################################################################################ # Automatically-generated file. Do not edit! ################################################################################ O_SRCS := CPP_SRCS := C_UPPER_SRCS := C_SRCS := S_UPPER_SRCS := OBJ_SRCS := ASM_SRCS := CXX_SRCS := C++_SRCS := CC_SRCS := OBJS := C++_DEPS := C_DEPS := CC_DEPS := CPP_DEPS := EXECUTABLES := CXX_DEPS := C_UPPER_DEPS := # Every subdirectory with source files must be described here SUBDIRS := \ tests \ tests/ZwoptexTest \ tests/UserDefaultTest \ tests/TransitionsTest \ tests/TouchesTest \ tests/TileMapTest \ tests/Texture2dTest \ tests/TextInputTest \ tests/SpriteTest \ tests/SchedulerTest \ tests/SceneTest \ tests/RotateWorldTest \ tests/RenderTextureTest \ tests/ProgressActionsTest \ tests/ParallaxTest \ tests/MotionStreakTest \ tests/MenuTest \ tests/LayerTest \ tests/LabelTest \ tests/KeypadTest \ tests/IntervalTest \ tests/HiResTest \ tests/FontTest \ tests/EffectsTest \ tests/EffectsAdvancedTest \ tests/EaseActionsTest \ tests/DrawPrimitivesTest \ tests/DirectorTest \ tests/CurrentLanguageTest \ tests/CurlTest \ tests/CocosNodeTest \ tests/CocosDenshionTest \ tests/ClickAndMoveTest \ tests/ChipmunkTest \ tests/BugsTest \ tests/BugsTest/Bug-458 \ tests/Box2DTestBed \ tests/Box2DTest \ tests/ActionsTest \ tests/ActionManagerTest \ tests/AccelerometerTest \ . \