-- @module TabControl
-- @extend Widget
-- @parent_module ccui
-- set header width, affect all tab
-- param headerWidth each tab header's width
-- @function [parent=#TabControl] setHeaderWidth
-- @param self
-- @param #float headerWidth
-- @return TabControl#TabControl self (return value: ccui.TabControl)
-- remove the tab from this TabControl
-- param index The index of tab
-- @function [parent=#TabControl] removeTab
-- @param self
-- @param #int index
-- @return TabControl#TabControl self (return value: ccui.TabControl)
-- get the count of tabs in this TabControl
-- return the count of tabs
-- @function [parent=#TabControl] getTabCount
-- @param self
-- @return unsigned int#unsigned int ret (return value: unsigned int)
-- @function [parent=#TabControl] getHeaderDockPlace
-- @param self
-- @return int#int ret (return value: int)
-- get current selected tab's index
-- return the current selected tab index
-- @function [parent=#TabControl] getSelectedTabIndex
-- @param self
-- @return int#int ret (return value: int)
-- insert tab, and init the position of header and container
-- param index The index tab should be
-- param header The header Button, will be a protected child in TabControl
-- param container The container, will be a protected child in TabControl
-- @function [parent=#TabControl] insertTab
-- @param self
-- @param #int index
-- @param #ccui.TabHeader header
-- @param #ccui.Layout container
-- @return TabControl#TabControl self (return value: ccui.TabControl)
-- ignore the textures' size in header, scale them with _headerWidth and _headerHeight
-- param ignore is `true`, the header's texture scale with _headerWidth and _headerHeight
-- ignore is `false`, use the texture's size, do not scale them
-- @function [parent=#TabControl] ignoreHeadersTextureSize
-- @param self
-- @param #bool ignore
-- @return TabControl#TabControl self (return value: ccui.TabControl)
-- get tab header's width
-- return header's width
-- @function [parent=#TabControl] getHeaderWidth
-- @param self
-- @return float#float ret (return value: float)
-- the header dock place of header in TabControl
-- param dockPlace The strip place
-- @function [parent=#TabControl] setHeaderDockPlace
-- @param self
-- @param #int dockPlace
-- @return TabControl#TabControl self (return value: ccui.TabControl)
-- @overload self, ccui.TabHeader
-- @overload self, int
-- @function [parent=#TabControl] setSelectTab
-- @param self
-- @param #int index
-- @return TabControl#TabControl self (return value: ccui.TabControl)
-- get TabHeader
-- param index The index of tab
-- @function [parent=#TabControl] getTabHeader
-- @param self
-- @param #int index
-- @return TabHeader#TabHeader ret (return value: ccui.TabHeader)
-- get whether ignore the textures' size in header, scale them with _headerWidth and _headerHeight
-- return whether ignore the textures' size in header
-- @function [parent=#TabControl] isIgnoreHeadersTextureSize
-- @param self
-- @return bool#bool ret (return value: bool)
-- Add a callback function which would be called when selected tab changed
-- param callback A std::function with type @see `ccTabControlCallback`
-- @function [parent=#TabControl] setTabChangedEventListener
-- @param self
-- @param #function callback
-- @return TabControl#TabControl self (return value: ccui.TabControl)
-- set the delta zoom of selected tab
-- param zoom The delta zoom
-- @function [parent=#TabControl] setHeaderSelectedZoom
-- @param self
-- @param #float zoom
-- @return TabControl#TabControl self (return value: ccui.TabControl)
-- set header height, affect all tab
-- param headerHeight each tab header's height
-- @function [parent=#TabControl] setHeaderHeight
-- @param self
-- @param #float headerHeight
-- @return TabControl#TabControl self (return value: ccui.TabControl)
-- get the index of tabCell in TabView, return -1 if not exists in.
-- return the index of tabCell in TabView, `-1` means not exists in.
-- @function [parent=#TabControl] indexOfTabHeader
-- @param self
-- @param #ccui.TabHeader tabCell
-- @return int#int ret (return value: int)
-- get Container
-- param index The index of tab
-- @function [parent=#TabControl] getTabContainer
-- @param self
-- @param #int index
-- @return Layout#Layout ret (return value: ccui.Layout)
-- get the delta zoom of selected tab
-- return zoom, the delta zoom
-- @function [parent=#TabControl] getHeaderSelectedZoom
-- @param self
-- @return float#float ret (return value: float)
-- get tab header's height
-- return header's height
-- @function [parent=#TabControl] getHeaderHeight
-- @param self
-- @return int#int ret (return value: int)
-- @function [parent=#TabControl] create
-- @param self
-- @return TabControl#TabControl ret (return value: ccui.TabControl)
return nil