#include "Scene3DTest.h" #include "ui/CocosGUI.h" #include "renderer/CCRenderState.h" #include #include "../testResource.h" #include "../TerrainTest/TerrainTest.h" USING_NS_CC; using namespace spine; class SkeletonAnimationCullingFix : public SkeletonAnimation { public: SkeletonAnimationCullingFix(const std::string& skeletonDataFile, const std::string& atlasFile, float scale) : SkeletonAnimation(skeletonDataFile, atlasFile, scale) {} virtual void drawSkeleton (const cocos2d::Mat4& transform, uint32_t transformFlags) override { glDisable(GL_CULL_FACE); SkeletonAnimation::drawSkeleton(transform, transformFlags); RenderState::StateBlock::invalidate(cocos2d::RenderState::StateBlock::RS_ALL_ONES); } static SkeletonAnimationCullingFix* createWithFile (const std::string& skeletonDataFile, const std::string& atlasFile, float scale = 1) { SkeletonAnimationCullingFix* node = new SkeletonAnimationCullingFix(skeletonDataFile, atlasFile, scale); node->autorelease(); return node; } }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Declare Scene3DTestScene /** Scene3DTestScene designed for test 2D-3D mixed render for common 3D game usage. * * Scene has three logic sub scenes: * - World scene for maintain 3D game world objects, there are two cameras in this * scene, one for skybox, another for other 3D models. * - UI scene, the root scene, maintain a menu in main UI. * - Dialog scene maintain two dialogs, which has 3D models on it and another * 2D elements above on 3D models, there are three cameras for them. * - OSD scene, maintain the UI element, like the description dialog, above * - on other elements. */ class Scene3DTestScene : public TestCase { public: CREATE_FUNC(Scene3DTestScene); bool onTouchBegan(Touch* touch, Event* event) { return true; } void onTouchEnd(Touch*, Event*); private: Scene3DTestScene(); virtual ~Scene3DTestScene(); bool init() override; void createWorld3D(); void createUI(); void createPlayerDlg(); void createDetailDlg(); void createDescDlg(); // init in init() std::vector _gameCameras; Node* _worldScene; Node* _dlgScene; Node* _osdScene; // init in createWorld3D() TextureCube* _textureCube; Skybox* _skyBox; cocos2d::Terrain* _terrain; Player * _player; Node* _monsters[2]; // init in createUI() Node* _playerItem; Node* _detailItem; Node* _descItem; Node* _ui; // init in createPlayerDlg() Node* _playerDlg; // init in createDetailDlg() Node* _detailDlg; // init in createDescDlg() Node* _descDlg; enum SkinType { HAIR = 0, GLASSES, FACE, UPPER_BODY, HAND, PANTS, SHOES, MAX_TYPE, }; std::vector _skins[(int)SkinType::MAX_TYPE]; //all skins int _curSkin[(int)SkinType::MAX_TYPE]; //current skin index cocos2d::Sprite3D* _reskinGirl; }; /** Define the sub scenes in test. */ enum GAME_SCENE { SCENE_UI = 0, SCENE_WORLD, SCENE_DIALOG, SCENE_OSD, SCENE_COUNT, }; /** Define the layers in scene, layer seperated by camera mask. */ enum SCENE_LAYER { LAYER_BACKGROUND = 0, LAYER_DEFAULT, LAYER_MIDDLE, LAYER_TOP, LAYER_COUNT, }; /** Define the all cameras, which in Scene3DTest, render order. */ enum GAME_CAMERAS_ORDER { CAMERA_WORLD_3D_SKYBOX = 0, CAMERA_WORLD_3D_SCENE, CAMERA_UI_2D, CAMERA_DIALOG_2D_BASE, CAMERA_DIALOG_3D_MODEL, CAMERA_DIALOG_2D_ABOVE, CAMERA_OSD_2D_BASE, CAMERA_OSD_3D_MODEL, CAMERA_OSD_2D_ABOVE, CAMERA_COUNT, }; /* Defined s_CF and s_CM to avoid force convertion when call Camera::setCameraFlag and Node::setCameraMask. Useage: - Camera::setCameraFlag(s_CF[]); - Node::setCameraMask(s_CM[]); Note: For LAYER_DEFAULT, we use CameraFlag::DEFAULT, thus we don't need to set camera flag/mask for this layer, for other layers we must to set camera flag/mask to distinguish between each other. */ static CameraFlag s_CF[LAYER_COUNT] = { CameraFlag::USER1, // LAYER_BACKGROUND CameraFlag::DEFAULT, // LAYER_DEFAULT CameraFlag::USER3, // LAYER_MIDDLE CameraFlag::USER4, // LAYER_TOP }; static unsigned short s_CM[LAYER_COUNT] = { (unsigned short)s_CF[0], (unsigned short)s_CF[1], (unsigned short)s_CF[2], (unsigned short)s_CF[3], }; static const char * s_CameraNames[CAMERA_COUNT] = { "World 3D Skybox", "World 3D Scene", "UI 2D", "Dialog 2D Base", "Dialog 3D Model", "Dialog 2D Above", "OSD 2D Base", "OSD 3D Model", "OSD 2D Above" }; /** The scenes, located in different position, won't see each other. */ static Vec3 s_scenePositons[SCENE_COUNT] = { Vec3(0, 0, 0), // center : UI scene Vec3(0, 10000, 0), // top : World sub scene Vec3(10000, 0, 0), // right : Dialog sub scene Vec3(0, -10000, 0), // bottom : OSD sub scene }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Implements Scene3DTestScene Scene3DTestScene::Scene3DTestScene() : _worldScene(nullptr) , _dlgScene(nullptr) , _osdScene(nullptr) , _textureCube(nullptr) , _skyBox(nullptr) , _terrain(nullptr) , _player(nullptr) , _playerItem(nullptr) , _detailItem(nullptr) , _descItem(nullptr) , _ui(nullptr) , _playerDlg(nullptr) , _detailDlg(nullptr) , _descDlg(nullptr) { _monsters[0] = _monsters[1] = nullptr; } Scene3DTestScene::~Scene3DTestScene() { } bool Scene3DTestScene::init() { bool ret = false; do { CC_BREAK_IF(false == TestCase::init()); // prepare for camera creation, we need several custom cameras _gameCameras.resize(CAMERA_COUNT); auto visibleSize = Director::getInstance()->getVisibleSize(); Camera *ca = nullptr; // temp variable //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // create world 3D scene, this scene has two camera _worldScene = Node::create(); // create a camera to look the skybox ca = _gameCameras[CAMERA_WORLD_3D_SKYBOX] = Camera::createPerspective(60, visibleSize.width / visibleSize.height, 10, 1000); ca->setDepth(CAMERA_WORLD_3D_SKYBOX); ca->setName(s_CameraNames[CAMERA_WORLD_3D_SKYBOX]); ca->setCameraFlag(s_CF[LAYER_BACKGROUND]); ca->setPosition3D(Vec3(0.f, 0.f, 50.f)); _worldScene->addChild(ca); // create a camera to look the 3D models in world 3D scene ca = _gameCameras[CAMERA_WORLD_3D_SCENE] = Camera::createPerspective(60, visibleSize.width/visibleSize.height, 0.1, 200); ca->setDepth(CAMERA_WORLD_3D_SCENE); ca->setName(s_CameraNames[CAMERA_WORLD_3D_SCENE]); _worldScene->addChild(ca); // create 3D objects and add to world scene createWorld3D(); _worldScene->addChild(_skyBox); _worldScene->addChild(_terrain); _worldScene->addChild(_player); _worldScene->addChild(_monsters[0]); _worldScene->addChild(_monsters[1]); // move camera above player ca->setPosition3D(_player->getPosition3D()+Vec3(0, 45, 60)); ca->setRotation3D(Vec3(-45,0,0)); _worldScene->setPosition3D(s_scenePositons[SCENE_WORLD]); this->addChild(_worldScene); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // test scene is UI scene, use default camera // use the default camera to look 2D base UI layer ca = _gameCameras[CAMERA_UI_2D] = this->getDefaultCamera(); ca->setDepth(CAMERA_UI_2D); ca->setName(s_CameraNames[CAMERA_UI_2D]); // create UI element and add to ui scene createUI(); this->addChild(_ui); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // create dialog scene, this scene has two dialog and three cameras _dlgScene = Node::create(); // use default camera to render the base 2D elements ca = _gameCameras[CAMERA_DIALOG_2D_BASE] = Camera::create(); ca->setDepth(CAMERA_DIALOG_2D_BASE); ca->setName(s_CameraNames[CAMERA_DIALOG_2D_BASE]); _dlgScene->addChild(ca); // create a camera to look the 3D model in dialog scene ca = _gameCameras[CAMERA_DIALOG_3D_MODEL] = Camera::create(); ca->setDepth(CAMERA_DIALOG_3D_MODEL); ca->setName(s_CameraNames[CAMERA_DIALOG_3D_MODEL]); ca->setCameraFlag(s_CF[LAYER_MIDDLE]); _dlgScene->addChild(ca); // create a camera to look the UI element over on the 3D models ca = _gameCameras[CAMERA_DIALOG_2D_ABOVE] = Camera::create(); ca->setDepth(CAMERA_DIALOG_2D_ABOVE); ca->setName(s_CameraNames[CAMERA_DIALOG_2D_ABOVE]); ca->setCameraFlag(s_CF[LAYER_TOP]); _dlgScene->addChild(ca); // create dialogs and add to dialog scene createPlayerDlg(); _dlgScene->addChild(_playerDlg); createDetailDlg(); _dlgScene->addChild(_detailDlg); // add dialog scene to test scene, which can't see the other element _dlgScene->setPosition3D(s_scenePositons[SCENE_DIALOG]); this->addChild(_dlgScene); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // create description scene, this scene has a dialog and three cameras _osdScene = Node::create(); // use default camera for render 2D element ca = _gameCameras[CAMERA_OSD_2D_BASE] = Camera::create(); ca->setDepth(CAMERA_OSD_2D_BASE); ca->setName(s_CameraNames[CAMERA_OSD_2D_BASE]); _osdScene->addChild(ca); // create a camera to look the 3D model in dialog scene ca = _gameCameras[CAMERA_OSD_3D_MODEL] = Camera::create(); ca->setDepth(CAMERA_OSD_3D_MODEL); ca->setName(s_CameraNames[CAMERA_OSD_3D_MODEL]); ca->setCameraFlag(s_CF[LAYER_MIDDLE]); _osdScene->addChild(ca); // create a camera to look the UI element over on the 3D models ca = _gameCameras[CAMERA_OSD_2D_ABOVE] = Camera::create(); ca->setDepth(CAMERA_OSD_2D_ABOVE); ca->setName(s_CameraNames[CAMERA_OSD_2D_ABOVE]); ca->setCameraFlag(s_CF[LAYER_TOP]); _osdScene->addChild(ca); // create desc dialog and add to osd scene createDescDlg(); _osdScene->addChild(_descDlg); // add osd scene to test scene, which can't see the other elements _osdScene->setPosition3D(s_scenePositons[SCENE_OSD]); this->addChild(_osdScene); _playerDlg->setVisible(false); _detailDlg->setVisible(false); _descDlg->setVisible(false); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // add touch envent callback auto listener = EventListenerTouchOneByOne::create(); listener->onTouchBegan = CC_CALLBACK_2(Scene3DTestScene::onTouchBegan, this); listener->onTouchEnded = CC_CALLBACK_2(Scene3DTestScene::onTouchEnd, this); _eventDispatcher->addEventListenerWithSceneGraphPriority(listener, this); ret = true; } while (0); return ret; } void Scene3DTestScene::createWorld3D() { // create skybox //create and set our custom shader auto shader = GLProgram::createWithFilenames("Sprite3DTest/cube_map.vert", "Sprite3DTest/cube_map.frag"); auto state = GLProgramState::create(shader); // create the second texture for cylinder _textureCube = TextureCube::create("Sprite3DTest/skybox/left.jpg", "Sprite3DTest/skybox/right.jpg", "Sprite3DTest/skybox/top.jpg", "Sprite3DTest/skybox/bottom.jpg", "Sprite3DTest/skybox/front.jpg", "Sprite3DTest/skybox/back.jpg"); //set texture parameters Texture2D::TexParams tRepeatParams; tRepeatParams.magFilter = GL_LINEAR; tRepeatParams.minFilter = GL_LINEAR; tRepeatParams.wrapS = GL_MIRRORED_REPEAT; tRepeatParams.wrapT = GL_MIRRORED_REPEAT; _textureCube->setTexParameters(tRepeatParams); // pass the texture sampler to our custom shader state->setUniformTexture("u_cubeTex", _textureCube); // add skybox _skyBox = Skybox::create(); _skyBox->setCameraMask(s_CM[LAYER_BACKGROUND]); _skyBox->setTexture(_textureCube); _skyBox->setScale(700.f); // create terrain Terrain::DetailMap r("TerrainTest/dirt.jpg"); Terrain::DetailMap g("TerrainTest/Grass2.jpg",10); Terrain::DetailMap b("TerrainTest/road.jpg"); Terrain::DetailMap a("TerrainTest/GreenSkin.jpg",20); Terrain::TerrainData data("TerrainTest/heightmap16.jpg", "TerrainTest/alphamap.png", r,g,b,a,Size(32,32),40.0f,2); _terrain = Terrain::create(data,Terrain::CrackFixedType::SKIRT); _terrain->setMaxDetailMapAmount(4); _terrain->setDrawWire(false); _terrain->setSkirtHeightRatio(3); _terrain->setLODDistance(64,128,192); // create player _player = Player::create("Sprite3DTest/girl.c3b", _gameCameras[CAMERA_WORLD_3D_SCENE], _terrain); _player->setScale(0.08); _player->setPositionY(_terrain->getHeight(_player->getPositionX(), _player->getPositionZ())); auto animation = Animation3D::create("Sprite3DTest/girl.c3b","Take 001"); if (animation) { auto animate = Animate3D::create(animation); _player->runAction(RepeatForever::create(animate)); } // add a particle 3d above player auto rootps = PUParticleSystem3D::create("Particle3D/scripts/blackHole.pu", "Particle3D/materials/pu_mediapack_01.material"); rootps->setScale(2); rootps->setPosition3D(Vec3(0, 150, 0)); auto moveby = MoveBy::create(2.0f, Vec2(50.0f, 0.0f)); auto moveby1 = MoveBy::create(2.0f, Vec2(-50.0f, 0.0f)); rootps->runAction(RepeatForever::create(Sequence::create(moveby, moveby1, nullptr))); rootps->startParticleSystem(); _player->addChild(rootps, 0); // add BillBoard for test blend auto billboard = BillBoard::create("Images/btn-play-normal.png"); billboard->setPosition3D(Vec3(0,180,0)); _player->addChild(billboard); // create two Sprite3D monster, one is transparent auto monster = Sprite3D::create("Sprite3DTest/orc.c3b"); monster->setRotation3D(Vec3(0,180,0)); monster->setPosition3D(_player->getPosition3D() + Vec3(50, -10, 0)); monster->setOpacity(128); _monsters[0] = monster; monster = Sprite3D::create("Sprite3DTest/orc.c3b"); monster->setRotation3D(Vec3(0,180,0)); monster->setPosition3D(_player->getPosition3D() + Vec3(-50, -5, 0)); _monsters[1] = monster; } void Scene3DTestScene::createUI() { _ui = Layer::create(); // first, add menu to ui // create player button auto showPlayerDlgItem = MenuItemImage::create("Images/Pea.png", "Images/Pea.png", [this](Ref* sender){ this->_playerDlg->setVisible(!this->_playerDlg->isVisible()); }); showPlayerDlgItem->setName("showPlayerDlgItem"); showPlayerDlgItem->setPosition(VisibleRect::left().x + 30, VisibleRect::top().y - 30); // create discription button TTFConfig ttfConfig("fonts/arial.ttf", 20); auto descItem = MenuItemLabel::create(Label::createWithTTF(ttfConfig, "Description"), [this](Ref* sender) { if (this->_descDlg->isVisible()) { // hide descDlg _descDlg->setVisible(false); } else { // animate show descDlg _descDlg->setVisible(true); _descDlg->setScale(0); _descDlg->runAction(ScaleTo::create(2, 1.0)); } }); descItem->setName("descItem"); descItem->setPosition(Vec2(VisibleRect::right().x - 50, VisibleRect::top().y - 25)); auto menu = Menu::create(showPlayerDlgItem, descItem, nullptr); menu->setPosition(Vec2::ZERO); _ui->addChild(menu); // second, add cameras control button to ui auto createCameraButton = [this](int tag, const char* text)-> Node * { auto cb = ui::CheckBox::create("cocosui/check_box_normal.png", "cocosui/check_box_normal_press.png", "cocosui/check_box_active.png", "cocosui/check_box_normal_disable.png", "cocosui/check_box_active_disable.png"); cb->setTag(tag); cb->setSelected(true); if (text) cb->setName(text); cb->setAnchorPoint(Vec2(0, 0.5)); cb->setScale(0.8); cb->addClickEventListener([this](Ref* sender) { auto index = static_cast(sender)->getTag(); auto camera = this->_gameCameras[index]; camera->setVisible(!camera->isVisible()); }); if (text) { auto label = ui::Text::create(); label->setString(text); label->setAnchorPoint(Vec2(0, 0)); label->setPositionX(cb->getContentSize().width); cb->addChild(label); } return cb; }; Vec2 pos = VisibleRect::leftBottom(); pos.y += 30; float stepY = 25; for (int i = CAMERA_COUNT - 1; i >= 0; --i) { // if hide CAMERA_UI_2D, the menu won't show again // so skip it if (CAMERA_UI_2D == i) { continue; } auto cameraBtn = createCameraButton(i, s_CameraNames[i]); cameraBtn->setPosition(pos); _ui->addChild(cameraBtn); pos.y += stepY; } auto labelCameras = ui::Text::create(); labelCameras->setString("Cameras"); labelCameras->setAnchorPoint(Vec2(0, 0)); labelCameras->setPosition(pos); _ui->addChild(labelCameras); } void Scene3DTestScene::createPlayerDlg() { SpriteFrameCache::getInstance()->addSpriteFramesWithFile(s_s9s_ui_plist); Size dlgSize(190, 240); Vec2 pos = VisibleRect::center(); float margin = 10; // first, create dialog ui part, include background, title and buttons _playerDlg = ui::Scale9Sprite::createWithSpriteFrameName("button_actived.png"); _playerDlg->setContentSize(dlgSize); _playerDlg->setAnchorPoint(Vec2(1, 0.5)); pos.y -= margin; pos.x -= margin; _playerDlg->setPosition(pos); // title auto title = Label::createWithTTF("Player Dialog","fonts/arial.ttf",16); title->setPosition(dlgSize.width / 2, dlgSize.height - margin * 2); _playerDlg->addChild(title); // player background Size bgSize(110, 180); Vec2 bgPos(margin, dlgSize.height / 2 - margin); auto playerBg = ui::Scale9Sprite::createWithSpriteFrameName("item_bg.png"); playerBg->setContentSize(bgSize); playerBg->setAnchorPoint(Vec2(0, 0.5)); playerBg->setPosition(bgPos); _playerDlg->addChild(playerBg); // item background and item Size itemSize(48, 48); Vec2 itemAnchor(0, 1); Vec2 itemPos(bgPos.x + bgSize.width + margin, bgPos.y + bgSize.height / 2); auto itemBg = ui::Scale9Sprite::createWithSpriteFrameName("item_bg.png"); itemBg->setContentSize(itemSize); itemBg->setAnchorPoint(itemAnchor); itemBg->setPosition(itemPos); _playerDlg->addChild(itemBg); auto item = ui::Button::create("crystal.png", "", "", ui::TextureResType::PLIST); item->setTitleText("Crystal"); item->setScale(1.5); item->setAnchorPoint(itemAnchor); item->setPosition(itemPos); item->addClickEventListener([this](Ref* sender){ this->_detailDlg->setVisible(!this->_detailDlg->isVisible()); }); _playerDlg->addChild(item); // second, add 3d actor, which on dialog layer std::string filename = "Sprite3DTest/girl.c3b"; auto girl = Sprite3D::create(filename); girl->setScale(0.5); girl->setPosition(bgSize.width / 2, margin * 2); girl->setCameraMask(s_CM[LAYER_MIDDLE]); playerBg->addChild(girl); // third, add zoom in/out button, which is 2d ui element and over 3d actor ui::Button* zoomIn = ui::Button::create("cocosui/animationbuttonnormal.png", "cocosui/animationbuttonpressed.png"); zoomIn->setScale(0.5); zoomIn->setAnchorPoint(Vec2(1, 1)); zoomIn->setPosition(Vec2(bgSize.width / 2 - margin / 2, bgSize.height - margin)); zoomIn->addClickEventListener([girl](Ref* sender){ girl->setScale(girl->getScale() * 2); }); zoomIn->setTitleText("Zoom In"); zoomIn->setName("Zoom In"); zoomIn->setCameraMask(s_CM[LAYER_TOP]); playerBg->addChild(zoomIn); ui::Button* zoomOut = ui::Button::create("cocosui/animationbuttonnormal.png", "cocosui/animationbuttonpressed.png"); zoomOut->setScale(0.5); zoomOut->setAnchorPoint(Vec2(0, 1)); zoomOut->setPosition(Vec2(bgSize.width / 2 + margin / 2, bgSize.height - margin)); zoomOut->addClickEventListener([girl](Ref* sender){ girl->setScale(girl->getScale() / 2); }); zoomOut->setTitleText("Zoom Out"); zoomOut->setName("Zoom Out"); zoomOut->setCameraMask(s_CM[LAYER_TOP]); playerBg->addChild(zoomOut); // forth, add slider bar ui::Slider* slider = ui::Slider::create("cocosui/slidbar.png", "cocosui/sliderballnormal.png"); slider->setScale9Enabled(true); slider->setPosition(Vec2(bgSize.width / 2, margin)); slider->setContentSize(Size(bgSize.width - margin, slider->getContentSize().height)); slider->addEventListener([girl, slider](Ref* sender,ui::Slider::EventType type) { girl->setRotation3D(Vec3(0, 360 * slider->getPercent() / 100, 0)); }); slider->setName("Slider"); slider->setCameraMask(s_CM[LAYER_TOP]); playerBg->addChild(slider); } void Scene3DTestScene::createDetailDlg() { SpriteFrameCache::getInstance()->addSpriteFramesWithFile(s_s9s_ui_plist); Size dlgSize(190, 240); Vec2 pos = VisibleRect::center(); float margin = 10; // create dialog _detailDlg = ui::Scale9Sprite::createWithSpriteFrameName("button_actived.png"); _detailDlg->setContentSize(dlgSize); _detailDlg->setAnchorPoint(Vec2(0, 0.5)); _detailDlg->setOpacity(224); pos.y -= margin; pos.x += margin; _detailDlg->setPosition(pos); // title auto title = Label::createWithTTF("Detail Dialog","fonts/arial.ttf",16); title->setPosition(dlgSize.width / 2, dlgSize.height - margin * 2); _detailDlg->addChild(title); // add a spine ffd animation on it auto skeletonNode = SkeletonAnimationCullingFix::createWithFile("spine/goblins-ffd.json", "spine/goblins-ffd.atlas", 1.5f); skeletonNode->setAnimation(0, "walk", true); skeletonNode->setSkin("goblin"); skeletonNode->setScale(0.25); Size windowSize = Director::getInstance()->getWinSize(); skeletonNode->setPosition(Vec2(dlgSize.width / 2, 20)); _detailDlg->addChild(skeletonNode); } void Scene3DTestScene::createDescDlg() { SpriteFrameCache::getInstance()->addSpriteFramesWithFile(s_s9s_ui_plist); Size dlgSize(440, 240); Vec2 pos = VisibleRect::center(); float margin = 10; // first, create dialog, add title and description text on it _descDlg = ui::Scale9Sprite::createWithSpriteFrameName("button_actived.png"); _descDlg->setContentSize(dlgSize); _descDlg->setOpacity(224); _descDlg->setPosition(pos); // title auto title = Label::createWithTTF("Description Dialog","fonts/arial.ttf",16); title->setPosition(dlgSize.width / 2, dlgSize.height - margin * 2); _descDlg->addChild(title); // add a label to retain description text Size textSize(400, 220); Vec2 textPos(margin, dlgSize.height - (20 + margin)); std::string desc = std::string( " Scene 3D test for 2D and 3D mix rendering.\n" "- Game world composite with terrain, skybox and 3D objects.\n" "- UI composite with 2D nodes.\n" "- Click the icon at the topleft conner, will show a player dialog which " "there is a 3D sprite on it.\n" "- There are two button to zoom the player model, which should keep above " "on 3D model.\n" " - This description dialog should above all other elements.\n" "\n" " Game scene composite with root scene and three sub scene. These scene " " located at different location, they can't see each other.\n" "- Root scene contains ui layer\n" "- World scene contains skybox and 3d scene.\n" "- Dialog scene contains actor dialog and detail dialog.\n" "- OSD scene contains description dialog.\n" "\n" "Click \"Description\" button to hide this dialog.\n"); auto text = Label::createWithSystemFont(desc, "Helvetica", 9, textSize); text->setAnchorPoint(Vec2(0, 1)); text->setPosition(textPos); _descDlg->addChild(text); // second, add a 3D model std::string fileName = "Sprite3DTest/ReskinGirl.c3b"; Vec2 girlPos(textPos.x + textSize.width - 40, margin); _reskinGirl = Sprite3D::create(fileName); _reskinGirl->setCameraMask(s_CM[LAYER_MIDDLE]); _reskinGirl->setScale(2.5); _reskinGirl->setPosition(girlPos); _descDlg->addChild(_reskinGirl); auto animation = Animation3D::create(fileName); if (animation) { auto animate = Animate3D::create(animation); _reskinGirl->runAction(RepeatForever::create(animate)); } auto& body = _skins[(int)SkinType::UPPER_BODY]; body.push_back("Girl_UpperBody01"); body.push_back("Girl_UpperBody02"); auto& pants = _skins[(int)SkinType::PANTS]; pants.push_back("Girl_LowerBody01"); pants.push_back("Girl_LowerBody02"); auto& shoes = _skins[(int)SkinType::SHOES]; shoes.push_back("Girl_Shoes01"); shoes.push_back("Girl_Shoes02"); auto& hair = _skins[(int)SkinType::HAIR]; hair.push_back("Girl_Hair01"); hair.push_back("Girl_Hair02"); auto& face = _skins[(int)SkinType::FACE]; face.push_back("Girl_Face01"); face.push_back("Girl_Face02"); auto& hand = _skins[(int)SkinType::HAND]; hand.push_back("Girl_Hand01"); hand.push_back("Girl_Hand02"); auto& glasses = _skins[(int)SkinType::GLASSES]; glasses.push_back(""); glasses.push_back("Girl_Glasses01"); memset(_curSkin, 0, (int)SkinType::MAX_TYPE * sizeof(int)); auto applyCurSkin = [this]() { for (ssize_t i = 0; i < this->_reskinGirl->getMeshCount(); i++) { auto mesh = this->_reskinGirl->getMeshByIndex(static_cast(i)); bool isVisible = false; for (int j = 0; j < (int)SkinType::MAX_TYPE; j++) { if (mesh->getName() == _skins[j].at(_curSkin[j])) { isVisible = true; break; } } this->_reskinGirl->getMeshByIndex(static_cast(i))->setVisible(isVisible); } }; applyCurSkin(); // third, add reskin buttons above 3D model static const std::string btnTexts[SkinType::MAX_TYPE] = { "Hair", "Glasses", "Face", "Coat", "Hand", "Pants", "Shoes", }; Vec2 btnPos(dlgSize.width - margin, margin); for (int i = SkinType::MAX_TYPE - 1; i >= 0; --i) { auto btn = ui::Button::create("cocosui/animationbuttonnormal.png", "cocosui/animationbuttonpressed.png"); btn->setScale(0.5); btn->setTag(i); btn->setAnchorPoint(Vec2(1, 0)); btn->setPosition(btnPos); btnPos.y += 20; btn->addClickEventListener([this, applyCurSkin](Ref* sender) { auto index = static_cast(sender)->getTag(); if (index < SkinType::MAX_TYPE) { _curSkin[index] = (_curSkin[index] + 1) % _skins[index].size(); applyCurSkin(); } }); btn->setTitleText(btnTexts[i]); btn->setCameraMask(s_CM[LAYER_TOP]); _descDlg->addChild(btn); } } void Scene3DTestScene::onTouchEnd(Touch* touch, Event* event) { auto location = touch->getLocation(); auto camera = _gameCameras[CAMERA_WORLD_3D_SCENE]; if(camera != Camera::getVisitingCamera()) { return; } if(_player) { Vec3 nearP(location.x, location.y, 0.0f), farP(location.x, location.y, 1.0f); // first, convert screen touch location to the world location on near and far plane auto size = Director::getInstance()->getWinSize(); camera->unprojectGL(size, &nearP, &nearP); camera->unprojectGL(size, &farP, &farP); // second, convert world location to terrain's local position on near/far plane auto worldToNodeMat = _terrain->getNodeToWorldTransform(); worldToNodeMat.inverse(); worldToNodeMat.transformPoint(&nearP); worldToNodeMat.transformPoint(&farP); // create a ray from point which on near plane to point which on far plane Vec3 dir = farP - nearP; dir.normalize(); Vec3 rayStep = 15*dir; Vec3 rayPos = nearP; Vec3 rayStartPosition = nearP; Vec3 lastRayPosition =rayPos; rayPos += rayStep; // Linear search - Loop until find a point inside and outside the terrain Vector3 float height = _terrain->getHeight(rayPos.x,rayPos.z); while (rayPos.y > height) { lastRayPosition = rayPos; rayPos += rayStep; height = _terrain->getHeight(rayPos.x,rayPos.z); } Vec3 startPosition = lastRayPosition; Vec3 endPosition = rayPos; for (int i= 0; i< 32; i++) { // Binary search pass Vec3 middlePoint = (startPosition + endPosition) * 0.5f; if (middlePoint.y < height) endPosition = middlePoint; else startPosition = middlePoint; } Vec3 collisionPoint = (startPosition + endPosition) * 0.5f; dir = collisionPoint - _player->getPosition3D(); dir.y = 0; dir.normalize(); _player->_headingAngle = -1*acos(dir.dot(Vec3(0,0,-1))); dir.cross(dir,Vec3(0,0,-1),&_player->_headingAxis); _player->_targetPos=collisionPoint; _player->forward(); } event->stopPropagation(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Implements Scene3DTests Scene3DTests::Scene3DTests() { ADD_TEST_CASE(Scene3DTestScene); }