cocos2d-x authors 

(ordered by the join in time)

Core Developers:
    Zhe Wang (Walzer)
    XiaoMing Zhang (Minggo)
    WenSheng Yang
    Bin Zhang
    RongHong Huang
    JianHua Chen (Dumganhar)
    Shun Lin

        author of blackberry port
    HuaXu Cai (laschweinski)
        author of linux port
        add a build file that correctly generates LuaCocos2d.cpp
        add a lua template
        add particle systems to lua bindings
        use ant to generate LuaCocos2d.cpp and lua projects

    Marat Yakupov (moadib)
        add ability of simulating android enter/resume background on win32
        add ability of simulating android back/menu key on win32

    Eli Yukelzon (reflog)
        add a helper method to draw filled polygons
	improvements to CCUserDefaults

    ZhuoShi Shun
	contribute the lua binding of CocosDenshion

    Jirka Fajfr
    Chris Calm
        authors of CCTexturePVR

    RuiXiang Zhou
    XiDi Peng
    AiYu Ye
        authors of lua binding

    Max Aksenov
        author and maintainer of Airplay port
    Giovanni Zito
    Francis Styck
        maintainers of Marmalade port

    Carlos Sessa
	implement the accelerometer module onto Android

    JianHua Chen (Dumganhar)
        author of Bada port

        implement CCNotificationCenter
    YuLei Liao(dualface)
        contribute the factor of lua binding
        contribute for Android module building

Cocos2d-x can not grow so fast without the active community.
Thanks to all developers who report & trace bugs, dicuss the engine usage in forum & QQ groups!
Special thanks to Ricardo Quesada for giving us lots of guidances & suggestions.