/**************************************************************************** Copyright (c) 2008-2010 Ricardo Quesada Copyright (c) 2011-2012 cocos2d-x.org Copyright (c) 2013-2017 Chukong Technologies Inc. http://www.cocos2d-x.org Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ****************************************************************************/ cc.CameraFlag = { DEFAULT : 1, USER1 : 1 << 1, USER2 : 1 << 2, USER3 : 1 << 3, USER4 : 1 << 4, USER5 : 1 << 5, USER6 : 1 << 6, USER7 : 1 << 7, USER8 : 1 << 8 }; cc.Camera.Mode = { DEFAULT : 0, PERSPECTIVE : 1, ORTHOGRAPHIC : 2 }; cc.CameraBackgroundBrush.BrushType = { NONE : 0, DEPTH : 1, COLOR : 2, SKYBOX : 3 }; cc.LightType = { DIRECTIONAL : 0, POINT : 1, SPOT : 2, AMBIENT : 3, }; cc.LightFlag = { LIGHT0 : 1, LIGHT1 : 1 << 1, LIGHT2 : 1 << 2, LIGHT3 : 1 << 3, LIGHT4 : 1 << 4, LIGHT5 : 1 << 5, LIGHT6 : 1 << 6, LIGHT7 : 1 << 7, LIGHT8 : 1 << 8, LIGHT9 : 1 << 9, LIGHT10 : 1 << 10, LIGHT11 : 1 << 11, LIGHT12 : 1 << 12, LIGHT13 : 1 << 13, LIGHT14 : 1 << 14, LIGHT15 : 1 << 15, }; cc.AsyncTaskPool.TaskType = { TASK_IO : 0, TASK_NETWORK : 1, TASK_OTHER : 2, TASK_MAX_TYPE : 3 }; jsb.BillBoard.Mode = { VIEW_POINT_ORIENTED : 0, // orient to the camera VIEW_PLANE_ORIENTED : 1 // orient to the XOY plane of camera }; jsb.Terrain.CrackFixedType = { SKIRT : 0, INCREASE_LOWER : 1 }; jsb.Physics3DShape.ShapeType = { UNKNOWN : 0, BOX : 1, SPHERE : 2, CYLINDER : 3, CAPSULE : 4, CONVEX : 5, MESH : 6, HEIGHT_FIELD : 7, COMPOUND : 8, }; jsb.Terrain.DetailMap = function(file, size = 35){ this.file = file; this.size = size; }; jsb.Terrain.detailMap = function(file, size){ return new jsb.Terrain.DetailMap(file, size); }; jsb.Terrain.TerrainData = function(heightMap, alphaMap, detailMap, chunkSize = cc.size(32, 32), mapHeight = 2, mapScale = 0.1){ this.heightMap = heightMap; this.alphaMap = alphaMap; this.detailMap = detailMap; this.chunkSize = chunkSize; this.mapHeight = mapHeight; this.mapScale = mapScale; }; jsb.Terrain.terrainData = function(heightMap, alphaMap, detailMap, chunkSize, mapHeight, mapScale){ return new jsb.Terrain.TerrainData(heightMap, alphaMap, detailMap, chunkSize, mapHeight, mapScale); }; cc.attributeNames = [cc.ATTRIBUTE_NAME_POSITION, cc.ATTRIBUTE_NAME_COLOR, cc.ATTRIBUTE_NAME_TEX_COORD, cc.ATTRIBUTE_NAME_TEX_COORD1, cc.ATTRIBUTE_NAME_TEX_COORD2, cc.ATTRIBUTE_NAME_TEX_COORD3, cc.ATTRIBUTE_NAME_NORMAL, cc.ATTRIBUTE_NAME_BLEND_WEIGHT, cc.ATTRIBUTE_NAME_BLEND_INDEX]; cc.math = cc.math || {}; cc.math.Vec3 = function(x=0, y=0, z=0){ this.x = x; this.y = y; this.z = z; }; cc.math.Vec3.prototype.normalize = function(){ var n = this.x * this.x + this.y * this.y + this.z * this.z; n = 1 / Math.sqrt(n); this.x *= n; this.y *= n; this.z *= n; }; cc.math.vec3 = function(x, y, z){ return new cc.math.Vec3(x, y, z); }; cc.math.vec3Cross = function(v1, v2){ return new cc.math.Vec3(v1.y * v2.z - v1.z * v2.y, v1.z * v2.x - v1.x * v2.z, v1.x * v2.y - v1.y * v2.x); }; cc.math.vec3Dot = function(v1, v2){ return v1.x * v2.x + v1.y * v2.y + v1.z * v2.z; }; cc.math.vec3Length = function(v){ return Math.sqrt(v.x * v.x + v.y * v.y + v.z * v.z); }; cc.math.vec3Normalize = function(v){ var n = v.x * v.x + v.y * v.y + v.z * v.z; n = 1 / Math.sqrt(n); return cc.math.vec3(v.x * n, v.y * n, v.z * n); }; cc.math.vec3Add = function(v1, v2){ return new cc.math.Vec3(v1.x + v2.x, v1.y + v2.y, v1.z + v2.z); }; cc.math.vec3Sub = function(v1, v2){ return new cc.math.Vec3(v1.x - v2.x, v1.y - v2.y, v1.z - v2.z); }; cc.math.Quaternion = function(x=0, y=0, z=0, w=0){ this.x = x; this.y = y; this.z = z; this.w = w; }; cc.math.quaternion = function(xOrAxis, yOrAngle, z, w){ if(w !== undefined){ return new cc.math.Quaternion(xOrAxis, yOrAngle, z, w); } else if(yOrAngle !== undefined){ var sinHalfAngle = Math.sin(yOrAngle / 2); var normal = cc.math.vec3(xOrAxis.x, xOrAxis.y, xOrAxis.z); normal.normalize(); return cc.math.quaternion(normal.x * sinHalfAngle, normal.y * sinHalfAngle, normal.z * sinHalfAngle, Math.cos(yOrAngle / 2)); } }; cc.math.AABB = function(min=cc.math.vec3(99999, 99999, 99999), max=cc.math.vec3(-99999, -99999, -99999)){ this.min = min; this.max = max; }; cc.math.aabb = function(min, max){ return new cc.math.AABB(min, max); }; cc.math.aabbGetCorners = function(aabb){ var corners = new Array(8); corners[0] = cc.math.vec3(aabb.min.x, aabb.max.y, aabb.max.z); corners[1] = cc.math.vec3(aabb.min.x, aabb.min.y, aabb.max.z); corners[2] = cc.math.vec3(aabb.max.x, aabb.min.y, aabb.max.z); corners[3] = cc.math.vec3(aabb.max.x, aabb.max.y, aabb.max.z); corners[4] = cc.math.vec3(aabb.max.x, aabb.max.y, aabb.min.z); corners[5] = cc.math.vec3(aabb.max.x, aabb.min.y, aabb.min.z); corners[6] = cc.math.vec3(aabb.min.x, aabb.min.y, aabb.min.z); corners[7] = cc.math.vec3(aabb.min.x, aabb.max.y, aabb.min.z); return corners; }; cc.math.OBB = function(aabb){ this.center = cc.math.vec3((aabb.min.x + aabb.max.x)/2, (aabb.min.y + aabb.max.y)/2, (aabb.min.z + aabb.max.z)/2); // obb center this.xAxis = cc.math.vec3(1, 0, 0); // x axis of obb, unit vector this.yAxis = cc.math.vec3(0, 1, 0); // y axis of obb, unit vecotr this.zAxis = cc.math.vec3(0, 0, 1); // z axis of obb, unit vector this.extents = cc.math.vec3((aabb.max.x - aabb.min.x)/2, (aabb.max.y - aabb.min.y)/2, (aabb.max.z - aabb.min.z)/2); // obb length along each axis this.extentX = cc.math.vec3((aabb.max.x - aabb.min.x)/2, 0, 0); // _xAxis * _extents.x this.extentY = cc.math.vec3(0, (aabb.max.y - aabb.min.y)/2, 0); // _yAxis * _extents.y this.extentZ = cc.math.vec3(0, 0, (aabb.max.z - aabb.min.z)/2); // _zAxis * _extents.z }; cc.math.obb = function(aabb){ return new cc.math.OBB(aabb); }; cc.math.Ray = function(origin = cc.math.vec3(0, 0, 0), direction = cc.math.vec3(0, 0, 1)){ this.origin = origin; this.direction = direction; }; cc.math.ray = function(origin, direction){ return new cc.math.Ray(origin, direction); }; cc.math.Vec4 = cc.math.Quaternion; cc.math.vec4 = function(x, y, z, w){ return new cc.math.Vec4(x, y, z, w); }; jsb.sprite3DCache = jsb.Sprite3DCache.getInstance(); jsb.Sprite3D.extend = cc.Class.extend; jsb.Sprite3D.prototype._setBlendFunc = jsb.Sprite3D.prototype.setBlendFunc; jsb.Sprite3D.prototype.setBlendFunc = templateSetBlendFunc; jsb.Mesh.prototype._setBlendFunc = jsb.Mesh.prototype.setBlendFunc; jsb.Mesh.prototype.setBlendFunc = templateSetBlendFunc; jsb.Sprite3D.prototype._ctor = function(modelPath, texturePath){ if(modelPath === undefined){ this.init(); }else{ if(modelPath.length < 4){ cc.log("invalid filename for Sprite3D"); return; } this.initWithFile(modelPath); var bb = this.getBoundingBox(); this.setContentSize(cc.size(bb.width, bb.height)); if(texturePath !== undefined) this.setTexture(texturePath); } }; jsb.BillBoard.prototype._ctor = function(filename, rect, mode = jsb.BillBoard.Mode.VIEW_POINT_ORIENTED){ if(filename !== undefined && filename instanceof cc.Texture2D){ rect = rect || jsb.BillBoard.Mode.VIEW_POINT_ORIENTED; this.initWithTexture(filename); this.setMode(rect); }else if(filename !== undefined && typeof filename === "string"){ if(rect !== undefined){ if(typeof rect === "object"){ this.initWithFile(filename, rect); this.setMode(mode); }else{ this.initWithFile(filename); this.setMode(rect); } }else{ this.initWithFile(filename); this.setMode(jsb.BillBoard.Mode.VIEW_POINT_ORIENTED); } }else{ filename = filename || jsb.BillBoard.Mode.VIEW_POINT_ORIENTED; this.init(); this.setMode(filename); } } jsb._Animation3D = jsb.Animation3D; jsb.Animation3D = function(fileName, animationName = ""){ if (!(this instanceof jsb.Animation3D)){ cc.error("Animation3D Constructor can not called as a function, Please use new"); return; } return jsb._Animation3D.create(fileName, animationName); } jsb.Animation3D.create = function(fileName, animationName = ""){ return jsb._Animation3D.create(fileName, animationName); } /* static Animate3D* create(Animation3D* animation); static Animate3D* create(Animation3D* animation, float fromTime, float duration); static Animate3D* createWithFrames(Animation3D* animation, int startFrame, int endFrame, float frameRate = 30.f); */ jsb.Animate3D.prototype._ctor = function(first, second, third, fourth){ if (arguments.length === 1) { this.init(first); } else if (arguments.length === 3){ this.init(first, second, third); } else if (arguments.length === 4) { this.init(first, second, third, fourth); } else { cc.error("jsb.Animate3D constructor: arguments error"); } } jsb.Skybox.prototype._ctor = function(positive_x, negative_x, positive_y, negative_y, positive_z, negative_z){ if (arguments.length === 0 ) { this.init(); } else if (arguments.length === 6 ) { this.init(positive_x, negative_x, positive_y, negative_y, positive_z, negative_z); } else { cc.error("jsb.Skybox constructor: arguments error"); } } jsb.DirectionLight.prototype._ctor = function(direction, color){ if (arguments.length === 2 ) { this.setDirection(direction); this.setColor(color); } else { cc.error("jsb.DirectionLight constructor: arguments error"); } } jsb.AmbientLight.prototype._ctor = function(color){ if (arguments.length === 1 ) { this.setColor(color); } else { cc.error("jsb.AmbientLight constructor: arguments error"); } } jsb.Physics3DComponent.prototype._ctor = function(physicsObj, translateInPhysics = cc.math.vec3(), rotInPhsyics = new cc.math.Quaternion()){ if (arguments.length > 3 || arguments.length < 1) { cc.error("jsb.Physics3DComponent constructor: arguments error"); } else { this.init(); this.setPhysics3DObject(physicsObj); this.setTransformInPhysics(translateInPhysics, rotInPhsyics); } } /* static Physics3DPointToPointConstraint* create(Physics3DRigidBody* rbA, const cocos2d::Vec3& pivotPointInA); static Physics3DPointToPointConstraint* create(Physics3DRigidBody* rbA, Physics3DRigidBody* rbB, const cocos2d::Vec3& pivotPointInA, const cocos2d::Vec3& pivotPointInB); */ jsb.Physics3DPointToPointConstraint.prototype._ctor = function(first, second, third, fourth){ if (arguments.length === 2 ) { this.init(first, second); } else if (arguments.length === 4 ) { this.init(first, second, third, fourth); } else { cc.error("jsb.Physics3DPointToPointConstraint constructor: arguments error"); } } jsb.Physics3DRigidBody.prototype._ctor = function(rigidBodyInfo){ if (arguments.length === 1 ) { this.init(rigidBodyInfo); } else { cc.error("jsb.Physics3DRigidBody constructor: arguments error"); } } jsb.Physics3DWorld.prototype._ctor = function(worldDesInfo){ if (arguments.length === 1 ) { this.init(worldDesInfo); } else { cc.error("jsb.Physics3DWorld constructor: arguments error"); } } jsb.PointLight.prototype._ctor = function(position, color, range){ if (arguments.length === 3 ) { this.setPosition3D(position); this.setColor(color); this.setRange(range); } else { cc.error("jsb.PointLight constructor: arguments error"); } } jsb.SpotLight.prototype._ctor = function(direction, position, color, innerAngle, outerAngle, range){ if (arguments.length === 6 ) { this.setDirection(direction); this.setPosition3D(position); this.setColor(color); this.setInnerAngle(innerAngle); this.setOuterAngle(outerAngle); this.setRange(range); } else { cc.error("jsb.SpotLight constructor: arguments error"); } } jsb.Terrain.prototype._ctor = function(parameter, fixedType = jsb.Terrain.INCREASE_LOWER){ if (arguments.length === 2 || arguments.length === 1) { this.initWithTerrainData(parameter, fixedType); } else { cc.error("jsb.Terrain constructor: arguments error"); } } /** * Camera* Camera::create() * Camera* Camera::createPerspective(float fieldOfView, float aspectRatio, float nearPlane, float farPlane) * Camera* Camera::createOrthographic(float zoomX, float zoomY, float nearPlane, float farPlane) */ cc.Camera.prototype._ctor = function(cameraMode, first, second, third, fourth){ if (arguments.length === 1 && cameraMode == cc.Camera.Mode.DEFAULT) { this.initDefault(); this.setDepth(0); } else if (arguments.length === 5 && cameraMode == cc.Camera.Mode.PERSPECTIVE) { this.initPerspective(first, second, third, fourth); } else if (arguments.length === 5 && cameraMode == cc.Camera.Mode.ORTHOGRAPHIC) { this.initOrthographic(first, second, third, fourth); } else { cc.error("jsb.Camera constructor: arguments error"); } } cc.CameraBackgroundBrush.prototype._ctor = function () { this.init(); } cc.CameraBackgroundDepthBrush.prototype._ctor = function (depth) { if (depth !== undefined) this.setDepth(depth); this.init(); } cc.CameraBackgroundColorBrush.prototype._ctor = function (color, depth) { this.init(); if (depth !== undefined) { this.setColor(color); this.setDepth(depth); } } cc.CameraBackgroundSkyBoxBrush.prototype._ctor = function (positive_x, negative_x, positive_y, negative_y, positive_z, negative_z) { if (negative_z !== undefined) { var texture = jsb.TextureCube.create(positive_x, negative_x, positive_y, negative_y, positive_z, negative_z); if (texture) { texture.setTexParameters(gl.LINEAR, gl.LINEAR, gl.CLAMP_TO_EDGE, gl.CLAMP_TO_EDGE); this.setTexture(texture); } } this.init(); } /** * static Physics3DShape* createBox(const cocos2d::Vec3& extent); * static Physics3DShape* createSphere(float radius); * static Physics3DShape* createCylinder(float radius, float height); * static Physics3DShape* createCapsule(float radius, float height); * static Physics3DShape* createConvexHull(const cocos2d::Vec3 *points, int numPoints); * static Physics3DShape* createMesh(const cocos2d::Vec3 *triangles, int numTriangles); * static Physics3DShape* createHeightfield(int heightStickWidth,int heightStickLength * , const void* heightfieldData, float heightScale * , float minHeight, float maxHeight * , bool useFloatDatam, bool flipQuadEdges, bool useDiamondSubdivision = false); * static Physics3DShape* createCompoundShape(const std::vector<std::pair<Physics3DShape *, Mat4>> &shapes); */ jsb.Physics3DShape.prototype._ctor = function(shapeType/*......*/){ // the create function param numbers // type:argumentsLength var argumentsArr = {}; argumentsArr[jsb.Physics3DShape.ShapeType.BOX] = [1]; argumentsArr[jsb.Physics3DShape.ShapeType.SPHERE] = [1]; argumentsArr[jsb.Physics3DShape.ShapeType.CYLINDER] = [2]; argumentsArr[jsb.Physics3DShape.ShapeType.CAPSULE] = [2]; argumentsArr[jsb.Physics3DShape.ShapeType.CONVEX] = [2]; argumentsArr[jsb.Physics3DShape.ShapeType.MESH] = [2]; argumentsArr[jsb.Physics3DShape.ShapeType.HEIGHT_FIELD] = [8, 9]; argumentsArr[jsb.Physics3DShape.ShapeType.COMPOUND] = [1]; if (!argumentsArr[""+shapeType] || argumentsArr[""+shapeType].indexOf(arguments.length - 1) < 0) { cc.error("jsb.Physics3DShape constructor: arguments error"); return; } var initFunction = {}; initFunction[jsb.Physics3DShape.ShapeType.BOX] = "initBox"; initFunction[jsb.Physics3DShape.ShapeType.SPHERE] = "initSphere"; initFunction[jsb.Physics3DShape.ShapeType.CYLINDER] = "initCylinder"; initFunction[jsb.Physics3DShape.ShapeType.CAPSULE] = "initCapsule"; initFunction[jsb.Physics3DShape.ShapeType.CONVEX] = "initConvexHull"; initFunction[jsb.Physics3DShape.ShapeType.MESH] = "initMesh"; initFunction[jsb.Physics3DShape.ShapeType.HEIGHT_FIELD] = "initHeightfield"; initFunction[jsb.Physics3DShape.ShapeType.COMPOUND] = "initCompoundShape"; this[initFunction[""+shapeType]].apply(this, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1)); } /** * static Physics3DHingeConstraint* create(Physics3DRigidBody* rbA, const cocos2d::Mat4& rbAFrame, bool useReferenceFrameA = false); * static Physics3DHingeConstraint* create(Physics3DRigidBody* rbA, const cocos2d::Vec3& pivotInA, const cocos2d::Vec3& axisInA, bool useReferenceFrameA = false); * static Physics3DHingeConstraint* create(Physics3DRigidBody* rbA, Physics3DRigidBody* rbB, const cocos2d::Vec3& pivotInA,const cocos2d::Vec3& pivotInB, cocos2d::Vec3& axisInA, cocos2d::Vec3& axisInB, bool useReferenceFrameA = false); * static Physics3DHingeConstraint* create(Physics3DRigidBody* rbA, Physics3DRigidBody* rbB, const cocos2d::Mat4& rbAFrame, const cocos2d::Mat4& rbBFrame, bool useReferenceFrameA = false); * */ jsb._Physics3DHingeConstraint = jsb.Physics3DHingeConstraint; jsb.Physics3DHingeConstraint = function(/*arguments*/){ if (!(this instanceof jsb.Physics3DHingeConstraint)){ cc.error("Physics3DHingeConstraint Constructor can not called as a function, Please use new"); return; } return jsb._Physics3DHingeConstraint.create.apply(this, arguments); } jsb.Physics3DHingeConstraint.create = function(/*arguments*/){ return jsb._Physics3DHingeConstraint.create.apply(this, arguments); } jsb._Physics3DSliderConstraint = jsb.Physics3DSliderConstraint; jsb.Physics3DSliderConstraint = function(/*arguments*/){ if (!(this instanceof jsb.Physics3DSliderConstraint)){ cc.error("Physics3DSliderConstraint Constructor can not called as a function, Please use new"); return; } return jsb._Physics3DSliderConstraint.create.apply(this, arguments); } jsb.Physics3DSliderConstraint.create = function(/*arguments*/){ return jsb._Physics3DSliderConstraint.create.apply(this, arguments); } jsb._Physics3DConeTwistConstraint = jsb.Physics3DConeTwistConstraint; jsb.Physics3DConeTwistConstraint = function(/*arguments*/){ if (!(this instanceof jsb.Physics3DConeTwistConstraint)){ cc.error("Physics3DConeTwistConstraint Constructor can not called as a function, Please use new"); return; } return jsb._Physics3DConeTwistConstraint.create.apply(this, arguments); } jsb.Physics3DConeTwistConstraint.create = function(/*arguments*/){ return jsb._Physics3DConeTwistConstraint.create.apply(this, arguments); } jsb._Physics3D6DofConstraint = jsb.Physics3D6DofConstraint; jsb.Physics3D6DofConstraint = function(/*arguments*/){ if (!(this instanceof jsb.Physics3D6DofConstraint)){ cc.error("Physics3D6DofConstraint Constructor can not called as a function, Please use new"); return; } return jsb._Physics3D6DofConstraint.create.apply(this, arguments); } jsb.Physics3D6DofConstraint.create = function(/*arguments*/){ return jsb._Physics3D6DofConstraint.create.apply(this, arguments); } jsb._PhysicsSprite3D = jsb.PhysicsSprite3D; jsb.PhysicsSprite3D = function(/*arguments*/){ if (!(this instanceof jsb.PhysicsSprite3D)){ cc.error("PhysicsSprite3D Constructor can not called as a function, Please use new"); return; } return jsb._PhysicsSprite3D.create.apply(this, arguments); } jsb.PhysicsSprite3D.create = function(/*arguments*/){ return jsb._PhysicsSprite3D.create.apply(this, arguments); } jsb.PhysicsSprite3D.createWithCollider = function(/*arguments*/){ return jsb._PhysicsSprite3D.createWithCollider.apply(this, arguments); }