local size = CCDirector:getInstance():getWinSize() local scheduler = CCDirector:getInstance():getScheduler() local kTagTileMap = 1 local function createTileDemoLayer(title, subtitle) local layer = CCLayer:create() Helper.initWithLayer(layer) local titleStr = title == nil and "No title" or title local subTitleStr = subtitle == nil and "drag the screen" or subtitle Helper.titleLabel:setString(titleStr) Helper.subtitleLabel:setString(subTitleStr) local prev = {x = 0, y = 0} local function onTouchEvent(eventType, x, y) if eventType == "began" then prev.x = x prev.y = y return true elseif eventType == "moved" then local node = layer:getChildByTag(kTagTileMap) local newX = node:getPositionX() local newY = node:getPositionY() local diffX = x - prev.x local diffY = y - prev.y node:setPosition( ccpAdd(ccp(newX, newY), ccp(diffX, diffY)) ) prev.x = x prev.y = y end end layer:setTouchEnabled(true) layer:registerScriptTouchHandler(onTouchEvent) return layer end -------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- TileMapTest -- -------------------------------------------------------------------- local function TileMapTest() local layer = createTileDemoLayer("TileMapAtlas") local map = CCTileMapAtlas:create(s_TilesPng, s_LevelMapTga, 16, 16) -- Convert it to "alias" (GL_LINEAR filtering) map:getTexture():setAntiAliasTexParameters() local s = map:getContentSize() cclog("ContentSize: %f, %f", s.width,s.height) -- If you are not going to use the Map, you can free it now -- NEW since v0.7 map:releaseMap() layer:addChild(map, 0, kTagTileMap) map:setAnchorPoint( ccp(0, 0.5) ) local scale = CCScaleBy:create(4, 0.8) local scaleBack = scale:reverse() local action_arr = CCArray:create() action_arr:addObject(scale) action_arr:addObject(scaleBack) local seq = CCSequence:create(action_arr) map:runAction(CCRepeatForever:create(seq)) return layer end -------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- TileMapEditTest -- -------------------------------------------------------------------- local function TileMapEditTest() local layer = createTileDemoLayer("Editable TileMapAtlas") local map = CCTileMapAtlas:create(s_TilesPng, s_LevelMapTga, 16, 16) -- Create an Aliased Atlas map:getTexture():setAliasTexParameters() local s = map:getContentSize() cclog("ContentSize: %f, %f", s.width,s.height) -- If you are not going to use the Map, you can free it now -- [tilemap releaseMap) -- And if you are going to use, it you can access the data with: local function updateMap(dt) -- IMPORTANT -- The only limitation is that you cannot change an empty, or assign an empty tile to a tile -- The value 0 not rendered so don't assign or change a tile with value 0 local tilemap = tolua.cast(layer:getChildByTag(kTagTileMap), "CCTileMapAtlas") -- -- For example you can iterate over all the tiles -- using this code, but try to avoid the iteration -- over all your tiles in every frame. It's very expensive -- for(int x=0 x < tilemap.tgaInfo:width x++) -- for(int y=0 y < tilemap.tgaInfo:height y++) -- Color3B c =[tilemap tileAt:local Make(x,y)) -- if( c.r != 0 ) -- --------cclog("%d,%d = %d", x,y,c.r) -- end -- end -- end -- NEW since v0.7 local c = tilemap:tileAt(ccp(13,21)) c.r = c.r + 1 c.r = c.r % 50 if( c.r==0) then c.r=1 end -- NEW since v0.7 tilemap:setTile(c, ccp(13,21) ) end local schedulerEntry = nil local function onNodeEvent(event) if event == "enter" then schedulerEntry = scheduler:scheduleScriptFunc(updateMap, 0.2, false) elseif event == "exit" then scheduler:unscheduleScriptEntry(schedulerEntry) end end layer:registerScriptHandler(onNodeEvent) layer:addChild(map, 0, kTagTileMap) map:setAnchorPoint( ccp(0, 0) ) map:setPosition( ccp(-20,-200) ) return layer end -------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- TMXOrthoTest -- -------------------------------------------------------------------- local function TMXOrthoTest() local layer = createTileDemoLayer("TMX Orthogonal test") -- -- Test orthogonal with 3d camera and anti-alias textures -- -- it should not flicker. No artifacts should appear -- --local color = CCLayerColor:create( Color4B(64,64,64,255) ) --addChild(color, -1) local map = CCTMXTiledMap:create("TileMaps/orthogonal-test2.tmx") layer:addChild(map, 0, kTagTileMap) local s = map:getContentSize() cclog("ContentSize: %f, %f", s.width,s.height) local pChildrenArray = map:getChildren() local child = nil local pObject = nil local i = 0 local len = pChildrenArray:count() for i = 0, len-1, 1 do pObject = pChildrenArray:objectAtIndex(i) child = tolua.cast(pObject, "CCSpriteBatchNode") if child == nil then break end child:getTexture():setAntiAliasTexParameters() end local x = 0 local y = 0 local z = 0 x, y, z = map:getCamera():getEyeXYZ(x, y, z) cclog("before eye x="..x..",y="..y..",z="..z) map:getCamera():setEyeXYZ(x-200, y, z+300) x, y, z = map:getCamera():getEyeXYZ(x, y, z) cclog("after eye x="..x..",y="..y..",z="..z) local function onNodeEvent(event) if event == "enter" then CCDirector:getInstance():setProjection(kCCDirectorProjection3D) elseif event == "exit" then CCDirector:getInstance():setProjection(kCCDirectorProjection2D) end end layer:registerScriptHandler(onNodeEvent) return layer end -------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- TMXOrthoTest2 -- -------------------------------------------------------------------- local function TMXOrthoTest2() local layer = createTileDemoLayer("TMX Ortho test2") local map = CCTMXTiledMap:create("TileMaps/orthogonal-test1.tmx") layer:addChild(map, 0, kTagTileMap) local s = map:getContentSize() cclog("ContentSize: %f, %f", s.width,s.height) local pChildrenArray = map:getChildren() local child = nil local pObject = nil local i = 0 local len = pChildrenArray:count() for i = 0, len-1, 1 do child = tolua.cast(pChildrenArray:objectAtIndex(i), "CCSpriteBatchNode") if child == nil then break end child:getTexture():setAntiAliasTexParameters() end map:runAction( CCScaleBy:create(2, 0.5) ) return layer end -------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- TMXOrthoTest3 -- -------------------------------------------------------------------- local function TMXOrthoTest3() local layer = createTileDemoLayer("TMX anchorPoint test") local map = CCTMXTiledMap:create("TileMaps/orthogonal-test3.tmx") layer:addChild(map, 0, kTagTileMap) local s = map:getContentSize() cclog("ContentSize: %f, %f", s.width,s.height) local pChildrenArray = map:getChildren() local child = nil local pObject = nil local i = 0 local len = pChildrenArray:count() for i = 0, len-1, 1 do child = tolua.cast(pChildrenArray:objectAtIndex(i), "CCSpriteBatchNode") if child == nil then break end child:getTexture():setAntiAliasTexParameters() end map:setScale(0.2) map:setAnchorPoint( ccp(0.5, 0.5) ) return layer end -------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- TMXOrthoTest4 -- -------------------------------------------------------------------- local function TMXOrthoTest4() local ret = createTileDemoLayer("TMX width/height test") local map = CCTMXTiledMap:create("TileMaps/orthogonal-test4.tmx") ret:addChild(map, 0, kTagTileMap) local s1 = map:getContentSize() cclog("ContentSize: %f, %f", s1.width,s1.height) local pChildrenArray = map:getChildren() local child = nil local pObject = nil local i = 0 local len = pChildrenArray:count() for i = 0, len-1, 1 do child = tolua.cast(pChildrenArray:objectAtIndex(i), "CCSpriteBatchNode") if child == nil then break end child:getTexture():setAntiAliasTexParameters() end map:setAnchorPoint(ccp(0, 0)) local layer = map:layerNamed("Layer 0") local s = layer:getLayerSize() local sprite = layer:tileAt(ccp(0,0)) sprite:setScale(2) sprite = layer:tileAt(ccp(s.width-1,0)) sprite:setScale(2) sprite = layer:tileAt(ccp(0,s.height-1)) sprite:setScale(2) sprite = layer:tileAt(ccp(s.width-1,s.height-1)) sprite:setScale(2) local schedulerEntry = nil local function removeSprite(dt) scheduler:unscheduleScriptEntry(schedulerEntry) schedulerEntry = nil local map = tolua.cast(ret:getChildByTag(kTagTileMap), "CCTMXTiledMap") local layer0 = map:layerNamed("Layer 0") local s = layer0:getLayerSize() local sprite = layer0:tileAt( ccp(s.width-1,0) ) layer0:removeChild(sprite, true) end local function onNodeEvent(event) if event == "enter" then schedulerEntry = scheduler:scheduleScriptFunc(removeSprite, 2, false) elseif event == "exit" and schedulerEntry ~= nil then scheduler:unscheduleScriptEntry(schedulerEntry) end end ret:registerScriptHandler(onNodeEvent) return ret end -------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- TMXReadWriteTest -- -------------------------------------------------------------------- local SID_UPDATECOL = 100 local SID_REPAINTWITHGID = 101 local SID_REMOVETILES = 102 local function TMXReadWriteTest() local ret = createTileDemoLayer("TMX Read/Write test") local m_gid = 0 local m_gid2 = 0 local map = CCTMXTiledMap:create("TileMaps/orthogonal-test2.tmx") ret:addChild(map, 0, kTagTileMap) local s = map:getContentSize() cclog("ContentSize: %f, %f", s.width,s.height) local layer = map:layerNamed("Layer 0") layer:getTexture():setAntiAliasTexParameters() map:setScale( 1 ) local tile0 = layer:tileAt(ccp(1,63)) local tile1 = layer:tileAt(ccp(2,63)) local tile2 = layer:tileAt(ccp(3,62))--ccp(1,62)) local tile3 = layer:tileAt(ccp(2,62)) tile0:setAnchorPoint( ccp(0.5, 0.5) ) tile1:setAnchorPoint( ccp(0.5, 0.5) ) tile2:setAnchorPoint( ccp(0.5, 0.5) ) tile3:setAnchorPoint( ccp(0.5, 0.5) ) local move = CCMoveBy:create(0.5, ccp(0,160)) local rotate = CCRotateBy:create(2, 360) local scale = CCScaleBy:create(2, 5) local opacity = CCFadeOut:create(2) local fadein = CCFadeIn:create(2) local scaleback = CCScaleTo:create(1, 1) local function removeSprite(tag, sender) --------cclog("removing tile: %x", sender) local node = tolua.cast(sender, "CCNode"); local p = node:getParent() if p ~= nil then p:removeChild(node, true) end ----------cclog("atlas quantity: %d", p:textureAtlas():totalQuads()) end local finish = CCCallFuncN:create(removeSprite) local arr = CCArray:create() arr:addObject(move) arr:addObject(rotate) arr:addObject(scale) arr:addObject(opacity) arr:addObject(fadein) arr:addObject(scaleback) arr:addObject(finish) local seq0 = CCSequence:create(arr) local seq1 = tolua.cast(seq0:clone(), "CCAction") local seq2 = tolua.cast(seq0:clone(), "CCAction") local seq3 = tolua.cast(seq0:clone(), "CCAction") tile0:runAction(seq0) tile1:runAction(seq1) tile2:runAction(seq2) tile3:runAction(seq3) m_gid = layer:tileGIDAt(ccp(0,63)) --------cclog("Tile GID at:(0,63) is: %d", m_gid) local updateColScheduler = nil local repainWithGIDScheduler = nil local removeTilesScheduler = nil local function updateCol(dt) local map = tolua.cast(ret:getChildByTag(kTagTileMap), "CCTMXTiledMap") local layer = tolua.cast(map:getChildByTag(0), "CCTMXLayer") --------cclog("++++atlas quantity: %d", layer:textureAtlas():getTotalQuads()) --------cclog("++++children: %d", layer:getChildren():count() ) local s = layer:getLayerSize() local y = 0 for y=0, s.height-1, 1 do layer:setTileGID(m_gid2, ccp(3, y)) end m_gid2 = (m_gid2 + 1) % 80 end local function repaintWithGID(dt) -- unschedule:_cmd) local map = tolua.cast(ret:getChildByTag(kTagTileMap), "CCTMXTiledMap") local layer = tolua.cast(map:getChildByTag(0), "CCTMXLayer") local s = layer:getLayerSize() local x = 0 for x=0, s.width-1, 1 do local y = s.height-1 local tmpgid = layer:tileGIDAt( ccp(x, y) ) layer:setTileGID(tmpgid+1, ccp(x, y)) end end local function removeTiles(dt) scheduler:unscheduleScriptEntry(removeTilesScheduler) removeTilesScheduler = nil local map = tolua.cast(ret:getChildByTag(kTagTileMap), "CCTMXTiledMap") local layer = tolua.cast(map:getChildByTag(0), "CCTMXLayer") local s = layer:getLayerSize() local y = 0 for y=0, s.height-1, 1 do layer:removeTileAt( ccp(5.0, y) ) end end local function onNodeEvent(event) if event == "enter" then updateColScheduler = scheduler:scheduleScriptFunc(updateCol, 2, false) repainWithGIDScheduler = scheduler:scheduleScriptFunc(repaintWithGID, 2.05, false) removeTilesScheduler = scheduler:scheduleScriptFunc(removeTiles, 1.0, false) elseif event == "exit" then if updateColScheduler ~= nil then scheduler:unscheduleScriptEntry(updateColScheduler) end if repainWithGIDScheduler ~= nil then scheduler:unscheduleScriptEntry(repainWithGIDScheduler) end if removeTilesScheduler ~= nil then scheduler:unscheduleScriptEntry(removeTilesScheduler) end end end ret:registerScriptHandler(onNodeEvent) --------cclog("++++atlas quantity: %d", layer:textureAtlas():getTotalQuads()) --------cclog("++++children: %d", layer:getChildren():count() ) m_gid2 = 0 return ret end -------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- TMXHexTest -- -------------------------------------------------------------------- local function TMXHexTest() local ret = createTileDemoLayer("TMX Hex tes") local color = CCLayerColor:create( Color4B(64,64,64,255) ) ret:addChild(color, -1) local map = CCTMXTiledMap:create("TileMaps/hexa-test.tmx") ret:addChild(map, 0, kTagTileMap) local s = map:getContentSize() cclog("ContentSize: %f, %f", s.width,s.height) return ret end -------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- TMXIsoTest -- -------------------------------------------------------------------- local function TMXIsoTest() local ret = createTileDemoLayer("TMX Isometric test 0") local color = CCLayerColor:create( Color4B(64,64,64,255) ) ret:addChild(color, -1) local map = CCTMXTiledMap:create("TileMaps/iso-test.tmx") ret:addChild(map, 0, kTagTileMap) -- move map to the center of the screen local ms = map:getMapSize() local ts = map:getTileSize() map:runAction( CCMoveTo:create(1.0, ccp( -ms.width * ts.width/2, -ms.height * ts.height/2 )) ) return ret end -------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- TMXIsoTest1 -- -------------------------------------------------------------------- local function TMXIsoTest1() local ret = createTileDemoLayer("TMX Isometric test + anchorPoint") local color = CCLayerColor:create( Color4B(64,64,64,255) ) ret:addChild(color, -1) local map = CCTMXTiledMap:create("TileMaps/iso-test1.tmx") ret:addChild(map, 0, kTagTileMap) local s = map:getContentSize() cclog("ContentSize: %f, %f", s.width,s.height) map:setAnchorPoint(ccp(0.5, 0.5)) return ret end -------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- TMXIsoTest2 -- -------------------------------------------------------------------- local function TMXIsoTest2() local ret = createTileDemoLayer("TMX Isometric test 2") local color = CCLayerColor:create( Color4B(64,64,64,255) ) ret:addChild(color, -1) local map = CCTMXTiledMap:create("TileMaps/iso-test2.tmx") ret:addChild(map, 0, kTagTileMap) local s = map:getContentSize() cclog("ContentSize: %f, %f", s.width,s.height) -- move map to the center of the screen local ms = map:getMapSize() local ts = map:getTileSize() map:runAction( CCMoveTo:create(1.0, ccp( -ms.width * ts.width/2, -ms.height * ts.height/2 ) )) return ret end -------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- TMXUncompressedTest -- -------------------------------------------------------------------- local function TMXUncompressedTest() local ret = createTileDemoLayer("TMX Uncompressed test") local color = CCLayerColor:create( Color4B(64,64,64,255) ) ret:addChild(color, -1) local map = CCTMXTiledMap:create("TileMaps/iso-test2-uncompressed.tmx") ret:addChild(map, 0, kTagTileMap) local s = map:getContentSize() cclog("ContentSize: %f, %f", s.width,s.height) -- move map to the center of the screen local ms = map:getMapSize() local ts = map:getTileSize() map:runAction(CCMoveTo:create(1.0, ccp( -ms.width * ts.width/2, -ms.height * ts.height/2 ) )) -- testing release map local pChildrenArray = map:getChildren() local layer = nil local i = 0 local len = pChildrenArray:count() for i = 0, len-1, 1 do layer = tolua.cast(pChildrenArray:objectAtIndex(i), "CCTMXLayer") if layer == nil then break end layer:releaseMap() end return ret end -------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- TMXTilesetTest -- -------------------------------------------------------------------- local function TMXTilesetTest() local ret = createTileDemoLayer("TMX Tileset test") local map = CCTMXTiledMap:create("TileMaps/orthogonal-test5.tmx") ret:addChild(map, 0, kTagTileMap) local s = map:getContentSize() cclog("ContentSize: %f, %f", s.width,s.height) local layer = map:layerNamed("Layer 0") layer:getTexture():setAntiAliasTexParameters() layer = map:layerNamed("Layer 1") layer:getTexture():setAntiAliasTexParameters() layer = map:layerNamed("Layer 2") layer:getTexture():setAntiAliasTexParameters() return ret end -------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- TMXOrthoObjectsTest -- -------------------------------------------------------------------- local function TMXOrthoObjectsTest() local ret = createTileDemoLayer("TMX Ortho object test", "You should see a white box around the 3 platforms") local map = CCTMXTiledMap:create("TileMaps/ortho-objects.tmx") ret:addChild(map, -1, kTagTileMap) local s = map:getContentSize() cclog("ContentSize: %f, %f", s.width,s.height) --------cclog("---: Iterating over all the group objets") local group = map:objectGroupNamed("Object Group 1") local objects = group:getObjects() local dict = nil local i = 0 local len = objects:count() for i = 0, len-1, 1 do dict = tolua.cast(objects:objectAtIndex(i), "CCDictionary") if dict == nil then break end --------cclog("object: %x", dict) end --------cclog("---: Fetching 1 object by name") -- local platform = group:objectNamed("platform") --------cclog("platform: %x", platform) return ret end local function draw() local map = tolua.cast(getChildByTag(kTagTileMap), "CCTMXTiledMap") local group = map:objectGroupNamed("Object Group 1") local objects = group:getObjects() local dict = nil local i = 0 local len = objects:count() for i = 0, len-1, 1 do dict = tolua.cast(objects:objectAtIndex(i), "CCDictionary") if dict == nil then break end local key = "x" local x = (tolua.cast(dict:objectForKey(key), "CCString")):intValue() key = "y" local y = (tolua.cast(dict:objectForKey(key), "CCString")):intValue()--dynamic_cast(dict:objectForKey("y")):getNumber() key = "width" local width = (tolua.cast(dict:objectForKey(key), "CCString")):intValue()--dynamic_cast(dict:objectForKey("width")):getNumber() key = "height" local height = (tolua.cast(dict:objectForKey(key), "CCString")):intValue()--dynamic_cast(dict:objectForKey("height")):getNumber() glLineWidth(3) ccDrawLine( ccp(x, y), ccp((x+width), y) ) ccDrawLine( ccp((x+width), y), ccp((x+width), (y+height)) ) ccDrawLine( ccp((x+width), (y+height)), ccp(x, (y+height)) ) ccDrawLine( ccp(x, (y+height)), ccp(x, y) ) glLineWidth(1) end end -------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- TMXIsoObjectsTest -- -------------------------------------------------------------------- local function TMXIsoObjectsTest() local ret = createTileDemoLayer("TMX Iso object test", "You need to parse them manually. See bug #810") local map = CCTMXTiledMap:create("TileMaps/iso-test-objectgroup.tmx") ret:addChild(map, -1, kTagTileMap) local s = map:getContentSize() cclog("ContentSize: %f, %f", s.width,s.height) local group = map:objectGroupNamed("Object Group 1") --UxMutableArray* objects = group:objects() local objects = group:getObjects() --UxMutableDictionary* dict local dict = nil local i = 0 local len = objects:count() for i = 0, len-1, 1 do dict = tolua.cast(objects:objectAtIndex(i), "CCDictionary") if dict == nil then break end --------cclog("object: %x", dict) end return ret end local function draw() local map = tolua.cast(getChildByTag(kTagTileMap), "CCTMXTiledMap") local group = map:objectGroupNamed("Object Group 1") local objects = group:getObjects() local dict = nil local i = 0 local len = objects:count() for i = 0, len-1, 1 do dict = tolua.cast(objects:objectAtIndex(i), "CCDictionary") if dict == nil then break end local key = "x" local x = (tolua.cast(dict:objectForKey(key), "CCString")):intValue()--dynamic_cast(dict:objectForKey("x")):getNumber() key = "y" local y = (tolua.cast(dict:objectForKey(key), "CCString")):intValue()--dynamic_cast(dict:objectForKey("y")):getNumber() key = "width" local width = (tolua.cast(dict:objectForKey(key), "CCString")):intValue()--dynamic_cast(dict:objectForKey("width")):getNumber() key = "height" local height = (tolua.cast(dict:objectForKey(key), "CCString")):intValue()--dynamic_cast(dict:objectForKey("height")):getNumber() glLineWidth(3) ccDrawLine( ccp(x,y), ccp(x+width,y) ) ccDrawLine( ccp(x+width,y), ccp(x+width,y+height) ) ccDrawLine( ccp(x+width,y+height), ccp(x,y+height) ) ccDrawLine( ccp(x,y+height), ccp(x,y) ) glLineWidth(1) end end -------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- TMXResizeTest -- -------------------------------------------------------------------- local function TMXResizeTest() local ret = createTileDemoLayer("TMX resize test", "Should not crash. Testing issue #740") local map = CCTMXTiledMap:create("TileMaps/orthogonal-test5.tmx") ret:addChild(map, 0, kTagTileMap) local s = map:getContentSize() cclog("ContentSize: %f, %f", s.width,s.height) local layer = map:layerNamed("Layer 0") local ls = layer:getLayerSize() local x = 0 local y = 0 for y = 0, ls.height-1, 1 do for x = 0, ls.width-1, 1 do layer:setTileGID(1, ccp( x, y ) ) end end return ret end -------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- TMXIsoZorder -- -------------------------------------------------------------------- local function TMXIsoZorder() local m_tamara = nil local ret = createTileDemoLayer("TMX Iso Zorder", "Sprite should hide behind the trees") local map = CCTMXTiledMap:create("TileMaps/iso-test-zorder.tmx") ret:addChild(map, 0, kTagTileMap) local s = map:getContentSize() cclog("ContentSize: %f, %f", s.width,s.height) map:setPosition(ccp(-s.width/2,0)) m_tamara = CCSprite:create(s_pPathSister1) map:addChild(m_tamara, map:getChildren():count() ) m_tamara:retain() local mapWidth = map:getMapSize().width * map:getTileSize().width m_tamara:setPosition(CC_POINT_PIXELS_TO_POINTS(ccp( mapWidth/2,0))) m_tamara:setAnchorPoint(ccp(0.5,0)) local move = CCMoveBy:create(10, ccp(300,250)) local back = move:reverse() local arr = CCArray:create() arr:addObject(move) arr:addObject(back) local seq = CCSequence:create(arr) m_tamara:runAction( CCRepeatForever:create(seq) ) local function repositionSprite(dt) local x,y = m_tamara:getPosition() local p = ccp(x, y) p = CC_POINT_POINTS_TO_PIXELS(p) local map = ret:getChildByTag(kTagTileMap) -- there are only 4 layers. (grass and 3 trees layers) -- if tamara < 48, z=4 -- if tamara < 96, z=3 -- if tamara < 144,z=2 local newZ = 4 - (p.y / 48) newZ = math.max(newZ,0) map:reorderChild(m_tamara, newZ) end local schedulerEntry = nil local function onNodeEvent(event) if event == "enter" then schedulerEntry = scheduler:scheduleScriptFunc(repositionSprite, 0, false) elseif event == "exit" then if m_tamara ~= nil then m_tamara:release() end scheduler:unscheduleScriptEntry(schedulerEntry) end end ret:registerScriptHandler(onNodeEvent) return ret end -------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- TMXOrthoZorder -- -------------------------------------------------------------------- local function TMXOrthoZorder() local m_tamara = nil local ret = createTileDemoLayer("TMX Ortho Zorder", "Sprite should hide behind the trees") local map = CCTMXTiledMap:create("TileMaps/orthogonal-test-zorder.tmx") ret:addChild(map, 0, kTagTileMap) local s = map:getContentSize() cclog("ContentSize: %f, %f", s.width,s.height) m_tamara = CCSprite:create(s_pPathSister1) map:addChild(m_tamara, map:getChildren():count()) m_tamara:retain() m_tamara:setAnchorPoint(ccp(0.5,0)) local move = CCMoveBy:create(10, ccp(400,450)) local back = move:reverse() local arr = CCArray:create() arr:addObject(move) arr:addObject(back) local seq = CCSequence:create(arr) m_tamara:runAction( CCRepeatForever:create(seq)) local function repositionSprite(dt) local x, y = m_tamara:getPosition() local p = ccp(x, y) p = CC_POINT_POINTS_TO_PIXELS(p) local map = ret:getChildByTag(kTagTileMap) -- there are only 4 layers. (grass and 3 trees layers) -- if tamara < 81, z=4 -- if tamara < 162, z=3 -- if tamara < 243,z=2 -- -10: customization for this particular sample local newZ = 4 - ( (p.y-10) / 81) newZ = math.max(newZ,0) map:reorderChild(m_tamara, newZ) end local schedulerEntry = nil local function onNodeEvent(event) if event == "enter" then schedulerEntry = scheduler:scheduleScriptFunc(repositionSprite, 0, false) elseif event == "exit" then if m_tamara ~= nil then m_tamara:release() end scheduler:unscheduleScriptEntry(schedulerEntry) end end ret:registerScriptHandler(onNodeEvent) return ret end -------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- TMXIsoVertexZ -- -------------------------------------------------------------------- local function TMXIsoVertexZ() local m_tamara = nil local ret = createTileDemoLayer("TMX Iso VertexZ", "Sprite should hide behind the trees") local map = CCTMXTiledMap:create("TileMaps/iso-test-vertexz.tmx") ret:addChild(map, 0, kTagTileMap) local s = map:getContentSize() map:setPosition( ccp(-s.width/2,0) ) cclog("ContentSize: %f, %f", s.width,s.height) -- because I'm lazy, I'm reusing a tile as an sprite, but since this method uses vertexZ, you -- can use any CCSprite and it will work OK. local layer = map:layerNamed("Trees") m_tamara = layer:tileAt( ccp(29,29) ) m_tamara:retain() local move = CCMoveBy:create(10, ccpMult( ccp(300,250), 1/CC_CONTENT_SCALE_FACTOR() ) ) local back = move:reverse() local arr = CCArray:create() arr:addObject(move) arr:addObject(back) local seq = CCSequence:create(arr) m_tamara:runAction( CCRepeatForever:create(seq) ) local function repositionSprite(dt) -- tile height is 64x32 -- map size: 30x30 local x, y = m_tamara:getPosition() local p = ccp(x, y) p = CC_POINT_POINTS_TO_PIXELS(p) local newZ = -(p.y+32) /16 m_tamara:setVertexZ( newZ ) end local schedulerEntry = nil local function onNodeEvent(event) if event == "enter" then -- TIP: 2d projection should be used CCDirector:getInstance():setProjection(kCCDirectorProjection2D) schedulerEntry = scheduler:scheduleScriptFunc(repositionSprite, 0, false) elseif event == "exit" then -- At exit use any other projection. -- CCDirector:getInstance():setProjection:kCCDirectorProjection3D) if m_tamara ~= nil then m_tamara:release() end scheduler:unscheduleScriptEntry(schedulerEntry) end end ret:registerScriptHandler(onNodeEvent) return ret end -------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- TMXOrthoVertexZ -- -------------------------------------------------------------------- local function TMXOrthoVertexZ() local m_tamara = nil local ret = createTileDemoLayer("TMX Ortho vertexZ", "Sprite should hide behind the trees") local map = CCTMXTiledMap:create("TileMaps/orthogonal-test-vertexz.tmx") ret:addChild(map, 0, kTagTileMap) local s = map:getContentSize() cclog("ContentSize: %f, %f", s.width,s.height) -- because I'm lazy, I'm reusing a tile as an sprite, but since this method uses vertexZ, you -- can use any CCSprite and it will work OK. local layer = map:layerNamed("trees") m_tamara = layer:tileAt(ccp(0,11)) cclog("vertexZ:"..m_tamara:getVertexZ()) m_tamara:retain() local move = CCMoveBy:create(10, ccpMult( ccp(400,450), 1/CC_CONTENT_SCALE_FACTOR())) local back = move:reverse() local arr = CCArray:create() arr:addObject(move) arr:addObject(back) local seq = CCSequence:create(arr) m_tamara:runAction( CCRepeatForever:create(seq)) local function repositionSprite(dt) -- tile height is 101x81 -- map size: 12x12 local x, y = m_tamara:getPosition() local p = ccp(x, y) p = CC_POINT_POINTS_TO_PIXELS(p) m_tamara:setVertexZ( -( (p.y+81) /81) ) end local schedulerEntry = nil local function onNodeEvent(event) if event == "enter" then -- TIP: 2d projection should be used CCDirector:getInstance():setProjection(kCCDirectorProjection2D) schedulerEntry = scheduler:scheduleScriptFunc(repositionSprite, 0, false) elseif event == "exit" then -- At exit use any other projection. -- CCDirector:getInstance():setProjection:kCCDirectorProjection3D) if m_tamara ~= nil then m_tamara:release() end scheduler:unscheduleScriptEntry(schedulerEntry) end end return ret end -------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- TMXIsoMoveLayer -- -------------------------------------------------------------------- local function TMXIsoMoveLayer() local ret = createTileDemoLayer("TMX Iso Move Layer", "Trees should be horizontally aligned") local map = CCTMXTiledMap:create("TileMaps/iso-test-movelayer.tmx") ret:addChild(map, 0, kTagTileMap) map:setPosition(ccp(-700,-50)) local s = map:getContentSize() cclog("ContentSize: %f, %f", s.width,s.height) return ret end -------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- TMXOrthoMoveLayer -- -------------------------------------------------------------------- local function TMXOrthoMoveLayer() local ret = createTileDemoLayer("TMX Ortho Move Layer", "Trees should be horizontally aligned") local map = CCTMXTiledMap:create("TileMaps/orthogonal-test-movelayer.tmx") ret:addChild(map, 0, kTagTileMap) local s = map:getContentSize() cclog("ContentSize: %f, %f", s.width,s.height) return ret end -------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- TMXTilePropertyTest -- -------------------------------------------------------------------- local function TMXTilePropertyTest() local ret = createTileDemoLayer("TMX Tile Property Test", "In the console you should see tile properties") local map = CCTMXTiledMap:create("TileMaps/ortho-tile-property.tmx") ret:addChild(map ,0 ,kTagTileMap) local i = 0 for i=1, 20, 1 do cclog("GID:%i, Properties:", i)--, map:propertiesForGID(i)) end return ret end -------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- TMXOrthoFlipTest -- -------------------------------------------------------------------- local function TMXOrthoFlipTest() local ret = createTileDemoLayer("TMX tile flip test") local map = CCTMXTiledMap:create("TileMaps/ortho-rotation-test.tmx") ret:addChild(map, 0, kTagTileMap) local s = map:getContentSize() cclog("ContentSize: %f, %f", s.width,s.height) local i = 0 for i = 0, map:getChildren():count()-1, 1 do local child = tolua.cast(map:getChildren():objectAtIndex(i), "CCSpriteBatchNode") child:getTexture():setAntiAliasTexParameters() end local action = CCScaleBy:create(2, 0.5) map:runAction(action) return ret end -------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- TMXOrthoFlipRunTimeTest -- -------------------------------------------------------------------- local function TMXOrthoFlipRunTimeTest() local ret = createTileDemoLayer("TMX tile flip run time test", "in 2 sec bottom left tiles will flip") local map = CCTMXTiledMap:create("TileMaps/ortho-rotation-test.tmx") ret:addChild(map, 0, kTagTileMap) local s = map:getContentSize() cclog("ContentSize: %f, %f", s.width,s.height) local i = 0 for i = 0, map:getChildren():count()-1, 1 do local child = tolua.cast(map:getChildren():objectAtIndex(i), "CCSpriteBatchNode") child:getTexture():setAntiAliasTexParameters() end local action = CCScaleBy:create(2, 0.5) map:runAction(action) local function flipIt(dt) -- local map = tolua.cast(ret:getChildByTag(kTagTileMap), "CCTMXTiledMap") -- local layer = map:layerNamed("Layer 0") -- --blue diamond -- local tileCoord = ccp(1,10) -- local flags = 0 -- local GID = layer:tileGIDAt(tileCoord, (ccTMXTileFlags*)&flags) -- -- Vertical -- if( flags & kCCTMXTileVerticalFlag ) -- flags &= ~kCCTMXTileVerticalFlag -- else -- flags |= kCCTMXTileVerticalFlag -- layer:setTileGID(GID ,tileCoord, (ccTMXTileFlags)flags) -- tileCoord = ccp(1,8) -- GID = layer:tileGIDAt(tileCoord, (ccTMXTileFlags*)&flags) -- -- Vertical -- if( flags & kCCTMXTileVerticalFlag ) -- flags &= ~kCCTMXTileVerticalFlag -- else -- flags |= kCCTMXTileVerticalFlag -- layer:setTileGID(GID ,tileCoord, (ccTMXTileFlags)flags) -- tileCoord = ccp(2,8) -- GID = layer:tileGIDAt(tileCoord, (ccTMXTileFlags*)&flags) -- -- Horizontal -- if( flags & kCCTMXTileHorizontalFlag ) -- flags &= ~kCCTMXTileHorizontalFlag -- else -- flags |= kCCTMXTileHorizontalFlag -- layer:setTileGID(GID, tileCoord, (ccTMXTileFlags)flags) end local schedulerEntry = nil local function onNodeEvent(event) if event == "enter" then schedulerEntry = scheduler:scheduleScriptFunc(flipIt, 1.0, false) elseif event == "exit" then scheduler:unscheduleScriptEntry(schedulerEntry) end end return ret end -------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- TMXOrthoFromXMLTest -- -------------------------------------------------------------------- local function TMXOrthoFromXMLTest() local ret = createTileDemoLayer("TMX created from XML test") local resources = "TileMaps" -- partial paths are OK as resource paths. local file = resources.."/orthogonal-test1.tmx" local str = CCString:createWithContentsOfFile(CCFileUtils:sharedFileUtils():fullPathForFilename(file)):getCString() -- CCAssert(str != NULL, "Unable to open file") if (str == nil) then cclog("Unable to open file") end local map = CCTMXTiledMap:createWithXML(str ,resources) ret:addChild(map, 0, kTagTileMap) local s = map:getContentSize() cclog("ContentSize: %f, %f", s.width,s.height) local i = 0 local len = map:getChildren():count() for i = 0, len-1, 1 do local child = tolua.cast(map:getChildren():objectAtIndex(i), "CCSpriteBatchNode") child:getTexture():setAntiAliasTexParameters() end local action = CCScaleBy:create(2, 0.5) map:runAction(action) return ret end -------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- TMXBug987 -- -------------------------------------------------------------------- local function TMXBug987() local ret = createTileDemoLayer("TMX Bug 987", "You should see an square") local map = CCTMXTiledMap:create("TileMaps/orthogonal-test6.tmx") ret:addChild(map, 0, kTagTileMap) local s1 = map:getContentSize() cclog("ContentSize: %f, %f", s1.width,s1.height) local childs = map:getChildren() local i = 0 local len = childs:count() local pNode = nil for i = 0, len-1, 1 do pNode = tolua.cast(childs:objectAtIndex(i), "CCTMXLayer") if pNode == nil then break end pNode:getTexture():setAntiAliasTexParameters() end map:setAnchorPoint(ccp(0, 0)) local layer = map:layerNamed("Tile Layer 1") layer:setTileGID(3, ccp(2,2)) return ret end -------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- TMXBug787 -- -------------------------------------------------------------------- local function TMXBug787() local ret = createTileDemoLayer("TMX Bug 787", "You should see a map") local map = CCTMXTiledMap:create("TileMaps/iso-test-bug787.tmx") ret:addChild(map, 0, kTagTileMap) map:setScale(0.25) return ret end function TileMapTestMain() cclog("TileMapTestMain") Helper.index = 1 CCDirector:getInstance():setDepthTest(true) local scene = CCScene:create() Helper.createFunctionTable = { TileMapTest, TileMapEditTest, TMXOrthoTest, TMXOrthoTest2, TMXOrthoTest3, TMXOrthoTest4, TMXReadWriteTest, TMXHexTest, TMXIsoTest, TMXIsoTest1, TMXIsoTest2, TMXUncompressedTest, TMXTilesetTest, TMXOrthoObjectsTest, TMXIsoObjectsTest, TMXResizeTest, TMXIsoZorder, TMXOrthoZorder, TMXIsoVertexZ, TMXOrthoVertexZ, TMXIsoMoveLayer, TMXOrthoMoveLayer, TMXTilePropertyTest, TMXOrthoFlipTest, TMXOrthoFlipRunTimeTest, TMXOrthoFromXMLTest, TMXBug987, TMXBug787 } scene:addChild(TileMapTest()) scene:addChild(CreateBackMenuItem()) return scene end