import os import sys import re def os_is_win32(): return sys.platform == 'win32' def os_is_mac(): return sys.platform == 'darwin' class AndroidMK(object): FIND_LIB_PATTERN = r"^LOCAL_WHOLE_STATIC_LIBRARIES[ \t]*([:+])=[ \t]*(.*)$" FIND_IMPORT_PATTERN = r"^\$\(call[ \t]*import-module,[ \t]*(.*)\)" FIND_INCLUDE_STATICLIB_PATTERN = r"^include[ \t]*\$\(BUILD_STATIC_LIBRARY\)" FIND_INCLUDE_SHAREDLIB_PATTERN = r"^include[ \t]*\$\(BUILD_SHARED_LIBRARY\)" def __init__(self, mk_file_path): if os.path.isabs(mk_file_path): self.file_path = mk_file_path else: self.file_path = os.path.abspath(mk_file_path) if not os.path.exists(self.file_path): print("Can't find file %s" % self.file_path) return f = open(mk_file_path, "r") self.file_lines = f.readlines() f.close() def save(self, new_path=None): if self.file_lines is None: return if new_path is None: savePath = self.file_path else: if os.path.isabs(new_path): savePath = new_path else: savePath = os.path.abspath(new_path) print("Saving the to %s" % savePath) f = open(savePath, "w") file_content = "".join(self.file_lines) f.write(file_content) f.close() print("Saving Finished") def remove_lib(self, lib_name, lib_dir): if self.file_lines is None: return lib_pattern = re.compile(AndroidMK.FIND_LIB_PATTERN) import_pattern = re.compile(AndroidMK.FIND_IMPORT_PATTERN) i = 0 for line in self.file_lines: # find the lib line_modified = False str1 = line.lstrip() str2 = str1.rstrip() match = lib_pattern.match(str2) if match: cur_modules = for module in cur_modules: if module == lib_name: print("Remove %s from line %d" % (lib_name, i+1)) cur_modules.remove(module) line_modified = True if line_modified: if len(cur_modules) > 0: self.file_lines[i] = "LOCAL_WHOLE_STATIC_LIBRARIES %s= %s\n" % (, " ".join(cur_modules)) else: self.file_lines.remove(line) # find the import line match_import = import_pattern.match(str2) if match_import: import_str = import_str = import_str.lstrip() import_str = import_str.rstrip() if import_str == lib_dir: print("Remove call import-module from line %d" % (i+1)) self.file_lines.remove(line) i += 1 def add_lib(self, lib_name, lib_dir): if self.file_lines is None: return need_add_lib = True need_add_import = True lib_pattern = re.compile(AndroidMK.FIND_LIB_PATTERN) import_pattern = re.compile(AndroidMK.FIND_IMPORT_PATTERN) static_pattern = re.compile(AndroidMK.FIND_INCLUDE_STATICLIB_PATTERN) shared_pattern = re.compile(AndroidMK.FIND_INCLUDE_SHAREDLIB_PATTERN) for line in self.file_lines: str1 = line.lstrip() str2 = str1.rstrip() # find lib if need_add_lib: lib_match = lib_pattern.match(str2) if lib_match: cur_modules = for module in cur_modules: if module == lib_name: need_add_lib = False break # find import if need_add_import: match_import = import_pattern.match(str2) if match_import: import_str = import_str = import_str.lstrip() import_str = import_str.rstrip() if import_str == lib_dir: need_add_import = False if not need_add_lib and not need_add_import: break if not need_add_lib and not need_add_import: # already contain the lib return # find the insert place colon_idx = -1 plus_idx = -1 include_idx = -1 last_import_idx = -1 i = 0 for line in self.file_lines: str1 = line.lstrip() str2 = str1.rstrip() lib_match = lib_pattern.match(str2) if lib_match: if == ':': colon_idx = i else: plus_idx = i static_match = static_pattern.match(str2) shared_match = shared_pattern.match(str2) if static_match or shared_match: include_idx = i import_match = import_pattern.match(str2) if import_match: last_import_idx = i i+=1 if include_idx < 0: print("The is not complete. Can't find \"include $(BUILD_SHARED_LIBRARY)\" or \"include $(BUILD_STATIC_LIBRARY)\"") return if need_add_lib: lib_str = "LOCAL_WHOLE_STATIC_LIBRARIES += %s\n" % lib_name if colon_idx >= 0: lib_idx = (colon_idx + 1) elif plus_idx >= 0: lib_idx = (plus_idx + 1) else: lib_idx = max(0, (include_idx - 1)) if lib_idx >= len(self.file_lines): self.file_lines.append(lib_str) else: self.file_lines.insert(lib_idx, lib_str) print("\"%s\" added" % lib_str.rstrip()) if need_add_import: import_str = "$(call import-module,%s)\n" % lib_dir if last_import_idx >= 0: if need_add_lib and lib_idx < last_import_idx: import_idx = last_import_idx + 2 else: import_idx = last_import_idx + 1 else: import_idx = len(self.file_lines) if import_idx >= len(self.file_lines): self.file_lines.append(import_str) else: self.file_lines.insert(import_idx, import_str) print("\"%s\" added" % import_str.rstrip())