/**************************************************************************** Copyright (c) 2015-2016 Chukong Technologies Inc. http://www.cocos2d-x.org Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ****************************************************************************/ #include "network/CCDownloader-curl.h" #include #include #include "base/CCDirector.h" #include "base/CCScheduler.h" #include "platform/CCFileUtils.h" #include "network/CCDownloader.h" // **NOTE** // In the file: // member function with suffix "Proc" designed called in DownloaderCURL::_threadProc // member function without suffix designed called in main thread namespace cocos2d { namespace network { using namespace std; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Implementation DownloadTaskCURL class DownloadTaskCURL : public IDownloadTask { static int _sSerialId; // if more than one task write to one file, cause file broken // so use a set to check this situation static set _sStoragePathSet; public: int serialId; DownloadTaskCURL() : serialId(_sSerialId++) , _fp(nullptr) { _initInternal(); DLLOG("Construct DownloadTaskCURL %p", this); } virtual ~DownloadTaskCURL() { // if task destroyed unnormally, we should release WritenFileName stored in set. // Normally, this action should done when task finished. if (_tempFileName.length() && _sStoragePathSet.end() != _sStoragePathSet.find(_tempFileName)) { DownloadTaskCURL::_sStoragePathSet.erase(_tempFileName); } if (_fp) { fclose(_fp); _fp = nullptr; } DLLOG("Destruct DownloadTaskCURL %p", this); } bool init(const string& filename, const string& tempSuffix) { if (0 == filename.length()) { // data task _buf.reserve(CURL_MAX_WRITE_SIZE); return true; } // file task _fileName = filename; _tempFileName = filename; _tempFileName.append(tempSuffix); if (_sStoragePathSet.end() != _sStoragePathSet.find(_tempFileName)) { // there is another task uses this storage path _errCode = DownloadTask::ERROR_FILE_OP_FAILED; _errCodeInternal = 0; _errDescription = "More than one download file task write to same file:"; _errDescription.append(_tempFileName); return false; } _sStoragePathSet.insert(_tempFileName); // open temp file handle for write bool ret = false; do { string dir; unsigned long found = _tempFileName.find_last_of("/\\"); if (found == string::npos) { _errCode = DownloadTask::ERROR_INVALID_PARAMS; _errCodeInternal = 0; _errDescription = "Can't find dirname in storagePath."; break; } // ensure directory is exist auto util = FileUtils::getInstance(); dir = _tempFileName.substr(0, found+1); if (false == util->isDirectoryExist(dir)) { if (false == util->createDirectory(dir)) { _errCode = DownloadTask::ERROR_FILE_OP_FAILED; _errCodeInternal = 0; _errDescription = "Can't create dir:"; _errDescription.append(dir); break; } } // open file _fp = fopen(util->getSuitableFOpen(_tempFileName).c_str(), "ab"); if (nullptr == _fp) { _errCode = DownloadTask::ERROR_FILE_OP_FAILED; _errCodeInternal = 0; _errDescription = "Can't open file:"; _errDescription.append(_tempFileName); } ret = true; } while (0); return ret; } void initProc() { lock_guard lock(_mutex); _initInternal(); } void setErrorProc(int code, int codeInternal, const char *desc) { lock_guard lock(_mutex); _errCode = code; _errCodeInternal = codeInternal; _errDescription = desc; } size_t writeDataProc(unsigned char *buffer, size_t size, size_t count) { lock_guard lock(_mutex); size_t ret = 0; if (_fp) { ret = fwrite(buffer, size, count, _fp); } else { ret = size * count; auto cap = _buf.capacity(); auto bufSize = _buf.size(); if (cap < bufSize + ret) { _buf.reserve(bufSize * 2); } _buf.insert(_buf.end() , buffer, buffer + ret); } if (ret) { _bytesReceived += ret; _totalBytesReceived += ret; } return ret; } private: friend class DownloaderCURL; // for lock object instance mutex _mutex; // header info bool _acceptRanges; bool _headerAchieved; int64_t _totalBytesExpected; string _header; // temp buffer for receive header string, only used in thread proc // progress int64_t _bytesReceived; int64_t _totalBytesReceived; // error int _errCode; int _errCodeInternal; string _errDescription; // for saving data string _fileName; string _tempFileName; vector _buf; FILE* _fp; void _initInternal() { _acceptRanges = (false); _headerAchieved = (false); _bytesReceived = (0); _totalBytesReceived = (0); _totalBytesExpected = (0); _errCode = (DownloadTask::ERROR_NO_ERROR); _errCodeInternal = (CURLE_OK); _header.resize(0); _header.reserve(384); // pre alloc header string buffer } }; int DownloadTaskCURL::_sSerialId; set DownloadTaskCURL::_sStoragePathSet; typedef pair< shared_ptr, DownloadTaskCURL *> TaskWrapper; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Implementation DownloaderCURL::Impl // This class shared by DownloaderCURL and work thread. class DownloaderCURL::Impl : public enable_shared_from_this { public: DownloaderHints hints; Impl() // : _thread(nullptr) { DLLOG("Construct DownloaderCURL::Impl %p", this); } ~Impl() { DLLOG("Destruct DownloaderCURL::Impl %p %d", this, _thread.joinable()); } void addTask(std::shared_ptr task, DownloadTaskCURL* coTask) { if (DownloadTask::ERROR_NO_ERROR == coTask->_errCode) { lock_guard lock(_requestMutex); _requestQueue.push_back(make_pair(task, coTask)); } else { lock_guard lock(_finishedMutex); _finishedQueue.push_back(make_pair(task, coTask)); } } void run() { lock_guard lock(_threadMutex); if (false == _thread.joinable()) { thread newThread(&DownloaderCURL::Impl::_threadProc, this); _thread.swap(newThread); } } void stop() { lock_guard lock(_threadMutex); if (_thread.joinable()) { _thread.detach(); } } bool stoped() { lock_guard lock(_threadMutex); return false == _thread.joinable() ? true : false; } void getProcessTasks(vector& outList) { lock_guard lock(_processMutex); outList.reserve(_processSet.size()); outList.insert(outList.end(), _processSet.begin(), _processSet.end()); } void getFinishedTasks(vector& outList) { lock_guard lock(_finishedMutex); outList.reserve(_finishedQueue.size()); outList.insert(outList.end(), _finishedQueue.begin(), _finishedQueue.end()); _finishedQueue.clear(); } private: static size_t _outputHeaderCallbackProc(void *buffer, size_t size, size_t count, void *userdata) { int strLen = int(size * count); DLLOG(" _outputHeaderCallbackProc: %.*s", strLen, buffer); DownloadTaskCURL& coTask = *((DownloadTaskCURL*)(userdata)); coTask._header.append((const char *)buffer, strLen); return strLen; } static size_t _outputDataCallbackProc(void *buffer, size_t size, size_t count, void *userdata) { // DLLOG(" _outputDataCallbackProc: size(%ld), count(%ld)", size, count); DownloadTaskCURL *coTask = (DownloadTaskCURL*)userdata; // If your callback function returns CURL_WRITEFUNC_PAUSE it will cause this transfer to become paused. return coTask->writeDataProc((unsigned char *)buffer, size, count); } // this function designed call in work thread // the curl handle destroyed in _threadProc // handle inited for get header void _initCurlHandleProc(CURL *handle, TaskWrapper& wrapper, bool forContent = false) { const DownloadTask& task = *wrapper.first; const DownloadTaskCURL* coTask = wrapper.second; // set url curl_easy_setopt(handle, CURLOPT_URL, task.requestURL.c_str()); // set write func if (forContent) { curl_easy_setopt(handle, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, DownloaderCURL::Impl::_outputDataCallbackProc); } else { curl_easy_setopt(handle, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, DownloaderCURL::Impl::_outputHeaderCallbackProc); } curl_easy_setopt(handle, CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, coTask); curl_easy_setopt(handle, CURLOPT_NOPROGRESS, true); // curl_easy_setopt(handle, CURLOPT_XFERINFOFUNCTION, DownloaderCURL::Impl::_progressCallbackProc); // curl_easy_setopt(handle, CURLOPT_XFERINFODATA, coTask); curl_easy_setopt(handle, CURLOPT_FAILONERROR, true); curl_easy_setopt(handle, CURLOPT_NOSIGNAL, 1L); if (forContent) { /** if server acceptRanges and local has part of file, we continue to download **/ if (coTask->_acceptRanges && coTask->_totalBytesReceived > 0) { curl_easy_setopt(handle, CURLOPT_RESUME_FROM_LARGE,(curl_off_t)coTask->_totalBytesReceived); } } else { // get header options curl_easy_setopt(handle, CURLOPT_HEADER, 1); curl_easy_setopt(handle, CURLOPT_NOBODY, 1); } // if (!sProxy.empty()) // { // curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_PROXY, sProxy.c_str()); // } if (hints.timeoutInSeconds) { curl_easy_setopt(handle, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, hints.timeoutInSeconds); } static const long LOW_SPEED_LIMIT = 1; static const long LOW_SPEED_TIME = 5; curl_easy_setopt(handle, CURLOPT_LOW_SPEED_LIMIT, LOW_SPEED_LIMIT); curl_easy_setopt(handle, CURLOPT_LOW_SPEED_TIME, LOW_SPEED_TIME); static const int MAX_REDIRS = 2; if (MAX_REDIRS) { curl_easy_setopt(handle, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, true); curl_easy_setopt(handle, CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS, MAX_REDIRS); } } // get header info, if success set handle to content download state bool _getHeaderInfoProc(CURL *handle, TaskWrapper& wrapper) { DownloadTaskCURL& coTask = *wrapper.second; CURLcode rc = CURLE_OK; do { long httpResponseCode = 0; rc = curl_easy_getinfo(handle, CURLINFO_RESPONSE_CODE, &httpResponseCode); if (CURLE_OK != rc) { break; } if (200 != httpResponseCode) { char buf[256] = {0}; sprintf(buf , "When crequest url(%s) header info, return unexcept http response code(%ld)" , wrapper.first->requestURL.c_str() , httpResponseCode); coTask.setErrorProc(DownloadTask::ERROR_IMPL_INTERNAL, CURLE_OK, buf); } // curl_easy_getinfo(handle, CURLINFO_EFFECTIVE_URL, &effectiveUrl); // curl_easy_getinfo(handle, CURLINFO_CONTENT_TYPE, &contentType); double contentLen = 0; rc = curl_easy_getinfo(handle, CURLINFO_CONTENT_LENGTH_DOWNLOAD, &contentLen); if (CURLE_OK != rc) { break; } bool acceptRanges = (string::npos != coTask._header.find("Accept-Ranges")) ? true : false; // get current file size int64_t fileSize = 0; if (acceptRanges && coTask._tempFileName.length()) { fileSize = FileUtils::getInstance()->getFileSize(coTask._tempFileName); } // set header info to coTask lock_guard lock(coTask._mutex); coTask._totalBytesExpected = (int64_t)contentLen; coTask._acceptRanges = acceptRanges; if (acceptRanges && fileSize > 0) { coTask._totalBytesReceived = fileSize; } coTask._headerAchieved = true; } while (0); if (CURLE_OK != rc) { coTask.setErrorProc(DownloadTask::ERROR_IMPL_INTERNAL, rc, curl_easy_strerror(rc)); } return coTask._headerAchieved; } void _threadProc() { DLLOG("++++DownloaderCURL::Impl::_threadProc begin %p", this); // the holder prevent DownloaderCURL::Impl class instance be destruct in main thread auto holder = this->shared_from_this(); auto thisThreadId = this_thread::get_id(); uint32_t countOfMaxProcessingTasks = this->hints.countOfMaxProcessingTasks; // init curl content CURLM* curlmHandle = curl_multi_init(); unordered_map coTaskMap; int runningHandles = 0; CURLMcode mcode = CURLM_OK; int rc = 0; // select return code do { // check the thread should exit or not { lock_guard lock(_threadMutex); // if the Impl stoped, this->_thread.reset will be called, thus _thread.get_id() not equal with thisThreadId if (thisThreadId != this->_thread.get_id()) { break; } } if (runningHandles) { // get timeout setting from multi-handle long timeoutMS = -1; curl_multi_timeout(curlmHandle, &timeoutMS); if(timeoutMS < 0) { timeoutMS = 1000; } /* get file descriptors from the transfers */ fd_set fdread; fd_set fdwrite; fd_set fdexcep; int maxfd = -1; FD_ZERO(&fdread); FD_ZERO(&fdwrite); FD_ZERO(&fdexcep); mcode = curl_multi_fdset(curlmHandle, &fdread, &fdwrite, &fdexcep, &maxfd); if (CURLM_OK != mcode) { break; } // do wait action if(maxfd == -1) { this_thread::sleep_for(chrono::milliseconds(timeoutMS)); rc = 0; } else { struct timeval timeout; timeout.tv_sec = timeoutMS / 1000; timeout.tv_usec = (timeoutMS % 1000) * 1000; rc = select(maxfd+1, &fdread, &fdwrite, &fdexcep, &timeout); } if (rc < 0) { DLLOG(" _threadProc: select return unexpect code: %d", rc); } } if (coTaskMap.size()) { mcode = CURLM_CALL_MULTI_PERFORM; while(CURLM_CALL_MULTI_PERFORM == mcode) { mcode = curl_multi_perform(curlmHandle, &runningHandles); } if (CURLM_OK != mcode) { break; } struct CURLMsg *m; do { int msgq = 0; m = curl_multi_info_read(curlmHandle, &msgq); if(m && (m->msg == CURLMSG_DONE)) { CURL *curlHandle = m->easy_handle; CURLcode errCode = m->data.result; TaskWrapper wrapper = coTaskMap[curlHandle]; // remove from multi-handle curl_multi_remove_handle(curlmHandle, curlHandle); bool reinited = false; do { if (CURLE_OK != errCode) { wrapper.second->setErrorProc(DownloadTask::ERROR_IMPL_INTERNAL, errCode, curl_easy_strerror(errCode)); break; } // if the task is content download task, cleanup the handle if (wrapper.second->_headerAchieved) { break; } // the task is get header task // first, we get info from response if (false == _getHeaderInfoProc(curlHandle, wrapper)) { // the error info has been set in _getHeaderInfoProc break; } // after get header info success // wrapper.second->_totalBytesReceived inited by local file size // if the local file size equal with the content size from header, the file has downloaded finish if (wrapper.second->_totalBytesReceived && wrapper.second->_totalBytesReceived == wrapper.second->_totalBytesExpected) { // the file has download complete // break to move this task to finish queue break; } // reinit curl handle for download content curl_easy_reset(curlHandle); _initCurlHandleProc(curlHandle, wrapper, true); mcode = curl_multi_add_handle(curlmHandle, curlHandle); if (CURLM_OK != mcode) { wrapper.second->setErrorProc(DownloadTask::ERROR_IMPL_INTERNAL, mcode, curl_multi_strerror(mcode)); break; } reinited = true; } while (0); if (reinited) { continue; } curl_easy_cleanup(curlHandle); DLLOG(" _threadProc task clean cur handle :%p with errCode:%d", curlHandle, errCode); // remove from coTaskMap coTaskMap.erase(curlHandle); // remove from _processSet { lock_guard lock(_processMutex); if (_processSet.end() != _processSet.find(wrapper)) { _processSet.erase(wrapper); } } // add to finishedQueue { lock_guard lock(_finishedMutex); _finishedQueue.push_back(wrapper); } } } while(m); } // process tasks in _requestList while (0 == countOfMaxProcessingTasks || coTaskMap.size() < countOfMaxProcessingTasks) { // get task wrapper from request queue TaskWrapper wrapper; { lock_guard lock(_requestMutex); if (_requestQueue.size()) { wrapper = _requestQueue.front(); _requestQueue.pop_front(); } } // if request queue is empty, the wrapper.first is nullptr if (! wrapper.first) { break; } wrapper.second->initProc(); // create curl handle from task and add into curl multi handle CURL* curlHandle = curl_easy_init(); if (nullptr == curlHandle) { wrapper.second->setErrorProc(DownloadTask::ERROR_IMPL_INTERNAL, 0, "Alloc curl handle failed."); lock_guard lock(_finishedMutex); _finishedQueue.push_back(wrapper); continue; } // init curl handle for get header info _initCurlHandleProc(curlHandle, wrapper); // add curl handle to process list mcode = curl_multi_add_handle(curlmHandle, curlHandle); if (CURLM_OK != mcode) { wrapper.second->setErrorProc(DownloadTask::ERROR_IMPL_INTERNAL, mcode, curl_multi_strerror(mcode)); lock_guard lock(_finishedMutex); _finishedQueue.push_back(wrapper); continue; } DLLOG(" _threadProc task create curl handle:%p", curlHandle); coTaskMap[curlHandle] = wrapper; lock_guard lock(_processMutex); _processSet.insert(wrapper); } } while (coTaskMap.size()); curl_multi_cleanup(curlmHandle); this->stop(); DLLOG("----DownloaderCURL::Impl::_threadProc end"); } thread _thread; deque _requestQueue; set _processSet; deque _finishedQueue; mutex _threadMutex; mutex _requestMutex; mutex _processMutex; mutex _finishedMutex; }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Implementation DownloaderCURL DownloaderCURL::DownloaderCURL(const DownloaderHints& hints) : _impl(std::make_shared()) , _currTask(nullptr) { DLLOG("Construct DownloaderCURL %p", this); _impl->hints = hints; _scheduler = Director::getInstance()->getScheduler(); _scheduler->retain(); _transferDataToBuffer = [this](void *buf, int64_t len)->int64_t { DownloadTaskCURL& coTask = *_currTask; int64_t dataLen = coTask._buf.size(); if (len < dataLen) { return 0; } memcpy(buf, coTask._buf.data(), dataLen); coTask._buf.resize(0); return dataLen; }; char key[128]; sprintf(key, "DownloaderCURL(%p)", this); _schedulerKey = key; _scheduler->schedule(bind(&DownloaderCURL::_onSchedule, this, placeholders::_1), this, 0.1f, true, _schedulerKey); } DownloaderCURL::~DownloaderCURL() { _scheduler->unschedule(_schedulerKey, this); _scheduler->release(); _impl->stop(); DLLOG("Destruct DownloaderCURL %p", this); } IDownloadTask *DownloaderCURL::createCoTask(std::shared_ptr& task) { DownloadTaskCURL *coTask = new (std::nothrow) DownloadTaskCURL; coTask->init(task->storagePath, _impl->hints.tempFileNameSuffix); DLLOG(" DownloaderCURL: createTask: Id(%d)", coTask->serialId); _impl->addTask(task, coTask); _impl->run(); _scheduler->resumeTarget(this); return coTask; } void DownloaderCURL::_onSchedule(float) { vector tasks; // update processing tasks _impl->getProcessTasks(tasks); for (auto& wrapper : tasks) { const DownloadTask& task = *wrapper.first; DownloadTaskCURL& coTask = *wrapper.second; lock_guard lock(coTask._mutex); if (coTask._bytesReceived) { _currTask = &coTask; onTaskProgress(task, coTask._bytesReceived, coTask._totalBytesReceived, coTask._totalBytesExpected, _transferDataToBuffer); _currTask = nullptr; coTask._bytesReceived = 0; } } tasks.resize(0); // update finished tasks _impl->getFinishedTasks(tasks); if (_impl->stoped()) { _scheduler->pauseTarget(this); } for (auto& wrapper : tasks) { const DownloadTask& task = *wrapper.first; DownloadTaskCURL& coTask = *wrapper.second; // if there is bytesReceived, call progress update first if (coTask._bytesReceived) { _currTask = &coTask; onTaskProgress(task, coTask._bytesReceived, coTask._totalBytesReceived, coTask._totalBytesExpected, _transferDataToBuffer); coTask._bytesReceived = 0; _currTask = nullptr; } // if file task, close file handle and rename file if needed if (coTask._fp) { fclose(coTask._fp); coTask._fp = nullptr; do { if (0 == coTask._fileName.length()) { break; } auto util = FileUtils::getInstance(); // if file already exist, remove it if (util->isFileExist(coTask._fileName)) { if (false == util->removeFile(coTask._fileName)) { coTask._errCode = DownloadTask::ERROR_FILE_OP_FAILED; coTask._errCodeInternal = 0; coTask._errDescription = "Can't remove old file: "; coTask._errDescription.append(coTask._fileName); break; } } // rename file if (util->renameFile(coTask._tempFileName, coTask._fileName)) { // success, remove storage from set DownloadTaskCURL::_sStoragePathSet.erase(coTask._tempFileName); break; } // failed coTask._errCode = DownloadTask::ERROR_FILE_OP_FAILED; coTask._errCodeInternal = 0; coTask._errDescription = "Can't renamefile from: "; coTask._errDescription.append(coTask._tempFileName); coTask._errDescription.append(" to: "); coTask._errDescription.append(coTask._fileName); } while (0); } // needn't lock coTask here, because tasks has removed form _impl onTaskFinish(task, coTask._errCode, coTask._errCodeInternal, coTask._errDescription, coTask._buf); DLLOG(" DownloaderCURL: finish Task: Id(%d)", coTask.serialId); } } }} // namespace cocos2d::network