#include "FileUtilsTest.h" USING_NS_CC; FileUtilsTests::FileUtilsTests() { ADD_TEST_CASE(TestResolutionDirectories); ADD_TEST_CASE(TestSearchPath); ADD_TEST_CASE(TestFilenameLookup); ADD_TEST_CASE(TestIsFileExist); ADD_TEST_CASE(TestIsDirectoryExist); ADD_TEST_CASE(TestFileFuncs); ADD_TEST_CASE(TestDirectoryFuncs); ADD_TEST_CASE(TextWritePlist); ADD_TEST_CASE(TestWriteString); ADD_TEST_CASE(TestGetContents); ADD_TEST_CASE(TestWriteData); ADD_TEST_CASE(TestWriteValueMap); ADD_TEST_CASE(TestWriteValueVector); ADD_TEST_CASE(TestUnicodePath); } // TestResolutionDirectories void TestResolutionDirectories::onEnter() { FileUtilsDemo::onEnter(); auto sharedFileUtils = FileUtils::getInstance(); std::string ret; sharedFileUtils->purgeCachedEntries(); _defaultSearchPathArray = sharedFileUtils->getSearchPaths(); std::vector searchPaths = _defaultSearchPathArray; searchPaths.insert(searchPaths.begin(), "Misc"); sharedFileUtils->setSearchPaths(searchPaths); _defaultResolutionsOrderArray = sharedFileUtils->getSearchResolutionsOrder(); std::vector resolutionsOrder = _defaultResolutionsOrderArray; resolutionsOrder.insert(resolutionsOrder.begin(), "resources-ipadhd"); resolutionsOrder.insert(resolutionsOrder.begin()+1, "resources-ipad"); resolutionsOrder.insert(resolutionsOrder.begin()+2, "resources-widehd"); resolutionsOrder.insert(resolutionsOrder.begin()+3, "resources-wide"); resolutionsOrder.insert(resolutionsOrder.begin()+4, "resources-hd"); resolutionsOrder.insert(resolutionsOrder.begin()+5, "resources-iphone"); sharedFileUtils->setSearchResolutionsOrder(resolutionsOrder); for( int i=1; i<7; i++) { auto filename = StringUtils::format("test%d.txt", i); ret = sharedFileUtils->fullPathForFilename(filename); log("%s -> %s", filename.c_str(), ret.c_str()); } } void TestResolutionDirectories::onExit() { auto sharedFileUtils = FileUtils::getInstance(); // reset search path sharedFileUtils->setSearchPaths(_defaultSearchPathArray); sharedFileUtils->setSearchResolutionsOrder(_defaultResolutionsOrderArray); FileUtilsDemo::onExit(); } std::string TestResolutionDirectories::title() const { return "FileUtils: resolutions in directories"; } std::string TestResolutionDirectories::subtitle() const { return "See the console"; } // TestSearchPath void TestSearchPath::onEnter() { FileUtilsDemo::onEnter(); auto sharedFileUtils = FileUtils::getInstance(); std::string ret; sharedFileUtils->purgeCachedEntries(); _defaultSearchPathArray = sharedFileUtils->getSearchPaths(); std::vector searchPaths = _defaultSearchPathArray; std::string writablePath = sharedFileUtils->getWritablePath(); std::string fileName = writablePath+"external.txt"; char szBuf[100] = "Hello Cocos2d-x!"; FILE* fp = fopen(fileName.c_str(), "wb"); if (fp) { size_t ret = fwrite(szBuf, 1, strlen(szBuf), fp); CCASSERT(ret != 0, "fwrite function returned zero value"); fclose(fp); if (ret != 0) log("Writing file to writable path succeed."); } searchPaths.insert(searchPaths.begin(), writablePath); searchPaths.insert(searchPaths.begin()+1, "Misc/searchpath1"); searchPaths.insert(searchPaths.begin()+2, "Misc/searchpath2"); sharedFileUtils->setSearchPaths(searchPaths); _defaultResolutionsOrderArray = sharedFileUtils->getSearchResolutionsOrder(); std::vector resolutionsOrder = _defaultResolutionsOrderArray; resolutionsOrder.insert(resolutionsOrder.begin(), "resources-ipad"); sharedFileUtils->setSearchResolutionsOrder(resolutionsOrder); for( int i=1; i<3; i++) { auto filename = StringUtils::format("file%d.txt", i); ret = sharedFileUtils->fullPathForFilename(filename); log("%s -> %s", filename.c_str(), ret.c_str()); } // Gets external.txt from writable path std::string fullPath = sharedFileUtils->fullPathForFilename("external.txt"); log("external file path = %s", fullPath.c_str()); if (fullPath.length() > 0) { fp = fopen(fullPath.c_str(), "rb"); if (fp) { char szReadBuf[100] = {0}; size_t read = fread(szReadBuf, 1, strlen(szReadBuf), fp); if (read > 0) log("The content of file from writable path: %s", szReadBuf); fclose(fp); } } } void TestSearchPath::onExit() { FileUtils *sharedFileUtils = FileUtils::getInstance(); // reset search path sharedFileUtils->setSearchPaths(_defaultSearchPathArray); sharedFileUtils->setSearchResolutionsOrder(_defaultResolutionsOrderArray); FileUtilsDemo::onExit(); } std::string TestSearchPath::title() const { return "FileUtils: search path"; } std::string TestSearchPath::subtitle() const { return "See the console"; } // TestFilenameLookup void TestFilenameLookup::onEnter() { FileUtilsDemo::onEnter(); auto sharedFileUtils = FileUtils::getInstance(); ValueMap dict; dict["grossini.bmp"] = Value("Images/grossini.png"); dict["grossini.xcf"] = Value("Images/grossini.png"); sharedFileUtils->setFilenameLookupDictionary(dict); // Instead of loading carlitos.xcf, it will load grossini.png auto sprite = Sprite::create("grossini.xcf"); this->addChild(sprite); auto s = Director::getInstance()->getWinSize(); sprite->setPosition(s.width/2, s.height/2); } void TestFilenameLookup::onExit() { FileUtils *sharedFileUtils = FileUtils::getInstance(); // reset filename lookup sharedFileUtils->setFilenameLookupDictionary(ValueMap()); FileUtilsDemo::onExit(); } std::string TestFilenameLookup::title() const { return "FileUtils: filename lookup"; } // TestIsFileExist void TestIsFileExist::onEnter() { FileUtilsDemo::onEnter(); auto s = Director::getInstance()->getWinSize(); auto sharedFileUtils = FileUtils::getInstance(); Label* label = nullptr; bool isExist = false; isExist = sharedFileUtils->isFileExist("Images/grossini.png"); label = Label::createWithSystemFont(isExist ? "Images/grossini.png exists" : "Images/grossini.png doesn't exist", "", 20); label->setPosition(s.width/2, s.height/3); this->addChild(label); isExist = sharedFileUtils->isFileExist("Images/grossini.xcf"); label = Label::createWithSystemFont(isExist ? "Images/grossini.xcf exists" : "Images/grossini.xcf doesn't exist", "", 20); label->setPosition(s.width/2, s.height/3*2); this->addChild(label); } void TestIsFileExist::onExit() { FileUtils *sharedFileUtils = FileUtils::getInstance(); // reset filename lookup sharedFileUtils->setFilenameLookupDictionary(ValueMap()); FileUtilsDemo::onExit(); } std::string TestIsFileExist::title() const { return "FileUtils: check whether the file exists"; } std::string TestIsFileExist::subtitle() const { return ""; } // TestIsDirectoryExist void TestIsDirectoryExist::onEnter() { FileUtilsDemo::onEnter(); auto s = Director::getInstance()->getWinSize(); auto util = FileUtils::getInstance(); int x = s.width/2, y = s.height/3; Label* label = nullptr; std::string dir; auto getMsg = [&dir](bool b)-> std::string { char msg[512]; snprintf((char *)msg, 512, "%s for dir: \"%s\"", b ? "success" : "failed", dir.c_str()); return std::string(msg); }; dir = "Images"; label = Label::createWithSystemFont(getMsg(util->isDirectoryExist(dir)), "", 20); label->setPosition(x, y * 2); this->addChild(label); dir = util->getWritablePath(); label = Label::createWithSystemFont(getMsg(util->isDirectoryExist(dir)), "", 20); label->setPosition(x, y * 1); this->addChild(label); dir = util->getWritablePath(); label = Label::createWithSystemFont(getMsg(util->isDirectoryExist(dir)), "", 20); label->setPosition(x, y * 1); this->addChild(label); } void TestIsDirectoryExist::onExit() { FileUtils *sharedFileUtils = FileUtils::getInstance(); // reset filename lookup sharedFileUtils->purgeCachedEntries(); FileUtilsDemo::onExit(); } std::string TestIsDirectoryExist::title() const { return "FileUtils: check whether the directory exists"; } std::string TestIsDirectoryExist::subtitle() const { return ""; } // TestFileFuncs void TestFileFuncs::onEnter() { FileUtilsDemo::onEnter(); auto s = Director::getInstance()->getWinSize(); auto sharedFileUtils = FileUtils::getInstance(); int x = s.width/2, y = s.height/5; Label* label = nullptr; std::string filename = "__test.test"; std::string filename2 = "__newtest.test"; std::string filepath = sharedFileUtils->getWritablePath() + filename; std::string content = "Test string content to put into created file"; std::string msg; FILE *out = fopen(filepath.c_str(), "w"); fputs(content.c_str(), out); fclose(out); // Check whether file can be created if (sharedFileUtils->isFileExist(filepath)) { label = Label::createWithSystemFont("Test file '__test.test' created", "", 20); label->setPosition(x, y * 4); this->addChild(label); // getFileSize Test long size = sharedFileUtils->getFileSize(filepath); msg = StringUtils::format("getFileSize: Test file size equals %ld", size); label = Label::createWithSystemFont(msg, "", 20); label->setPosition(x, y * 3); this->addChild(label); // renameFile Test if (sharedFileUtils->renameFile(sharedFileUtils->getWritablePath(), filename, filename2)) { label = Label::createWithSystemFont("renameFile: Test file renamed to '__newtest.test'", "", 20); label->setPosition(x, y * 2); this->addChild(label); // removeFile Test filepath = sharedFileUtils->getWritablePath() + filename2; if (sharedFileUtils->removeFile(filepath)) { label = Label::createWithSystemFont("removeFile: Test file removed", "", 20); label->setPosition(x, y * 1); this->addChild(label); } else { label = Label::createWithSystemFont("removeFile: Failed to remove test file", "", 20); label->setPosition(x, y * 1); this->addChild(label); } } else { label = Label::createWithSystemFont("renameFile: Failed to rename test file to '__newtest.test', further test skipped", "", 20); label->setPosition(x, y * 2); this->addChild(label); } } else { label = Label::createWithSystemFont("Test file can not be created, test skipped", "", 20); label->setPosition(x, y * 4); this->addChild(label); } } std::string TestFileFuncs::title() const { return "FileUtils: file control functions"; } std::string TestFileFuncs::subtitle() const { return ""; } // TestDirectoryFuncs void TestDirectoryFuncs::onEnter() { FileUtilsDemo::onEnter(); auto s = Director::getInstance()->getWinSize(); auto sharedFileUtils = FileUtils::getInstance(); int x = s.width/2, y = s.height/4; Label* label = nullptr; std::string dir = sharedFileUtils->getWritablePath() + "__test/"; std::string subDir = "dir1/dir2"; std::string msg; bool ok; // Check whether dir can be created ok = sharedFileUtils->createDirectory(dir); if (ok && sharedFileUtils->isDirectoryExist(dir)) { msg = StringUtils::format("createDirectory: Directory '__test' created"); label = Label::createWithSystemFont(msg, "", 20); label->setPosition(x, y * 3); this->addChild(label); // Create sub directories recursively ok = sharedFileUtils->createDirectory(dir + subDir); if (ok && sharedFileUtils->isDirectoryExist(dir + subDir)) { msg = StringUtils::format("createDirectory: Sub directories '%s' created", subDir.c_str()); label = Label::createWithSystemFont(msg, "", 20); label->setPosition(x, y * 2); this->addChild(label); } else { msg = StringUtils::format("createDirectory: Failed to create sub directories '%s'", subDir.c_str()); label = Label::createWithSystemFont(msg, "", 20); label->setPosition(x, y * 2); this->addChild(label); } // Remove directory ok = sharedFileUtils->removeDirectory(dir); if (ok && !sharedFileUtils->isDirectoryExist(dir)) { msg = StringUtils::format("removeDirectory: Directory '__test' removed"); label = Label::createWithSystemFont(msg, "", 20); label->setPosition(x, y); this->addChild(label); } else { msg = StringUtils::format("removeDirectory: Failed to remove directory '__test'"); label = Label::createWithSystemFont(msg, "", 20); label->setPosition(x, y); this->addChild(label); } } else { msg = StringUtils::format("createDirectory: Directory '__test' can not be created"); label = Label::createWithSystemFont(msg, "", 20); label->setPosition(x, y * 2); this->addChild(label); } } std::string TestDirectoryFuncs::title() const { return "FileUtils: directory control functions"; } std::string TestDirectoryFuncs::subtitle() const { return ""; } // TextWritePlist void TextWritePlist::onEnter() { FileUtilsDemo::onEnter(); auto root = __Dictionary::create(); auto string = __String::create("string element value"); root->setObject(string, "string element key"); auto array = __Array::create(); auto dictInArray = __Dictionary::create(); dictInArray->setObject(__String::create("string in dictInArray value 0"), "string in dictInArray key 0"); dictInArray->setObject(__String::create("string in dictInArray value 1"), "string in dictInArray key 1"); array->addObject(dictInArray); array->addObject(__String::create("string in array")); auto arrayInArray = __Array::create(); arrayInArray->addObject(__String::create("string 0 in arrayInArray")); arrayInArray->addObject(__String::create("string 1 in arrayInArray")); array->addObject(arrayInArray); root->setObject(array, "array"); auto dictInDict = __Dictionary::create(); dictInDict->setObject(__String::create("string in dictInDict value"), "string in dictInDict key"); //add boolean to the plist auto booleanObject = __Bool::create(true); dictInDict->setObject(booleanObject, "bool"); //add interger to the plist auto intObject = __Integer::create(1024); dictInDict->setObject(intObject, "integer"); //add float to the plist auto floatObject = __Float::create(1024.1024f); dictInDict->setObject(floatObject, "float"); //add double to the plist auto doubleObject = __Double::create(1024.123); dictInDict->setObject(doubleObject, "double"); root->setObject(dictInDict, "dictInDict, Hello World"); // end with / std::string writablePath = FileUtils::getInstance()->getWritablePath(); std::string fullPath = writablePath + "text.plist"; if(root->writeToFile(fullPath.c_str())) log("see the plist file at %s", fullPath.c_str()); else log("write plist file failed"); auto label = Label::createWithTTF(fullPath.c_str(), "fonts/Thonburi.ttf", 6); this->addChild(label); auto winSize = Director::getInstance()->getWinSize(); label->setPosition(winSize.width/2, winSize.height/3); auto loadDict = __Dictionary::createWithContentsOfFile(fullPath.c_str()); auto loadDictInDict = (__Dictionary*)loadDict->objectForKey("dictInDict, Hello World"); auto boolValue = (__String*)loadDictInDict->objectForKey("bool"); log("%s",boolValue->getCString()); auto floatValue = (__String*)loadDictInDict->objectForKey("float"); log("%s",floatValue->getCString()); auto intValue = (__String*)loadDictInDict->objectForKey("integer"); log("%s",intValue->getCString()); auto doubleValue = (__String*)loadDictInDict->objectForKey("double"); log("%s",doubleValue->getCString()); } void TextWritePlist::onExit() { FileUtilsDemo::onExit(); } std::string TextWritePlist::title() const { return "FileUtils: Dictionary to plist"; } std::string TextWritePlist::subtitle() const { std::string writablePath = FileUtils::getInstance()->getWritablePath().c_str(); return ("See plist file at your writablePath"); } void TestWriteString::onEnter() { FileUtilsDemo::onEnter(); auto winSize = Director::getInstance()->getWinSize(); auto writeResult = Label::createWithTTF("show writeResult", "fonts/Thonburi.ttf", 18); this->addChild(writeResult); writeResult->setPosition(winSize.width / 2, winSize.height * 3 / 4); auto readResult = Label::createWithTTF("show readResult", "fonts/Thonburi.ttf", 18); this->addChild(readResult); readResult->setPosition(winSize.width / 2, winSize.height / 3); std::string writablePath = FileUtils::getInstance()->getWritablePath(); std::string fileName = "writeStringTest.txt"; // writeTest std::string writeDataStr = "the string data will be write into a file"; std::string fullPath = writablePath + fileName; if (FileUtils::getInstance()->writeStringToFile(writeDataStr, fullPath.c_str())) { log("see the plist file at %s", fullPath.c_str()); writeResult->setString("write success:" + writeDataStr); } else { log("write plist file failed"); writeResult->setString("write fail"); } // readTest std::string readDataStr = FileUtils::getInstance()->getStringFromFile(fullPath); readResult->setString("read success:" + readDataStr); } void TestWriteString::onExit() { FileUtilsDemo::onExit(); } std::string TestWriteString::title() const { return "FileUtils: TestWriteString to files"; } std::string TestWriteString::subtitle() const { return ""; } class CustomBuffer : public ResizableBuffer {}; struct AlreadyExistsBuffer {}; NS_CC_BEGIN template<> class ResizableBufferAdapter : public ResizableBuffer { public: explicit ResizableBufferAdapter(AlreadyExistsBuffer* buffer) { } virtual void resize(size_t size) override { } virtual void* buffer() const override { return nullptr; } }; NS_CC_END static void saveAsBinaryText(const std::string& filename, const std::vector& binary){ auto fs = FileUtils::getInstance(); std::string text(binary.begin(), binary.end()); fs->writeStringToFile(text, filename); } static const std::string FileErrors[] = { "OK", "NotExists", "OpenFailed", "ReadFaild", "NotInitialized", "TooLarge", "ObtainSizeFailed", }; void TestGetContents::onEnter() { FileUtilsDemo::onEnter(); auto fs = FileUtils::getInstance(); auto testIfCompiles = [fs]() { fs->getContents("", (CustomBuffer*)(nullptr)); AlreadyExistsBuffer buf; fs->getContents("", &buf); }; (void)(testIfCompiles); auto winSize = Director::getInstance()->getWinSize(); auto readResult = Label::createWithTTF("show readResult", "fonts/Thonburi.ttf", 16); this->addChild(readResult); readResult->setPosition(winSize.width / 2, winSize.height / 2); std::vector binary = {'\r','\n','\r','\n','\0','\0','\r','\n'}; _generatedFile = fs->getWritablePath() + "file-with-zeros-and-crlf"; saveAsBinaryText(_generatedFile, binary); auto runTests = [&]() { // Test read string in binary mode std::string bs; fs->getContents(_generatedFile, &bs); if ( bs.size() != binary.size() || !std::equal( bs.begin(), bs.end(), binary.begin() ) ) return std::string("failed: read as binary string"); // Text read string in text mode std::string ts = fs->getStringFromFile(_generatedFile); if (ts != "\r\n\r\n") return std::string("failed: read as zero terminated string"); std::string files[] = {_generatedFile, "background.wav", "fileLookup.plist"}; for (auto& file : files) { std::string sbuf; auto serr = fs->getContents(file, &sbuf); if (serr != FileUtils::Status::OK) return std::string("failed: error: " + FileErrors[(int)serr]); std::vector vbuf; auto verr = fs->getContents(file, &vbuf); if (verr != FileUtils::Status::OK) return std::string("failed: error: " + FileErrors[(int)verr]); Data dbuf; auto derr = fs->getContents(file, &dbuf); if (derr != FileUtils::Status::OK) return std::string("failed: error: " + FileErrors[(int)derr]); if (memcmp(&sbuf.front(), &vbuf.front(), sbuf.size()) != 0) return std::string("failed: error: sbuf != vbuf"); if (dbuf.getSize() != sbuf.size()) return std::string("failed: error: sbuf.size() != dbuf.getSize()"); if (memcmp(&sbuf.front(), dbuf.getBytes(), sbuf.size()) != 0) return std::string("failed: error: sbuf != dbuf"); } return std::string("read success"); }; readResult->setString("FileUtils::getContents() " + runTests()); } void TestGetContents::onExit() { if (!_generatedFile.empty()) FileUtils::getInstance()->removeFile(_generatedFile); FileUtilsDemo::onExit(); } std::string TestGetContents::title() const { return "FileUtils: TestGetContents"; } std::string TestGetContents::subtitle() const { return ""; } void TestWriteData::onEnter() { FileUtilsDemo::onEnter(); auto winSize = Director::getInstance()->getWinSize(); auto writeResult = Label::createWithTTF("show writeResult", "fonts/Thonburi.ttf", 18); this->addChild(writeResult); writeResult->setPosition(winSize.width / 2, winSize.height * 3 / 4); auto readResult = Label::createWithTTF("show readResult", "fonts/Thonburi.ttf", 18); this->addChild(readResult); readResult->setPosition(winSize.width / 2, winSize.height / 3); std::string writablePath = FileUtils::getInstance()->getWritablePath(); std::string fileName = "writeDataTest.txt"; // writeTest std::string writeDataStr = "the binary data will be write into a file"; Data writeData; writeData.copy((unsigned char *)writeDataStr.c_str(), writeDataStr.size()); std::string fullPath = writablePath + fileName; if (FileUtils::getInstance()->writeDataToFile(writeData, fullPath.c_str())) { log("see the plist file at %s", fullPath.c_str()); writeResult->setString("write success:" + writeDataStr); } else { log("write plist file failed"); writeResult->setString("write fail"); } // readTest unsigned char* buffer = nullptr; Data readData = FileUtils::getInstance()->getDataFromFile(fullPath); buffer = (unsigned char*)malloc(sizeof(unsigned char) * (readData.getSize() + 1)); memcpy(buffer, readData.getBytes(), readData.getSize()); buffer[readData.getSize()] = '\0'; std::string readDataStr((const char*)buffer); free(buffer); readResult->setString("read success:" + readDataStr); } void TestWriteData::onExit() { FileUtilsDemo::onExit(); } std::string TestWriteData::title() const { return "FileUtils: TestWriteData to files"; } std::string TestWriteData::subtitle() const { return ""; } void TestWriteValueMap::onEnter() { FileUtilsDemo::onEnter(); auto winSize = Director::getInstance()->getWinSize(); auto writeResult = Label::createWithTTF("show writeResult", "fonts/Thonburi.ttf", 18); this->addChild(writeResult); writeResult->setPosition(winSize.width / 2, winSize.height * 3 / 4); auto readResult = Label::createWithTTF("show readResult", "fonts/Thonburi.ttf", 18); this->addChild(readResult); readResult->setPosition(winSize.width / 2, winSize.height / 3); ValueMap valueMap; ValueMap mapInValueMap; mapInValueMap["string1"] = "string in dictInMap key 0"; mapInValueMap["string2"] = "string in dictInMap key 1"; valueMap["data0"] = Value(mapInValueMap); valueMap["data1"] = Value("string in array"); ValueVector arrayInMap; arrayInMap.push_back(Value("string 0 in arrayInMap")); arrayInMap.push_back(Value("string 1 in arrayInMap")); valueMap["data2"] = arrayInMap; //add boolean to the plist auto booleanObject = Value(true); valueMap["data3"] = booleanObject; //add interger to the plist auto intObject = Value(1024); valueMap["data4"] = intObject; //add float to the plist auto floatObject = Value(1024.1024f); valueMap["data5"] = floatObject; //add double to the plist auto doubleObject = Value(1024.123); valueMap["data6"] = doubleObject; // end with / std::string writablePath = FileUtils::getInstance()->getWritablePath(); std::string fullPath = writablePath + "testWriteValueMap.plist"; if (FileUtils::getInstance()->writeValueMapToFile(valueMap, fullPath.c_str())) { log("see the plist file at %s", fullPath.c_str()); writeResult->setString("write success"); } else { log("write plist file failed"); writeResult->setString("write failed"); } ValueMap readValueMap = FileUtils::getInstance()->getValueMapFromFile(fullPath.c_str()); std::string readDataStr = "read data:\n"; // read value map data ValueMap readMapInMap = readValueMap["data0"].asValueMap(); readDataStr += " mapValue:[\"string1\"][" + readMapInMap["string1"].asString() + "]\n"; readDataStr += " mapValue:[\"string2\"][" + readMapInMap["string2"].asString() + "]\n"; // read string data readDataStr += " stringValue:" + readValueMap["data1"].asString() + "\n"; // read value vector data ValueVector readVectorInMap = readValueMap["data2"].asValueVector(); readDataStr += " vectorValue:[1]" + readVectorInMap.at(0).asString() + "\n"; readDataStr += " vectorValue:[2]" + readVectorInMap.at(1).asString() + "\n"; // read bool data readDataStr += " boolValue:" + StringUtils::format("%d", readValueMap["data3"].asBool()) + "\n"; // read int data readDataStr += " intValue:" + StringUtils::format("%d", readValueMap["data4"].asInt()) + "\n"; // read float data readDataStr += " floatValue:" + StringUtils::format("%f", readValueMap["data5"].asFloat()) + "\n"; // read double data readDataStr += " doubleValue:" + StringUtils::format("%f", readValueMap["data6"].asDouble()) + "\n"; readResult->setString(readDataStr); } void TestWriteValueMap::onExit() { FileUtilsDemo::onExit(); } std::string TestWriteValueMap::title() const { return "FileUtils: TestWriteValueMap to files"; } std::string TestWriteValueMap::subtitle() const { return ""; } void TestWriteValueVector::onEnter() { FileUtilsDemo::onEnter(); auto winSize = Director::getInstance()->getWinSize(); auto writeResult = Label::createWithTTF("show writeResult", "fonts/Thonburi.ttf", 18); this->addChild(writeResult); writeResult->setPosition(winSize.width / 2, winSize.height * 3 / 4); auto readResult = Label::createWithTTF("show readResult", "fonts/Thonburi.ttf", 18); this->addChild(readResult); readResult->setPosition(winSize.width / 2, winSize.height / 3); ValueVector array; ValueMap mapInArray; mapInArray["string1"] = "string in dictInArray key 0"; mapInArray["string2"] = "string in dictInArray key 1"; array.push_back(Value(mapInArray)); array.push_back(Value("string in array")); ValueVector arrayInArray; arrayInArray.push_back(Value("string 0 in arrayInArray")); arrayInArray.push_back(Value("string 1 in arrayInArray")); array.push_back(Value(arrayInArray)); //add boolean to the plist auto booleanObject = Value(true); array.push_back(booleanObject); //add interger to the plist auto intObject = Value(1024); array.push_back(intObject); //add float to the plist auto floatObject = Value(1024.1024f); array.push_back(floatObject); //add double to the plist auto doubleObject = Value(1024.123); array.push_back(doubleObject); // end with / std::string writablePath = FileUtils::getInstance()->getWritablePath(); std::string fullPath = writablePath + "testWriteValueVector.plist"; if (FileUtils::getInstance()->writeValueVectorToFile(array, fullPath.c_str())) { log("see the plist file at %s", fullPath.c_str()); writeResult->setString("write success"); } else { log("write plist file failed"); writeResult->setString("write failed"); } ValueVector readArray = FileUtils::getInstance()->getValueVectorFromFile(fullPath.c_str()); std::string readDataStr = "read data:\n"; // read value map data ValueMap readMapInArray = readArray.at(0).asValueMap(); readDataStr += " mapValue:[\"string1\"][" + readMapInArray["string1"].asString() + "]\n"; readDataStr += " mapValue:[\"string2\"][" + readMapInArray["string2"].asString() + "]\n"; // read string data readDataStr += " stringValue:" + readArray.at(1).asString() + "\n"; // read value vector data ValueVector readVectorInArray = readArray.at(2).asValueVector(); readDataStr += " vectorValue:[1]" + readVectorInArray.at(0).asString() + "\n"; readDataStr += " vectorValue:[2]" + readVectorInArray.at(1).asString() + "\n"; // read bool data readDataStr += " boolValue:" + StringUtils::format("%d", readArray.at(3).asBool()) + "\n"; // read int data readDataStr += " intValue:" + StringUtils::format("%d", readArray.at(4).asInt()) + "\n"; // read float data readDataStr += " floatValue:" + StringUtils::format("%f", readArray.at(5).asFloat()) + "\n"; // read double data readDataStr += " doubleValue:" + StringUtils::format("%f", readArray.at(6).asDouble()) + "\n"; readResult->setString(readDataStr); } void TestWriteValueVector::onExit() { FileUtilsDemo::onExit(); } std::string TestWriteValueVector::title() const { return "FileUtils: TestWriteValueVector to files"; } std::string TestWriteValueVector::subtitle() const { return ""; } // TestUnicodePath void TestUnicodePath::onEnter() { FileUtilsDemo::onEnter(); auto s = Director::getInstance()->getWinSize(); auto util = FileUtils::getInstance(); int x = s.width/2, y = s.height/5; Label* label = nullptr; std::string dir = "中文路径/"; std::string filename = "测试文件.test"; std::string act; auto getMsg = [&act](bool b, const std::string& path)-> std::string { char msg[512]; snprintf((char *)msg, 512, "%s for %s path: \"%s\"", b ? "success" : "failed", act.c_str(), path.c_str()); return std::string(msg); }; // Check whether unicode dir should be create or not std::string dirPath = util->getWritablePath() + dir; if (!util->isDirectoryExist(dirPath)) { util->createDirectory(dirPath); } act = "create"; bool isExist = util->isDirectoryExist(dirPath); label = Label::createWithSystemFont(getMsg(isExist, dirPath), "", 12, Size(s.width, 0)); label->setPosition(x, y * 4); this->addChild(label); if (isExist) { // Check whether unicode file should be create or not std::string filePath = dirPath + filename; if (! util->isFileExist(filePath)) { std::string writeDataStr = " 测试字符串."; Data writeData; writeData.copy((unsigned char *)writeDataStr.c_str(), writeDataStr.size()); util->writeDataToFile(writeData, filePath); } isExist = util->isFileExist(filePath); label = Label::createWithSystemFont(getMsg(isExist, filePath), "", 12, Size(s.width, 0)); label->setPosition(x, y * 3); this->addChild(label); act = "remove"; if (isExist) { // read file content and log it unsigned char* buffer = nullptr; Data readData = util->getDataFromFile(filePath); buffer = (unsigned char*)malloc(sizeof(unsigned char) * (readData.getSize() + 1)); memcpy(buffer, readData.getBytes(), readData.getSize()); buffer[readData.getSize()] = '\0'; // vc can't treat unicode string correctly, don't use unicode string in code log("The content of file from writable path: %s", buffer); free(buffer); // remove test file label = Label::createWithSystemFont(getMsg(util->removeFile(filePath), filePath), "", 12, Size(s.width, 0)); label->setPosition(x, y * 2); this->addChild(label); } // remove test dir label = Label::createWithSystemFont(getMsg(util->removeDirectory(dirPath), dirPath), "", 12, Size(s.width, 0)); label->setPosition(x, y * 1); this->addChild(label); } } void TestUnicodePath::onExit() { FileUtils *sharedFileUtils = FileUtils::getInstance(); sharedFileUtils->purgeCachedEntries(); sharedFileUtils->setFilenameLookupDictionary(ValueMap()); FileUtilsDemo::onExit(); } std::string TestUnicodePath::title() const { return "FileUtils: check unicode path"; } std::string TestUnicodePath::subtitle() const { return ""; }