/**************************************************************************** Copyright (c) 2011 cocos2d-x.org Copyright (c) 2011 NetDragon.com http://www.cocos2d-x.org Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ****************************************************************************/ #include "LuaEngineImpl.h" extern "C" { #include "lualib.h" #include "lauxlib.h" } #include "tolua++.h" #include "CCTouch.h" #include "CCNode.h" #include "CCObject.h" #include "LuaCocos2d.h" #include "LuaSimpleAudioEngine.h" #include "Cocos2dxLuaLoader.h" using namespace cocos2d; CCLuaScriptModule* CCLuaScriptModule::s_luaScriptModule = NULL; CCLuaScriptModule* CCLuaScriptModule::sharedLuaScriptModule(void) { if (s_luaScriptModule == NULL) { s_luaScriptModule = new CCLuaScriptModule(); } return s_luaScriptModule; } void CCLuaScriptModule::purgeSharedLuaScriptModule() { s_luaScriptModule->release(); s_luaScriptModule = NULL; } /************************************************************************* Constructor (creates Lua state) *************************************************************************/ CCLuaScriptModule::CCLuaScriptModule() { d_ownsState = true; d_state = lua_open(); luaL_openlibs(d_state); int nOpen = tolua_Cocos2d_open(d_state); CC_UNUSED_PARAM(nOpen); nOpen = tolua_SimpleAudioEngine_open(d_state); CC_UNUSED_PARAM(nOpen); #if (CC_TARGET_PLATFORM == CC_PLATFORM_ANDROID) addLuaLoader(loader_Android); #endif } /************************************************************************* Constructor (uses given Lua state) *************************************************************************/ CCLuaScriptModule::CCLuaScriptModule(lua_State* state) { // just use the given state d_ownsState = false; d_state = state; #if (CC_TARGET_PLATFORM == CC_PLATFORM_ANDROID) addLuaLoader(loader_Android); #endif } /************************************************************************* Destructor *************************************************************************/ CCLuaScriptModule::~CCLuaScriptModule() { if ( d_ownsState && d_state ) { lua_close( d_state ); } s_luaScriptModule = NULL; } /************************************************************************* Add a path to find lua files in (equivalent to LUA_PATH) *************************************************************************/ bool CCLuaScriptModule::addSearchPath(const std::string& path) { lua_getglobal( d_state, "package" ); lua_getfield( d_state, -1, "path" ); // get field "path" from table at top of stack (-1) const char* cur_path = lua_tostring( d_state, -1 ); // grab path string from top of stack lua_pop( d_state, 1 ); // get rid of the string on the stack we just pushed on line 5 lua_pushfstring(d_state, "%s;%s/?.lua", cur_path, path.c_str()); lua_setfield( d_state, -2, "path" ); // set the field "path" in table at -2 with value at top of stack lua_pop( d_state, 1 ); // get rid of package table from top of stack return 0; // all done! } /************************************************************************* Add lua loader, now it is used on android *************************************************************************/ void CCLuaScriptModule::addLuaLoader(lua_CFunction func) { if (! func) { return; } // stack content after the invoking of the function // get loader table lua_getglobal(d_state, "package"); // package lua_getfield(d_state, -1, "loaders"); // package, loaders // insert loader into index 2 lua_pushcfunction(d_state, func); // package, loaders, func for (int i = lua_objlen(L, -2) + 1; i > 2; --i) { lua_rawgeti(d_state, -2, i - 1); // package, loaders, func, function // we call lua_rawgeti, so the loader table now is at -3 lua_rawseti(d_state, -3, i); // package, loaders, func } lua_rawseti(d_state, -2, 2); // package, loaders // set loaders into package lua_setfield(d_state, -2, "loaders"); // package lua_pop(d_state, 1); } /************************************************************************* Execute script file *************************************************************************/ bool CCLuaScriptModule::executeScriptFile(const std::string& filename) { int nRet = luaL_dofile(d_state,filename.c_str()); if (nRet != 0) { // print the error msg CCLog("%s", lua_tostring(d_state, -1)); // pop the error code lua_pop(d_state, 1); return false; } return true; } /************************************************************************* Execute global script function *************************************************************************/ int CCLuaScriptModule::executeScriptGlobal(const std::string& function_name) { // get the function from lua lua_getglobal(d_state, function_name.c_str()); // is it a function if ( !lua_isfunction(d_state,-1) ) { CCLog("name does not represent a Lua function"); lua_settop( d_state, 0 ); return 0; } // call it int error = lua_pcall(d_state,0,1,0); // handle errors if ( error ) { std::string msg = lua_tostring(d_state,-1); lua_pop(d_state,1); CCLog("%s", msg.c_str()); lua_settop( d_state, 0 ); return 0; } // get return value if ( !lua_isnumber(d_state,-1) ) { CCLog("return value is not a number %s", function_name.c_str()); lua_settop( d_state, 0 ); return 0; } int ret = (int)lua_tonumber(d_state,-1); lua_pop(d_state,1); // return it return ret; } /************************************************************************* Execute scripted event handler *************************************************************************/ bool CCLuaScriptModule::executeSchedule(const std::string& handler_name, ccTime cc) { if (handler_name.size() == 0) { std::string msg = "(LuaScriptModule) Unable to execute scripted event handler: handler_name == NULL\n"; CCLog("%s %d", msg.c_str(), __LINE__); return false; } // get the function from lua lua_getglobal(d_state, handler_name.c_str()); // is it a function if ( !lua_isfunction(d_state,-1) ) { lua_settop( d_state, 0 ); std::string msg = handler_name + "\n" + "name does not represent a Lua function" + "\n"; CCLog("%s %d", msg.c_str(), __FILE__); return false; } // push EventArgs as the first parameter //tolua_pushusertype(d_state,(void*)&cc,"dFloat"); lua_pushfstring(d_state, "%f", cc); // call it int error = lua_pcall(d_state,1,0,0); // handle errors if ( error ) { std::string msg = lua_tostring(d_state,-1); lua_pop(d_state,1); lua_settop( d_state, 0 ); std::string msgerror = handler_name + "\n\n" + msg + "\n"; CCLog("%s %d", msgerror.c_str(), __FILE__); return false; } // return it return true; } bool CCLuaScriptModule::executeCallFunc(const std::string& handler_name) { if (handler_name.size() == 0) { std::string msg = "(LuaScriptModule) Unable to execute scripted event handler:handler_name == NULL\n"; CCLog("%s %d", msg.c_str(), __LINE__); return false; } lua_getglobal(d_state, handler_name.c_str()); // is it a function if ( !lua_isfunction(d_state,-1) ) { lua_settop( d_state, 0 ); std::string msg = handler_name + "name does not represent a Lua function" + "\n"; CCLog("%s %d", msg.c_str(), __LINE__); return false; } // push EventArgs as the first parameter //tolua_pushusertype(d_state,(void*)&cc,"cocos2d::ccTime"); // call it int error = lua_pcall(d_state,0,0,0); // handle errors if ( error ) { std::string msg = lua_tostring(d_state,-1); lua_pop(d_state,1); lua_settop( d_state, 0 ); std::string msgerror = handler_name + msg + "\n"; CCLog("%s %s %d", __FILE__, msgerror.c_str(), __LINE__); return false; } // return it return true; } bool CCLuaScriptModule::executeCallFuncN(const std::string& handler_name, CCNode* pNode) { if (handler_name.size() == 0) { std::string msg = "(executeCallFuncN) Unable to execute scripted event handler: handler_name == NULL\n"; CCLog("%s %d ", msg.c_str(), __LINE__); return false; } lua_getglobal(d_state, handler_name.c_str()); // is it a function if ( !lua_isfunction(d_state,-1) ) { lua_settop( d_state, 0 ); std::string msg = handler_name + "name does not represent a Lua function" + "\n"; CCLog("%s %d", msg.c_str(), __LINE__); return false; } // push EventArgs as the first parameter tolua_pushusertype(d_state,(void*)pNode,"cocos2d::CCNode"); // call it int error = lua_pcall(d_state,1,0,0); // handle errors if ( error ) { std::string msg = lua_tostring(d_state,-1); lua_pop(d_state,1); lua_settop( d_state, 0 ); std::string msgerror = handler_name + msg + "\n"; CCLog("%s %s %d", __FILE__, msgerror.c_str(), __LINE__); return false; } // return it return true; } bool CCLuaScriptModule::executeCallFuncO(const std::string &handler_name, cocos2d::CCObject *pObject) { if (handler_name.size() == 0) { std::string msg = "(executeCallFuncO) Unable to execute scripted event handler: handler_name == NULL\n"; CCLog("%s %d ", msg.c_str(), __LINE__); return false; } lua_getglobal(d_state, handler_name.c_str()); // is it a function if ( !lua_isfunction(d_state,-1) ) { lua_settop( d_state, 0 ); std::string msg = handler_name + "name does not represent a Lua function" + "\n"; CCLog("%s %d", msg.c_str(), __LINE__); return false; } // push EventArgs as the first parameter tolua_pushusertype(d_state,(void*)pObject,"cocos2d::CCObject"); // call it int error = lua_pcall(d_state,1,0,0); // handle errors if ( error ) { std::string msg = lua_tostring(d_state,-1); lua_pop(d_state,1); lua_settop( d_state, 0 ); std::string msgerror = handler_name + msg + "\n"; CCLog("%s %s %d", __FILE__, msgerror.c_str(), __LINE__); return false; } // return it return true; } bool CCLuaScriptModule::executeCallFuncND(const std::string& handler_name, CCNode* pNode, void*pData) { if (handler_name.size() == 0) { std::string msg = "(executeCallFuncND) Unable to execute scripted event handler: handler_name == NULL\n"; CCLog("%s %d", msg.c_str(), __LINE__); return false; } // get the function from lua lua_getglobal(d_state, handler_name.c_str()); // is it a function if ( !lua_isfunction(d_state,-1) ) { lua_settop( d_state, 0 ); std::string msg = handler_name + "name does not represent a Lua function" + "\n"; CCLog("%s %d", msg.c_str(), __LINE__); return false; } // push EventArgs as the first parameter tolua_pushusertype(d_state,(void*)pNode,"cocos2d::CCNode"); tolua_pushusertype(d_state,(void*)pData,"void*"); // call it int error = lua_pcall(d_state,2,0,0); // handle errors if ( error ) { std::string msg = lua_tostring(d_state,-1); lua_pop(d_state,1); lua_settop( d_state, 0 ); std::string msgerror = handler_name + msg + "\n"; CCLog("%s %d", __FILE__, msgerror.c_str(), __LINE__); return false; } // return it return true; } bool CCLuaScriptModule::executeMenuHandler(const std::string& handler_name, CCObject* pobj) { if (handler_name.size() == 0) { std::string msg = "(LuaScriptModule) Unable to execute scripted event handler: handler_name == NULL\n"; CCLog("%s %d", msg.c_str(), __LINE__); return false; } // get the function from lua lua_getglobal(d_state, handler_name.c_str()); // is it a function if ( !lua_isfunction(d_state,-1) ) { lua_settop( d_state, 0 ); std::string msg = handler_name + "name does not represent a Lua function" + "\n"; CCLog("%s %d", msg.c_str(), __LINE__); return false; } // push EventArgs as the first parameter tolua_pushusertype(d_state,(void*)pobj,"cocos2d::CCObject"); // call it int error = lua_pcall(d_state,1,0,0); // handle errors if ( error ) { std::string msg = lua_tostring(d_state,-1); lua_pop(d_state,1); std::string msgerror = handler_name + msg + "\n"; CCLog("%s %s %d", __FILE__, msgerror.c_str(), __LINE__); return false; } // return it return true; } bool CCLuaScriptModule::executeTouchesEvent(const std::string& handler_name, CCSet *pobj) { if (handler_name.size() == 0) { std::string msg = "(LuaScriptModule) Unable to execute scripted event handler: handler_name == null\n"; CCLog("%s %d", msg.c_str(), __LINE__); return false; } // get the function from lua lua_getglobal(d_state, handler_name.c_str()); // is it a function if ( !lua_isfunction(d_state,-1) ) { lua_settop( d_state, 0 ); std::string msg = handler_name+" does not represent a Lua function"+"\n"; CCLog("%s %d", msg.c_str(), __LINE__); return false; } // push array to lua lua_createtable(d_state, pobj->count(), 0); int newTable = lua_gettop(d_state); int index = 1; CCSetIterator iter = pobj->begin(); for (; iter != pobj->end(); iter++) { tolua_pushusertype(d_state,(void*)(*iter),"cocos2d::CCTouch"); lua_rawseti(d_state, newTable, index++); } // call it int error = lua_pcall(d_state,1,0,0); // handle errors if ( error ) { std::string msg = lua_tostring(d_state,-1); lua_pop(d_state,1); lua_settop( d_state, 0 ); std::string msgerror = handler_name + msg + "\n"; CCLog("%s %d", msgerror.c_str(), __LINE__); return false; } // return it return true; } bool CCLuaScriptModule::executeTouch(const std::string& handler_name, CCTouch *pobj) { if (handler_name.size() == 0) { std::string msg = "(LuaScriptModule) Unable to execute scripted event handler: handler_name == null\n"; CCLog("%s %d", msg.c_str(), __LINE__); return false; } // get the function from lua lua_getglobal(d_state, handler_name.c_str()); // is it a function if ( !lua_isfunction(d_state,-1) ) { lua_settop( d_state, 0 ); std::string msg = handler_name+"\n"+" does not represent a Lua function"+"\n"; CCLog("%s %d", msg.c_str(), __LINE__); return false; } // push EventArgs as the first parameter tolua_pushusertype(d_state,(void*)pobj,"cocos2d::CCTouch"); // call it int error = lua_pcall(d_state,1,0,0); // handle errors if ( error ) { std::string msg = lua_tostring(d_state,-1); lua_pop(d_state,1); std::string msgerror = handler_name + "\n" + msg + "\n"; CCLog("%s %s %d", __FILE__, msgerror.c_str(), __LINE__); return false; } // return it return true; } bool CCLuaScriptModule::executeEventHandler(const std::string& handler_name, CCEvent* pEvent) { if (handler_name.size() == 0) { std::string msg = "(LuaScriptModule) Unable to execute scripted event handler: handler_name == NULL\n"; CCLog("%s ", msg.c_str()); return false; } // get the function from lua lua_getglobal(d_state, handler_name.c_str()); // is it a function if ( !lua_isfunction(d_state,-1) ) { lua_settop( d_state, 0 ); std::string msg = handler_name + "\n" + " does not represent a Lua function" + "\n"; CCLog("%s %d", msg.c_str(), __LINE__); return false; } // push EventArgs as the first parameter tolua_pushusertype(d_state,(void*)pEvent,"cocos2d::CCEvent"); // call it int error = lua_pcall(d_state,1,0,0); // handle errors if ( error ) { std::string msg = lua_tostring(d_state,-1); lua_pop(d_state,1); lua_settop( d_state, 0 ); std::string msgerror = handler_name + "\n" + msg + "\n"; CCLog("%s %s %d", __FILE__, msgerror.c_str(), __LINE__); return false; } // return it return true; } bool CCLuaScriptModule::executeListItem(const std::string& handler_name, int index, CCObject* pobj) { if (handler_name.size() == 0) { std::string msg = "(CCLuaScriptModule) Unable to execute scripted event handler: handler_name == NULL\n"; CCLog("%s %d", msg.c_str(), __LINE__); return false; } // get the function from lua lua_getglobal(d_state, handler_name.c_str()); // is it a function if ( !lua_isfunction(d_state,-1) ) { lua_settop( d_state, 0 ); std::string msg = handler_name + " does not represent a Lua function" + "\n"; CCLog("%s %d", msg.c_str(), __LINE__); return false; } // push EventArgs as the first parameter lua_pushfstring(d_state, "%d", index); tolua_pushusertype(d_state,(void*)pobj,"cocos2d::CCObject"); // call it int error = lua_pcall(d_state,2,0,0); // handle errors if ( error ) { std::string msg = lua_tostring(d_state,-1); lua_pop(d_state,1); lua_settop( d_state, 0 ); std::string msgerror = handler_name + msg + "\n"; CCLog("%s %s %d", __FILE__, msgerror.c_str(), __LINE__); return false; } // return it return true; } /************************************************************************* Execute script code string *************************************************************************/ bool CCLuaScriptModule::executeString(const std::string& str) { // load code into lua and call it int error = luaL_dostring(d_state, str.c_str()); // handle errors if (error) { // print error message and pop it CCLog("%s", lua_tostring(d_state, -1)); lua_pop(d_state, 1); return false; } return true; } /************************************************************************* Create Lua bindings *************************************************************************/ void CCLuaScriptModule::createBindings(void) { //tolua_Cocos2d_open(d_state); } /************************************************************************* Destroy Lua bindings *************************************************************************/ void CCLuaScriptModule::destroyBindings(void) { lua_pushnil(d_state); lua_setglobal(d_state,"cocos2d"); // called? necessary? by sunzhuoshi@gmail.com lua_pushnil(d_state); lua_setglobal(d_state, "CocosDenshion"); }