# This script easy to build win32, linux, winuwp(winrt), ios, tvos, osx, android depends on $AX_ROOT/1k/build.ps1 # usage: pwsh build.ps1 -p -a # options # -p: build target platform: win32,winuwp(winrt),linux,android,osx,ios,tvos,wasm # for android: will search ndk in sdk_root which is specified by env:ANDROID_HOME first, # if not found, by default will install ndk-r16b or can be specified by option: -cc 'ndk-r23c' # -a: build arch: x86,x64,armv7,arm64; for android can be list by ';', i.e: 'arm64;x64' # -cc: toolchain: for win32 you can specific -cc clang to use llvm-clang, please install llvm-clang from https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/releases # -xc: additional cmake options: i.e. -xc '-Dbuild','-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release' # -xb: additional cross build options: i.e. -xb '--config','Release' # -c(configOnly): no build, only generate native project files (vs .sln, xcodeproj) # -d: specify project dir to compile, i.e. -d /path/your/project/ # -f: force generate native project files. Useful if no changes are detected, such as with resource updates. # examples: # - win32: # - pwsh build.ps1 -p win32 # - pwsh build.ps1 -p win32 -cc clang # - winuwp: pwsh build.ps1 -p winuwp # - linux: pwsh build.ps1 -p linux # - android: # - pwsh build.ps1 -p android -a arm64 # - pwsh build.ps1 -p android -a 'arm64;x64' # - osx: # - pwsh build.ps1 -p osx -a x64 # - pwsh build.ps1 -p osx -a arm64 # - ios: pwsh build.ps1 -p ios -a x64 # - tvos: pwsh build.ps1 -p tvos -a x64 # - wasm: pwsh build.ps1 -p wasm # build.ps1 without any arguments: # - pwsh build.ps1 # on windows: target platform is win32, arch=x64 # on linux: target platform is linux, arch=x64 # on macos: target platform is osx, arch=x64 # param( [switch]$configOnly, [switch]$forceConfig ) $unhandled_args = @() $1k_switch_options = @{ 'dll' = $true; 'u' = $true; 'dm' = $true } $options = @{p = $null; d = $null; xc = @(); xb = @(); } $optName = $null foreach ($arg in $args) { if (!$optName) { if ($arg.StartsWith('-')) { $optName = $arg.SubString(1).TrimEnd(':') } if ($1k_switch_options.Contains("$optName")) { $unhandled_args += $arg $optName = $null continue } } else { if ($options.Contains($optName)) { $options[$optName] = $arg } else { $unhandled_args += "-$optName" $unhandled_args += $arg } $optName = $null } } function translate_array_opt($opt) { if ($opt -and $opt.GetType().BaseType -ne [array]) { $opt = "$opt".Split(',') } return $opt } if ($options.xb.Count -ne 0) { [array]$options.xb = (translate_array_opt $options.xb) } if ($options.xc.Count -ne 0) { [array]$options.xc = (translate_array_opt $options.xc) } $AX_ROOT = (Resolve-Path $PSScriptRoot/../..).Path $workDir = $(Get-Location).Path if (Test-Path (Join-Path $AX_ROOT 'core/axmolver.h.in') -PathType Leaf) { $env:AX_ROOT = $AX_ROOT } else { throw "The axmol engine incompleted" } # 1k/build.ps1 $b1k_script = Join-Path $AX_ROOT '1k/build.ps1' if (!(Test-Path $b1k_script -PathType Leaf)) { throw "The 1k/build.ps1 not found" } $source_proj_dir = if ($options.d) { $options.d } else { $workDir } $Global:is_axmol_engine = ($source_proj_dir -eq $AX_ROOT) $Global:is_axmol_app = (Test-Path (Join-Path $source_proj_dir '.axproj.json') -PathType Leaf) $is_android = $options.p -eq 'android' # start construct full cmd line $b1k_args = @() $cm_target_index = $options.xb.IndexOf('--target') if ($cm_target_index -ne -1) { $cmake_target = $options.xb[$cm_target_index + 1] } if ($is_axmol_engine -and $is_android) { if (!$cmake_target) { $source_proj_dir = Join-Path $AX_ROOT 'tests/cpp-tests' } else { $builtin_targets = @{ 'cpp-tests' = 'tests/cpp-tests' 'fairygui-tests' = 'tests/fairygui-tests' 'live2d-tests' = 'tests/live2d-tests' 'unit-tests' = 'tests/unit-tests' } if (!$builtin_targets.Contains($cmake_target)) { throw "specified target '$cmake_target' not present in engine" } $source_proj_dir = Join-Path $AX_ROOT $builtin_targets[$cmake_target] } } $search_paths = @($source_proj_dir) function search_proj_file($file_path, $type) { foreach ($search_path in $search_paths) { $full_path = Join-Path $search_path $file_path if (Test-Path $full_path -PathType $type) { # $ret_path = if ($type -eq 'Container') { $full_path } else { $search_path } return $search_path } } return $null } $proj_dir = search_proj_file 'CMakeLists.txt' 'Leaf' if (!$proj_dir) { throw "The directory $source_proj_dir doesn't contains CMakeLists.txt!" } $proj_name = (Get-Item $proj_dir).BaseName $use_gradle = $is_android -and (Test-Path $(Join-Path $proj_dir 'proj.android/gradlew') -PathType Leaf) if ($use_gradle) { $b1k_args += '-xt', 'proj.android/gradlew' } if (!$use_gradle) { if (!$cmake_target) { # non android, specific cmake target $cmake_targets = @( # project $proj_name, # engine 'cpp-tests' ) $cmake_target = $cmake_targets[$is_axmol_engine] $options.xb += '--target', $cmake_target } if ($is_android -and !"$($options.xc)".Contains('-DANDROID_STL')) { $options.xc += '-DANDROID_STL=c++_shared' } } else { # android gradle # engine ci if ($is_axmol_engine) { $options.xc += "-PKEY_STORE_FILE=$AX_ROOT/tools/ci/axmol-ci.jks", '-PKEY_STORE_PASSWORD=axmol-ci', '-PKEY_ALIAS=axmol-ci', '-PKEY_PASSWORD=axmol-ci' } } if ($proj_dir) { $b1k_args += '-d', "$proj_dir" } $prefix = Join-Path $AX_ROOT 'tools/external' $b1k_args += '-prefix', "$prefix" # remove arg we don't want forward to $options.Remove('d') $b1k_args = [System.Collections.ArrayList]$b1k_args foreach ($option in $options.GetEnumerator()) { if ($option.Value) { $null = $b1k_args.Add("-$($option.Key)") $null = $b1k_args.Add($option.Value) } } $forward_args = @{} if ($configOnly) { $forward_args['configOnly'] = $true } if ($forceConfig) { $forward_args['forceConfig'] = $true } . $b1k_script @b1k_args @forward_args @unhandled_args if (!$configOnly) { $b1k.pause('Build done') } else { $b1k.pause('Generate done') }