/**************************************************************************** Copyright (c) 2013 cocos2d-x.org http://www.cocos2d-x.org Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ****************************************************************************/ #ifndef __UITEXTFIELD_H__ #define __UITEXTFIELD_H__ #include "gui/UIWidget.h" namespace gui { /** * @js NA * @lua NA */ class UICCTextField: public cocos2d::TextFieldTTF, public cocos2d::TextFieldDelegate { public: UICCTextField(); ~UICCTextField(); virtual void onEnter(); // static static UICCTextField* create(const char *placeholder, const char *fontName, float fontSize); // CCTextFieldDelegate virtual bool onTextFieldAttachWithIME(cocos2d::TextFieldTTF *pSender); virtual bool onTextFieldDetachWithIME(cocos2d::TextFieldTTF * pSender); virtual bool onTextFieldInsertText(cocos2d::TextFieldTTF * pSender, const char * text, int nLen); virtual bool onTextFieldDeleteBackward(cocos2d::TextFieldTTF * pSender, const char * delText, int nLen); void insertText(const char* text, int len); void deleteBackward(); void openIME(); void closeIME(); void setMaxLengthEnabled(bool enable); bool isMaxLengthEnabled(); void setMaxLength(int length); int getMaxLength(); int getCharCount(); void setPasswordEnabled(bool enable); bool isPasswordEnabled(); void setPasswordStyleText(const char* styleText); void setPasswordText(const char* text); void setAttachWithIME(bool attach); bool getAttachWithIME(); void setDetachWithIME(bool detach); bool getDetachWithIME(); void setInsertText(bool insert); bool getInsertText(); void setDeleteBackward(bool deleteBackward); bool getDeleteBackward(); protected: bool _maxLengthEnabled; int _maxLength; bool _passwordEnabled; std::string _passwordStyleText; bool _attachWithIME; bool _detachWithIME; bool _insertText; bool _deleteBackward; }; typedef enum { TEXTFIELD_EVENT_ATTACH_WITH_IME, TEXTFIELD_EVENT_DETACH_WITH_IME, TEXTFIELD_EVENT_INSERT_TEXT, TEXTFIELD_EVENT_DELETE_BACKWARD, }TextFiledEventType; typedef void (cocos2d::Object::*SEL_TextFieldEvent)(cocos2d::Object*, TextFiledEventType); #define textfieldeventselector(_SELECTOR) (SEL_TextFieldEvent)(&_SELECTOR) /** class UITextField : public UIWidget * @js NA * @lua NA */ class UITextField : public UIWidget { public: UITextField(); virtual ~UITextField(); static UITextField* create(); virtual bool init(); virtual void initRenderer(); void setTouchSize(const cocos2d::Size &size); void setText(const char* text); void setPlaceHolder(const char* value); void setFontSize(int size); void setFontName(const char* name); virtual void didNotSelectSelf(); const char* getStringValue(); virtual bool onTouchBegan(const cocos2d::Point &touchPoint); void setMaxLengthEnabled(bool enable); bool isMaxLengthEnabled(); void setMaxLength(int length); int getMaxLength(); void setPasswordEnabled(bool enable); bool isPasswordEnabled(); void setPasswordStyleText(const char* styleText); virtual void update(float dt); bool getAttachWithIME(); void setAttachWithIME(bool attach); bool getDetachWithIME(); void setDetachWithIME(bool detach); bool getInsertText(); void setInsertText(bool insertText); bool getDeleteBackward(); void setDeleteBackward(bool deleteBackward); void addEventListener(cocos2d::Object* target, SEL_TextFieldEvent selecor); virtual void setAnchorPoint(const cocos2d::Point &pt); virtual void setColor(const cocos2d::Color3B &color); virtual void setOpacity(int opacity); /** * Returns the "class name" of widget. */ virtual const char* getDescription() const; virtual const cocos2d::Size& getContentSize() const; virtual cocos2d::Node* getVirtualRenderer(); void attachWithIME(); protected: // event void attachWithIMEEvent(); void detachWithIMEEvent(); void insertTextEvent(); void deleteBackwardEvent(); virtual void onSizeChanged(); void textfieldRendererScaleChangedWithSize(); virtual UIWidget* createCloneInstance(); virtual void copySpecialProperties(UIWidget* model); protected: UICCTextField* _textFieldRenderer; float _touchWidth; float _touchHeight; bool _useTouchArea; cocos2d::Object* _eventListener; SEL_TextFieldEvent _eventSelector; std::string _passwordStyleText; }; } #endif /* defined(__CocoGUI__UITextField__) */