-------------------------------- -- @module Physics3DShape -- @extend Ref -- @parent_module cc -------------------------------- -- -- @function [parent=#Physics3DShape] getbtShape -- @param self -- @return btCollisionShape#btCollisionShape ret (return value: btCollisionShape) -------------------------------- -- -- @function [parent=#Physics3DShape] initSphere -- @param self -- @param #float radius -- @return bool#bool ret (return value: bool) -------------------------------- -- -- @function [parent=#Physics3DShape] initBox -- @param self -- @param #vec3_table ext -- @return bool#bool ret (return value: bool) -------------------------------- -- -- @function [parent=#Physics3DShape] initCapsule -- @param self -- @param #float radius -- @param #float height -- @return bool#bool ret (return value: bool) -------------------------------- -- -- @function [parent=#Physics3DShape] initCylinder -- @param self -- @param #float radius -- @param #float height -- @return bool#bool ret (return value: bool) -------------------------------- -- get shape type -- @function [parent=#Physics3DShape] getShapeType -- @param self -- @return int#int ret (return value: int) -------------------------------- -- create box shape<br> -- param extent The extent of sphere. -- @function [parent=#Physics3DShape] createBox -- @param self -- @param #vec3_table extent -- @return Physics3DShape#Physics3DShape ret (return value: cc.Physics3DShape) -------------------------------- -- create cylinder shape<br> -- param radius The radius of cylinder.<br> -- param height The height. -- @function [parent=#Physics3DShape] createCylinder -- @param self -- @param #float radius -- @param #float height -- @return Physics3DShape#Physics3DShape ret (return value: cc.Physics3DShape) -------------------------------- -- create convex hull<br> -- param points The vertices of convex hull<br> -- param numPoints The number of vertices. -- @function [parent=#Physics3DShape] createConvexHull -- @param self -- @param #vec3_table points -- @param #int numPoints -- @return Physics3DShape#Physics3DShape ret (return value: cc.Physics3DShape) -------------------------------- -- create capsule shape<br> -- param radius The radius of capsule.<br> -- param height The height (cylinder part). -- @function [parent=#Physics3DShape] createCapsule -- @param self -- @param #float radius -- @param #float height -- @return Physics3DShape#Physics3DShape ret (return value: cc.Physics3DShape) -------------------------------- -- create sphere shape<br> -- param radius The radius of sphere. -- @function [parent=#Physics3DShape] createSphere -- @param self -- @param #float radius -- @return Physics3DShape#Physics3DShape ret (return value: cc.Physics3DShape) -------------------------------- -- -- @function [parent=#Physics3DShape] Physics3DShape -- @param self -- @return Physics3DShape#Physics3DShape self (return value: cc.Physics3DShape) return nil