local function KeypadMainLayer() local pLayer = CCLayer:create() local s = CCDirector:getInstance():getWinSize() local label = CCLabelTTF:create("Keypad Test", "Arial", 28) pLayer:addChild(label, 0) label:setPosition( ccp(s.width/2, s.height-50) ) pLayer:setKeypadEnabled(true) -- create a label to display the tip string local pLabelTip = CCLabelTTF:create("Please press any key...", "Arial", 22) pLabelTip:setPosition(ccp(s.width / 2, s.height / 2)) pLayer:addChild(pLabelTip, 0) pLabelTip:retain() local function KeypadHandler(strEvent) if "backClicked" == strEvent then pLabelTip:setString("BACK clicked!"); elseif "menuClicked" == strEvent then pLabelTip:setString("MENU clicked!"); end end pLayer:registerScriptKeypadHandler(KeypadHandler) return pLayer end function KeypadTestMain() cclog("KeypadTestMain") local scene = CCScene:create() scene:addChild(KeypadMainLayer()) scene:addChild(CreateBackMenuItem()) return scene end