT_BITS_PER_BLOCK || weightbits > MAX_WEIGHT_BITS_PER_BLOCK) return 0; *Nval = N; *Mval = M; *dual_weight_plane = D; *quant_mode = qmode; return 1; } static int decode_block_mode_3d(int blockmode, int *Nval, int *Mval, int *Qval, int *dual_weight_plane, int *quant_mode) { int base_quant_mode = (blockmode >> 4) & 1; int H = (blockmode >> 9) & 1; int D = (blockmode >> 10) & 1; int A = (blockmode >> 5) & 0x3; int N = 0, M = 0, Q = 0; if ((blockmode & 3) != 0) { base_quant_mode |= (blockmode & 3) << 1; int B = (blockmode >> 7) & 3; int C = (blockmode >> 2) & 0x3; N = A + 2; M = B + 2; Q = C + 2; } else { base_quant_mode |= ((blockmode >> 2) & 3) << 1; if (((blockmode >> 2) & 3) == 0) return 0; int B = (blockmode >> 9) & 3; if (((blockmode >> 7) & 3) != 3) { D = 0; H = 0; } switch ((blockmode >> 7) & 3) { case 0: N = 6; M = B + 2; Q = A + 2; break; case 1: N = A + 2; M = 6; Q = B + 2; break; case 2: N = A + 2; M = B + 2; Q = 6; break; case 3: N = 2; M = 2; Q = 2; switch ((blockmode >> 5) & 3) { case 0: N = 6; break; case 1: M = 6; break; case 2: Q = 6; break; case 3: return 0; } break; } } int weight_count = N * M * Q * (D + 1); int qmode = (base_quant_mode - 2) + 6 * H; int weightbits = compute_ise_bitcount(weight_count, (quantization_method) qmode); if (weight_count > MAX_WEIGHTS_PER_BLOCK || weightbits < MIN_WEIGHT_BITS_PER_BLOCK || weightbits > MAX_WEIGHT_BITS_PER_BLOCK) return 0; *Nval = N; *Mval = M; *Qval = Q; *dual_weight_plane = D; *quant_mode = qmode; return 1; } static void initialize_decimation_table_2d( // dimensions of the block int xdim, int ydim, // number of grid points in 2d weight grid int x_weights, int y_weights, decimation_table * dt) { int i, j; int x, y; int texels_per_block = xdim * ydim; int weights_per_block = x_weights * y_weights; int weightcount_of_texel[MAX_TEXELS_PER_BLOCK]; int grid_weights_of_texel[MAX_TEXELS_PER_BLOCK][4]; int weights_of_texel[MAX_TEXELS_PER_BLOCK][4]; int texelcount_of_weight[MAX_WEIGHTS_PER_BLOCK]; int texels_of_weight[MAX_WEIGHTS_PER_BLOCK][MAX_TEXELS_PER_BLOCK]; int texelweights_of_weight[MAX_WEIGHTS_PER_BLOCK][MAX_TEXELS_PER_BLOCK]; for (i = 0; i < weights_per_block; i++) texelcount_of_weight[i] = 0; for (i = 0; i < texels_per_block; i++) weightcount_of_texel[i] = 0; for (y = 0; y < ydim; y++) for (x = 0; x < xdim; x++) { int texel = y * xdim + x; int x_weight = (((1024 + xdim / 2) / (xdim - 1)) * x * (x_weights - 1) + 32) >> 6; int y_weight = (((1024 + ydim / 2) / (ydim - 1)) * y * (y_weights - 1) + 32) >> 6; int x_weight_frac = x_weight & 0xF; int y_weight_frac = y_weight & 0xF; int x_weight_int = x_weight >> 4; int y_weight_int = y_weight >> 4; int qweight[4]; int weight[4]; qweight[0] = x_weight_int + y_weight_int * x_weights; qweight[1] = qweight[0] + 1; qweight[2] = qweight[0] + x_weights; qweight[3] = qweight[2] + 1; // truncated-precision bilinear interpolation. int prod = x_weight_frac * y_weight_frac; weight[3] = (prod + 8) >> 4; weight[1] = x_weight_frac - weight[3]; weight[2] = y_weight_frac - weight[3]; weight[0] = 16 - x_weight_frac - y_weight_frac + weight[3]; for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) if (weight[i] != 0) { grid_weights_of_texel[texel][weightcount_of_texel[texel]] = qweight[i]; weights_of_texel[texel][weightcount_of_texel[texel]] = weight[i]; weightcount_of_texel[texel]++; texels_of_weight[qweight[i]][texelcount_of_weight[qweight[i]]] = texel; texelweights_of_weight[qweight[i]][texelcount_of_weight[qweight[i]]] = weight[i]; texelcount_of_weight[qweight[i]]++; } } for (i = 0; i < texels_per_block; i++) { dt->texel_num_weights[i] = weightcount_of_texel[i]; // ensure that all 4 entries are actually initialized. // This allows a branch-free implementation of compute_value_of_texel_flt() for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) { dt->texel_weights_int[i][j] = 0; dt->texel_weights_float[i][j] = 0.0f; dt->texel_weights[i][j] = 0; } for (j = 0; j < weightcount_of_texel[i]; j++) { dt->texel_weights_int[i][j] = weights_of_texel[i][j]; dt->texel_weights_float[i][j] = static_cast < float >(weights_of_texel[i][j]) * (1.0f / TEXEL_WEIGHT_SUM); dt->texel_weights[i][j] = grid_weights_of_texel[i][j]; } } for (i = 0; i < weights_per_block; i++) { dt->weight_num_texels[i] = texelcount_of_weight[i]; for (j = 0; j < texelcount_of_weight[i]; j++) { dt->weight_texel[i][j] = texels_of_weight[i][j]; dt->weights_int[i][j] = texelweights_of_weight[i][j]; dt->weights_flt[i][j] = static_cast < float >(texelweights_of_weight[i][j]); } } dt->num_texels = texels_per_block; dt->num_weights = weights_per_block; } static void initialize_decimation_table_3d( // dimensions of the block int xdim, int ydim, int zdim, // number of grid points in 3d weight grid int x_weights, int y_weights, int z_weights, decimation_table * dt) { int i, j; int x, y, z; int texels_per_block = xdim * ydim * zdim; int weights_per_block = x_weights * y_weights * z_weights; int weightcount_of_texel[MAX_TEXELS_PER_BLOCK]; int grid_weights_of_texel[MAX_TEXELS_PER_BLOCK][4]; int weights_of_texel[MAX_TEXELS_PER_BLOCK][4]; int texelcount_of_weight[MAX_WEIGHTS_PER_BLOCK]; int texels_of_weight[MAX_WEIGHTS_PER_BLOCK][MAX_TEXELS_PER_BLOCK]; int texelweights_of_weight[MAX_WEIGHTS_PER_BLOCK][MAX_TEXELS_PER_BLOCK]; for (i = 0; i < weights_per_block; i++) texelcount_of_weight[i] = 0; for (i = 0; i < texels_per_block; i++) weightcount_of_texel[i] = 0; for (z = 0; z < zdim; z++) { for (y = 0; y < ydim; y++) { for (x = 0; x < xdim; x++) { int texel = (z * ydim + y) * xdim + x; int x_weight = (((1024 + xdim / 2) / (xdim - 1)) * x * (x_weights - 1) + 32) >> 6; int y_weight = (((1024 + ydim / 2) / (ydim - 1)) * y * (y_weights - 1) + 32) >> 6; int z_weight = (((1024 + zdim / 2) / (zdim - 1)) * z * (z_weights - 1) + 32) >> 6; int x_weight_frac = x_weight & 0xF; int y_weight_frac = y_weight & 0xF; int z_weight_frac = z_weight & 0xF; int x_weight_int = x_weight >> 4; int y_weight_int = y_weight >> 4; int z_weight_int = z_weight >> 4; int qweight[4]; int weight[4]; qweight[0] = (z_weight_int * y_weights + y_weight_int) * x_weights + x_weight_int; qweight[3] = ((z_weight_int + 1) * y_weights + (y_weight_int + 1)) * x_weights + (x_weight_int + 1); // simplex interpolation int fs = x_weight_frac; int ft = y_weight_frac; int fp = z_weight_frac; int cas = ((fs > ft) << 2) + ((ft > fp) << 1) + ((fs > fp)); int N = x_weights; int NM = x_weights * y_weights; int s1, s2, w0, w1, w2, w3; switch (cas) { case 7: s1 = 1; s2 = N; w0 = 16 - fs; w1 = fs - ft; w2 = ft - fp; w3 = fp; break; case 3: s1 = N; s2 = 1; w0 = 16 - ft; w1 = ft - fs; w2 = fs - fp; w3 = fp; break; case 5: s1 = 1; s2 = NM; w0 = 16 - fs; w1 = fs - fp; w2 = fp - ft; w3 = ft; break; case 4: s1 = NM; s2 = 1; w0 = 16 - fp; w1 = fp - fs; w2 = fs - ft; w3 = ft; break; case 2: s1 = N; s2 = NM; w0 = 16 - ft; w1 = ft - fp; w2 = fp - fs; w3 = fs; break; case 0: s1 = NM; s2 = N; w0 = 16 - fp; w1 = fp - ft; w2 = ft - fs; w3 = fs; break; default: s1 = NM; s2 = N; w0 = 16 - fp; w1 = fp - ft; w2 = ft - fs; w3 = fs; break; } qweight[1] = qweight[0] + s1; qweight[2] = qweight[1] + s2; weight[0] = w0; weight[1] = w1; weight[2] = w2; weight[3] = w3; for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if (weight[i] != 0) { grid_weights_of_texel[texel][weightcount_of_texel[texel]] = qweight[i]; weights_of_texel[texel][weightcount_of_texel[texel]] = weight[i]; weightcount_of_texel[texel]++; texels_of_weight[qweight[i]][texelcount_of_weight[qweight[i]]] = texel; texelweights_of_weight[qweight[i]][texelcount_of_weight[qweight[i]]] = weight[i]; texelcount_of_weight[qweight[i]]++; } } } } } for (i = 0; i < texels_per_block; i++) { dt->texel_num_weights[i] = weightcount_of_texel[i]; // ensure that all 4 entries are actually initialized. // This allows a branch-free implementation of compute_value_of_texel_flt() for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) { dt->texel_weights_int[i][j] = 0; dt->texel_weights_float[i][j] = 0.0f; dt->texel_weights[i][j] = 0; } for (j = 0; j < weightcount_of_texel[i]; j++) { dt->texel_weights_int[i][j] = weights_of_texel[i][j]; dt->texel_weights_float[i][j] = static_cast < float >(weights_of_texel[i][j]) * (1.0f / TEXEL_WEIGHT_SUM); dt->texel_weights[i][j] = grid_weights_of_texel[i][j]; } } for (i = 0; i < weights_per_block; i++) { dt->weight_num_texels[i] = texelcount_of_weight[i]; for (j = 0; j < texelcount_of_weight[i]; j++) { dt->weight_texel[i][j] = texels_of_weight[i][j]; dt->weights_int[i][j] = texelweights_of_weight[i][j]; dt->weights_flt[i][j] = static_cast < float >(texelweights_of_weight[i][j]); } } dt->num_texels = texels_per_block; dt->num_weights = weights_per_block; } void construct_block_size_descriptor_2d(int xdim, int ydim, block_size_descriptor * bsd) { int decimation_mode_index[256]; // for each of the 256 entries in the decim_table_array, its index int decimation_mode_count = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) { decimation_mode_index[i] = -1; } // gather all the infill-modes that can be used with the current block size for (int x_weights = 2; x_weights <= 12; x_weights++) { for (int y_weights = 2; y_weights <= 12; y_weights++) { if (x_weights * y_weights > MAX_WEIGHTS_PER_BLOCK) { continue; } decimation_table *dt = new decimation_table; decimation_mode_index[y_weights * 16 + x_weights] = decimation_mode_count; initialize_decimation_table_2d(xdim, ydim, x_weights, y_weights, dt); int weight_count = x_weights * y_weights; int maxprec_1plane = -1; int maxprec_2planes = -1; for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++) { int bits_1plane = compute_ise_bitcount(weight_count, (quantization_method) i); int bits_2planes = compute_ise_bitcount(2 * weight_count, (quantization_method) i); if (bits_1plane >= MIN_WEIGHT_BITS_PER_BLOCK && bits_1plane <= MAX_WEIGHT_BITS_PER_BLOCK) maxprec_1plane = i; if (bits_2planes >= MIN_WEIGHT_BITS_PER_BLOCK && bits_2planes <= MAX_WEIGHT_BITS_PER_BLOCK) maxprec_2planes = i; } if (2 * x_weights * y_weights > MAX_WEIGHTS_PER_BLOCK) { maxprec_2planes = -1; } bsd->permit_encode[decimation_mode_count] = (x_weights <= xdim && y_weights <= ydim); bsd->decimation_mode_samples[decimation_mode_count] = weight_count; bsd->decimation_mode_maxprec_1plane[decimation_mode_count] = maxprec_1plane; bsd->decimation_mode_maxprec_2planes[decimation_mode_count] = maxprec_2planes; bsd->decimation_tables[decimation_mode_count] = dt; decimation_mode_count++; } } for (int i = 0; i < MAX_DECIMATION_MODES; i++) { bsd->decimation_mode_percentile[i] = 1.0f; } for (int i = decimation_mode_count; i < MAX_DECIMATION_MODES; i++) { bsd->permit_encode[i] = 0; bsd->decimation_mode_samples[i] = 0; bsd->decimation_mode_maxprec_1plane[i] = -1; bsd->decimation_mode_maxprec_2planes[i] = -1; } bsd->decimation_mode_count = decimation_mode_count; const float *percentiles = get_2d_percentile_table(xdim, ydim); // then construct the list of block formats for (int i = 0; i < 2048; i++) { int x_weights, y_weights; int is_dual_plane; int quantization_mode; int fail = 0; int permit_encode = 1; if (decode_block_mode_2d(i, &x_weights, &y_weights, &is_dual_plane, &quantization_mode)) { if (x_weights > xdim || y_weights > ydim) permit_encode = 0; } else { fail = 1; permit_encode = 0; } if (fail) { bsd->block_modes[i].decimation_mode = -1; bsd->block_modes[i].quantization_mode = -1; bsd->block_modes[i].is_dual_plane = -1; bsd->block_modes[i].permit_encode = 0; bsd->block_modes[i].permit_decode = 0; bsd->block_modes[i].percentile = 1.0f; } else { int decimation_mode = decimation_mode_index[y_weights * 16 + x_weights]; bsd->block_modes[i].decimation_mode = decimation_mode; bsd->block_modes[i].quantization_mode = quantization_mode; bsd->block_modes[i].is_dual_plane = is_dual_plane; bsd->block_modes[i].permit_encode = permit_encode; bsd->block_modes[i].permit_decode = permit_encode; // disallow decode of grid size larger than block size. bsd->block_modes[i].percentile = percentiles[i]; if (bsd->decimation_mode_percentile[decimation_mode] > percentiles[i]) bsd->decimation_mode_percentile[decimation_mode] = percentiles[i]; } } if (xdim * ydim <= 64) { bsd->texelcount_for_bitmap_partitioning = xdim * ydim; for (int i = 0; i < xdim * ydim; i++) { bsd->texels_for_bitmap_partitioning[i] = i; } } else { // pick 64 random texels for use with bitmap partitioning. int arr[MAX_TEXELS_PER_BLOCK]; for (int i = 0; i < xdim * ydim; i++) { arr[i] = 0; } int arr_elements_set = 0; while (arr_elements_set < 64) { int idx = rand() % (xdim * ydim); if (arr[idx] == 0) { arr_elements_set++; arr[idx] = 1; } } int texel_weights_written = 0; int idx = 0; while (texel_weights_written < 64) { if (arr[idx]) { bsd->texels_for_bitmap_partitioning[texel_weights_written++] = idx; } idx++; } bsd->texelcount_for_bitmap_partitioning = 64; } } void construct_block_size_descriptor_3d(int xdim, int ydim, int zdim, block_size_descriptor * bsd) { int decimation_mode_index[512]; // for each of the 512 entries in the decim_table_array, its index int decimation_mode_count = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 512; i++) { decimation_mode_index[i] = -1; } // gather all the infill-modes that can be used with the current block size for (int x_weights = 2; x_weights <= 6; x_weights++) { for (int y_weights = 2; y_weights <= 6; y_weights++) { for (int z_weights = 2; z_weights <= 6; z_weights++) { if ((x_weights * y_weights * z_weights) > MAX_WEIGHTS_PER_BLOCK) continue; decimation_table *dt = new decimation_table; decimation_mode_index[z_weights * 64 + y_weights * 8 + x_weights] = decimation_mode_count; initialize_decimation_table_3d(xdim, ydim, zdim, x_weights, y_weights, z_weights, dt); int weight_count = x_weights * y_weights * z_weights; int maxprec_1plane = -1; int maxprec_2planes = -1; for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++) { int bits_1plane = compute_ise_bitcount(weight_count, (quantization_method) i); int bits_2planes = compute_ise_bitcount(2 * weight_count, (quantization_method) i); if (bits_1plane >= MIN_WEIGHT_BITS_PER_BLOCK && bits_1plane <= MAX_WEIGHT_BITS_PER_BLOCK) maxprec_1plane = i; if (bits_2planes >= MIN_WEIGHT_BITS_PER_BLOCK && bits_2planes <= MAX_WEIGHT_BITS_PER_BLOCK) maxprec_2planes = i; } if ((2 * x_weights * y_weights * z_weights) > MAX_WEIGHTS_PER_BLOCK) maxprec_2planes = -1; bsd->permit_encode[decimation_mode_count] = (x_weights <= xdim && y_weights <= ydim && z_weights <= zdim); bsd->decimation_mode_samples[decimation_mode_count] = weight_count; bsd->decimation_mode_maxprec_1plane[decimation_mode_count] = maxprec_1plane; bsd->decimation_mode_maxprec_2planes[decimation_mode_count] = maxprec_2planes; bsd->decimation_tables[decimation_mode_count] = dt; decimation_mode_count++; } } } for (int i = 0; i < MAX_DECIMATION_MODES; i++) { bsd->decimation_mode_percentile[i] = 1.0f; } for (int i = decimation_mode_count; i < MAX_DECIMATION_MODES; i++) { bsd->permit_encode[i] = 0; bsd->decimation_mode_samples[i] = 0; bsd->decimation_mode_maxprec_1plane[i] = -1; bsd->decimation_mode_maxprec_2planes[i] = -1; } bsd->decimation_mode_count = decimation_mode_count; const float *percentiles = get_3d_percentile_table(); // then construct the list of block formats for (int i = 0; i < 2048; i++) { int x_weights, y_weights, z_weights; int is_dual_plane; int quantization_mode; int fail = 0; int permit_encode = 1; if (decode_block_mode_3d(i, &x_weights, &y_weights, &z_weights, &is_dual_plane, &quantization_mode)) { if (x_weights > xdim || y_weights > ydim || z_weights > zdim) permit_encode = 0; } else { fail = 1; permit_encode = 0; } if (fail) { bsd->block_modes[i].decimation_mode = -1; bsd->block_modes[i].quantization_mode = -1; bsd->block_modes[i].is_dual_plane = -1; bsd->block_modes[i].permit_encode = 0; bsd->block_modes[i].permit_decode = 0; bsd->block_modes[i].percentile = 1.0f; } else { int decimation_mode = decimation_mode_index[z_weights * 64 + y_weights * 8 + x_weights]; bsd->block_modes[i].decimation_mode = decimation_mode; bsd->block_modes[i].quantization_mode = quantization_mode; bsd->block_modes[i].is_dual_plane = is_dual_plane; bsd->block_modes[i].permit_encode = permit_encode; bsd->block_modes[i].permit_decode = permit_encode; bsd->block_modes[i].percentile = percentiles[i]; if (bsd->decimation_mode_percentile[decimation_mode] > percentiles[i]) bsd->decimation_mode_percentile[decimation_mode] = percentiles[i]; } } if (xdim * ydim * zdim <= 64) { bsd->texelcount_for_bitmap_partitioning = xdim * ydim * zdim; for (int i = 0; i < xdim * ydim * zdim; i++) { bsd->texels_for_bitmap_partitioning[i] = i; } } else { // pick 64 random texels for use with bitmap partitioning. int arr[MAX_TEXELS_PER_BLOCK]; for (int i = 0; i < xdim * ydim * zdim; i++) { arr[i] = 0; } int arr_elements_set = 0; while (arr_elements_set < 64) { int idx = rand() % (xdim * ydim * zdim); if (arr[idx] == 0) { arr_elements_set++; arr[idx] = 1; } } int texel_weights_written = 0; int idx = 0; while (texel_weights_written < 64) { if (arr[idx]) bsd->texels_for_bitmap_partitioning[texel_weights_written++] = idx; idx++; } bsd->texelcount_for_bitmap_partitioning = 64; } } static block_size_descriptor *bsd_pointers[4096]; // function to obtain a block size descriptor. If the descriptor does not exist, // it is created as needed. Should not be called from within multi-threaded code. const block_size_descriptor *get_block_size_descriptor(int xdim, int ydim, int zdim) { int bsd_index = xdim + (ydim << 4) + (zdim << 8); if (bsd_pointers[bsd_index] == NULL) { block_size_descriptor *bsd = new block_size_descriptor; if (zdim > 1) construct_block_size_descriptor_3d(xdim, ydim, zdim, bsd); else construct_block_size_descriptor_2d(xdim, ydim, bsd); bsd_pointers[bsd_index] = bsd; } return bsd_pointers[bsd_index]; }