/* Copyright (c) 2007 Scott Lembcke * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. */ #include #include "chipmunk_private.h" #include "constraints/util.h" cpFloat cpContactsEstimateCrushingImpulse(cpContact *contacts, int numContacts); cpArbiter* cpArbiterAlloc(void); cpArbiter* cpArbiterNew(cpShape *a, cpShape *b); void cpArbiterDestroy(cpArbiter *arb); void cpArbiterFree(cpArbiter *arb); cpFloat cp_bias_coef = 0.1f; cpFloat cp_collision_slop = 0.1f; cpContact* cpContactInit(cpContact *con, cpVect p, cpVect n, cpFloat dist, cpHashValue hash) { con->p = p; con->n = n; con->dist = dist; con->jnAcc = 0.0f; con->jtAcc = 0.0f; con->jBias = 0.0f; con->hash = hash; return con; } cpVect cpArbiterTotalImpulse(cpArbiter *arb) { cpContact *contacts = arb->contacts; cpVect sum = cpvzero; for(int i=0, count=arb->numContacts; in, con->jnAcc)); } return sum; } cpVect cpArbiterTotalImpulseWithFriction(cpArbiter *arb) { cpContact *contacts = arb->contacts; cpVect sum = cpvzero; for(int i=0, count=arb->numContacts; in, cpv(con->jnAcc, con->jtAcc))); } return sum; } cpFloat cpContactsEstimateCrushingImpulse(cpContact *contacts, int numContacts) { cpFloat fsum = 0.0f; cpVect vsum = cpvzero; for(int i=0; in, cpv(con->jnAcc, con->jtAcc)); fsum += cpvlength(j); vsum = cpvadd(vsum, j); } cpFloat vmag = cpvlength(vsum); return (1.0f - vmag/fsum); } void cpArbiterIgnore(cpArbiter *arb) { arb->state = cpArbiterStateIgnore ; } cpArbiter* cpArbiterAlloc(void) { return (cpArbiter *)cpcalloc(1, sizeof(cpArbiter)); } cpArbiter* cpArbiterInit(cpArbiter *arb, cpShape *a, cpShape *b) { arb->handler = NULL; arb->swappedColl = cpFalse; arb->e = 0.0f; arb->u = 0.0f; arb->surface_vr = cpvzero; arb->numContacts = 0; arb->contacts = NULL; arb->a = a; arb->b = b; arb->stamp = 0; arb->state = cpArbiterStateFirstColl; return arb; } cpArbiter* cpArbiterNew(cpShape *a, cpShape *b) { return cpArbiterInit(cpArbiterAlloc(), a, b); } void cpArbiterDestroy(cpArbiter *arb) { // if(arb->contacts) cpfree(arb->contacts); } void cpArbiterFree(cpArbiter *arb) { if(arb){ cpArbiterDestroy(arb); cpfree(arb); } } void cpArbiterUpdate(cpArbiter *arb, cpContact *contacts, int numContacts, cpCollisionHandler *handler, cpShape *a, cpShape *b) { // Arbiters without contact data may exist if a collision function rejected the collision. if(arb->contacts){ // Iterate over the possible pairs to look for hash value matches. for(int i=0; inumContacts; i++){ cpContact *old = &arb->contacts[i]; for(int j=0; jhash == old->hash){ // Copy the persistant contact information. new_contact->jnAcc = old->jnAcc; new_contact->jtAcc = old->jtAcc; } } } } arb->contacts = contacts; arb->numContacts = numContacts; arb->handler = handler; arb->swappedColl = (a->collision_type != handler->a); arb->e = a->e * b->e; arb->u = a->u * b->u; arb->surface_vr = cpvsub(a->surface_v, b->surface_v); // For collisions between two similar primitive types, the order could have been swapped. arb->a = a; arb->b = b; // mark it as new if it's been cached if(arb->state == cpArbiterStateCached) arb->state = cpArbiterStateFirstColl; } void cpArbiterPreStep(cpArbiter *arb, cpFloat dt_inv) { cpBody *a = arb->a->body; cpBody *b = arb->b->body; for(int i=0; inumContacts; i++){ cpContact *con = &arb->contacts[i]; // Calculate the offsets. con->r1 = cpvsub(con->p, a->p); con->r2 = cpvsub(con->p, b->p); // Calculate the mass normal and mass tangent. con->nMass = 1.0f/k_scalar(a, b, con->r1, con->r2, con->n); con->tMass = 1.0f/k_scalar(a, b, con->r1, con->r2, cpvperp(con->n)); // Calculate the target bias velocity. con->bias = -cp_bias_coef*dt_inv*cpfmin(0.0f, con->dist + cp_collision_slop); con->jBias = 0.0f; // Calculate the target bounce velocity. con->bounce = normal_relative_velocity(a, b, con->r1, con->r2, con->n)*arb->e;//cpvdot(con->n, cpvsub(v2, v1))*e; } } void cpArbiterApplyCachedImpulse(cpArbiter *arb) { cpShape *shapea = arb->a; cpShape *shapeb = arb->b; arb->u = shapea->u * shapeb->u; arb->surface_vr = cpvsub(shapeb->surface_v, shapea->surface_v); cpBody *a = shapea->body; cpBody *b = shapeb->body; for(int i=0; inumContacts; i++){ cpContact *con = &arb->contacts[i]; apply_impulses(a, b, con->r1, con->r2, cpvrotate(con->n, cpv(con->jnAcc, con->jtAcc))); } } void cpArbiterApplyImpulse(cpArbiter *arb, cpFloat eCoef) { cpBody *a = arb->a->body; cpBody *b = arb->b->body; for(int i=0; inumContacts; i++){ cpContact *con = &arb->contacts[i]; cpVect n = con->n; cpVect r1 = con->r1; cpVect r2 = con->r2; // Calculate the relative bias velocities. cpVect vb1 = cpvadd(a->v_bias, cpvmult(cpvperp(r1), a->w_bias)); cpVect vb2 = cpvadd(b->v_bias, cpvmult(cpvperp(r2), b->w_bias)); cpFloat vbn = cpvdot(cpvsub(vb2, vb1), n); // Calculate and clamp the bias impulse. cpFloat jbn = (con->bias - vbn)*con->nMass; cpFloat jbnOld = con->jBias; con->jBias = cpfmax(jbnOld + jbn, 0.0f); jbn = con->jBias - jbnOld; // Apply the bias impulse. apply_bias_impulses(a, b, r1, r2, cpvmult(n, jbn)); // Calculate the relative velocity. cpVect vr = relative_velocity(a, b, r1, r2); cpFloat vrn = cpvdot(vr, n); // Calculate and clamp the normal impulse. cpFloat jn = -(con->bounce*eCoef + vrn)*con->nMass; cpFloat jnOld = con->jnAcc; con->jnAcc = cpfmax(jnOld + jn, 0.0f); jn = con->jnAcc - jnOld; // Calculate the relative tangent velocity. cpFloat vrt = cpvdot(cpvadd(vr, arb->surface_vr), cpvperp(n)); // Calculate and clamp the friction impulse. cpFloat jtMax = arb->u*con->jnAcc; cpFloat jt = -vrt*con->tMass; cpFloat jtOld = con->jtAcc; con->jtAcc = cpfclamp(jtOld + jt, -jtMax, jtMax); jt = con->jtAcc - jtOld; // Apply the final impulse. apply_impulses(a, b, r1, r2, cpvrotate(n, cpv(jn, jt))); } }