/**************************************************************************** Copyright (c) 2010 cocos2d-x.org http://www.cocos2d-x.org Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ****************************************************************************/ #ifndef __CC_PLATFORM_FILEUTILS_CPP__ #error "CCFileUtilsCommon_cpp.h can only be included for CCFileUtils.cpp in platform/win32(android,...)" #endif /* __CC_PLATFORM_FILEUTILS_CPP__ */ #include "CCFileUtils.h" #include "CCDirector.h" #include "cocoa/CCDictionary.h" #if (CC_TARGET_PLATFORM != CC_PLATFORM_IOS && CC_TARGET_PLATFORM != CC_PLATFORM_MAC) #include "cocoa/CCString.h" #include "CCSAXParser.h" #include "support/zip_support/unzip.h" #include #include #include #include NS_CC_BEGIN typedef enum { SAX_NONE = 0, SAX_KEY, SAX_DICT, SAX_INT, SAX_REAL, SAX_STRING, SAX_ARRAY }CCSAXState; typedef enum { SAX_RESULT_NONE = 0, SAX_RESULT_DICT, SAX_RESULT_ARRAY }CCSAXResult; class CCDictMaker : public CCSAXDelegator { public: CCSAXResult m_eResultType; CCArray* m_pRootArray; CCDictionary *m_pRootDict; CCDictionary *m_pCurDict; std::stack m_tDictStack; std::string m_sCurKey; ///< parsed key std::string m_sCurValue; // parsed value CCSAXState m_tState; CCArray* m_pArray; std::stack m_tArrayStack; std::stack m_tStateStack; public: CCDictMaker() : m_eResultType(SAX_RESULT_NONE), m_pRootArray(NULL), m_pRootDict(NULL), m_pCurDict(NULL), m_tState(SAX_NONE), m_pArray(NULL) { } ~CCDictMaker() { } CCDictionary* dictionaryWithContentsOfFile(const char *pFileName) { m_eResultType = SAX_RESULT_DICT; CCSAXParser parser; if (false == parser.init("UTF-8")) { return NULL; } parser.setDelegator(this); parser.parse(pFileName); return m_pRootDict; } CCArray* arrayWithContentsOfFile(const char* pFileName) { m_eResultType = SAX_RESULT_ARRAY; CCSAXParser parser; if (false == parser.init("UTF-8")) { return NULL; } parser.setDelegator(this); parser.parse(pFileName); return m_pArray; } void startElement(void *ctx, const char *name, const char **atts) { CC_UNUSED_PARAM(ctx); CC_UNUSED_PARAM(atts); std::string sName((char*)name); if( sName == "dict" ) { m_pCurDict = new CCDictionary(); if(m_eResultType == SAX_RESULT_DICT && m_pRootDict == NULL) { // Because it will call m_pCurDict->release() later, so retain here. m_pRootDict = m_pCurDict; m_pRootDict->retain(); } m_tState = SAX_DICT; CCSAXState preState = SAX_NONE; if (! m_tStateStack.empty()) { preState = m_tStateStack.top(); } if (SAX_ARRAY == preState) { // add the dictionary into the array m_pArray->addObject(m_pCurDict); } else if (SAX_DICT == preState) { // add the dictionary into the pre dictionary CCAssert(! m_tDictStack.empty(), "The state is wrong!"); CCDictionary* pPreDict = m_tDictStack.top(); pPreDict->setObject(m_pCurDict, m_sCurKey.c_str()); } m_pCurDict->release(); // record the dict state m_tStateStack.push(m_tState); m_tDictStack.push(m_pCurDict); } else if(sName == "key") { m_tState = SAX_KEY; } else if(sName == "integer") { m_tState = SAX_INT; } else if(sName == "real") { m_tState = SAX_REAL; } else if(sName == "string") { m_tState = SAX_STRING; } else if (sName == "array") { m_tState = SAX_ARRAY; m_pArray = new CCArray(); if (m_eResultType == SAX_RESULT_ARRAY && m_pRootArray == NULL) { m_pRootArray = m_pArray; m_pRootArray->retain(); } CCSAXState preState = SAX_NONE; if (! m_tStateStack.empty()) { preState = m_tStateStack.top(); } if (preState == SAX_DICT) { m_pCurDict->setObject(m_pArray, m_sCurKey.c_str()); } else if (preState == SAX_ARRAY) { CCAssert(! m_tArrayStack.empty(), "The state is wrong!"); CCArray* pPreArray = m_tArrayStack.top(); pPreArray->addObject(m_pArray); } m_pArray->release(); // record the array state m_tStateStack.push(m_tState); m_tArrayStack.push(m_pArray); } else { m_tState = SAX_NONE; } } void endElement(void *ctx, const char *name) { CC_UNUSED_PARAM(ctx); CCSAXState curState = m_tStateStack.empty() ? SAX_DICT : m_tStateStack.top(); std::string sName((char*)name); if( sName == "dict" ) { m_tStateStack.pop(); m_tDictStack.pop(); if ( !m_tDictStack.empty()) { m_pCurDict = m_tDictStack.top(); } } else if (sName == "array") { m_tStateStack.pop(); m_tArrayStack.pop(); if (! m_tArrayStack.empty()) { m_pArray = m_tArrayStack.top(); } } else if (sName == "true") { CCString *str = new CCString("1"); if (SAX_ARRAY == curState) { m_pArray->addObject(str); } else if (SAX_DICT == curState) { m_pCurDict->setObject(str, m_sCurKey.c_str()); } str->release(); } else if (sName == "false") { CCString *str = new CCString("0"); if (SAX_ARRAY == curState) { m_pArray->addObject(str); } else if (SAX_DICT == curState) { m_pCurDict->setObject(str, m_sCurKey.c_str()); } str->release(); } else if (sName == "string" || sName == "integer" || sName == "real") { CCString* pStrValue = new CCString(m_sCurValue); if (SAX_ARRAY == curState) { m_pArray->addObject(pStrValue); } else if (SAX_DICT == curState) { m_pCurDict->setObject(pStrValue, m_sCurKey.c_str()); } pStrValue->release(); m_sCurValue.clear(); } m_tState = SAX_NONE; } void textHandler(void *ctx, const char *ch, int len) { CC_UNUSED_PARAM(ctx); if (m_tState == SAX_NONE) { return; } CCSAXState curState = m_tStateStack.empty() ? SAX_DICT : m_tStateStack.top(); CCString *pText = new CCString(std::string((char*)ch,0,len)); switch(m_tState) { case SAX_KEY: m_sCurKey = pText->getCString(); break; case SAX_INT: case SAX_REAL: case SAX_STRING: { if (curState == SAX_DICT) { CCAssert(!m_sCurKey.empty(), "key not found : "); } m_sCurValue.append(pText->getCString()); } break; default: break; } pText->release(); } }; CCDictionary* ccFileUtils_dictionaryWithContentsOfFileThreadSafe(const char *pFileName) { CCDictMaker tMaker; return tMaker.dictionaryWithContentsOfFile(pFileName); } CCArray* ccFileUtils_arrayWithContentsOfFileThreadSafe(const char* pFileName) { CCDictMaker tMaker; return tMaker.arrayWithContentsOfFile(pFileName); } unsigned char* CCFileUtils::getFileDataFromZip(const char* pszZipFilePath, const char* pszFileName, unsigned long * pSize) { unsigned char * pBuffer = NULL; unzFile pFile = NULL; *pSize = 0; do { CC_BREAK_IF(!pszZipFilePath || !pszFileName); CC_BREAK_IF(strlen(pszZipFilePath) == 0); pFile = unzOpen(pszZipFilePath); CC_BREAK_IF(!pFile); int nRet = unzLocateFile(pFile, pszFileName, 1); CC_BREAK_IF(UNZ_OK != nRet); char szFilePathA[260]; unz_file_info FileInfo; nRet = unzGetCurrentFileInfo(pFile, &FileInfo, szFilePathA, sizeof(szFilePathA), NULL, 0, NULL, 0); CC_BREAK_IF(UNZ_OK != nRet); nRet = unzOpenCurrentFile(pFile); CC_BREAK_IF(UNZ_OK != nRet); pBuffer = new unsigned char[FileInfo.uncompressed_size]; int nSize = 0; nSize = unzReadCurrentFile(pFile, pBuffer, FileInfo.uncompressed_size); CCAssert(nSize == 0 || nSize == (int)FileInfo.uncompressed_size, "the file size is wrong"); *pSize = FileInfo.uncompressed_size; unzCloseCurrentFile(pFile); } while (0); if (pFile) { unzClose(pFile); } return pBuffer; } std::string CCFileUtils::getNewFilename(const char* pszFileName) { const char* pszNewFileName = NULL; // in Lookup Filename dictionary ? CCString* fileNameFound = m_pFilenameLookupDict ? (CCString*)m_pFilenameLookupDict->objectForKey(pszFileName) : NULL; if( NULL == fileNameFound || fileNameFound->length() == 0) { pszNewFileName = pszFileName; } else { pszNewFileName = fileNameFound->getCString(); } return pszNewFileName; } void CCFileUtils::setSearchResolutionsOrder(CCArray* pSearchResolutionsOrder) { CC_SAFE_RETAIN(pSearchResolutionsOrder); CC_SAFE_RELEASE(m_pSearchResolutionsOrderArray); m_pSearchResolutionsOrderArray = pSearchResolutionsOrder; } CCArray* CCFileUtils::getSearchResolutionsOrder() { return m_pSearchResolutionsOrderArray; } void CCFileUtils::setSearchPath(CCArray* pSearchPaths) { CC_SAFE_RETAIN(pSearchPaths); CC_SAFE_RELEASE(m_pSearchPathArray); m_pSearchPathArray = pSearchPaths; } CCArray* CCFileUtils::getSearchPath() { return m_pSearchPathArray; } void CCFileUtils::setResourceDirectory(const char* pszResourceDirectory) { m_obDirectory = pszResourceDirectory; if (m_obDirectory.size() > 0 && m_obDirectory[m_obDirectory.size() - 1] != '/') { m_obDirectory.append("/"); } } const char* CCFileUtils::getResourceDirectory() { return m_obDirectory.c_str(); } void CCFileUtils::setFilenameLookupDictionary(CCDictionary* pFilenameLookupDict) { CC_SAFE_RELEASE(m_pFilenameLookupDict); m_pFilenameLookupDict = pFilenameLookupDict; CC_SAFE_RETAIN(m_pFilenameLookupDict); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Notification support when getFileData from invalid file path. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static bool s_bPopupNotify = true; void CCFileUtils::setPopupNotify(bool bNotify) { s_bPopupNotify = bNotify; } bool CCFileUtils::isPopupNotify() { return s_bPopupNotify; } NS_CC_END #endif // (CC_TARGET_PLATFORM != CC_PLATFORM_IOS && CC_TARGET_PLATFORM != CC_PLATFORM_MAC)