require "Cocos2d" require "Cocos2dConstants" local GameScene = class("GameScene",function() return cc.Scene:create() end) function GameScene.create() local scene = scene:addChild(scene:createLayerFarm()) scene:addChild(scene:createLayerMenu()) return scene end function GameScene:ctor() self.visibleSize = cc.Director:getInstance():getVisibleSize() self.origin = cc.Director:getInstance():getVisibleOrigin() self.schedulerID = nil end function GameScene:playBgMusic() local bgMusicPath = cc.FileUtils:getInstance():fullPathForFilename("background.mp3") cc.SimpleAudioEngine:getInstance():playMusic(bgMusicPath, true) local effectPath = cc.FileUtils:getInstance():fullPathForFilename("effect1.wav") cc.SimpleAudioEngine:getInstance():preloadEffect(effectPath) end function GameScene:creatDog() local frameWidth = 105 local frameHeight = 95 -- create dog animate local textureDog = cc.Director:getInstance():getTextureCache():addImage("dog.png") local rect = cc.rect(0, 0, frameWidth, frameHeight) local frame0 = cc.SpriteFrame:createWithTexture(textureDog, rect) rect = cc.rect(frameWidth, 0, frameWidth, frameHeight) local frame1 = cc.SpriteFrame:createWithTexture(textureDog, rect) local spriteDog = cc.Sprite:createWithSpriteFrame(frame0) spriteDog:setPosition(self.origin.x, self.origin.y + self.visibleSize.height / 4 * 3) spriteDog.isPaused = false local animation = cc.Animation:createWithSpriteFrames({frame0,frame1}, 0.5) local animate = cc.Animate:create(animation); spriteDog:runAction(cc.RepeatForever:create(animate)) -- moving dog at every frame local function tick() if spriteDog.isPaused then return end local x, y = spriteDog:getPosition() if x > self.origin.x + self.visibleSize.width then x = self.origin.x else x = x + 1 end spriteDog:setPositionX(x) end self.schedulerID = cc.Director:getInstance():getScheduler():scheduleScriptFunc(tick, 0, false) return spriteDog end -- create farm function GameScene:createLayerFarm() local layerFarm = cc.Layer:create() -- add in farm background local bg = cc.Sprite:create("farm.jpg") bg:setPosition(self.origin.x + self.visibleSize.width / 2 + 80, self.origin.y + self.visibleSize.height / 2) layerFarm:addChild(bg) -- add land sprite for i = 0, 3 do for j = 0, 1 do local spriteLand = cc.Sprite:create("land.png") spriteLand:setPosition(200 + j * 180 - i % 2 * 90, 10 + i * 95 / 2) layerFarm:addChild(spriteLand) end end -- add crop local frameCrop = cc.SpriteFrame:create("crop.png", cc.rect(0, 0, 105, 95)) for i = 0, 3 do for j = 0, 1 do local spriteCrop = cc.Sprite:createWithSpriteFrame(frameCrop); spriteCrop:setPosition(210 + j * 180 - i % 2 * 90, 40 + i * 95 / 2) layerFarm:addChild(spriteCrop) end end -- add moving dog local spriteDog = self:creatDog() layerFarm:addChild(spriteDog) -- handing touch events local touchBeginPoint = nil local function onTouchBegan(touch, event) local location = touch:getLocation() --cclog("onTouchBegan: %0.2f, %0.2f", location.x, location.y) touchBeginPoint = {x = location.x, y = location.y} spriteDog.isPaused = true -- CCTOUCHBEGAN event must return true return true end local function onTouchMoved(touch, event) local location = touch:getLocation() --cclog("onTouchMoved: %0.2f, %0.2f", location.x, location.y) if touchBeginPoint then local cx, cy = layerFarm:getPosition() layerFarm:setPosition(cx + location.x - touchBeginPoint.x, cy + location.y - touchBeginPoint.y) touchBeginPoint = {x = location.x, y = location.y} end end local function onTouchEnded(touch, event) local location = touch:getLocation() --cclog("onTouchEnded: %0.2f, %0.2f", location.x, location.y) touchBeginPoint = nil spriteDog.isPaused = false end local listener = cc.EventListenerTouchOneByOne:create() listener:registerScriptHandler(onTouchBegan,cc.Handler.EVENT_TOUCH_BEGAN ) listener:registerScriptHandler(onTouchMoved,cc.Handler.EVENT_TOUCH_MOVED ) listener:registerScriptHandler(onTouchEnded,cc.Handler.EVENT_TOUCH_ENDED ) local eventDispatcher = layerFarm:getEventDispatcher() eventDispatcher:addEventListenerWithSceneGraphPriority(listener, layerFarm) local function onNodeEvent(event) if "exit" == event then cc.Director:getInstance():getScheduler():unscheduleScriptEntry(self.schedulerID) end end layerFarm:registerScriptHandler(onNodeEvent) return layerFarm end -- create menu function GameScene:createLayerMenu() local layerMenu = cc.Layer:create() local menuPopup, menuTools, effectID local function menuCallbackClosePopup() -- stop test sound effect cc.SimpleAudioEngine:getInstance():stopEffect(effectID) menuPopup:setVisible(false) end local function menuCallbackOpenPopup() -- loop test sound effect local effectPath = cc.FileUtils:getInstance():fullPathForFilename("effect1.wav") effectID = cc.SimpleAudioEngine:getInstance():playEffect(effectPath) menuPopup:setVisible(true) end -- add a popup menu local menuPopupItem = cc.MenuItemImage:create("menu2.png", "menu2.png") menuPopupItem:setPosition(0, 0) menuPopupItem:registerScriptTapHandler(menuCallbackClosePopup) menuPopup = cc.Menu:create(menuPopupItem) menuPopup:setPosition(self.origin.x + self.visibleSize.width / 2, self.origin.y + self.visibleSize.height / 2) menuPopup:setVisible(false) layerMenu:addChild(menuPopup) -- add the left-bottom "tools" menu to invoke menuPopup local menuToolsItem = cc.MenuItemImage:create("menu1.png", "menu1.png") menuToolsItem:setPosition(0, 0) menuToolsItem:registerScriptTapHandler(menuCallbackOpenPopup) menuTools = cc.Menu:create(menuToolsItem) local itemWidth = menuToolsItem:getContentSize().width local itemHeight = menuToolsItem:getContentSize().height menuTools:setPosition(self.origin.x + itemWidth/2, self.origin.y + itemHeight/2) layerMenu:addChild(menuTools) return layerMenu end return GameScene