/**************************************************************************** Copyright (c) 2010 cocos2d-x.org http://www.cocos2d-x.org Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ****************************************************************************/ #ifndef __CC_IMAGE_H__ #define __CC_IMAGE_H__ #include "cocoa/CCObject.h" // premultiply alpha, or the effect will wrong when want to use other pixel format in Texture2D, // such as RGB888, RGB5A1 #define CC_RGB_PREMULTIPLY_ALPHA(vr, vg, vb, va) \ (unsigned)(((unsigned)((unsigned char)(vr) * ((unsigned char)(va) + 1)) >> 8) | \ ((unsigned)((unsigned char)(vg) * ((unsigned char)(va) + 1) >> 8) << 8) | \ ((unsigned)((unsigned char)(vb) * ((unsigned char)(va) + 1) >> 8) << 16) | \ ((unsigned)(unsigned char)(va) << 24)) NS_CC_BEGIN /** * @addtogroup platform * @{ */ class CC_DLL Image : public Object { public: Image(); ~Image(); typedef enum { kFmtJpg = 0, kFmtPng, kFmtTiff, kFmtWebp, kFmtRawData, kFmtUnKnown }EImageFormat; typedef enum { kAlignCenter = 0x33, ///< Horizontal center and vertical center. kAlignTop = 0x13, ///< Horizontal center and vertical top. kAlignTopRight = 0x12, ///< Horizontal right and vertical top. kAlignRight = 0x32, ///< Horizontal right and vertical center. kAlignBottomRight = 0x22, ///< Horizontal right and vertical bottom. kAlignBottom = 0x23, ///< Horizontal center and vertical bottom. kAlignBottomLeft = 0x21, ///< Horizontal left and vertical bottom. kAlignLeft = 0x31, ///< Horizontal left and vertical center. kAlignTopLeft = 0x11, ///< Horizontal left and vertical top. }ETextAlign; /** @brief Load the image from the specified path. @param strPath the absolute file path. @param imageType the type of image, currently only supporting two types. @return true if loaded correctly. */ bool initWithImageFile(const char * strPath, EImageFormat imageType = kFmtPng); /* @brief The same result as with initWithImageFile, but thread safe. It is caused by loadImage() in TextureCache.cpp. @param fullpath full path of the file. @param imageType the type of image, currently only supporting two types. @return true if loaded correctly. */ bool initWithImageFileThreadSafe(const char *fullpath, EImageFormat imageType = kFmtPng); /** @brief Load image from stream buffer. @warning kFmtRawData only supports RGBA8888. @param pBuffer stream buffer which holds the image data. @param nLength data length expressed in (number of) bytes. @param nWidth, nHeight, nBitsPerComponent are used for kFmtRawData. @return true if loaded correctly. */ bool initWithImageData(void * pData, int nDataLen, EImageFormat eFmt = kFmtUnKnown, int nWidth = 0, int nHeight = 0, int nBitsPerComponent = 8); // @warning kFmtRawData only support RGBA8888 bool initWithRawData(void *pData, int nDatalen, int nWidth, int nHeight, int nBitsPerComponent, bool bPreMulti); /** @brief Create image with specified string. @param pText the text the image will show (cannot be nil). @param nWidth the image width, if 0, the width will match the text's width. @param nHeight the image height, if 0, the height will match the text's height. @param eAlignMask the test Alignment @param pFontName the name of the font used to draw the text. If nil, use the default system font. @param nSize the font size, if 0, use the system default size. */ bool initWithString( const char * pText, int nWidth = 0, int nHeight = 0, ETextAlign eAlignMask = kAlignCenter, const char * pFontName = 0, int nSize = 0); #if (CC_TARGET_PLATFORM == CC_PLATFORM_ANDROID) || (CC_TARGET_PLATFORM == CC_PLATFORM_IOS) bool initWithStringShadowStroke( const char * pText, int nWidth = 0, int nHeight = 0, ETextAlign eAlignMask = kAlignCenter, const char * pFontName = 0, int nSize = 0, float textTintR = 1, float textTintG = 1, float textTintB = 1, bool shadow = false, float shadowOffsetX = 0.0, float shadowOffsetY = 0.0, float shadowOpacity = 0.0, float shadowBlur = 0.0, bool stroke = false, float strokeR = 1, float strokeG = 1, float strokeB = 1, float strokeSize = 1 ); #endif unsigned char * getData() { return _data; } int getDataLen() { return _width * _height; } bool hasAlpha() { return _hasAlpha; } bool isPremultipliedAlpha() { return _preMulti; } /** @brief Save Image data to the specified file, with specified format. @param pszFilePath the file's absolute path, including file suffix. @param bIsToRGB whether the image is saved as RGB format. */ bool saveToFile(const char *pszFilePath, bool bIsToRGB = true); CC_SYNTHESIZE_READONLY(unsigned short, _width, Width); CC_SYNTHESIZE_READONLY(unsigned short, _height, Height); CC_SYNTHESIZE_READONLY(int, _bitsPerComponent, BitsPerComponent); protected: bool _initWithJpgData(void *pData, int nDatalen); bool _initWithPngData(void *pData, int nDatalen); bool _initWithTiffData(void *pData, int nDataLen); bool _initWithWebpData(void *pData, int nDataLen); bool _saveImageToPNG(const char *pszFilePath, bool bIsToRGB = true); bool _saveImageToJPG(const char *pszFilePath); unsigned char *_data; bool _hasAlpha; bool _preMulti; private: // noncopyable Image(const Image& rImg); Image & operator=(const Image&); }; // end of platform group /// @} NS_CC_END #endif // __CC_IMAGE_H__