/**************************************************************************** Copyright (c) 2013-2016 Chukong Technologies Inc. Copyright (c) 2017-2018 Xiamen Yaji Software Co., Ltd. https://axmolengine.github.io/ Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ****************************************************************************/ #include "physics/CCPhysicsWorld.h" #if AX_USE_PHYSICS # include # include # include "chipmunk/chipmunk_private.h" # include "physics/CCPhysicsBody.h" # include "physics/CCPhysicsShape.h" # include "physics/CCPhysicsContact.h" # include "physics/CCPhysicsJoint.h" # include "physics/CCPhysicsHelper.h" # include "2d/CCDrawNode.h" # include "2d/CCScene.h" # include "base/CCDirector.h" # include "base/CCEventDispatcher.h" # include "base/CCEventCustom.h" NS_AX_BEGIN const float PHYSICS_INFINITY = FLT_MAX; extern const char* PHYSICSCONTACT_EVENT_NAME; const int PhysicsWorld::DEBUGDRAW_NONE = 0x00; const int PhysicsWorld::DEBUGDRAW_SHAPE = 0x01; const int PhysicsWorld::DEBUGDRAW_JOINT = 0x02; const int PhysicsWorld::DEBUGDRAW_CONTACT = 0x04; const int PhysicsWorld::DEBUGDRAW_ALL = DEBUGDRAW_SHAPE | DEBUGDRAW_JOINT | DEBUGDRAW_CONTACT; const float _debugDrawThickness = 0.5f; // thickness of the DebugDraw lines, circles, dots, polygons namespace { typedef struct RayCastCallbackInfo { PhysicsWorld* world; PhysicsRayCastCallbackFunc func; Vec2 p1; Vec2 p2; void* data; } RayCastCallbackInfo; typedef struct RectQueryCallbackInfo { PhysicsWorld* world; PhysicsQueryRectCallbackFunc func; void* data; } RectQueryCallbackInfo; typedef struct PointQueryCallbackInfo { PhysicsWorld* world; PhysicsQueryPointCallbackFunc func; void* data; } PointQueryCallbackInfo; } // namespace class PhysicsWorldCallback { public: static cpBool collisionBeginCallbackFunc(cpArbiter* arb, struct cpSpace* space, PhysicsWorld* world); static cpBool collisionPreSolveCallbackFunc(cpArbiter* arb, cpSpace* space, PhysicsWorld* world); static void collisionPostSolveCallbackFunc(cpArbiter* arb, cpSpace* space, PhysicsWorld* world); static void collisionSeparateCallbackFunc(cpArbiter* arb, cpSpace* space, PhysicsWorld* world); static void rayCastCallbackFunc(cpShape* shape, cpVect point, cpVect normal, cpFloat alpha, RayCastCallbackInfo* info); static void queryRectCallbackFunc(cpShape* shape, RectQueryCallbackInfo* info); static void queryPointFunc(cpShape* shape, cpVect point, cpFloat distance, cpVect gradient, PointQueryCallbackInfo* info); static void getShapesAtPointFunc(cpShape* shape, cpVect point, cpFloat distance, cpVect gradient, Vector* arr); public: static bool continues; }; bool PhysicsWorldCallback::continues = true; cpBool PhysicsWorldCallback::collisionBeginCallbackFunc(cpArbiter* arb, struct cpSpace* /*space*/, PhysicsWorld* world) { CP_ARBITER_GET_SHAPES(arb, a, b); PhysicsShape* shapeA = static_cast(cpShapeGetUserData(a)); PhysicsShape* shapeB = static_cast(cpShapeGetUserData(b)); AX_ASSERT(shapeA != nullptr && shapeB != nullptr); auto contact = PhysicsContact::construct(shapeA, shapeB); cpArbiterSetUserData(arb, contact); contact->_contactInfo = arb; return world->collisionBeginCallback(*contact); } cpBool PhysicsWorldCallback::collisionPreSolveCallbackFunc(cpArbiter* arb, cpSpace* /*space*/, PhysicsWorld* world) { return world->collisionPreSolveCallback(*static_cast(cpArbiterGetUserData(arb))); } void PhysicsWorldCallback::collisionPostSolveCallbackFunc(cpArbiter* arb, cpSpace* /*space*/, PhysicsWorld* world) { world->collisionPostSolveCallback(*static_cast(cpArbiterGetUserData(arb))); } void PhysicsWorldCallback::collisionSeparateCallbackFunc(cpArbiter* arb, cpSpace* /*space*/, PhysicsWorld* world) { PhysicsContact* contact = static_cast(cpArbiterGetUserData(arb)); world->collisionSeparateCallback(*contact); delete contact; } void PhysicsWorldCallback::rayCastCallbackFunc(cpShape* shape, cpVect point, cpVect normal, cpFloat alpha, RayCastCallbackInfo* info) { if (!PhysicsWorldCallback::continues) { return; } PhysicsShape* physicsShape = static_cast(cpShapeGetUserData(shape)); AX_ASSERT(physicsShape != nullptr); PhysicsRayCastInfo callbackInfo = { physicsShape, info->p1, info->p2, PhysicsHelper::cpv2vec2(point), PhysicsHelper::cpv2vec2(normal), static_cast(alpha), }; PhysicsWorldCallback::continues = info->func(*info->world, callbackInfo, info->data); } void PhysicsWorldCallback::queryRectCallbackFunc(cpShape* shape, RectQueryCallbackInfo* info) { PhysicsShape* physicsShape = static_cast(cpShapeGetUserData(shape)); AX_ASSERT(physicsShape != nullptr); if (!PhysicsWorldCallback::continues) { return; } PhysicsWorldCallback::continues = info->func(*info->world, *physicsShape, info->data); } void PhysicsWorldCallback::getShapesAtPointFunc(cpShape* shape, cpVect /*point*/, cpFloat /*distance*/, cpVect /*gradient*/, Vector* arr) { PhysicsShape* physicsShape = static_cast(cpShapeGetUserData(shape)); AX_ASSERT(physicsShape != nullptr); arr->pushBack(physicsShape); } void PhysicsWorldCallback::queryPointFunc(cpShape* shape, cpVect /*point*/, cpFloat /*distance*/, cpVect /*gradient*/, PointQueryCallbackInfo* info) { PhysicsShape* physicsShape = static_cast(cpShapeGetUserData(shape)); AX_ASSERT(physicsShape != nullptr); PhysicsWorldCallback::continues = info->func(*info->world, *physicsShape, info->data); } static inline cpSpaceDebugColor RGBAColor(float r, float g, float b, float a) { cpSpaceDebugColor color = {r, g, b, a}; return color; } static inline cpSpaceDebugColor LAColor(float l, float a) { cpSpaceDebugColor color = {l, l, l, a}; return color; } static void DrawCircle(cpVect p, cpFloat /*a*/, cpFloat r, cpSpaceDebugColor outline, cpSpaceDebugColor fill, cpDataPointer data) { const Color4F fillColor(fill.r, fill.g, fill.b, fill.a); const Color4F outlineColor(outline.r, outline.g, outline.b, outline.a); DrawNode* drawNode = static_cast(data); float radius = PhysicsHelper::cpfloat2float(r); Vec2 centre = PhysicsHelper::cpv2vec2(p); static const int CIRCLE_SEG_NUM = 12; Vec2 seg[CIRCLE_SEG_NUM] = {}; for (int i = 0; i < CIRCLE_SEG_NUM; ++i) { float angle = (float)i * M_PI / (float)CIRCLE_SEG_NUM * 2.0f; Vec2 d(radius * cosf(angle), radius * sinf(angle)); seg[i] = centre + d; } drawNode->drawPolygon(seg, CIRCLE_SEG_NUM, fillColor, _debugDrawThickness, outlineColor); } static void DrawFatSegment(cpVect a, cpVect b, cpFloat r, cpSpaceDebugColor outline, cpSpaceDebugColor /*fill*/, cpDataPointer data) { const Color4F outlineColor(outline.r, outline.g, outline.b, outline.a); DrawNode* drawNode = static_cast(data); drawNode->drawSegment(PhysicsHelper::cpv2vec2(a), PhysicsHelper::cpv2vec2(b), PhysicsHelper::cpfloat2float(r == 0 ? _debugDrawThickness : r), outlineColor); } static void DrawSegment(cpVect a, cpVect b, cpSpaceDebugColor color, cpDataPointer data) { DrawFatSegment(a, b, 0.0, color, color, data); } static void DrawPolygon(int count, const cpVect* verts, cpFloat /*r*/, cpSpaceDebugColor outline, cpSpaceDebugColor fill, cpDataPointer data) { const Color4F fillColor(fill.r, fill.g, fill.b, fill.a); const Color4F outlineColor(outline.r, outline.g, outline.b, outline.a); DrawNode* drawNode = static_cast(data); int num = count; Vec2* seg = new Vec2[num]; for (int i = 0; i < num; ++i) seg[i] = PhysicsHelper::cpv2vec2(verts[i]); drawNode->drawPolygon(seg, num, fillColor, _debugDrawThickness, outlineColor); delete[] seg; } static void DrawDot(cpFloat /*size*/, cpVect pos, cpSpaceDebugColor color, cpDataPointer data) { const Color4F dotColor(color.r, color.g, color.b, color.a); DrawNode* drawNode = static_cast(data); drawNode->drawDot(PhysicsHelper::cpv2vec2(pos), _debugDrawThickness, dotColor); } static cpSpaceDebugColor ColorForShape(cpShape* shape, cpDataPointer /*data*/) { if (cpShapeGetSensor(shape)) { return LAColor(1.0f, 0.3f); } else { cpBody* body = cpShapeGetBody(shape); if (cpBodyIsSleeping(body)) { return LAColor(0.2f, 0.3f); } else if (body->sleeping.idleTime > shape->space->sleepTimeThreshold) { return LAColor(0.66f, 0.3f); } else { float intensity = (cpBodyGetType(body) == CP_BODY_TYPE_STATIC ? 0.15f : 0.75f); return RGBAColor(intensity, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.3f); } } } void PhysicsWorld::debugDraw() { if (_debugDraw == nullptr) { _debugDraw = DrawNode::create(); _debugDraw->setIsolated(true); _debugDraw->retain(); Director::getInstance()->getRunningScene()->addChild(_debugDraw); } cpSpaceDebugDrawOptions drawOptions = { DrawCircle, DrawSegment, DrawFatSegment, DrawPolygon, DrawDot, (cpSpaceDebugDrawFlags)(_debugDrawMask), {1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f}, ColorForShape, {0.0f, 0.75f, 0.0f, 1.0f}, {0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f}, _debugDraw, }; if (_debugDraw) { _debugDraw->clear(); cpSpaceDebugDraw(_cpSpace, &drawOptions); } } bool PhysicsWorld::collisionBeginCallback(PhysicsContact& contact) { bool ret = true; PhysicsShape* shapeA = contact.getShapeA(); PhysicsShape* shapeB = contact.getShapeB(); PhysicsBody* bodyA = shapeA->getBody(); PhysicsBody* bodyB = shapeB->getBody(); std::vector jointsA = bodyA->getJoints(); // check the joint is collision enable or not for (PhysicsJoint* joint : jointsA) { if (std::find(_joints.begin(), _joints.end(), joint) == _joints.end()) { continue; } if (!joint->isCollisionEnabled()) { PhysicsBody* body = joint->getBodyA() == bodyA ? joint->getBodyB() : joint->getBodyA(); if (body == bodyB) { contact.setNotificationEnable(false); return false; } } } // bitmask check if ((shapeA->getCategoryBitmask() & shapeB->getContactTestBitmask()) == 0 || (shapeA->getContactTestBitmask() & shapeB->getCategoryBitmask()) == 0) { contact.setNotificationEnable(false); } if (shapeA->getGroup() != 0 && shapeA->getGroup() == shapeB->getGroup()) { ret = shapeA->getGroup() > 0; } else { if ((shapeA->getCategoryBitmask() & shapeB->getCollisionBitmask()) == 0 || (shapeB->getCategoryBitmask() & shapeA->getCollisionBitmask()) == 0) { ret = false; } } if (contact.isNotificationEnabled()) { contact.setEventCode(PhysicsContact::EventCode::BEGIN); contact.setWorld(this); _eventDispatcher->dispatchEvent(&contact); } return ret ? contact.resetResult() : false; } bool PhysicsWorld::collisionPreSolveCallback(PhysicsContact& contact) { if (!contact.isNotificationEnabled()) { return true; } contact.setEventCode(PhysicsContact::EventCode::PRESOLVE); contact.setWorld(this); _eventDispatcher->dispatchEvent(&contact); return contact.resetResult(); } void PhysicsWorld::collisionPostSolveCallback(PhysicsContact& contact) { if (!contact.isNotificationEnabled()) { return; } contact.setEventCode(PhysicsContact::EventCode::POSTSOLVE); contact.setWorld(this); _eventDispatcher->dispatchEvent(&contact); } void PhysicsWorld::collisionSeparateCallback(PhysicsContact& contact) { if (!contact.isNotificationEnabled()) { return; } contact.setEventCode(PhysicsContact::EventCode::SEPARATE); contact.setWorld(this); _eventDispatcher->dispatchEvent(&contact); } void PhysicsWorld::rayCast(PhysicsRayCastCallbackFunc func, const Vec2& point1, const Vec2& point2, void* data) { AXASSERT(func != nullptr, "func shouldn't be nullptr"); if (func != nullptr) { if (!_delayAddBodies.empty() || !_delayRemoveBodies.empty()) { updateBodies(); } RayCastCallbackInfo info = {this, func, point1, point2, data}; PhysicsWorldCallback::continues = true; cpSpaceSegmentQuery(_cpSpace, PhysicsHelper::vec22cpv(point1), PhysicsHelper::vec22cpv(point2), 0.0f, CP_SHAPE_FILTER_ALL, (cpSpaceSegmentQueryFunc)PhysicsWorldCallback::rayCastCallbackFunc, &info); } } void PhysicsWorld::queryRect(PhysicsQueryRectCallbackFunc func, const Rect& rect, void* data) { AXASSERT(func != nullptr, "func shouldn't be nullptr"); if (func != nullptr) { if (!_delayAddBodies.empty() || !_delayRemoveBodies.empty()) { updateBodies(); } RectQueryCallbackInfo info = {this, func, data}; PhysicsWorldCallback::continues = true; cpSpaceBBQuery(_cpSpace, PhysicsHelper::rect2cpbb(rect), CP_SHAPE_FILTER_ALL, (cpSpaceBBQueryFunc)PhysicsWorldCallback::queryRectCallbackFunc, &info); } } void PhysicsWorld::queryPoint(PhysicsQueryPointCallbackFunc func, const Vec2& point, void* data) { AXASSERT(func != nullptr, "func shouldn't be nullptr"); if (func != nullptr) { if (!_delayAddBodies.empty() || !_delayRemoveBodies.empty()) { updateBodies(); } PointQueryCallbackInfo info = {this, func, data}; PhysicsWorldCallback::continues = true; cpSpacePointQuery(_cpSpace, PhysicsHelper::vec22cpv(point), 0, CP_SHAPE_FILTER_ALL, (cpSpacePointQueryFunc)PhysicsWorldCallback::queryPointFunc, &info); } } Vector PhysicsWorld::getShapes(const Vec2& point) const { Vector arr; cpSpacePointQuery(_cpSpace, PhysicsHelper::vec22cpv(point), 0, CP_SHAPE_FILTER_ALL, (cpSpacePointQueryFunc)PhysicsWorldCallback::getShapesAtPointFunc, &arr); return arr; } PhysicsShape* PhysicsWorld::getShape(const Vec2& point) const { cpShape* shape = cpSpacePointQueryNearest(_cpSpace, PhysicsHelper::vec22cpv(point), 0, CP_SHAPE_FILTER_ALL, nullptr); return shape == nullptr ? nullptr : static_cast(cpShapeGetUserData(shape)); } bool PhysicsWorld::init() { do { # if AX_TARGET_PLATFORM == AX_PLATFORM_WIN32 _cpSpace = cpSpaceNew(); # else _cpSpace = cpHastySpaceNew(); cpHastySpaceSetThreads(_cpSpace, 0); # endif AX_BREAK_IF(_cpSpace == nullptr); cpSpaceSetGravity(_cpSpace, PhysicsHelper::vec22cpv(_gravity)); cpCollisionHandler* handler = cpSpaceAddDefaultCollisionHandler(_cpSpace); handler->userData = this; handler->beginFunc = (cpCollisionBeginFunc)PhysicsWorldCallback::collisionBeginCallbackFunc; handler->preSolveFunc = (cpCollisionPreSolveFunc)PhysicsWorldCallback::collisionPreSolveCallbackFunc; handler->postSolveFunc = (cpCollisionPostSolveFunc)PhysicsWorldCallback::collisionPostSolveCallbackFunc; handler->separateFunc = (cpCollisionSeparateFunc)PhysicsWorldCallback::collisionSeparateCallbackFunc; return true; } while (false); return false; } void PhysicsWorld::addBody(PhysicsBody* body) { AXASSERT(body != nullptr, "the body can not be nullptr"); if (body->getWorld() == this) { return; } if (body->getWorld() != nullptr) { body->removeFromWorld(); } addBodyOrDelay(body); _bodies.pushBack(body); body->_world = this; } void PhysicsWorld::doAddBody(PhysicsBody* body) { if (body->isEnabled()) { // add body to space if (!cpSpaceContainsBody(_cpSpace, body->_cpBody)) { cpSpaceAddBody(_cpSpace, body->_cpBody); } // add shapes to space for (auto&& shape : body->getShapes()) { addShape(dynamic_cast(shape)); } } } void PhysicsWorld::addBodyOrDelay(PhysicsBody* body) { auto removeBodyIter = _delayRemoveBodies.find(body); if (removeBodyIter != _delayRemoveBodies.end()) { _delayRemoveBodies.erase(removeBodyIter); return; } if (_delayAddBodies.find(body) == _delayAddBodies.end()) { _delayAddBodies.pushBack(body); } } void PhysicsWorld::updateBodies() { if (cpSpaceIsLocked(_cpSpace)) { return; } // issue #4944, contact callback will be invoked when add/remove body, _delayAddBodies maybe changed, so we need // make a copy. auto addCopy = _delayAddBodies; _delayAddBodies.clear(); for (auto&& body : addCopy) { doAddBody(body); } auto removeCopy = _delayRemoveBodies; _delayRemoveBodies.clear(); for (auto&& body : removeCopy) { doRemoveBody(body); } } void PhysicsWorld::removeBody(int tag) { for (auto&& body : _bodies) { if (body->getTag() == tag) { removeBody(body); return; } } } void PhysicsWorld::removeBody(PhysicsBody* body) { if (body->getWorld() != this) { AXLOG("Physics Warning: this body doesn't belong to this world"); return; } // destroy the body's joints auto removeCopy = body->_joints; for (auto&& joint : removeCopy) { removeJoint(joint, true); } body->_joints.clear(); removeBodyOrDelay(body); _bodies.eraseObject(body); body->_world = nullptr; } void PhysicsWorld::removeBodyOrDelay(PhysicsBody* body) { if (_delayAddBodies.getIndex(body) != AX_INVALID_INDEX) { _delayAddBodies.eraseObject(body); return; } if (cpSpaceIsLocked(_cpSpace)) { if (_delayRemoveBodies.getIndex(body) == AX_INVALID_INDEX) { _delayRemoveBodies.pushBack(body); } } else { doRemoveBody(body); } } void PhysicsWorld::removeJoint(PhysicsJoint* joint, bool destroy) { if (joint) { if (joint->getWorld() != this && destroy) { AXLOG( "physics warning: the joint is not in this world, it won't be destroyed until the body it connects is " "destroyed"); return; } joint->_destroyMark = destroy; bool removedFromDelayAdd = false; auto it = std::find(_delayAddJoints.begin(), _delayAddJoints.end(), joint); if (it != _delayAddJoints.end()) { _delayAddJoints.erase(it); removedFromDelayAdd = true; } if (cpSpaceIsLocked(_cpSpace)) { if (removedFromDelayAdd) return; if (std::find(_delayRemoveJoints.rbegin(), _delayRemoveJoints.rend(), joint) == _delayRemoveJoints.rend()) { _delayRemoveJoints.emplace_back(joint); } } else { doRemoveJoint(joint); } } } void PhysicsWorld::updateJoints() { if (cpSpaceIsLocked(_cpSpace)) { return; } for (auto&& joint : _delayAddJoints) { joint->_world = this; if (joint->initJoint()) { _joints.emplace_back(joint); } else { delete joint; } } _delayAddJoints.clear(); for (auto&& joint : _delayRemoveJoints) { doRemoveJoint(joint); } _delayRemoveJoints.clear(); for (auto&& joint : _joints) { joint->flushDelayTasks(); } } void PhysicsWorld::removeShape(PhysicsShape* shape) { if (shape) { for (auto&& cps : shape->_cpShapes) { if (cpSpaceContainsShape(_cpSpace, cps)) { cpSpaceRemoveShape(_cpSpace, cps); } } } } void PhysicsWorld::addJoint(PhysicsJoint* joint) { if (joint) { AXASSERT(joint->getWorld() == nullptr, "Can not add joint already add to other world!"); joint->_world = this; auto it = std::find(_delayRemoveJoints.begin(), _delayRemoveJoints.end(), joint); if (it != _delayRemoveJoints.end()) { _delayRemoveJoints.erase(it); return; } if (std::find(_delayAddJoints.begin(), _delayAddJoints.end(), joint) == _delayAddJoints.end()) { _delayAddJoints.emplace_back(joint); } } } void PhysicsWorld::removeAllJoints(bool destroy) { auto removeCopy = _joints; for (auto&& joint : removeCopy) { removeJoint(joint, destroy); } } void PhysicsWorld::addShape(PhysicsShape* physicsShape) { if (physicsShape) { for (auto&& shape : physicsShape->_cpShapes) { cpSpaceAddShape(_cpSpace, shape); } } } void PhysicsWorld::doRemoveBody(PhysicsBody* body) { AXASSERT(body != nullptr, "the body can not be nullptr"); // remove shapes for (auto&& shape : body->getShapes()) { removeShape(shape); } // remove body if (cpSpaceContainsBody(_cpSpace, body->_cpBody)) { cpSpaceRemoveBody(_cpSpace, body->_cpBody); } } void PhysicsWorld::doRemoveJoint(PhysicsJoint* joint) { for (auto&& constraint : joint->_cpConstraints) { cpSpaceRemoveConstraint(_cpSpace, constraint); } _joints.remove(joint); joint->_world = nullptr; if (joint->getBodyA()) { joint->getBodyA()->removeJoint(joint); } if (joint->getBodyB()) { joint->getBodyB()->removeJoint(joint); } if (joint->_destroyMark) { delete joint; } } void PhysicsWorld::removeAllBodies() { for (auto&& child : _bodies) { removeBodyOrDelay(child); child->_world = nullptr; } _bodies.clear(); } void PhysicsWorld::setDebugDrawMask(int mask) { if (mask == DEBUGDRAW_NONE && _debugDraw) { _debugDraw->removeFromParent(); AX_SAFE_RELEASE_NULL(_debugDraw); } _debugDrawMask = mask; } const Vector& PhysicsWorld::getAllBodies() const { return _bodies; } PhysicsBody* PhysicsWorld::getBody(int tag) const { for (auto&& body : _bodies) { if (body->getTag() == tag) { return body; } } return nullptr; } void PhysicsWorld::setGravity(const Vec2& gravity) { _gravity = gravity; cpSpaceSetGravity(_cpSpace, PhysicsHelper::vec22cpv(gravity)); } void PhysicsWorld::setSubsteps(int steps) { if (steps > 0) { _substeps = steps; if (steps > 1) { _updateRate = 1; } } } void PhysicsWorld::step(float delta) { if (_autoStep) { AXLOG("Physics Warning: You need to close auto step( setAutoStep(false) ) first"); } else { update(delta, true); } } void PhysicsWorld::update(float delta, bool userCall /* = false*/) { if (_preUpdateCallback) _preUpdateCallback(); // fix #11154 if (!_delayAddBodies.empty()) { updateBodies(); } else if (!_delayRemoveBodies.empty()) { updateBodies(); } auto sceneToWorldTransform = _scene->getNodeToParentTransform(); beforeSimulation(_scene, sceneToWorldTransform, 1.f, 1.f, 0.f); if (!_delayAddJoints.empty() || !_delayRemoveJoints.empty()) { updateJoints(); } if (delta < FLT_EPSILON) { return; } if (userCall) { # if AX_TARGET_PLATFORM == AX_PLATFORM_WIN32 cpSpaceStep(_cpSpace, delta); # else cpHastySpaceStep(_cpSpace, delta); # endif } else { _updateTime += delta; if (_fixedRate) { const float step = 1.0f / _fixedRate; const float dt = step * _speed; while (_updateTime > step) { _updateTime -= step; # if AX_TARGET_PLATFORM == AX_PLATFORM_WIN32 cpSpaceStep(_cpSpace, dt); # else cpHastySpaceStep(_cpSpace, dt); # endif } } else { if (++_updateRateCount >= _updateRate) { const float dt = _updateTime * _speed / _substeps; for (int i = 0; i < _substeps; ++i) { # if AX_TARGET_PLATFORM == AX_PLATFORM_WIN32 cpSpaceStep(_cpSpace, dt); # else cpHastySpaceStep(_cpSpace, dt); # endif for (auto&& body : _bodies) { body->update(dt); } } _updateRateCount = 0; _updateTime = 0.0f; } } } if (_debugDrawMask != DEBUGDRAW_NONE) { debugDraw(); } // Update physics position, should loop as the same sequence as node tree. // PhysicsWorld::afterSimulation() will depend on the sequence. afterSimulation(_scene, sceneToWorldTransform, 0.f); if (_postUpdateCallback) _postUpdateCallback(); // fix #11154 } PhysicsWorld* PhysicsWorld::construct(Scene* scene) { PhysicsWorld* world = new PhysicsWorld(); if (world->init()) { world->_scene = scene; world->_eventDispatcher = scene->getEventDispatcher(); return world; } AX_SAFE_DELETE(world); return nullptr; } PhysicsWorld::PhysicsWorld() : _gravity(Vec2(0.0f, -98.0f)) , _speed(1.0f) , _updateRate(1) , _updateRateCount(0) , _updateTime(0.0f) , _substeps(1) , _fixedRate(0) , _cpSpace(nullptr) , _updateBodyTransform(false) , _scene(nullptr) , _autoStep(true) , _debugDraw(nullptr) , _debugDrawMask(DEBUGDRAW_NONE) , _eventDispatcher(nullptr) {} PhysicsWorld::~PhysicsWorld() { removeAllJoints(true); removeAllBodies(); if (_cpSpace) { # if AX_TARGET_PLATFORM == AX_PLATFORM_WIN32 cpSpaceFree(_cpSpace); # else cpHastySpaceFree(_cpSpace); # endif } AX_SAFE_RELEASE_NULL(_debugDraw); } void PhysicsWorld::beforeSimulation(Node* node, const Mat4& parentToWorldTransform, float nodeParentScaleX, float nodeParentScaleY, float parentRotation) { auto scaleX = nodeParentScaleX * node->getScaleX(); auto scaleY = nodeParentScaleY * node->getScaleY(); auto rotation = parentRotation + node->getRotation(); auto nodeToWorldTransform = parentToWorldTransform * node->getNodeToParentTransform(); auto physicsBody = node->getPhysicsBody(); if (physicsBody) { physicsBody->beforeSimulation(parentToWorldTransform, nodeToWorldTransform, scaleX, scaleY, rotation); } for (auto&& child : node->getChildren()) beforeSimulation(child, nodeToWorldTransform, scaleX, scaleY, rotation); } void PhysicsWorld::afterSimulation(Node* node, const Mat4& parentToWorldTransform, float parentRotation) { auto nodeToWorldTransform = parentToWorldTransform * node->getNodeToParentTransform(); auto nodeRotation = parentRotation + node->getRotation(); auto physicsBody = node->getPhysicsBody(); if (physicsBody) { physicsBody->afterSimulation(parentToWorldTransform, parentRotation); } for (auto&& child : node->getChildren()) afterSimulation(child, nodeToWorldTransform, nodeRotation); } void PhysicsWorld::setPostUpdateCallback(const std::function& callback) { _postUpdateCallback = callback; } void PhysicsWorld::setPreUpdateCallback(const std::function& callback) { _preUpdateCallback = callback; } NS_AX_END #endif // AX_USE_PHYSICS