-------------------------------- -- @module SpotLight -- @extend BaseLight -- @parent_module cc -------------------------------- -- Returns the range of point or spot light.<br> -- return The range of the point or spot light. -- @function [parent=#SpotLight] getRange -- @param self -- @return float#float ret (return value: float) -------------------------------- -- Sets the Direction in parent.<br> -- param dir The Direction in parent. -- @function [parent=#SpotLight] setDirection -- @param self -- @param #vec3_table dir -- @return SpotLight#SpotLight self (return value: cc.SpotLight) -------------------------------- -- get cos innerAngle -- @function [parent=#SpotLight] getCosInnerAngle -- @param self -- @return float#float ret (return value: float) -------------------------------- -- Returns the outer angle of the spot light (in radians). -- @function [parent=#SpotLight] getOuterAngle -- @param self -- @return float#float ret (return value: float) -------------------------------- -- Returns the inner angle the spot light (in radians). -- @function [parent=#SpotLight] getInnerAngle -- @param self -- @return float#float ret (return value: float) -------------------------------- -- Returns the Direction in parent. -- @function [parent=#SpotLight] getDirection -- @param self -- @return vec3_table#vec3_table ret (return value: vec3_table) -------------------------------- -- get cos outAngle -- @function [parent=#SpotLight] getCosOuterAngle -- @param self -- @return float#float ret (return value: float) -------------------------------- -- Sets the outer angle of a spot light (in radians).<br> -- param outerAngle The angle of spot light (in radians). -- @function [parent=#SpotLight] setOuterAngle -- @param self -- @param #float outerAngle -- @return SpotLight#SpotLight self (return value: cc.SpotLight) -------------------------------- -- Sets the inner angle of a spot light (in radians).<br> -- param angle The angle of spot light (in radians). -- @function [parent=#SpotLight] setInnerAngle -- @param self -- @param #float angle -- @return SpotLight#SpotLight self (return value: cc.SpotLight) -------------------------------- -- Returns direction in world. -- @function [parent=#SpotLight] getDirectionInWorld -- @param self -- @return vec3_table#vec3_table ret (return value: vec3_table) -------------------------------- -- Sets the range of point or spot light.<br> -- param range The range of point or spot light. -- @function [parent=#SpotLight] setRange -- @param self -- @param #float range -- @return SpotLight#SpotLight self (return value: cc.SpotLight) -------------------------------- -- Creates a spot light.<br> -- param direction The light's direction<br> -- param position The light's position<br> -- param color The light's color.<br> -- param innerAngle The light's inner angle (in radians).<br> -- param outerAngle The light's outer angle (in radians).<br> -- param range The light's range.<br> -- return The new spot light. -- @function [parent=#SpotLight] create -- @param self -- @param #vec3_table direction -- @param #vec3_table position -- @param #color3b_table color -- @param #float innerAngle -- @param #float outerAngle -- @param #float range -- @return SpotLight#SpotLight ret (return value: cc.SpotLight) -------------------------------- -- -- @function [parent=#SpotLight] getLightType -- @param self -- @return int#int ret (return value: int) -------------------------------- -- -- @function [parent=#SpotLight] SpotLight -- @param self -- @return SpotLight#SpotLight self (return value: cc.SpotLight) return nil