#CI release for Jenkins import json import os import re import urllib2 import urllib import base64 import requests import sys import traceback import platform import subprocess import codecs from shutil import copy #set Jenkins build description using submitDescription to mock browser behavior #TODO: need to set parent build description def set_description(desc, url): req_data = urllib.urlencode({'description': desc}) req = urllib2.Request(url + 'submitDescription', req_data) #print(os.environ['BUILD_URL']) req.add_header('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded') base64string = base64.encodestring(os.environ['JENKINS_ADMIN']+ ":" + os.environ['JENKINS_ADMIN_PW']).replace('\n', '') req.add_header("Authorization", "Basic " + base64string) try: urllib2.urlopen(req) except: traceback.print_exc() def make_temp_dir(): #make temp dir print "current dir is: " + os.environ['WORKSPACE'] os.system("cd " + os.environ['WORKSPACE']); os.mkdir("android_build_objs") #add symbol link PROJECTS=["cpp-empty-test", "cpp-tests"] print platform.system() if(platform.system() == 'Darwin'): for item in PROJECTS: cmd = "ln -s " + os.environ['WORKSPACE']+"/android_build_objs/ " + os.environ['WORKSPACE']+"/tests/"+item+"/proj.android/obj" os.system(cmd) elif(platform.system() == 'Windows'): for item in PROJECTS: p = item.replace("/", os.sep) cmd = "mklink /J "+os.environ['WORKSPACE']+os.sep+"tests"+os.sep +p+os.sep+"proj.android"+os.sep+"obj " + os.environ['WORKSPACE']+os.sep+"android_build_objs" print cmd os.system(cmd) def check_current_3rd_libs(branch): #get current_libs config backup_files = range(2) current_files = range(2) config_file_paths = ['external/config.json','templates/lua-template-runtime/runtime/config.json'] if (branch == 'v2'): config_file_paths = ['external/config.json'] for i, config_file_path in enumerate(config_file_paths): if not os.path.isfile(config_file_path): raise Exception("Could not find 'external/config.json'") with open(config_file_path) as data_file: data = json.load(data_file) current_3rd_libs_version = data["version"] filename = current_3rd_libs_version + '.zip' node_name = os.environ['NODE_NAME'] backup_file = '../../../cocos-2dx-external/node/' + node_name + '/' + filename backup_files[i] = backup_file current_file = filename current_files[i] = current_file if os.path.isfile(backup_file): copy(backup_file, current_file) #run download-deps.py os.system('python download-deps.py -r no') #backup file for i, backup_file in enumerate(backup_files): current_file = current_files[i] copy(current_file, backup_file) def main(): #get tag tag = os.environ['tag'] print 'tag:' + tag pr_desc = '

' + tag + ' is release' + '

' #get pr target branch branch = 'v3' #set parent build description jenkins_url = os.environ['JENKINS_URL'] job_name = os.environ['JOB_NAME'].split('/')[0] build_number = os.environ['BUILD_NUMBER'] target_url = jenkins_url + 'job/' + job_name + '/' + build_number + '/' set_description(pr_desc, target_url) #pull origin v3 os.system('git reset --hard') os.system("git clean -xdf -f") os.system("git checkout v3") os.system("git branch -D " + tag) os.system("git clean -xdf -f") #fetch tag to local repo git_fetch_pr = "git fetch origin tag " + tag ret = os.system(git_fetch_pr) if(ret != 0): return(2) #checkout git_checkout = "git checkout -b " + tag + " FETCH_HEAD" os.system(git_checkout) # After checkout a new branch, clean workspace again print "After checkout: git clean -xdf -f" os.system("git clean -xdf -f") #update submodule git_update_submodule = "git submodule update --init --force" ret = os.system(git_update_submodule) if(ret != 0): return(2) #build #TODO: add android-linux build #TODO: add mac build node_name = os.environ['NODE_NAME'] build_mode = ['debug', 'release'] tests_dirs = ['tests/cpp-empty-test/proj.android', 'tests/cpp-tests/proj.android', 'tests/lua-empty-test/project/proj.android', 'tests/lua-tests/project/proj.android'] tests_names = ['cpp-empty-test', 'cpp-tests', 'lua-empty-test', 'lua-tests'] remote_home = os.environ['REMOTE_HOME'] for mode in build_mode: os.system('git reset --hard') os.system("git clean -xdf -f") make_temp_dir() #copy check_current_3rd_libs check_current_3rd_libs(branch) if(branch == 'v3'): # Generate binding glue codes ret = os.system("python tools/jenkins-scripts/gen_jsb.py") if(ret != 0): return(1) if(node_name == 'android_mac') or (node_name == 'android_win7'): print "Start build android..." ret = os.system("python build/android-build.py -b " + mode + " -n -j10 all") # create and save apk if(ret == 0): os.system('android update project -p cocos/2d/platform/android/java/ -t android-13') for i, test in enumerate(tests_dirs): os.system('android update project -p ' + test + ' -t android-13') local_apk = test + '/' + tests_names[i] + '.apk' remote_dir = '/data/download/' + tag + '/' remote_apk = remote_dir + tests_names[i] + '-' + tag + '-' + mode + '.apk' os.system('ant debug -f ' + test + '/build.xml' + ' -Dout.final.file=$PWD/' + local_apk) os.system('ssh ' + remote_home + ' "mkdir -p ' + remote_dir + '"') os.system('scp ' + local_apk + ' ' + remote_home + ':' + remote_apk) #get build result print "build finished and return " + str(ret) exit_code = 1 if ret == 0: exit_code = 0 else: exit_code = 1 #clean workspace os.system("cd " + os.environ['WORKSPACE']) os.system("git reset --hard") os.system("git clean -xdf -f") os.system("git checkout v3") return(exit_code) # -------------- main -------------- if __name__ == '__main__': sys_ret = 0 try: sys_ret = main() except: traceback.print_exc() sys_ret = 1 finally: sys.exit(sys_ret)